
Love on stake

Blood thicker than water

Xtystar13 · Movies
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10 Chs


"Oh I'm sorry you lost your friends" Anan gave her condolences.

"Momma I'm back" Keyisi returned with a bowl of herb soup in a tray and placed it on the table beside Yan's bed.

"Well... Anan how long have I been asleep?. Cuz I remember been 3months pregnant before coming for the camping trip" Ai Yan face twitched.

"Well to be precise, you've been asleep for 4months and you'd be due to give birth likely ending of next month. Alright here have your soup and rest when you're done. I want to check out the birds I'm feeding" Anan handed her the bowl of soup.

"I'll go with you. I don't want to just live on your charity. Facts I've been asleep for months without doing anything. How about I just take it as a slight stroll or exercise?" Ai Yan said not wanting Anan to reject her proposals.

*Alright you can come along once you're done with your soup"Anan finally gave in.

"Thank you so much Anan. I'd surely pay you back your kindness."Ai Yan thanked

"It's no problem, you don't have to pay. We just take you as a family now. Am I not right Keyisi?" Anan smiled.

"Yes momma. Sister Ai Yan can you please be my big sister?" Keyisi asked with puppy eyes.

"Keyisi what nonsense are you asking?"Anan frowned.

"I'm sorry momma"Keyisi retreated.

"Don't mind her. She's just been too childish" Anan apologized.

"No need to apologise. You can call me Sister Yan since I'm now your big sister" Ai Yan said with a pretty smile.

"Really?"Keyisi asked excitedly.


