
Marvel’s Big villain

Jason brought Harley Quinn, Magneto, Darth Vader, Voldemort, Red Tank, Apocalypse, General Zod and other villains to the battlefield, looking at thanos not far away : “Are you really inevitable?!” Follow jason’s journey in becoming the most evilest villain of all time —————————-X—————————— Author here i just want to say that this ff is not written by me but i found it on google and i am just uploading it here so all the credits to the real author

Lord_dio69 · Movies
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35 Chs

Chapter 3: fire in the hole

Jason put on his body armor, two grenades were hung on his chest, the magazines were stuffed into the armed belt, and all the guns were loaded with safety.

Unzipping the bulging black travel bag, it was stuffed with green bills, totaling $530,000.

Like most gangsters, Jason likes to store cash, not the bank.

First, all his money is black money, which cannot stand the audit of the IRS.

Second, in case he is targeted by the police and his account is sealed up one day, the hard-earned money he has saved over the years will become the police's small coffers.

It was obviously a hindrance to escape with such a large travel bag. Jason hesitated a little, then clicked on the system interface and exchanged all the cash for system points.

[Ding! The points are redeemed successfully, and the remaining points are 53 points! ]

Throwing away the empty travel bag, Jason walked outside the balcony with a rope weighing dozens of kilograms.

Fasten the buckle of the drop rope to the thickest guardrail on the balcony, and then throw the drop rope out.

The height of the apartment was calculated by him in advance, and the 80-meter drop rope was just enough for him to land safely, no more, no less.


There was a loud noise from outside the room, and the mafia was about to break in!

Jason quickly walked to the door of the room, squatted down, and opened the bedroom door a crack.

There was another loud noise, and the lime on the wall of the apartment door was shaken off, and the air suddenly filled with smoke.

When the third sound rang, the security door of the apartment was kicked open, and it became fragmented.

Seven or eight masked mafia rushed into the room with automatic rifles.

Jason pulled the fuse of a grenade, threw it into the crowd, and shouted, "fireinthehole!"

The grenade rolled precisely to the Mafia's feet.

"Oh, shit!"


In the fire, several Mafia were directly blown away.

The stump and the broken arm were mixed with blood, instantly dyeing the living room red.

The smoke alarms were activated, rain poured from the ceiling, and the apartment was a mess.

[Ding! Kill three mafia, get 300 villain points, current progress: 320/1000]

[Ding! Injury two mafia, get 100 villain points, current progress: 420/1000]

With one grenade, three killed and two wounded, the effect was still very good.

You only get 100 villain points just by killing a person. When did human life become so worthless?

"Jason, you can't run away! Surrender!"

The non-standard American English outside the door was very familiar. It was the voice of the older brother of the two brothers, Vladimir.

"I'll bet with you, I'll be able to escape today, just bet on the ball on your shoulder." Jason shouted towards the door, his hands didn't stop at all.

He took out another grenade and made a booby trap at the door of the room, then closed the door to lure some hapless person to break in.

"FUCKYOU! Jason! You are dead today!"

This is the voice of his brother Anatoly.

A year ago, the two brothers took a group of Russian killers across the ocean to New York's Hell's Kitchen.

The newcomers had no land, no connections, and no resources, so they could only take refuge in Jinping temporarily at the top of the mountain, and make a living by helping him do some dirty business of killing people and stealing goods.

These Russians are not very talented, but their temper is not small, and they often cause trouble.

After drinking a pound of vodka, he dared to call Jin Bing's real name.

After drinking two pounds of vodka, he dared to put a gun on Jason's head.

Among Jin Bing's many partners, these Russian mafia are the most disobedient, and Jin Bing has long wanted to get rid of them.

Jin and sent their brothers to hunt down Jason, definitely trying to kill two birds with one stone.

It can not only get rid of Jason, but also weaken the power of the Mafia.

This fat fat man is shrewd.

Outside the door, Anatoly was dazed by Jason's words, and he picked up the RPG and prepared to rush in: "Brother, let me blow this son of a **** into the sky."

Vladimir quickly held him down: "No, Jinbian said, only if Jason is captured alive, he will give us the land."

After he finished speaking, he shouted to the door again, "Jason, put down your weapon and come out. I swear to God that I will never kill you."

After waiting for a while, no one responded.

"Jason, did you hear that?"



Half a minute ago, Jason set up the booby traps, put on tactical gloves and a black mask, and jumped over the guardrail to start rappelling.

The explosion of the apartment building was particularly loud in the middle of the night, attracting many pedestrians to stop and watch.

They thought it was an explosion caused by a leak in the apartment's gas pipeline.

But when Jason was hooded, carrying a shotgun and a carbine, they rappelled down from the apartment balcony, and they realized something was wrong.

"I buy it!"

"God, what the **** happened!"

"Hurry up and call 911!"

The crowd of onlookers chattered.

Some people subconsciously stay away from here.

Someone took out his mobile phone and anxiously called the police.

Others held up their cameras, ready to record this gripping scene.


More than half a minute later, the apartment exploded again. I don't know which unlucky person hit the booby trap at the door.

[Ding! Kill a mafia, get 100 villain points, current progress: 520/1000]

"Cut, only one person died."

Jason frowned and was obviously not satisfied with the killing effect of booby traps.

But he didn't care too much. The purpose of arranging booby traps was not simply to kill people, but more to delay time so that he could safely drop to the ground.

The booby trap had already won a minute, and Jason was less than forty meters away from the ground.

However, this height still cannot allow him to land safely, and he has to find a way to delay it for a little longer.

Thinking of this, Jason freed one hand and took out a Beretta M9 pistol from the holster.

As he rappelled down, he aimed his gun at the balcony of the apartment.

After dozens of seconds, a dark figure appeared on the balcony, looking down.

Jason immediately stopped the rappelling, held the rappelling rope with his left hand, aimed quickly with his right hand, and pulled the trigger continuously.

"Bang bang bang!"

After three shots, a scream came from the balcony of the apartment, and the figure disappeared.

[Ding! Wound a mafia, gain 20 villain points, current progress: 540/1000]

Why is there only 20 villain points?

Could it be that the other party was only slightly injured?

Jason felt a little pity, but he didn't worry too much about it.

Grab the rope with one hand, and the body will shake violently, which is far less stable than standing on the ground.

In addition, he was holding a gun in one hand, and he was shooting from the bottom up, so it was not bad that he could hit a target 40 meters away with three shots.

After all, he is not a sharpshooter, and from the effect, the deterrent power of these three shots is still very strong.

At least on the balcony, no one dared to show up.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Jason seized the moment to rappel down.

At this time, he was less than twenty meters from the ground.

Can anyone tell me how to cone into the ranking I’m new to this and would really appreciate any help

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