
Lightning Human in MHA

A 16 year old boy named Nakada Ichirou, died in a plane crash, because he was one of only few who deserve a second chance, he gets reborn in the world of MHA with a few wishes. ---------------------------- This is my first time writing a fanfic, I plan to stay consistent and release one chapter a week It won't be harem, I'll focus on only one love interest, I'll make it so the MC doesn't get super OP right away.

Digital_Ink · Anime & Comics
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81 Chs


I did it! I made a pat-reon. pat-reon.com/Kerolos_Hanna. or just look up Kerolos_Hanna. I have five chapters a head, and I will publish three chapters a week.

I also made it very cheap. So check it out!!


After the sports festival ceremony, All the students went back to their classes after they changed.

"Good work out there, I think you all did great. And even if you think you didn't, you still have the rest of this year, and the next two years to improve yourselves. I'm certain some of you figured out your own weaknesses during this festival, which is good. The sooner you work on your weaknesses, the sooner you can improve and overcome them." - Mr. Aizawa

"Yes Sir!" - The entire class said in unison

"You all don't have school for the next three days. I'm sure the pros who watched the festival will want to recruit some of you. We'll update you when you come back from your break. Don't do anything crazy over the break, rest up you still have more training to do when you come back. See you all next week" - Mr. Aizawa said before he left the class.

"I can't wait to get home" - Uraraka said in a tired tone

"Yeah, I'm tired as well" - Midoriya didn't sound any better

"Hey Aska, what do you plan on doing this week? Anything planed yet?" - Momo came up to Aska

"I have nothing planned yet. We have three days off and then the weekend, that gives us five days off, so maybe I'll just chill at home, who knows" - Aska shrugged

After some more chatting Aska got up to leave. 'It seems that Iida's brother wasn't hurt by Stain' Aska thought to himself as he saw Iida chatting with Uraraka and Midoriya.

As Aska was walking off school grounds, he saw his parents waiting for him at the entrance.

"Why are you still here? I had to go back to class, you should've went home ahead." - Aska

"We wanted to pick you up. Besides, we didn't wait long. Come on lets go home, you must be hungry" - Mom

"Yeah, and tired too" - Aska didn't argue with his mother, he just slumped on the back seat of the car

After a short drive, they made it home safely. That evening, they had dinner together and went to sleep.


The next morning Aska woke up on the sound of his phone ringing. Looking up with sleepy eyes, Aska sees "Lenox" on the screen.

"Hello" - Aska answered with a sleepy voice

"You're still sleeping?" - Lenox

"What do you want?" - Aska

"Can't a guy congratulate his friend?" - Lenox

"Thanks, I'm gonna go back to sleep now" - Aska

"I guess anyone can win the sports festival these days huh?" - Lenox

Aska's sleepy eyes opened wide and he sat up,

"You jealous son of a bitch. You're just mad because I have a gold medal and you don't" - Aska

"HAHA! I'll get my gold medal next week" - Lenox

"You have a sports festival as well?" - Aska

"We call it Atlas Hero Tournament. But its basically the same." - Lenox

"I wish you the best, just keep in mind, if you don't get that gold medal, I'll make fun of for the rest of time." - Aska

Lenox can almost feel Aska smirk on the other end of the phone.

"Don't worry, I'll win a bigger gold medal than yours" - Lenox

"It's not about the size" - Aska

"..." - Both of them go quite for a moment

"hahahaha" Both burst into laughter

After some more chatting, Aska ended the call with Lenox

'Well, I can't sleep now. I might as well get up' - Aska got off his bed, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

His dad was already at work, only his mom is still sleeping. Going down stairs, he started making breakfast.

'I'll keep it simple, eggs, bacon, toast and some orange juice...orange juice? Fuck that! I'm pouring apple juice'

Thirty minutes later, Aska was almost done with the breakfast, He went upstairs to wake his mother up.

Aska opened the door to her room,

"Good morning Aska" - Mom was already awake

"Good morning mom. I made breakfast" - Aska

"I know, I can smell it from here. Just give a moment I'll be there" - Mom

While eating breakfast, mom kept showing me all the pictures she took of me during the tournament.

