
Love on stake

Blood thicker than water

Xtystar13 · Movies
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10 Chs


Few weeks later

Ai Yan saw seated under a palm tree munching on a Chinese local snack when felt wet beneath and had some stomach cramps.

"Ouch" held her tummy in pain.

"Keyisi..." Ai Yan called out with difficulties.

"Eh! Sister Yan are you alright?"Keyisi ran to her side looking all worried.

"I... I think the baby is coming" Ai Yan replied panting.

"You're in labor? Momma... momma!" Keyisi shouted to get her mother's attention.

"You naughty kid. I've told you to stop shouting are you a boy?"Anan rushed out of the house angrily with a wooden spoon in her hand.

"Momma, sister Yan" Keyisi hurriedly spoke before her mother could hit her with the spoon in her hand.

"Yan?... You're in labor. Keyisi go to the clinic and inform the mid-wives some is in labor"Anan said and helped Yan into the house.

"it's alright Yan. The mid-wives are on their way. You'd give birth without difficulties okay?".Anan assured her.

"Hmm"Yan nodded.

Anan left the room and returned with a bowl of warm water, a towel and some leaves.

"Eat this. it's will reduce the pain" Anan put two leaves into Yan's mouth to chew and began to mop away the sweat on Yan's face with a towel soaked in warm water.

"Momma I'm back" Keyisi returned with three mid-wives with medical kits behind her.

"Anan!" the first mid-wives said.

"Yes."Anan replied and stepped aside for the mid-wives to do their job.