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  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Dark_Wiz

    I am trying to keep the original marvel history as it is. Of course, without Fisk there will be a power struggle but even with him at the top, the other criminal/hidden organizations want to rule the world/ criminal empire. They don't want a man who does not belong to any major faction taking up their share. Wilson Fisk starts his own criminal empire and is not dependent on any of such criminal/hidden organization. So, with him or without him there still will be other kingpins. But they wont be able to compare with him. Wilson was a man so intelligent in politics and crime management that the only kingpin Marvel focuses upon is him, despite him having no special powers/abilities. He is a genius in his own regard. I want to give him a history, and a background of a person who rose from the streets and now owns the dark side of the whole NYC. Sometimes he might even go against other organizations and help Peter but he may never step down from his thrown willingly. In the upcoming chapters, I will be sure to discuss his story/past and his ideals/goals. Thank You for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    Two of my current targets are the Blacksmith and the new kingpin, Wilson Fisk. Of course, if there are people who commit heinous crimes, then I won't mind sending them to the Lord of Hell. Now that I think he might even be happy with me, as I have already fed him more than 250 souls in the past 3 months.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST

    Peter did not kill him directly - For information. Basic principle of intel gathering. High value targets are not killed if the information they have is better than the result of killing them. They are kidnapped, interrogated and then finally disposed off. Thank You for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    Listening to all the crimes he committed and all his connections, Peter felt a headache. Then, he immediately used his sword to kill him.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST

    Okay, I will remember this?! Thank you for the clarification❤ But you are reading a fantasy fanfic. You have to keep in mind that certain factors in the original comics were also non sensical but made sense from another angle like the iron man suit. It is a far fetched idea. So kunai knives of the Dark Knight are also a far fetched idea in this fan fic. Of course I will mention it specifically. So thank you for bringing this to my attention. Keep sharing your thoughts and criticisms. Thank you for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    When everything was finally over, the authorities were shocked to see more than 100 dead bodies of the gang members. Some were shot, some were stabbed, some were pierced through a strange knife that usually ninjas in a movie carried, and some were even punched to death. Seeing blood everywhere, most of the common patrol officers vomited.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to MaxAkki

    Of course he might be able to do so(but he did not try and I must have forgotten about this thing while writing the chapter. So thank you for bringing this to my notice) and might even improve in the future. Also it is not like if normal humans could hold for 6 minutes then mutated or other evolved humans must hold their breathing for atleast 20 minutes. Holding your breath is like doing a plank. Every passing second after an established threshhold, the difficulty multiplies. Going from 6 to 7 mins in itself is one of the most difficult tasks. Then think about it, he went from 4-5 minutes to 12 minutes and all this without chi and healing factor. I think this is already good enough, but if you all think it should be more then do tell me. Also thank you for sharing your thoughts! This gave me an inspiration about a possible underwater situation. So, please keep sharing your ideas, thoughts and criticisms. Thank You for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    10) Superhuman Stamina: To maintain his speed and reflexes, his body produced far less fatigue toxins than a normal human's body. Due to already evolving 11 years ago and his chi training, his body after the spider bite, produced very low amount of fatigue toxins. Further due to his regenerative healing, he virtually will not get tired, but still need rest to recover his energy and to cure any mental exhaustion. He estimated that he could physically exert himself at his peak capacity for more than several days continuously before the build-up of fatigue toxins in his blood begins to impair him. Also due to all the factors, he is able to hold is breathe under water for around 12 minutes.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to InnerVoice

    I still find the twisted doc oc cool. I just love how he is obsessed with Peter Parker and he forgets about his goals. Also what are his goals? I might not even change his character or his obsession towards Peter. They might even work together. Idk, but I will for sure give him a bigger and better platform than the comics. His area influence wont be restricted to NYC but might cover the whole of East Coast. If you have any ideas, suggestions, objections, criticism, please do not forget to share them with me! Thank You for all the love and Support! Hope to see you around.

    He wrote down all the changes that he will make in the upcoming years. Peter already knew the answer to the question of how he was going to make these changes. " What I want to do requires a lot of time, resources and training. But I can start slow. I am 5 years old and have to work the part. I want to also enjoy my life as a child. Just having those memories should not make me work maniac. I don't want to be like a crazy tentacled doctor....."
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to InnerVoice