"This one looks so cool. It's the one where All Might gave you the gold medal. I'll frame it on the wall"

"Those are some nice pictures you took" - Aska

"Not as nice as the pictures the reporters took" - Mom opened an online magazine using her phone, the front cover was a picture of me on the floating arena, with lightning flickering around me, my eyes were lit florescent blue, and I had a serious face. There was debris all around.

"Holy shit! That makes me look like a villain!" - Aska

"Or a badass hero!" - Mom added with a proud look on her face.

"Yeah I guess." - Aska

"I got a call from all of my friends yesterday. They couldn't believe my son was so strong" - Mom

"Really?" - Aska replied in small statements or just one word. He was more focused on the food.

"Some of them even want to come and see you. Though that slimy witch Tena wants to come too. She has a daughter. I bet that witch wants to take you for her daughter. They always wanted to marry into a hero family" - Mom didn't sound too happy about this Tena person

"I'll just say hi before I leave" - Aska

"Where you heading to?" - Mom

"No place in particular. I'll head to the mall, do some shopping. I want some new shoes. I might buy some cloths while I'm at it. Then head somewhere to eat, maybe go walk on the beach a bit. It's been a while since I had some free time, so I want to get some fresh air" - Aska

"Not a bad idea. Enjoy. Oh! Do you need money for your shopping?" - Mom

"I saved up money to go shopping, but if your going to give me more, I won't say no" - Aska said jokingly

*sigh* mom shook her head at Aska

After breakfast, Aska went upstairs to laze around a bit before going out.

Three hours later Aska can feel 5 people walking through the front yard.

'They're here. Good, I was just about to leave'

Making his way downstairs he saw 3 women the same age as his mother, and a boy and a girl the same age as himself.

"Hello, everyone. Mom, I'm heading out" - Aska kept it short, and tried to leave.

"Now, now, why don't you come over here and say hi. I never got to meet you before" - A short fat middle aged woman with brown hair, and brown eyes.

She came up to Aska and dragged him by his arm.

"uhm...Hello. I just have to leave. I got people waiting on me" - Aska lied

"I'm sure they can wait. Come, come" - The fat lady.

'*sigh* Fine. I'll spend a few minutes saying hi to them, then I'll leave' - Aska thought as he was dragged to the Livingroom along with the rest of the group.

"This is Tena, she's my friend, this is Ina, her older twin sister and also my friend. This is Tama, Tena's daughter. And this young man here is Inzo, Ina's son. This right here is Marie, we were classmates back in high school" - Mom

"Hello everyone. I'm very glad to have seen you. Anyway, mom, I've got to go. I'll eat out so don't wait on me" - Aska tried to slip through again but Tena grabbed his arm again

"Have a seat with us, we want to have a chat, we won't hold you long. Just 10 minutes" - Tena said with a slimy smile on her face.

'What a fake smile. I see why mom calls her slimy' Aska knew that if he gave her an inch, she'll take a mile. So he had to make it clear to her.

"I understand but I have errands to run, and people are waiting on me. So I'll have to leave you in 5 minutes" - Aska. 'Five minutes and I'll dip'

Aska couldn't wait for those five minutes to be over.

*Five Minutes Later*

'Holy shit mom. Your friends are weird' Aska thought as he ran out of the house.

Tena was slimy and clingy, Her daughter kept trying to touch my face. Ina, was aggressive, she didn't like anything I said. And her son that idiot Inzo, kept trying to wrestle me. And the last person that Marie was alright, she's not too weird, she's just a tad bit quite. So at least someone is sane in mom's friend group.

Currently Aska is in the mall, walking through different shops looking for a specific type of sneakers.

While he was walking some people came up to him asking him if he was in the sports festival. He said yes and some people even took pictures with him.

It all felt awkward for Aska, but he didn't run away from it. He wanted to get used to all those people being around him. 'If I'll become the number one, then I'll get surrounded by people like that all the time'

After getting through the small crowd of people, he walked to a different store, just to brows.

*ring ring*

Aska's phone starts ringing. Looking at the phone he sees "Mr. Zenitsu"

"Hello?" - Aska

"Hey Aska. Where are you right now?" - Mr. Zenitsu

"I'm in the mall" - Aska wasn't too sure why would he ask, but he answered anyway

"Which part in the mall?" - Mr. Zenitsu

"The second floor near the west side of the mall" - Aska, still not sure what is this all about

"ok" - Mr. Zenitsu hung up after that

'humm? Weird' - Aska kept walking around not caring much. Today is his day off after the sports festival and he wasn't going to let anything distract him.

