
Marvel:Devil Fruit

Qin Xiao passed through and obtained a system that could exchange devil fruits. Let others eat the devil fruit, and he can gain the fruit ability and the strength of the other party. Thor: “Father Odin, I have mastered the power of Thunder!” Odin: “Nizi! How dare you eat that fruit of thunder!” Thor: “Yes, you see, now I can release the power of thunder without Miaoerer!” Odin: “Are you Thor or Hammer, or Fruit God?” . .this is not my original work.

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


We did two things directly together. "

Qin Xiao said his request.

The saber-toothed tiger originally wanted to refuse.

But Qin Xiao was right. They originally came for Frank.

Now not only Frank can take it.

He can also take the demon messenger behind Frank with him.

This simply doubled the task.

The only upset is that this is forced.

"Okay, I'll take you there!"

Cliff by the sea.

This is a temporary base built by Magneto King Eric.

Because he found an interesting thing.

There has been a rumor in recent months that the demons of the East are going to invade the Western world.

And what the other party uses is a kind of devil fruit that can provide people with change.

Let a spray change with an external force!

This idea directly stimulated him.

A new idea appeared in his mind.

Their mutants possess a special X gene, which has been a natural choice for countless years.

However, if we use artificial means to directly accelerate this change, it is like using devil fruits to provide power.

Can they also accomplish this kind of thing?

For example, build a device that can expand the X gene mutation!

Before his eyes, it is the prototype machine that has been built.

Now, just wait for the final experiment.

"Unexpectedly, you still built this thing."

Chapter 33

"Unexpectedly, you still built this thing."

Just when the Magneto King Eric looked at the device in a daze.

An unfamiliar voice came from behind him.

He turned to look, and found a circle of yellow light shining behind him.

From that aperture, several people walked out at this time.

The saber-toothed tiger carried the unconscious toad man in his hand.

Frank is the one beside him.

Next to it is an oriental face.

Eric was shocked, this person may be the legendary demon messenger!

He knows a little bit more than others, after all, there is a spy like Devil Girl who keeps collecting news.

The magic girl can go where no one else can go.

Things that others don't know can also be learned through the witch.

Frank's appearance already appeared in the newspaper.

The demon messengers in the east have always remained mysterious.

But seeing Frank being so respectful, he guessed that the Oriental was the demon messenger.

Magneto narrowed his eyes, and the power to manipulate the magnetic field directly sprayed out.

There are many metals in this cliff.

These were prepared by the way when he built the equipment.

Now, these metals are about to take Frank and Qin Xiao.

For Magneto King Eric, everything must be in his hands.

It is obviously the most suitable to tie the two of them with metal.

Frank saw Magneto take action.

He stood in front of Qin Xiao without hesitation.

He naturally didn't want Magneto to hurt Qin Xiao.

Although he knew that Qin Xiao's upper limit of strength was not clear to him at all.

Every time he thought that he knew the upper limit of Qin Xiao's ability, as a result, Qin Xiao could show even more powerful strength.

Originally, he was still interested in guessing.

Now, he has no doubt about Qin Xiao's strength.

Demon messenger!

Worthy of the name.

Qin Xiao looked at Frank in front of him, and he pulled him away directly.

"Leave this to me."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Magneto and smiled softly.

"Eric, it seems we need to get to know each other well."

As soon as the voice fell, a "click" sound rang out in the entire space.

Mirror dimension!

Since you want to fight, just pull into the mirror dimension!

Eric doesn't care about the changes around him.

He controlled several metal railings and flew towards Qin Xiao and Frank.

More metal is flying in the air in the future.

He has considerable confidence in his abilities.

Even if it is a mutant, very few people can get it through his hands.

Whether it is a saber-toothed tiger or a toad man.

As long as he wants, he can easily get rid of it.

The two people in front of them are no exception.

But in a blink of an eye, his eyes changed.

Except for the first few metals, Eric couldn't feel the remaining metal!

Even his power to manipulate the magnetic field seemed to be directly blocked by something.

He watched helplessly at the outside of this "broken" space, the metal he manipulated hit the ground heavily.

"What is this? You blocked my ability!"

Eric subconsciously stayed away from Qin Xiao.

Fortunately, there is still a part of metal that follows this into the mirror image dimension.

He controlled the remaining metal and guarded by his side.

"If it's better than destruction, maybe my temporary ability is not as good as you.

But if it's just a battle between two people, you can't be my opponent at all. "

After Qin Xiao finished speaking, he leaned forward slightly.


A violent explosion sounded in the mirror image dimension.

Qin Xiao's figure disappeared directly into the sound of the explosion.

When he appeared again, he had already arrived in front of Magneto.

The burst usage of Bomb Fruit!

Directly fired his body as a cannonball.

This is the way he used to fight Daniel.

Moreover, with the development of gold and bomb fruit.

Each explosion is now more powerful than before.

The speed that Qin Xiao provided was even more terrifying.

Magneto's heart beat fiercely.

This speed is really terrifying.

The metal beside him thrust into Qin Xiao fiercely.

Qin Xiao stretched out his hands, his hands at this moment were like a piece of mud.

The metal that attacked Qin Xiao was directly caught by his quagmire giant hand.

Magneto's eyes shrank.

Such a change could happen to Qin Xiao's body!

Magneto does not believe in evil.

He continued to manipulate those metals, and the metals continued to struggle.

But Qin Xiao's body was also constantly changing.

No matter how he manipulates, metals like gold can't have any effect on Qin Xiao.

In the end, these metals gradually disappeared in Qin Xiao's body.

"Now, without these things, you are just an ordinary old man."

Qin Xiao gradually recovered his human form.

He looked at each other calmly. .

Chapter 34:

Qin Xiao's expression was calm, but the shock in Magneto King Eric's heart was only clear to him.

"Are you really a demon messenger?"

Magneto's tone was full of disbelief.

The fighting power of this Oriental is really amazing!

Magneto knows one thing very well.

Among mutants, his own strength is very strong.

Few people can compare with his destructive power.

Demolition of buildings, bridges, stadiums...