    That is why I wrote 'an' emotionless punisher not 'the' emotionless punisher. Punisher is driven by rage or anger towards those who killed his family and then he started killing other criminals and finally in the latest issue of the original comics has joined the Hand. What Peter did was similar to him in the sense that he acted as the judge, the jury and the executioner all by himself. This might make him emotionless in the future if he does not address the issue. You can feel love only when you know how to feel an emotion. Constantly killing people will just make him a psychopathic killer. That is also why he is trying to find the path from this gray area of right and wrong. Further, this was not meant to be a direct reference but just a reminder that the Punisher will be introduced very soon now. Thank You for your suggestions. Thank You for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    Of course, he did not want to become an emotionless 'punisher'. He wanted to be the friendly and deadly Dark Knight.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to jahmii

    Although I love this idea, but I don't want Peter to become someone like Tony Stark or Dr. Doom. The point is to make him different. Although he will take inspiration from them, might even enter their fields of interest like science and tech, but his base of operations, intentions and use of the tech will be different. Atleast this is what I want to try. Else if I introduce androids when even Tony Stark has not made his iron man armour or when I haven't explored the world history with Peter, he will just become too OP too soon. Even at this point he is one of the strongest superhumans ofcourse except mutants and inhumans. So for the android plot, he might participate in making it with Richard Reeds/Tony Stark or even Dr. Doom , but wont make it alone. Also Thank You for your suggestion. It just gave me a lot to think about this alternate world. I love when I can think about the world building from other perspectives. Thank You for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    Hate to admit it but probably his shouting skills made the whole NYPD reorganize themselves and do their work seriously. As this 'cranky pants' was targeting the Dark Knight (me), he covered and showcased each piece of evidence that the ninja (again me) left before criticizing him (yes, it is yours truly) for the murders and everything. Thanks to him, I made it to the top 10 Most Wanted People list of the State.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to jahmii

    No! You are right. I deliberately wrote that paragraph to point in direction of the Xavier Institute. This was done to give you all a subtle hint that mutants may be introduced in the upcoming chapters. Thank You for connecting with the story! All of your suggestions, objections and opinions are welcome! So please never stop sharing your thoughts. Also Thank you for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    Sigh! Being a superhuman is really not easy. Sometimes I wonder if there was an elective for people related to "Basics of being a Superhuman" but then which normal school would teach that.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Crooked_Pool

    area* to be*

    Ch 1 Prologue
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Dark_Wiz

    It's just a friendly banter between the master and his student. Ofcourse Peter already knows that there are pople stronger than him in the world, so, he is just proud and happy about the power upgrade. Think about it, if you suddenly got an A in all your subjects than you are bound to be happy and even become confident. You may even attempt to brag, even though you know that getting those As was just a coincidence. Here, it is Peter's way of bragging a little infront of his master. Thank You for all the love and support! Hope to see you around.

    Ch 23 New Abilities and Upgrades- 3
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to asaade

    No man! I am not Chinese lol But you are right, I do like a slightly intelligent MC, and when Peter was already considered one of the top scientists, I would love to see him work harder in the field. Realistically every one has hegemonic tendencies, and if you are best in a field, it is bound be the focus are of those tendencies. So like Tony Stark, and Dr. Octopus did, I want Peter to intelligent and successful. But of course not in the same way. Thank You for all the love and Support! Hope to see you around.

    Ch 1 Prologue
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    Originally, he would have been able to lift only 10 tons in his prime. Now he can lift more than that, even though he had just started. So lifting 30 tons after training was the best option. Of course, this might also increase due to better opportunities? Further I did not want him to become the Power Man right from the start. He is already better than the Punisher, Daredevil, Original Spider-Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Bullseye, Shang-Chi and many others, despite me trying to nerf him in any possible way, giving a lot more time to training than it was required. He is already one of the best martial artists. With the regenerative factor which is just slightly worse than Wolverine's and his other skills, he is almost un killable. But of course, some of those mutants and inhumans can easily send him packing. Still, he is weaker than Kaine, his potential clone who could easily lift more than 40 tons. Thank you for all the love and Support! See you around.

    This paragraph has been deleted.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to MaxAkki

    Will surely do. But at this point I am just giving you all a glimpse of what he has. The thing is I wanted to elaborate in a future chapter but now that you have asked it, then I will explain it. By cameras and A.I.s, I meant those things that may record Peter doing something he does not want to be noticed/known by anyone. As this would be considered a threat to his life/decisions, his danger sense can tell him when someone is spying him through technology. It is all just intention of Peter. Further due to his spider sense merging with radar sense, he could make a 360 degree model of his surroundings and can identify or label anything as dangerous for which his danger sense will notify. Danger sense works on the principle of letting Peter know about any dangers that are targeted towards him even if by accident. Plus do to his training and having an evolved soul, his the range of his ability just increased. So, with his danger sense he is aware of any camera/AI that may be targeting him intentionally or not. All the detailed explanations of the abilities would be given on the go, as per the need, other wise I will be writing at least 3-4 more chapters just explaining every ability. SO please wait for them. Thank You for all the love and Support! Hope to see You around.

