
Marvel:Devil Fruit

Qin Xiao passed through and obtained a system that could exchange devil fruits. Let others eat the devil fruit, and he can gain the fruit ability and the strength of the other party. Thor: “Father Odin, I have mastered the power of Thunder!” Odin: “Nizi! How dare you eat that fruit of thunder!” Thor: “Yes, you see, now I can release the power of thunder without Miaoerer!” Odin: “Are you Thor or Hammer, or Fruit God?” . .this is not my original work.

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


He is simply a demolition king.

Even using the way of manipulating metal, he is superior in the level of individual heads-up.

As long as there is metal, he can kill back and forth among a group of people.

Even when confronted with the policemen, it's not a problem to choose one by one.

However, this person in front of me is really abnormal!

The magnetic method he manipulates has no effect on the opponent.

Although the metal he manipulates can be inserted into the opponent's body.

However, the other party didn't care at all.

The opponent's body can actually turn into a puddle of mud.

Physical attack, no effect!

All the metal enters the mud and will even disappear in the end.

This is like a real swamp.

After something sinks in, it will eventually be swallowed by the swamp.

"Of course I am a demon messenger, and my abilities are those provided by the devil fruit.

We are not the mutants you mistakenly thought.

But these things are not important. I came to you this time because I have something to discuss with you. "

Qin Xiao stretched out his hand to cast magic.

A portal appeared in front of everyone.

Several people passed through the portal.

Leaving the mirror image dimension, Magneto once again felt the object that could be controlled by magnetism.

He has a guess, if the other party did not pull into that mysterious space.

Can you directly submerge the opponent with huge metal?

Or, you can pack the opponent directly in a metal box.

This idea appeared in his heart and could no longer be abandoned.

But for the time being, his feeling of eagerness was suppressed.

If the other party wants to talk to yourself, talk about it.

"What do you want to discuss? You are fruit-powered people. There shouldn't be anything to say with our mutants?"

Magneto has the feeling that no stranger should enter.

"I didn't really think about coming to you at this time.

In my plan, your meeting should still be behind.

After all, we still have too few fruit-powered people.

But this time I didn't expect to provoke people like Stryker.

And their target is obviously mutants.

We are also regarded as mutants.

It is estimated that they will be targeted by Stryker in the future.

That's why I came to you to form an alliance.

Let's deal with the pressure from the military together. "

Qin Xiao stated his main purpose for finding Magneto.

The world is dangerous.

Regardless of other forces, the government and the military are always the most powerful forces.

There is also the Global Security Council behind it.

Mutants are also good.

The Avengers are also good.

Inhumans are also good.

They are all under the supervision of this world government.

Unless both sides are ready to completely destroy the entire world.

Otherwise, organizations like mutants will always be suppressed.

Magneto even wants to overthrow the entire system and let the world be ruled by mutants.

But they never succeeded.

Even Qin Xiao sometimes speculates that Professor Charles X has always been committed to living in peace with mankind.

Is it because he knows something that others don't know through the brainwave enhancement device.

For example, how much hidden power this world has.

Such as the mage.

Such as SHIELD.

Such as God.

Once mutants really go to war with humans.

Those hidden forces will intervene.

At that time, mutants will usher in destruction.

Qin Xiao's fruit ability and mutants are too similar.

Now their numbers are still very small.

If the latter number is slightly larger, it will definitely be targeted by the government.

It's like Stryker is targeting mutants.

As a disadvantaged person, Qin Xiao's eyes have always been on the mutants.

Forming an alliance was an important plan during his early development.

Magneto frowned slightly when he heard Qin Xiao's words.

"Alliance, are you allied with me, or are you allied with mutants?"

He asked a question that seemed nonsense.

But Qin Xiao knew what Magneto meant.

"This alliance is only for people you can control. Other mutants. If necessary, I will find them."

Qin Xiao gave Magneto an affirmative answer.

"So, how do we get along after the alliance.

What do we have to give, and what can we get? "

Give and gain!

This is the key.

If there is no benefit in forming an alliance, then why bother to form an alliance.

"You provide me with information, and I will improve the strength of some of your people.".

Chapter 35:

"You provide me with information, and I will improve the strength of some of your people."

Qin Xiao finally said the way to form an alliance.


"Yes, intelligence, the devilish girl can sneak into most places, she must have known countless news from there.

What I need is this kind of information.

In exchange, I can provide you with devil fruits.

This can enhance the personal strength of your mutants.

This is a mutually beneficial thing. "

Qin Xiao told his plan.

"What kind of information do you want to know? I can't provide you with all the information endlessly. You need to limit the scope."

Magneto apparently agreed to Qin Xiao's alliance plan.

But he also has his own requirements.

It is impossible to provide endless information.

After all, a lot of information is precious and impossible to leak.

"You need to tell me any news related to those with fruit abilities, demon messengers, and the demon legends of the East.

Regardless of the progress of their investigation, the countermeasures they prepared.

As long as it is related to these few news, you need to tell me. "

Qin Xiao had already thought about the information he needed to know.

Although he would like to know some more news.

But now he still has too few staff.

No matter how much news I know, it won't make any difference.

Moreover, his main purpose is actually to "send" the devil fruit out.

Give it out for a reason!

Only when these devil fruits are sent out, can he gain more power from the opponent.

Just like now, with only four fruits, his strength has become higher than that of many people.

If there are more and more fruits later.

Those with the ability to use the fruit are becoming stronger and stronger.

Then his power will become stronger and stronger.

If his conditions were too high, Magneto refused.

Didn't he make a big loss?

Hearing Qin Xiao's condition, Magneto Wang breathed a sigh of relief.

This requirement is not excessive.

He can totally agree.

"Yes, I agree with your request.

However, I want to know, what kind of devil fruit can you provide us?

After all, there is nothing to say about it, and I am worried that it is false for you to say that you can provide devil fruits. "

Magneto is also a master who does not suffer.

Qin Xiao grinned and looked at the saber-toothed tiger.

"I can prepay a fruit and use Victor the saber-toothed tiger as the experimenter.

If I directly provide you with Devil Fruit, you may not believe it.

But for the saber-toothed tiger, you shouldn't worry about it.