
Marvel:Devil Fruit

Qin Xiao passed through and obtained a system that could exchange devil fruits. Let others eat the devil fruit, and he can gain the fruit ability and the strength of the other party. Thor: “Father Odin, I have mastered the power of Thunder!” Odin: “Nizi! How dare you eat that fruit of thunder!” Thor: “Yes, you see, now I can release the power of thunder without Miaoerer!” Odin: “Are you Thor or Hammer, or Fruit God?” . .this is not my original work.

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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40 Chs


But in the ocean, his strength seemed to be drawn out of his body!

Mutants, is there such a shortcoming?

At least Frank didn't believe it.

But this does not affect him to hear what clever theory the Toad man has.

"But, this is just your guess? Do you have any evidence to prove it?"

Frank began to seduce the Toad man.

"Proof? What kind of evidence is needed for this kind of thing?

You didn't awaken before you became a mutant, so he can fool you.

However, if it is an awakened person like us.

Then we have no choice.

Because our mutant power has been activated.

If you don't believe me, I'm standing here, and he said he is the demon of the East.

Then show the power of the devil in my body?

Take out a fruit that will change even if I eat it. "

Toad man seemed to understand thoroughly at this time.

Since you said you are a demon messenger.

Then you can perform one to us on the spot.

Let us become those with fruit ability!

Frank was a little dissatisfied with Toad people.

"I thought you could tell any way, but it turned out to be such a non-maneuverable way.

With so many people in the entire world, not everyone can become a mutant.

So why do you require that anyone can become a fruitful person?

You are a mutant, and there is nothing to do with whether you can become a fruitful person.

Or do you think that you are a mutant, just think that the power in this world is the power of a mutant?

To tell you, there are many different forces in this world.

Do you know this space?

This space is still the magical ability of the mage.

Is it possible that you think this ability is also the power of mutants? "

Frank gave the Toad directly a mess.


Toad Man was directly stunned by Frank.

It made him really speechless.

After all, Frank made a point.

As Qin Xiao watched the quarrel between the two, the corners of his mouth gradually rose.

"This guy is just looking for a step for himself!

I was still thinking about how to let them eat the devil fruit.

In the end, he actually delivered it directly to the door!

Moreover, it seems that mutants with special abilities can match Devil Fruit.

Both the saber-toothed tiger and the toad man in front of you can match!

Now, I want to see Magneto even more.

Not surprisingly, there is a devil fruit that will suit each other well! "

His heart directly gave Toad Man a big praise.

This saves myself a lot of saliva.

And in his heart, there was a new plan.

"Toad man?

I can match the devil fruit for the two of you.

But, I have a question?

Why? ?

Why should I give you devil fruit?

Just because of your doubts? "

PS: Guess what the Devil Fruit of Toad Man and Sabre Tooth Tiger is.

Chapter 32

Qin Xiao showed no face to Toad.

Even if his heart actually wanted to give the devil fruit to the saber-toothed tiger and the toad man.

Because in that way, he can improve and expand his own abilities.

Even now he even wants to meet Magneto King Eric.

Let the other party eat the fruit that is likely to match.


You can't just do this casually.

Giving the Punisher Frank the Marsh Fruit, he followed himself desperately.

To Tony Huangquanguo, where he also obtained at least 5% of the shares.

And Jin Bin's bomb fruit made the other party buy the shares of Stark Industries.

Even in Gu Yina, he was a chance to learn magic in exchange for the fruits of his age.

Now, the toad man just wants to match the fruit himself with a few words?


If this rule is opened, it will be difficult for the teams behind to follow.

Toad was taken aback when he heard Qin Xiao's words.

If Qin Xiao was really a demon messenger, he could indeed stimulate fruit abilities.

Then, there really is no reason for the other party to do it just because of one sentence.

He felt a little waxy now.

Qin Xiao looked at each other contemptuously.

"The most important thing is that there is one thing you two don't seem to understand. You are in my space now.

In a sense, you are my captives.

If it wasn't for Frank to feel the power of your mutants.

Both of you now should be lying on the ground.

For example, like this. "

After he finished speaking, his hands changed for a while.

The marsh fruit directly separates a large piece of mud.

"You also have such power!"

At this time, Toad was not calm.

If Qin Xiao's ability is to activate the mutant power of others.

Then it is impossible for him to have the same power as others.

"What's weird?"

Qin Xiao shook it casually.

The mud on his hands was like a grenade and was thrown to the side of the saber-toothed tiger and the toad man.



Two consecutive explosions sounded.

The toad man and the saber-toothed tiger were directly lifted off.


After a while, the saber-toothed tiger struggled to get up.

His self-healing ability allowed him to survive this explosion.

However, the toad people around are not so lucky.

In this sudden explosion, he was directly blown out.

If it weren't for Qin Xiao, he wouldn't want to kill the opponent for the time being.

It is estimated that the toad people have directly become corpses.


The saber-toothed tiger looked at Qin Xiao with horror on his face.

At that moment, Qin Xiao showed the same ability as Frank.


The opponent's ability is obviously more amazing than Frank.

Those swamp mud can actually explode!

And the power of the explosion definitely surpassed the power of a grenade.

The demon messenger in front of him has now shown three powers.

This inexplicable magic space is called the mirror image dimension.

The fruit power that can be transformed into a swamp.

There is also the power to make the mud explode.

At this time, he had already believed that Qin Xiao was a demon messenger.

If he were not, how could he have so many abilities.

Most of their mutant powers are very specific.

Eric's magnetic field control.

Charles' psychic abilities.

His own self-healing.

However, this oriental demon messenger directly demonstrated several abilities.

Perhaps this powerful force is really because there is a demon behind the opponent!

"Saber-toothed tiger, next, I need you to take me to see Eric.

There are some things I need to talk to him personally.

Exactly, isn't your goal to come to Frank.