
Lone Wizard

Arthur crosses into a world of harry potter and grows stronger. World hopping and cross into other worlds with this world being the base camp. Loner MC a bit dark a bit normal...a bit OP(a lot OP) but due to different worlds power.

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Chapter 8:Finale and return

After mary got rid of the cancer Andrew had a 2 point life between home and work. His bank balance steadily reached the 100 million mark while Matt's reached the 10 million mark. Becoming a multi-millionaire didn't change Andrew's life much. After being away for more than a month Andrew finally got a call from the school as his attendance got dangerously low. Andrew planned to drop out from school as it didn't matter much if he got a high-school diploma or not but the next mission changed all of this.

Mission: Participate in the high school talent show.

Description: To put a close to Andrew's storyline the host needs to win the prize in the talent show.

Reward: magic talent.

The reward made Andrew's eyes green. Though he could move sideways in Harry potter's world with his mental skill, he got a feeling that he couldn't block spells using his mental powers. This didn't have anything to do with his strength it was just that the mental power shield didn't recognize magic as a force to be blocked. So this magic talent was very useful for Andrew.

The next day Andrew was ready to go to school. He had brought his own car a Bugatti Chiron worth 3 million dollars. the blue colour matched well with Andrew's persona and he was happy to buy it at first glance.


In high school, a blue sports car came to a screech followed by another car. Our protagonist Andrew got out of one car followed by his cousin Matt.

"I won " Andrew showed a hippy smile.

"Damn you. let's race again" snarled Matt and then they both laughed.

Buying a sports car is a waste if you don't are with your friends. Coming to the locker room Andrew was pleased to see the carnivorous look of many girls but Andrew shook his head. He was leaving this world soon and he didn't want to share his gene. God knows if the system will make an anomaly with his DNA despite sufficient protection measures.

Meanwhile, Andrew saw his cousin Matt arguing with Casey. Money makes everyone different. When Matt was driving his broken car he was wholeheartedly committed to Casey but after getting more than ten million dollars his thoughts changed and he was often seen hanging around clubs and other places. Casey too could break up with matt but money changed all of this. Instead of breaking up, she stuck closer to him trying to control his life making Matt angrier.

Is this loss of morality or distortion of human nature? Whatever it was Andrew didn't have time to pay attention to matt playing house. He had a mission to complete. Speaking of mission Andrew finally completed the get rich mission after his assets touched a 100 million dollar mark. the rewards too were gratifying Andrew's IQ reached a total of 187 IQ without the bonus. What is this concept? Andrew found that he had got pictorial memory and was able to perfectly arrange his past memory. Andrew didn't dare to use the bonus as he had got a hunch that if his iq crossed 200 mark something similar to the lines of Lucy would happen to him.

Using his 187 IQ Andrew finally got the taste of xueba among mortals. He even got an invitation to the academic decathlon team whom he refused on the ground of working for his company. What company. Andrew had long closed down his Detmer investment company as it got boring And money became a string of numbers for him after completing the mission. Matt the only employee of the company raised dissatisfaction for this but was silenced by the ten million dollar paycheck of his share.

Going to the talent show registration Andrew met Steve who was now the student council president. Steve who saw Andrew was enthusiastic as he knew the source of Andrew's sudden wealth. The reputation of Andrew got legendary among the rich as he was a self-made multi-millionaire and he was the common enemy of the rich second generations as their parents often compared them with Andrew. Steve suddenly found his school president chair was not so fragrant anymore after seeing Andrew's achievement.

After registering for the talent show Andrew sat in his car and left for home amid the enthusiastic gaze of Steve.


After the talent show party, Andrew sat on a corner drinking a hundred thousand dollar Latife looking at the moon. The Talent show was a success and the mission was completed. At the party, many girls tried to soak Andrew but were rejected. Matt on the other hand truly showed what it meant to be rich engaging in multiplayer sports and lavish gifts. Andrew showed pity for him as he thought that ten million dollars were going to end soon for him but he didn't mean to help him anymore as he was going to leave.

The magical talent reward of the system further increased Andrew's IQ to the borderline of inhumanity at 199. This horror IQ completely opened a new world for Andrew as his memory and operation speed reached the level of computers but the only problem was that it needed too many calories as fuel.

Throwing away the glass of wine , there was a sudden pause. No sound came off the glass falling. in fact, there was no sound of anything at all. Andrew bid farewell to the world And then the world resumed with another Andrew who was the original. His memory explained to him the cause and effect and he whispered: So the devil is real.


The Hogwarts express had reached the station. Arthur regained consciousness and stumbled to the group of students who surrounded the giant Hagrid. Hagrid was seen talking to Harry and asking him about the ride. Arthur came to the green Slytherins and mixed with them. This travel to the world of chronicle has truly made him sure of his true nature and he had decided to mix well in the Slytherins as his identity did provide him with many conveniences.

Sitting on the boat with the Malfoy trios. Arthur heard them discussing Harry Potter. Seems like they didn't find Harry Potter on the train according to the plot thought Arthur. Soon The castle was visible among the fog and mist.

"Welcome to Hogwarts" Announced hagrid loudly.

The boats reached the dock and Arthur got off with other students. Remembering the sorting hat and the principal who could look through his memories Arthur hurriedly entered the system and spent a whole 100 mission fragments to redeem Occlumency. Arthur also found mind-reading among the many tricks in the system store but was shocked to see a price tag of 1000 points on it.

Arthur's current point was only around 1k as he had got 1k from the devil's mission. He did spend them but they were quickly replenished by the get rich and end of plot mission. Arthur also found many skills in the 1k, 10k, and a million skills column. From three gouyu Sharingan with 1000 points to the reincarnation eyes worth a million Arthur truly felt the omnipotence of the system.

Waking out of the system Arthur saw the class had already climbed half the stairs leaving him along in cold. Arthur quickly followed them looking forward to his Hogwart's lifestyle.