
Marvel: The Alternate Spider (Dropped)

THIS IS DROPPED! I want to improve my writing/world building/character development skills so that I can move ahead with the story easily. Sorry for giving you this. But you may still read it point out mistakes and help me. Thank You for reading this story and helping me improve my skills. ---------- What if Peter Parker knew the future? What if he had the chance to save Uncle Ben and change everything about his life? Will he still become "the friendly neighborhood spider-man" or will he become something else entirely? Experience the growth of this alternate spider in an alternate universe. ---------- My first language is not English. This is my first work, although dropped but it still helps me a lot in identifying my failures and weaknesses. So feel free to comment anything and everything about the story. If you do not like the story please tell me why, so that I can improve those aspects in my next chapters.

Crooked_Pool · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

The Hand and the Spider Bite

-(Author's POV)-

Tomorrow, Peter would attend the convention in which the radioactive spider would bite him. He was both nervous and excited about his potential growth. During the past months aside from fighting gangs, he also fought with many costumed and super-powered mercenary groups. Sadly, due to his limited strength, he was sometimes beaten and had to get the help of his master.

Peter also got his hands on newer and diverse technologies used by these criminals. He had already studied the building and operating principles behind the "nullatron", "Oedipus" neurotoxin, and drones of Commando. With technology he got from various other mercenaries, he was getting better in the fields of biotech, IT, science, and technology in general. The only disturbing thing he noticed was that most the equipment that these criminals used came from a person known as the "tinkerer".

The only 'not so positive' thing that happened with him was the attack by the Hand. Due to his frequent clean-ups, the Hand must have been alerted. Many at the top level of various organizations believed the Dark Knight was a part of the Hand. This made the organization act up and issue kill on sight orders against him.

His master did not say anything about it but told him to be careful of his traces at all times. He also told him about another organization i.e. the Chaste which fought the Hand. With all the new information, Peter was just getting more targets on his list. Of course he would only target them if they targeted him or those close to him, or their activities posed a threat to the peace of this world.

Even with the involvement of the Hand, nothing was too difficult as Peter was taught by one of the first students of the organization. Although he did not know this, he always suspected that his old drunk master had a connection to this secret ninja organization.

It was also surprising to note that he did not get into depression after killing these terrorists, and assassins. Probably due to the fact that he already knew that the world could not get rid of them through its laws. He believed he did the right thing. In his opinion, an eye for an eye would blind the world, but the world was already blind and only with enough power you can resist this blindness. He was surely in a moral dilemma after all these killings but when he saw the smiling faces of those around him, such thoughts did not affect him.

A moral dilemma was different than a depression. He knew this was because of the memories he got, where Luke would kill many enemy soldiers or his time working as a mercenary. Further, the experience of from underground ring fights helped in this aspect. Everyone fought for what they believed in with all their lives, everything was for survival. Even power, money and influence.

Of course, he is not right. He may in fact be a teenager with a distorted sense of justice but it is his way of doing things. May be things would be a little different now. As selfish as it may sound, may be he could protect Uncle Ben, Aunt May and all others in this life. He did not want to become the judge, the jury and the executioner. He wanted to believe in what his uncle believed. But this would only bring him problems. He now understood that the selfish desire to protect what you love, initiates a war in this desperate world.

After getting those memories, after his experience with the Mad Carlos Gang, Peter had become rational and was not as rigid as before. A rational man who makes a cost benefit decision because he now knows that a perfect utopian society is and will remain a dream. The world was never simple black and white, it was a gray area from the beginning. And he had to work in this gray area for himself, his family and friends.


October 16, 2006

A casually dressed teenager entered one of the best conferences on radiation which was held by Oscorp in partnership with General Techtronics Laboratories East. The teenage boy was a little nervous about what was going to happen in the conference. He searched for a corner in the meeting and stood their for a while. This boy was non-other than our own Peter Parker.

-( Peter's POV)-

Hope that spider bites me and I get my powers. Else, I would have to bid goodbye to all my future plans. Sigh, I don't want to become like my old weird master. Where is that damn spider? Would I really have to dive into cultivation or something like that?

Yes, I was impatient.

Suddenly I feel a sting on my hand and sure it was here. My savior, my friendly neighborhood radiated spider. Of course a normal spider would not be able to bite me if I used chi, but I did not want to experiment anything about that. What if chi causes some unknown reactions and I get deprived of my potential power up?

No, I seriously don't want to even think about it or as a matter of fact, anything else. Feeling a little dizzy, I left the conference and took a cab. Aunt May and Uncle Ben have already left for work so the house was empty.

Fighting the intense urge to sleep, I somehow managed to drag myself to my bed. After lying on my bed, I finally lost my consciousness.


-(Author's POV)-

After 2 hours, Peter finally woke up. He already knew that the spider's bite had granted him with the proportionate strength, speed and agility of a spider. He was not a normal human now. He was human mutate, i.e. a human mutated by genetical enhancements/alterations.

With a substantial increase in power, Peter was not a peak human anymore. With the training and experience that he already has, Peter is now one of the best superhumans out their. Not to mention his scientific genius, he could potentially become one of the most intelligent man on Earth.

Not only did he get an enhanced chromosome pattern due to the spider bite but may be this time, he got much more than what he knew from those memories.

Sorry for the delay. I was hospitalized for a minor surgery and could not upload. Btw I am fine now.

Thank You for supporting me. Now that Peter is bit by the spider, I will try to slow down the pace and involve daily interactions, POVs and dialogues. No more time skips I guess.

Further do tell me if you want Peter's new powers to be connected with the Web of Destiny.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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