
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs


Some days after the gruesome killing of the cartel members, Peter released the tape which had the confession of Maynard and detailed his connections. This was the erupting point for the NYC public. Protests were held and changes were demanded.

Even the political scenario changed. The Mayor had to come out and appease the public. He ensured that an investigating team was being formed which would look into the claims of the tape. The person who would lead the team was the recently promoted Captain George Stacy, one of the most capable and incorruptible officers in New York.

With many of the authorities involved, the director of NYPD had to step down, and the police were forced to take immediate action against all the gangs in the state. With the information provided from the clip, multiple raids were being conducted, many people were being arrested, and authorities were cleaning up the mess of their own members.

Nothing could be kept a secret for long. Many members of the DEA and NYPD were arrested for colluding with drug cartels, hiding evidence, corruption, and other charges. With such arrests came a lot of information that was previously suppressed. Most of the small gangs, drug peddlers, and brothel owners were put behind bars.

The strange thing was that the core members of many mid-size and large gangs were killed in police encounters instead of being arrested. This was probably done to silence them from taking more names and show the public that even the NYPD could wield guns to protect the civilians.

Illicit drug prices in the state tripled due to a strict police crackdown. Arrest warrants were also issued against an unknown ninja who had killed more than 100 cartel members. Of course, this did not stop Peter from doing his work.


October 15, 2006

More than 6 months after the first appearance of Dark Knight, crime rate had dropped significantly in NYC. What was shocking during these 6 months was the alleged assassination of Don Rigoletto by his bodyguard Wilson Fisk. Fisk then took over the criminal empire. His rise could not be stopped as all his rivals were running away from either the police or the Dark Knight.

During this period, Peter went out once every week for major hunts and almost daily for small raids. He also stopped multiple bank robberies and helped in the arrest of many costumed 'villains' like Commando and Blindside. These two were a kleptomaniac couple that used technology to rob banks.

Commando used her feminine charms and drones to carry out multiple tasks while Blindside use the neurotoxin called 'Oedipus', which he had developed to cause temporary blindness in others. Catching these small-time robbers was fun and relaxing as Peter did not have to kill any one. He even blushed when Commando tried to flirt with him.

He found their antics fun to watch and because they never harmed anyone, he would at times let them run away, of course without the money they were trying to rob. He would not rob them, he would just stall them for enough time so that the police could arrive and take the money back to the banks.

There were other times when he had to fight serious criminals who were ready to kill for the slightest inconvenience.

On the academics front, things were looking bright for young Peter. He participated in various conferences, and won many quizzes, debates, science fairs, projects, and competitions. He even studied business and market analysis in his free time to help his Uncle Ben invest in profitable businesses.

He also got his Uncle Ben to open and set up a company in his name that he would manage/operate after becoming a major i.e. 18 years old. The company was called Parker Research and Development Organization.

He transferred his websites to the company's name and used all the money he had collected over the years as a base investment for the company. Other than 'Akademia.edu', Peter started an online teaching platform that had his notes, recommended books, exam papers, etc. Named 'Education Online', the website shared video lectures, study materials, notes, etc on various subjects and topics.

The website even had a subscription-based model for students in primary, middle, and high school students. Due to Peter's connections and credentials, the website gained thousands of users and subscribers. Further, the website also organized many online and offline events for school students.

With the investment he made in his company this time, he updated the website to allow verified tutors to upload their courses for a small cut from their course fees. At this point of time after almost 3 months of its update, the website has more than 50 verified teachers/professors and tutors providing hundreds of different courses in various languages (mainly English, Spanish and French).

There were more than 50000 students worldwide from all walks of life attending those courses. Education was made easily accessible through his efforts and each of the free/demo videos got more than 500k views. Due to his network and with the support of newspapers, the website was getting more and more popular, with many teachers posting free lectures for the underprivileged and those who couldn't get basic education in their own countries.

Of course, all this also had a monetary benefit. With both websites, Peter was earning more than $ 7500 a month after taxes and other expenses. The life of his Uncle and Aunt was improving. Every now and then, they would lecture him for giving them gifts and wasting money.

On his 16th birthday, he even forced his uncle to buy a car for the whole family, using the company profits. They bought a new Toyota Camry which costed them around $ 20000. His family had a car now. His uncle would not have to worry about his back and they could visit everyone else in their own car instead of a cab or bus.

His aunt felt like scolding him but when he told her that he was doing everything for them and what was the use of the money he could not even spend on his loved ones, she just hugged him and accepted it. Although he still got scolded some hours after that.

Commando and Blindside are original bank robbers from Marvel. Most of the times, they are used as supporting villains as they are not inherently evil but used their skills to just rob some banks.

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