    2) Danger Sense- Peter, now, has a precognitive danger sense which warns him of potential or immediate danger by the manifestation of a tingling sensation in the back of his skull, and links with his superhuman kinesthetics, enabling him to evade most any injuries unless he cognitively overrides his automatic reflexes. The intensity also determines the severity of the danger. Further, due to merging with his radar sense, his danger sense could even tell him what was the danger and he can discern the nature of the threat by the sensation. With this, his other senses, and his reflexes, he could easily dodge any danger and it works on cameras and A.I.s too. Anything that is deemed dangerous falls in this category and only people he trusts with all his heart can never trigger it. Of course, if they try to harm him someday even if it was training, it will be triggered, just like what happened when he fought with Izo 3 hours ago.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    Don't know anything about Izo, do you? When a man can live for more than 500 years, he is bound to have more knowledge. Further, Izo knows more about martial arts than anyone else. Even some of the previous Iron Fists have commented on his skill. Also Peter and Izo have developed a relationship now. I don't think you have the ability to read what is already written. I have already mentioned that they consider each other family. Izo is the strongest guy Peter knows and trusts. 6 years of training is overkill? Bro, just go and read about all the top martial artists in marvel, you will come to know that they were being taught how to fight from their childhood, or there background was such that they had years/decades of training.

    My master was surprised but I think he somehow knew that something like this might happen to me. Eh! Who knows what that man thinks if he does think about anything other than his booze and habit of gambling. I just trust my master, the only thing that concerns me is his habit of *bonking* me. Of course, he won't be able to do that now.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to ZombieSirGatoREAD

    It is not. Plus the costume on the cover is not the costume of the Dark Knight. Dark Knight wears a ninja costume. I have written it in the chapters. The name of the vigilante in the cover would be different than the dark knight.

    Of course, he did not want to become an emotionless 'punisher'. He wanted to be the friendly and deadly Dark Knight.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    He is a teenager with no organization to support him in the transfer of 100 million dollars in cash. He would get caught easily and would just be leaving a trail. Regarding dirty cops? the clip he will release will stop the department from doing anything corrupted for a while.

    Inside the warehouses, they found millions of dollars worth of drugs and more than 200 trafficked children. They even found some children inside the mansion.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    Can't. Batman is better than Parker in every aspect.

    The solution? It was easy. Peter decided to become a masked vigilante who would be known as the 'Dark Knight'. He wore a black ninja uniform that covered him from head to toe. His Dark Knight persona would use traditional cold weapons like a steel katana, nunchakus, some shuriken, small knifes, other small weapons which were borrowed from his master. The old man reluctantly gave him the weapons but still reminded him to take care of them.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    He read his encyclopedia in 3 months. Ofc he could read it faster but he was not tony stark at that point of time. He was child. Tony Stark has a family background in Science and tech. He already has a base ready. Peter was child. How much of the world history you knew when you were a child? Further, it took him time because he wanted to enjoy life and take it slow. A ten year old prodigy with seemingly no powers in marvel world would only invite trouble. Plus he did not want to change too much before the spider bite. After it, ofcourse he will change. A year to become a master in programming not learn it. There is a difference. If you can read and understand English then it would be better. You can learn something in days but to master it requires time and efforts. Also he is pretty busy with other stuff too. How can Tony who gave it all to the subject compare to Peter who was just learning for the sake of building a website. Plus now that he knows a lot of things, mastering other disciplines might not take a lot of time.

    He learned coding, and programming to create such a website in his world before anyone else. He used the last of his saved money to learn all this. It took him one year with his photographic memory and enhanced brain to become an expert in the area.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    Daredevil's master- Stick could do that and even Daredevil has minor telepathic immunity. Fun Fact- Stick was Izo's student. Only you are the stupid one here.

    Ofcourse Peter knew what he meant, but still acted surprised and asked if what he said was really possible. To this, Izo smacked Peter's head and told him that his acting was worse than C-grade Villians. Peter knew that his master knew that he knew about many things in the world. What relieved him was that although his master could read his mind, he was not able to read Luke's memories. If he could than things would have been more complicated.
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool
  • Crooked_Pool
    Replied to Anonny_Anonymous

    For you information- Izo is a japanese martial artist who has been alive for more than 500 years. His knowledge of martial arts is better than most. Please read about Izo and then comment.

    Peter was smacked again. Izo had a helpless look on his face but replied nonetheless, "Little devil, I could hear what you have just said. I am not one of those weird old men. Yes, I can teach you martial arts. The fees? It is just a small fees of $ 50 per class."
    Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)
    Anime & Comics · Crooked_Pool