
Lone Wizard

Arthur crosses into a world of harry potter and grows stronger. World hopping and cross into other worlds with this world being the base camp. Loner MC a bit dark a bit normal...a bit OP(a lot OP) but due to different worlds power.

Simpletruth · Movies
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11 Chs

Chapter 9: Sorting and Occlumency

Running up the stairs the students found prof McGonagall waiting for them.

"Students in a minute you will be sorted into your houses where you will spend the rest of your 7 years of your stay in Hogwarts."

She told the students to wait meanwhile Malfoy introduced himself to potter which sadly didn't go as well as he planned as our protagonist had already formed a friendship with Ron.

Meanwhile, Arthur was tensed whether or not the sorting hat could read or see his memories.

Not taking any chances he went ahead and brought the occlumency or closed brain surgery for 100 points reducing his total to 900 points which were saved for other unforeseen circumstances.

As soon as the occlumency took effect Arthur's face became emotionless. The earlier tension and hesitation were also wiped out.

Arthur was surprised to find that the benefit also extended to his memory which got better with the occlumency. Suddenly one student let out a cry as a whitish-grey ghost passed through his body making him feel cold. All students were surprised except for Arthur who kept a straight face irrespective of the shriek of the ghosts.

Prof McGonagall who came in also saw the scene and was impressed with Arthur. Withdrawing her gaze the professor continued her job as the door to the dining hall opened. Arthur saw the four tables of four different houses.

Coming to a stop near the teacher's table a stool was put and the sorting began.

"Abbott Hannah" the first name sounded according to the movies and the sorting began.

Arthur didn't wait too long. He was lucky to be the first one to be named as he had to avoid the eyes of two masters of cerebral surgery Snape and Dumbledore.

Walking up and almost put up the hat Arthur remembered some of the fan novels written in his previous life that the hat could pass through occlumency of the transverser. Seeing this Arthur quickly spent another 100 points to buy the memory shielding which weaved together many memories making it impossible to tell what is true and what is false.

This allowed Andrew's eyes to quickly regain their original light.

"Arthur Black" An impatient voice rang up and Arthur found himself to be the focus of everyone. Arthur quickly looked up to the teacher's chair and saw Dumbledore's standard gaze but then he frowned as he saw snape's irritating gaze. The gaze even had a touch of killing intent in it.

Arthur was very sensitive to killing intent as he had already bloodied his hand in the chronicle's world. Looking up at Snape, Arthur saw that the killing intent quickly dispelled which shows that it probably wasn't directed at him.

He put on the hat and decided to show his true memories of the orphanage and the dean to the hat.

"Hmm... An unfortunate childhood... I sorted your father too boy but no you don't belong there...

You crave revenge...I must tell you boy revenge doesn't do anyone good... Oh! I see a craving...A craving for power... Yes there is only one house for you"

"SLYTHERIN "There was normal applause from Slytherins neither close nor too far, neither hating nor cheerful. Arthur even felt that he was entering a den of politicians.

Arthur's sorting wasn't that special. The infamous surname black wasn't known to the current generation, at least not now. Soon the turn came to Harry Potter, the savior. Even the Slytherins who weren't enthusiastic were showing a kind gaze. Arthur really felt funny seeing the brain-dead performance of these people.

"GRYFFINDOR" Amid the cussing of the snakes' Harry Potter joined the lions.

Professor Dumbledore quickly finished his gibberish and said "Eat".

Immediately every bowl was filled with food. Arthur too took some and ate with relish. The constant pressure of being seen through had aroused his appetite. After the meal, the Slytherins were taken to the dungeons followed by the Hufflepuff's.

"Our house password is PureBlood as you can already guess as this house only accepts those of pureblood advocated by the founder of our house the great Salazar Slytherin"

Walking in the students saw a cozy but cold at the same time room draped in green with a fireplace too of green fire. Arthur seriously had a doubt whether Slytherin was suffering from OCD or not.

Unlike all other house Slytherin's rooms are separate courtesy of the major pureblooded founders. The rooms can be very extravagant like that of Malfoys or as barebone as that of Arthur's.

Luckily the quilt's were the same and very comfortable. Changing his clothes Arthur soon fell asleep in the comfortable bed.


The next day Arthur woke up at a normal time neither too early nor too late. He went to the hall ate his breakfast and got to the first transfiguration class. The classroom was partially empty and Arthur quickly took a seat at random.

The Slytherin's didn't attend these classes with the lions. They were sorted with the Hufflepuff's.

Arthur had already decided to show his genius courtesy of the magic talent obtained earlier.

He waved his wand and made a beautiful needle as required on the first try.

Prof McGonagall was surprised. Gave Slytherin ten points and even said to help him in his Animagus transformation in his senior years. Amid the praise Arthur's first-class soon came to an end.

The noon was free and Arthur spent his time in the library. He had already decided his image in the school, a genius boy who closes himself in the library. Chilling in the library Arthur's magic knowledge increased linearly to a scary level for elementary spells even for the graduate students.

"Umm... Can you help me? I tried this spell but it didn't work perfectly" An arrogant-looking girl with tousled hair said to Arthur with extra emphasis on the word "perfect".

Enter Hermione granger of the iron trio. Arthur didn't choose to strike back at her instead just nodded at her. If this wasn't the base world Arthur would have burst her head open with his current book he was reading but he still resisted this urge. Occlumency played a good role in this situation.

Meanwhile seeing Arthur just nod at her Hermione felt that her punch hit a soft pillow. Deciding to ignore Arthur who was indifferent and didn't decide to have a showdown contrary to her expectations Hermione too ignored him and read her own book.

Arthur withdrawing his gaze from the book saw Hermione practicing the spell and found that her learning efficiency was almost a quarter of him. Arthur nodded at this. From the system, Arthur had enquired that his talent was the peak of the world and even Dumbledore and Voldemort were barely half of him.

So seeing a quarter of his talent, Arthur also recognized her strength. Arthur went back to his book.

One boy and girl sat reading in the library peacefully as the sun slowly went down.

Sorry, The chapter was late As my univ's new semester began so chapters may be erratic.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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