
Marvel’s Big villain

Jason brought Harley Quinn, Magneto, Darth Vader, Voldemort, Red Tank, Apocalypse, General Zod and other villains to the battlefield, looking at thanos not far away : “Are you really inevitable?!” Follow jason’s journey in becoming the most evilest villain of all time —————————-X—————————— Author here i just want to say that this ff is not written by me but i found it on google and i am just uploading it here so all the credits to the real author

Lord_dio69 · Movies
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35 Chs

Chapter 2: escape from the mafia


Jason's scalp was numb, his facial muscles were tensed, and his back was sweating.

After being frozen in place for a few seconds, he pretended to smile lightly: "Boss, your joke is a bit too big, in the whole New York underground world, who doesn't know that Vanessa is your woman, give me ten courage and I won't Dare."

"Really." Jin Bing said calmly, "But on the third day I left New York, you and Vanessa had a candlelight dinner in an English restaurant."

"On the fourth day, you both went shopping on Fifth Avenue and watched the art exhibition."

"On the fifth day, you go to Vanessa's house, show her your Chinese cooking skills, and give her a box of her favorite milk chocolate after dinner."

Jin Bing's speech was neither rushed nor slow, neither happy nor sad, but the content of what he said made Jason's heart rise to his throat.

He swears to God that he didn't reveal the slightest bit about his relationship with Vanessa to anyone.

Going out these days is also fully armed, sunglasses, masks, hats, all the same.

When going out to take a taxi, never drive your own car.

I don't swipe a credit card for meals, all I use is cash.

This matter has been done concealed enough, but I didn't expect it to be discovered by Jinbo.

Jason's face was solemn, his heart beat faster, and his other hand was clenched tightly.

"Today, you spent an afternoon with Vanessa in the room. You can answer my question now, Jason. How does it feel to be in bed with Vanessa?"

When Jin Bing finished his last sentence, the mountain-like pressure on Jason suddenly disappeared.

He figured it out.

Now that this has happened, no matter how worried you are, it is futile.

As Kim Bing's deputy for many years, Jason knows him better than himself.

Between the two of them, there is no other way apart from your life and death.

"Hahaha!" Jason grabbed the phone and laughed morbidly.

"Do you want to know the answer? Jin Bing." Jason's laughter gradually subsided. He put the phone to his mouth and whispered, "The answer is... the woman who sleeps with you, that feels so good!"


There was a loud noise from the loudspeaker. Nine times out of ten, it was gold and was flipping the table.

Jin and roared: "FUCKYOU! Jason!"

Jason shook his head, he could imagine that now Jin didn't look like an angry lion.

"By the way, Jin Bing, Vanessa told me that you behaved badly in bed, just like a little virgin. You said that if I exposed this news, I'm afraid the whole New York would be shocked. The legendary Kim And he's actually a little virgin, hahahaha!"

"FUCKYOU! You are finished! You are dead!"

Jin Bing lost control of his emotions and was on the verge of going wild.

The last person who made him so angry was blasted his head with a car door clip.

But not only is Jason not afraid, but he also needs to add some more firewood on it: "Hmm, I'm still alive and well, if I have the ability to hit me along the radio."

There was another crackling sound on the other end of the phone.

After a while, Jin Bing's emotions were under control, and he panted, "Don't worry about Jason, I have sent Brother Vladimir to find you."

Jason frowned, walked quickly to the window, opened the window and looked downstairs.

On the avenue not far away, five or two black Chevrolet commercial vehicles came quickly.

At a place dozens of meters away from the apartment, he stopped with a chirp.

The car door opened, and two dozen masked and strong men with guns walked out of the car.

"Hahaha, counting the time, they should be here." Jin Bing said proudly.

"But I regret it now, so Jason... run away, run away quickly, don't be killed by Brother Vladimir."

"I swear to God, I will find you myself, crush your bones, cut your filthy things and throw them into a meat grinder..."

"Fuckyoumother!" Jason cursed, then slammed his phone against the wall.

'Snapped! '

The legendary magic machine Nokia instantly turned into a pile of parts, and a small pothole appeared on the hard concrete wall.

[Ding! Trigger the mission: escape from the Russian Mafia, mission reward: 500 villains. ]

[Reminder: The enemy has 30 seconds to reach the battlefield. ]

"Thank you so much for your warm reminder!" Jason cursed and rushed into the bedroom quickly.

Just now, he was still a little puzzled, why Jin Bing was so talkative.

I thought that his mentality was a little broken after being betrayed by his cronies, so he talked a lot, but he never expected that he was actually delaying time.

This guy looks like Tie Hanhan who has trained his muscles into his brain, but he is actually smarter than anyone else, Jason just got his way.

Back in the bedroom, Jason took off his bathrobe and started getting dressed.

"Wow! I'll never get tired of seeing your figure in my life." Vanessa didn't know when she woke up and was sitting on the bed staring intently at Jason.

As she said, Jason's figure is like a visual feast.

He has broad shoulders, full chest muscles, and abdominal muscles as hard as steel. Every muscle on his body seems to be carved with a knife and axe.

However, what fascinated Vanessa most was the densely criss-crossed scars on Jason's body.

Gunshot wounds, knife wounds, bruises from sticks and punches.

Vanessa's favorite thing to do is to lie on Jason's chest, soothe the scar with her palm, and listen to him tell the story of the scar.

"Don't be a nympho." Jason quickly put on his clothes: "Our affair was discovered by Kim and the people who are chasing us will be here soon."


Vanessa's face suddenly turned pale.

But before she could ask her questions, Jason grabbed the Simmons mattress with both hands and lifted it up. Vanessa rolled to the ground wrapped in the quilt.

Vanessa got up from the ground and cursed, "FUCKYOU! Jason..."

She covered her head and wanted to scold again, but Jason took out a shotgun directly from the belly of the bed.

Vanessa's eyes widened and she swallowed the unspoken words.

Gangs are a high-risk industry, and people often block their doors and besiege them.

As a cutting-edge talent in the industry, how could Jason not leave a way out for himself.

He hid a large amount of weapons and ammunition in the belly of the bed in the master bedroom.

Benelli M4 Super 90 Shotgun*1

Colt M4A1 Carbine*1

Beretta M9 pistol*2

Each gun is equipped with three magazines, which are full of bullets.

MK3A2 offensive grenade*2

SOV-3000 Full Protection Body Armor*1

80m high-strength descending rope*1

Bulky black travel bag*1

Jason picked up the 8kg bulletproof vest and put it on. The interlayer of the bulletproof vest had been stuffed with three layers of ceramic bulletproof plates in advance. The protection level was level 4, which could resist the attack of armor-piercing bullets.

Jason's expression was very calm, but Vanessa was a little confused.

Thinking of her having **** with Jason on a grenade all afternoon, I felt a burst of fear in my heart, and my body couldn't help trembling.

Lunatic, these people are all lunatics, it is better to stay away from them in the future.

With a dark face, Vanessa picked up the clothes on the ground, wrapped her quilt and bare feet, and left the apartment.

She is Jinbian's woman, and the Vladimir brothers dare not touch her.

Please comment on the chapter and give me more stones!!!!

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