
Love on stake

Blood thicker than water

Xtystar13 · Movies
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10 Chs


The door then opened. A woman and a little girl entered staring at Ai Yan like zombies.

"Ehm..." Ai Yan slightly coughed.

"You're awake. Thank goodness. God has heard my prayers. Are you alright? Do you feel weak?"The woman rushed to her side and bombarded Yan with questions while feeling her pulse and temperature.

"I'm alright. thanks for taking care of me" Ai Yan thanked.

"It's no problem. Keyisi could be boil some herbs?" The woman asked her daughter.

"Yes momma"Keyisi replied and left.

"I was so worried. I thought you wouldn't wake up again. But I never gave up"The woman said.

"Ah! sorry for my rude behaviors. My name is Anan and my daughter is Keyisi. Do you remember anything about yourself? even your name?

"As far as I remember my name is Ai Yan" Ai Yan replied

"How did you get to the forest?" Anan asked.

"I and my friends went camping trip in the forest. We all separated to find a suitable and safe spot, then I heard a scream. I search where it came from but couldn't find anyone. I lost my friends and wandered for days"Ai Yan made up a story.

She wouldn't dare to tell Anan that she was reborn. And all she could do was come up with an emotional story.