
Marvel’s Big villain

Jason brought Harley Quinn, Magneto, Darth Vader, Voldemort, Red Tank, Apocalypse, General Zod and other villains to the battlefield, looking at thanos not far away : “Are you really inevitable?!” Follow jason’s journey in becoming the most evilest villain of all time —————————-X—————————— Author here i just want to say that this ff is not written by me but i found it on google and i am just uploading it here so all the credits to the real author

Lord_dio69 · Movies
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35 Chs

Chapter 4: shot to escape

Apartment balcony.

Anatoly felt a chill in his heart as he looked at his subordinates who were screaming while covering their ears.

If Vladimir hadn't pulled him and prevented him from sticking out his head just now, he would have been knocked out of his ears.

Anatoly patted his chest and asked with lingering fears, "Brother, this son of a bitch's marksmanship is too accurate, what should we do now?"

Vladimir frowned and glanced around, and found the rope fastened to the balcony railing.

He thought for a moment, and a trace of viciousness and revenge appeared on his face.

"Break the rope! Falling from a height of thirty or forty meters, Jason won't want to stand up for the rest of his life. We can also catch him alive, give it to Jin and make a deal."

"good idea!"

Anatoly took out a .45 caliber Colt M1911 and fired two shots at the drop rope.

After the gunshots passed, the sturdy lowering rope broke two large holes, but it did not break.

"This rope is too strong." Anatoly looked surprised.

"This is a military drop rope, which uses the strongest composite materials, and is usually assembled on helicopters." Vladimir explained.

"This son of a **** is really well prepared to escape!" Anatoly sneered and stepped forward to fill the gun.


"Bang! Bang!"

I heard gunshots coming from the top of the apartment building.

Jason knew that the last thing he wanted happened.

hurry up! Hurry up!

Jason was furious, and the speed of the rope was a little faster.

"Bang! Bang!"

There were two more gunshots, and the rappelling rope snapped.

Jason lost his focus and quickly fell to the ground on his back.

At this time, he was still about fifteen meters away from the ground. At this height, he fell on his back, and even if he didn't die, he would have to spend the rest of his life in bed.

At the critical moment, Jason's survival instinct came into play with the cruel special training over the years.

Without a focus point in the air, he relied on the strength of his waist and abdomen to twist his body to restore his balance, and let his feet face the ground.

Just as his posture was adjusted, Jason fell to the ground.

With a bang, a puff of dust was raised on the ground.

Jason jumped forward and rolled on the ground several times before venting the falling force.

A magical operation made the onlookers dumbfounded. They stood around in a daze, looking at Jason, who was squatting on the ground and covering his ankles with a painful expression on his face.

Falling from a height of fifteen meters is not an easy task.

Even though Jason was already prepared for the impact, his feet were still numb and numb the moment he landed, followed by a sharp pain that made his feet almost unconscious.

Jason gritted his teeth, tried his best to stand up, and staggered to the five-storey shopping mall opposite.

There are many people there and the terrain is complicated, so it is best to get rid of the pursuit.


"Falling from such a high place and getting up again, this guy is really lucky, but his luck has come to an end."

Vladimir looked at the embarrassed Jason with a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

Anatoly also smiled and raised his automatic rifle and aimed it at Jason's back: "Yeah, it's ridiculous that the number one general under Jin Bing is running around like a wild dog now."

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Before Jason took a few steps, three gunshots rang out behind him.

The huge force from the bulletproof vest knocked him to the ground in one fell swoop.


When the group of daring onlookers saw that Jason was shot, they immediately ran away screaming like frightened birds in the jungle.

The moment Jason fell to the ground, he quickly got up again.

He knew in his heart that as long as he paused on the ground for more than a second.

The gang of mafia armed with automatic rifles, together with body armor, will beat him into a sieve.

Jason dodged left and right, tried to run to places with many people, and used those passersby as his shield.

Although this method is detrimental to others, the effect is surprisingly good.

More than a dozen 7.62mm bullets hit him, and several innocent passers-by were hit by the bullets and immediately fell to the ground crying.

And Jason, who was the target, was only hit by a stray bullet in his left arm.

He endured the severe pain, pressed the wound hard, and ran desperately towards the mall.

[Ding! Kill an innocent passerby indirectly, get 100 villain points, current progress: 640/1000]

[Ding! Indirectly wounded six innocent passers-by and gained 300 villain points, current progress: 940/1000]

At the cost of sacrificing seven innocent passers-by and an arm, Jason finally broke into the mall.

He broke into the ice cream shop at the entrance of the mall, laid his body on the counter, and then rolled over forcefully into the counter.

Before he could breathe for a moment, Jason immediately let go of his right hand and checked the injury of his left arm.

Through the **** wound, the tail of the dark yellow bullet can be faintly seen.

The bullet got stuck in the muscle.

It seems that what hit me was a ricochet, otherwise my arm would have been pierced.

Jason, who has more than ten years of shooting experience, immediately judged the situation.

Jason gasped heavily, and carefully groped the wound with the fingers of his right hand.

After you touch the hard bullet, pinch it with your fingertips, hold your breath, and take out the bullet with force.

The blood stained his clothes and trousers, Jason's lips were white and his face was sweating.

The severe pain of the bone erosion spread all over his body, and he tried his best to endure it so that he didn't groan.


The warhead was taken out and thrown to the ground.

Jason covered the bleeding wound, tore the cloth on his arm with his teeth, and made a simple bandage on the wound.

Just after the dressing was done, there were footsteps outside the door. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The crowd of onlookers who eat melons have already run away, and the owner of the footsteps has no other possibility other than the mafia.

It really doesn't give you a way to live.

Jason raised his arm weakly and opened the system's mall interface.

He has fallen into a dead end, and there is no other way to survive except relying on the system.

[Shopping mall: proficient in cold weapons, proficient in fighting, proficient in firearms, proficient in driving, proficient in flying driving, proficient in special operations, proficient in special driving...]

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Jason quickly browsed the mall interface, thinking quickly in his mind, what skills to learn to get him out of the predicament.

After a few seconds, Jason clicked on Gun Mastery.

In the current situation, apart from guns, he really couldn't find a second option.

[Firearms Proficiency Level 1 (already obtained)]

[Firearms Proficiency Level 2 (already obtained)]

[Firearms Proficiency Level 3 (already obtained)]

[Firearm Proficiency Level 4 (already obtained)]

[Firearms Proficiency Level 5 (not obtained)]

Click Firearms Proficiency Level 5.

[(Required: 50 points; Strength: 30, Agility: 35, Stamina: 30, Intelligence: 35,)]

"Bah! What a **** system, there are still prerequisites." Jason scolded in dissatisfaction, and quickly opened the main interface of the system to check his attributes.

[Power 33]

[Agility 32]

[Endurance 30]

[Intelligence 28]

His four-dimensional attributes are still 10 attribute points away from the requirement of [Firearms Proficiency Level 5].

Every time you increase your level, you get exactly 10 attribute points.

And he was only 60 villains away from the second level.