
Lone Wizard

Arthur crosses into a world of harry potter and grows stronger. World hopping and cross into other worlds with this world being the base camp. Loner MC a bit dark a bit normal...a bit OP(a lot OP) but due to different worlds power.

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Chapter 7:Business

Booking a Taxi, Andrew took Matt straight to a car dealership.

"Choose one" Matt was shocked.

"Oh don't worry the car belongs to me and you are just a driver"

Matt gave a wry smile but this didn't dampen his enthusiasm. He immediately picked a Pagani and looked at Andrew with shining eyes. Andrew beckoned to the car dealer and 10 minutes later they were on the road with Matt driving the car and howling.

"Just wait till Casey sees this " Andrew didn't dampen his enthusiasm. After telling him to drive to a blind location Andrew let Matt go.

"You sure you don't need me to drive you elsewhere" Andrew nodded and waved to Matt as he drove away to Casey's house. Sigh it's good to be young. The reason Andrew came here was for the gang hideouts. He finally found the cancer cure from the system store for a whopping 100 million dollars and 100 mission fragment points.

Putting on his 1 mission fragment worth cheap Batman suit Andrew flew to the lair of the gang boss.


Tony was very happy. the recent drug deal had made his bank balance finally cross 100 million dollars. Seeing his ever large bank account and the string of zeroes tony was very happy and rushed straight to the local brothel. He was just enjoying a girl going down on him that the roof of the room broke down and a black figure came down. Wearing a standard Batman costume, Tony could still see the immaturity bought about by his developing body and could guess that he was under 21.

"Who are you?"He asked amid the scream of the girl not even bothering to buckle up his pants. Andrew didn't even listen to him and went straight for a punch to his nose. Meanwhile, Andrew took the phone in his hand and saw the bank account number.


"I ain't telling you shit."Tony tried to pull a gun but he saw a nearby bottle break on impact with a wall and swiped right on his testicles.

swish...Mush.The sound of blood gushing out accompanied by the sound of a limb falling onto the ground were heard. Tony couldn't even process the pain as his brain had shut down due to the pain. Then the pain came accompanied by a shriek alerting the guards nearby who rushed in and vomited seeing the scene. They pulled out their gun which made Andrew frown but then he calmed his mind down.

Accompanied by a muffled and cracking sound Andre's mental power twisted their heads off.


"fuck you... Bastard"

Slash accompanied by the falling of more blood dying the carpet red.

Andrew was ruthless and made the already deep cut deeper with glass stuck on the wound.


"Fak..."This time Andrew didn't slash anymore but waited instead. Pain accompanied by gradual death makes a man more fearful than an instant one.

Sure enough, the gangster finally cracked. He whispered the password in the ear and Andrew nodded as he saw the system transfer 100 million and give a cancer medicine in his space pocket. Andrew didn't bother with the man anymore and flew out.

What Andrew didn't know was that the escort girl never left. Her family was destroyed by the gang and she had made up her mind on revenge. She had been researching and working as an escort for many years to finally get a chance to be alone with Tony. She had thought to lure Tony to spend a passionate night but who knew a mysterious man came and wiped the floor with the gang. just when she thought the man would kill Tony he didn't and flashed people.

"If you don't, I will " The girl pulled out a pocket knife and walked slowly to Tony who also finally noticed her.

"You...What are you doing?... don't come near me ." but the girl never stopped.

The moon shined above. Tonight was destined to be a killer night.


Changing back to his clothes, Andrew flew home and knocked on his door. His father opened the door with a not-so-good look causing Andrew to feel a bad hunch.

"The Reports came, it doesn't look good, " Richard said.

As Andrew got enough money his mother too became a regular visitor of the top hospital.

Andrew sighed but was happy as long as she wasn't dead. With the cancer medicine in hand, Andrew consoled his father and took time to visit his mom's sick room. He saw his mom sleeping peacefully in the bed with an iv drip and other medical instruments. Andrew walked silently and injected the serum into the IV. He was going to leave quietly but his mom woke up.

"Andrew...Andrew is that you?"

"Yes, mom. don't worry sleep well. everything is going to be fine tomorrow."

"Don't console me as a child Andrew "

"Ok, Mom You sleep well."

Andrew exited the room and a big rock fell from his cheat accompanied by the ding of a system.

Secret achievement: Man of Word. You accomplished what you set out to do however impossible it may seem further progressing your way to the strong>

Rewards: finance future skill.

Andrew immediately read the skill description. It would give a piece of random financial news to Andrew who can use it to become rich slept contently that night.


The next day Andrew woke up to find his Mom on the table with a rosy face. His father too was happy.

"Andrew you woke up. The good news is your Mom feels fine today."

Andrew nodded and accompanied her to the hospital. Undergoing checks one after another, in the end, Richard cried tears of joy seeing her cancer gone. The doctor considered it a misdiagnosis and was sincerely happy for them.

exiting the hospital Andrew immediately called his company driver Matt who too congratulated him on his mother's successful recovery. Andrew whistled and entered the Detmer investment company, he had already forecasted the major financial news of the day using the skill and was ready to make a killing in the stock market.

On the way, while reading the financial news Andrew was surprised to find the headlines of the murder of a Gangster. On reading in detail Andrew saw the whole process of the ordeal and the girl whose family was destroyed was also arrested. on the contrary, she never put up any resistance at all and gave herself up to the police. But the mystery was that she was only charged one case of murder and the remaining bodyguards whose heads were twisted off was like a ghost's work.

The girl revealed the details of the night and the pop culture further intensified the influence of the case. Many calling him batman in real life while some calling for arrest. Putting aside these thoughts Andrew quickly switched to work mode amidst the backdrop of a sunny morning in Seattle.

My first dark plot experience. Protagonist cold and ruthless.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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