
Lone Wizard

Arthur crosses into a world of harry potter and grows stronger. World hopping and cross into other worlds with this world being the base camp. Loner MC a bit dark a bit normal...a bit OP(a lot OP) but due to different worlds power.

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Chapter 10:Daily Life Till Halloween

On Friday the Slytherins had their first potions class with Gryffindor. Arthur came in with a learning attitude. No matter how many people he killed in other worlds Hogwarts was a place for him to relax his nerves but little did Arthur know that it was destined to be horror class for him.

According to the plot, Snape asked Potter:

"Potter, 'Tell me, what would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?"

"I don't know sir "

"Black, Where would you find a wolfsbane ?"

Arthur was shocked. he didn't think Snape would find him to vent his hatred. Arthur seemed to notice something regarding his parents.

Surname Black + Snape's bitter hatred = Father Sirius Black.

Arthur was shocked by his conjecture. Was it really true? To further verify his guess Arthur didn't answer the question even if he knew the answer.

"I don't know, Sir"

"Potter, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?"

"I don't know Sir"

"Black? Care to Answer ?"

"I don't know Sir"

Arthur tried to repeat Harry's word to further get on Snape's nerves as he knew that it was very difficult for an occlument to release information. Arthur's words finally played a role.

"Hmph Just likes your dad, Following Potter's every word. oh but I know you, you just work for your benefit, don't you? Just like that Traitor Father of your's SQUATTING IN AZKABAN"

Snape's voice rose a decibel with a vicious expression in the last part showing the shocked eyes of those around him. Arthur showed a surprised expression cause he finally knew at least one of his parents but he still tried to play his part.

"I have a father?"

Snape seemed to realize his gaffe and tried to divert the topic.

"Slytherin deducted 10 points." Arthur had to give it to Snape to play the mind games. This deduction was Snape's career's first-ever deduction from his own house. This surprised the student so much that they forgot the nameless father of Arthur.

It wasn't to blame any of them. They were still in their mother's womb during the era of Voldemort and didn't know the dark wizard or the cronies who fought against him.

Because of Arthur, Snape still didn't forget to berate Harry on being famous doesn't make one learn faster. He also deducted 10 points from Gryffindor for Neville messing up his potion.

"Think you would look good, Potter! won't you when your deskmate blows up his cauldron?"

"Gryffindor deducted 15 points"

Ending Snape's class the Slytherin's were deducted 10 points while the Gryffindor's a whole of 20.

Malfoy didn't seem to mind the points of him but said to Arthur:

"My mom would love to meet you. She thinks that you are more of her son than me."

Arthur nodded blankly and Malfoy's attempt to console him didn't work out at all. Malfoy didn't know that Arthur didn't need consoling at all. His cumulative age of two lives combined is more than 30 with his parents never being a part of his either life. Call him cold-blooded? Arthur thought that Slytherin was really where he belongs.


Sunday's came and it was time for the Gryffindor and Slytherins joint flight class. Madam Hooch first lectured about the basics do's and don'ts about the broom and its maintenance and finally allowed the students to come near the sticks.

"Up" Arthur whispered and his broomstick shot straight up to his hand. The all-around magic talent seemed to help him even in flying. Another person whom the broom struck to was Harry. Draco and other Slytherins soon followed. 15 min later when everyone had their brooms in their hands Neville started floating along and eventually reached the peak height and fell. Arthur wanted to save him but thought of the plot and that Neville could heal instantly with the help of Madame Pomfrey Arthur relaxed his sight's.

A muffled noise rang of a body falling on the grass. Neville broke his wrist and madam hooch escorted him to the infirmary.

Arthur was looking at the ball that fell and turned red when Hermione came near him and got angry at him :

"You could clearly save him. Why didn't you do it?"

"Save? how do you know that?" Arthur was really puzzled when Hermione knew some of his capabilities.

Seeing his questioning look: "I saw Malfoy fall from the revolving stairs and you catch him"

Finally knowing why the ball turned red Arthur relaxed.

"I know Malfoy's mother. She gave me sweets and they were very expensive. Meanwhile, I don't know Neville at all and the snot coming from his nose is disgusting."

"Arthur tried to keep himself in a standard Slytherin character the whole time angering Hermione.

"So you won't help anyone who doesn't give you benefits ?" Said Hermione suppressing her discomfort.

Arthur shrugged non- committal kicking the remembrall back to Malfoy to forward the plot

"Nobody touches their broom till I get back. Oh you poor child you are gonna be just fine"

Malfoy quickly grabbed the remembrall that fell and started taunting harry.

"Leave that alone malfoy" These words seem to divide the crowd into the reds and green. Arthur stayed in the corner not wanting to be a part of their game. He even lay down on the grass to sleep. For him, these were children's games and he fell for them many times in his previous life when he was younger gaining him a certain amount of immunity to these kind of games.

Meanwhile Hermione had already joined the reds and Malfoy had flown up.

"Come and get it, Potter"

" No Harry! remember what madam hooch said " Hermione tried her best to stop Harry but the story still happened. Malfoy threw the ball high and Harry quickly chased and caught just catching the eye of prof. McGonagall.

Arthur had the urge to curse. There could have been a million directions Malfoy could have thrown the ball but yet he still chose the tower where prof. McGonagall was correcting homework.

Harry came down amid the cheers from Gryffindor's and silence of the Slytherin's. Draco was also sad that his work instead of destroying Potter's reputation increased it further. But soon he was happy again as he saw prof. McGonagall come and take Potter away.

Arthur thought to himself whether Malfoy would cry when harry potter's seeker comes out.

The students went back to the castle on the backdrop of the setting sun.