
Marvel: Stark Tower Dungeon

Arthur Leywin didn't know how it happened but when he decided to come to new york to find a job. He happened to see a very tall tower that shouldn't exist in the world. How could a tower like this be real? "Isn't that Stark Tower?" Arthur found out later that he was actually in the most dangerous comic he had ever read. Marvel and he didn't even know what version he was in. "I will die here." Arthur wanted to leave New york but he didn't have any money on him. How could he survive in this world. "At least give me something to help me survive in this world." God heard his pray and he granted his wish. However, it wasn't as easy as he had thought. Arc I: Rezero Arc II: Avatar - The last airbender

Phelio_n_Craze · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Chapter 49 Betterment of the world my black ass!

Nick Fury wasn't having any of it. 

He was so fucking annoyed by the government and the world security councils.

He had to stand his ground so they wouldn't think they had it over him.

No weakness must be shown here.

"You should talk to him then." 

After a long persuasion. 

Fury knew that his effort was in vain and thought that letting things blow up might be a better choice.

'These greedy blood sucking motherfuckers wouldn't listen to me anyway. I will let that man deal with them.'

They only thought about themselves.

And for the last resort. 

He threatened them with the fact that they could no longer control the Avengers or any Shield Agents.

It was a terrible feeling but Fury had to admit that Shield could only keep on operating because of Stark pocket money.

And the money that the government sent to them was so little compared to his money.

'Money is also power, Like a certain bat had said.'

"You all had forced him to the point he had to relocate his base to the moon. What now? Do you want him to relocate his base to the dungeon?"

All the council members felt angry when he mentioned it.

They could no longer do anything to the Avengers because their base of operation was outside of the world.

It was out of their jurisdiction.

Alexander Pierce, one of the councils narrowed his eyes.

He was a high ranking member of the Hydra who successfully infiltrated the world security councils and Shield.

He was the one who started the idea of seizing Stark Tower for the world security council.

Even though he would just take it for himself after that.

He was angry at Fury for purging his people inside Shield and now he had no clue about what was going inside.

So he had to be careful when he wanted to do something that related to Shield and the Avengers.

"We understand your concern but we still have to make Tony Stark transfer the ownership of the Stark Tower to us. It is for the betterment of the world."

Pierce would never stop until he got what he wanted. He must have that tower for himself.

'Betterment of the world my black ass!'

Fury didn't say anything further and left the National Assembly.

He then called Tony by the untraceable phone.

He basically told him to fuck them up. And Tony was ready to release his bloody hounds called media and news reporters on them.

Fury then went silent a little before he asked him a question that he was dying to know.

"Do you…have any plan on making a new base inside the dungeon?"

Fury asked even though he already knew the answer. He must confirm it from his month to be sure.

"I already have one inside. And it is so magnificent that the base on the moon could not hold a candle to it." 

Tony giggled like a mischievous boy who successfully messed with his best friend.

He knew why he asked that though.

"Do you want one as well? If you want one you have to speak with Arthur. I am planning to give that base to him!"

Tony already had his family and didn't like adventure much. He would come and go inside the dungeon but only on the first floor.

He knew that Arthur's time to shine was when he was inside the dungeon.

It was like he was born for it. So he wanted to support him if possible.

"You crazy motherfucker! I know it, I will speak with your stepson later."

Fury had a headache again even though he had become a dungeon climber.

He cut the call and left everything to Tony. However, he got a call from Coulson.

"What is it?"

"Director, I have a report about Natasha and Clint…"

Fury didn't think much of it and asked him what about them.

He thought that they might call him because they were going to go inside the dungeon. And they might need something like more gadgets.

However, it wasn't what he had thought.

"They have withdrawn a lot of money to buy gold and jewelry. They said it was for the mission inside the dungeon."

"H–How much?"

Nick Fury knew if Coulson said a lot of money. It must be on a very big scale.

"A–About one million dollars…"


Fury almost fainted from blood pressure.

Does anyone want to be a director of Shield in his place!

He wants to quit!


www.p@treon.com/phelio 30+ more chapters (replace @ with an "a")


Teaser: Arthur was too high... Mana addiction was a thing.

"You are so hot!" said the bubbly girl, Ty Lee. She wanted to hug him but she knew her boobs would not survive his body temperatures.

"You're absolutely right! I am hot!" said while flexing his muscles Arthur made Ty Lee fall for him once again.

'Oh my god, those hot and beautiful marble muscles, I can't…' said salivating Ty Lee.

"Y–you, do you still want me after everything?" said Azula weakly. She looked into Arthur's eyes.

Way too high to heaven, Arthur said what was truly in his mind.

"Yes, I want you! Why wouldn't I?"

"Then you must take responsibility. I will be yours from now on." said weakly, Azula then threw herself at him.

Mai looked left and right, she was confused why the fuck she was even here.