"Aska is that you?" - Aska heard a voice from behind him.

"Hum?" - Aska turned around to see Mr. Zenitsu

"Mr. Zenitsu. What are you doing here?" - Aska

"Oh good, I found you. I went to your house, your mother said you were here, I've been searching for you for some time. Anyway, how are you doing?" - Mr. Zenitsu

"I'm doing great. How about you?" - Aska

"I'm doing great" - Mr. Zenitsu

"Do you want to go get something to eat or drink something?" - Aska offered, knowing that Mr. Zenitsu is here for a reason, and it'll be easier to talk over a drink

"That would be great. I have something to tell you anyway" - Mr. Zenitsu

After making their way to the food court, they got some food, found a table and sat down.

"So there is this trip that I want to take you on. It's a great chance, I don't want you to miss it" - Mr. Zenitsu

"Where would we be going?" - Aska

"To Venezuela" - Mr. Zenitsu

"Venezuela? Why?" - Aska

"In two days one of the largest natural lightning events will take place there. I go there every year, but this year it's going to be the biggest. I had planned to take you there long ago, but when I saw how you created your final attack in the sports festival, I knew that you must go there" - Mr. Zenitsu

"I'll ask mom. Chances are she'll say no, but I'll try anyway" - Aska

"Sure. Also, Ogre is going as well. When I told him I'm going to take you there, he decided to come too. I'm sorry" - Mr. Zenitsu

"Don't apologize Mr. Zenitsu. It's ok, he can come, that's if I can go anyway" - Aska

Aska spent some more time talking with Mr. Zenitsu. It was refreshing talking with someone who had similar abilities as him, that wasn't the dumb blond from his class. Aska was already stronger that Mr. Zenitsu, or at least he thought so. But Mr. Zenitsu is much more experienced than him. His understanding of lightning is higher than Aska's.

Mr. Zenitsu can use his breathing technique to gather the electric charges in the air and channel them through his body to promote self-healing, something Aska hasn't figured out yet.

'I think because of the haki in my body, my physique is more durable that normal people. Even without directly using it. I never get sick, or ill, my wounds heal faster, and my base power without lightning or haki is much higher' - Aska thought as he contemplated about his short comings, and his strong points

"Well, I've got to go now Mr. Zenitsu. I'll call you and let you know what mom says" - Aska

'If I want to go to Venezuela, then I've got to make one more stop before going home' - Aska thought as he navigated his way towards another store.

After some time, Aska made it home with some shopping bags.

"Mom! I'm home!" - Aska

"Welcome home. Did you meet Mr. Zenitsu. He came looking for you after you left. I sent him to the mall" - Mom

"Yeah, I ran into him. " - Aska

"What did he want anyway?" - Mom

"Before that. I want to show you something" - Aska took out two shopping bags.

From the first bag he pulled out some baby cloths, and from the second a pair of baby shoes.

"OH MY GOD, These are soooo cute" - Mom grabbed them

"Yeah, I saw them and thought I might get it" - Aska scratched the back of his as he laughed

Mom was in her own little world, happy with the cute little baby shoes until,

"HOLD IT! What is this about" - Mom shouted

"What do you mean?" - Aska

"You, buying baby cloths out of no where, what are you plotting here?" - Mom narrowed her eyes at Aska

"Nothing, I just thought they looked cute, so I got them for our newest family member" - Aska defended himself

"Aska Minamoto, I swear to god if you don't tell me what you're up to this moment, nothing good will happen to you" - Mom threatened

"I'm not up to anything" - Aska raised his hand like he was getting arrested by a cop

*~~STARE~~* mom glared at Aska for a minute,

"FINE! Mr. Zenitsu wants to take me somewhere and I wanted to get your permission, that's all" - Aska

"You knew I would say no, so you tried to swindle me with baby clothes!?" - Mom

"No, I just thought those were cute, really!" - Aska

"Fine what is it?" - Mom

"He plans to take me to Venezuela" - Aska

"Venezuela? Why?" - Mom


Don't forget to check out my pat-reon! (Kerolo_Hanna)

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