A 16 year old boy named Nakada Ichirou, died in a plane crash, because he was one of only few who deserve a second chance, he gets reborn in the world of MHA with a few wishes. ---------------------------- This is my first time writing a fanfic, I plan to stay consistent and release one chapter a week It won't be harem, I'll focus on only one love interest, I'll make it so the MC doesn't get super OP right away.
I never thought I would die in a falling air plane. I never feared flying before. My name is Nakada Ichirou I am 16 years old and, Currently I'm heading straight towards the ground inside a plane.
All the passengers are screaming and honestly, I'm scared as well. I was never big on religion, but God please help us. My mom sitting next to me, she looks at me with tears in her eyes. Before I could say anything to comfort my mom about our upcoming death, I hear a loud crash and then everything turns dark.
I don't know where I am right now but I'm standing on what seems to be a cloud a few feet a head of me there are stairs leading up but I couldn't see the end of them. After what seemed like ten minutes, I see a man walking down the stairs. He looked to be in his twenties thick brown hair, symmetrical face with no flaws, with bright green eyes that looked very sharp, he looked perfect like a painting. He was wearing all white, and when he was about ten steps up the stairs, he stopped.
"Well Nakada, can you guess where you are?" Asked me the man.
'How would I know?' Nakada thought to himself.
"I can read your mind, and I know you have your own guesses as to where you are."
"I remember dying, and from the looks of it this is where I get judged, and you are God, correct?" asked Nakada.
"You are spot on, but you see, you are what I call special, so instead of going to hell or heaven, since you died because of a fight between my pets, as a sign of apology I let be reborn into any world you want, I could even send you back to your world, but I'll erase your memories" said God
Something caught Nakada's attention "what do you mean because of your pets? And what do you mean I'm special?"
God showed a little smile "I have many pets two of whom like to playfight a lot, your flight happened to be passing through the area where the fighting was happening, though I told them to play in one of the major worlds, but they never listen, but I reprimanded them harshly as for the reason why you're special, you were born under a star I created, and thought it would be a shame if you died so soon" said God to Nakada.
"Ok, what about the whole being reborn thing? Does everyone on the flight get to have this chance, and could I ask to be reborn from my mom?" Asked Nakada without hesitation.
"To answer your questions, I will let you chose any world you want and I'll give you three wishes, and no, not everyone who was on your flight get to be reborn, this is a rare chance that only handful throughout time had this opportunity, which means, no you can't have the same mother again, since she already joined the rest of the dead." Answered God patiently, and made sure to answer all of his questions.
Nakada was a little sad that he won't see his mother again, and he isn't even sure if after he dies for the second time he would be able to see her or not. God could clearly see Nakada's thoughts but God chose to not answer his concerns.
After Nakada thoughts calmed down a bit, God started the conversation again, "Well young man what do you chose?"
"I think I would take you up on your offer, but I want to know if there is a catch to all of this?"
God smiled again and said "No catch, I'm just making sure you have the chance you deserve to have, well then what world do you want to go to?"
"I am an anime fan, so I'll go to an anime world.....I think I want to go to MHA" said Nakada and after some thinking, chose my hero academia world.
"Not a bad choice, before we get to the wishes, do you want to keep your same appearance or do you want to change it? I'll also let you pick when and where to be reborn."
After some more thinking Nakada answered "I want to look like Killua Zoldyck from HunterXHunter, I want to be reborn around the same time as the main cast in japan"
"Done! Now moving on to the wishes, If you pick any super power, it will translate to a quirk when you're reborn, if you don't, then your quirk will be random, also no wishing for more wishes you only have three"
"Understood, then I want to have the abilities of the Goro Goro no Mi from one piece, but with no drawbacks and For my secon-"
"Before you go any further I want you to know that I won't give you your power all at once, you'll have to train to reach the level you saw in the one piece anime, also you will have to awaken your quirk if you ant the ability of perfect intangibility like in the show." After God finished explaining, Nakada waited a few seconds to make sure God was done explaining, then he asked "Does that mean physical attacks can hurt me till I awaken my quirk?"
"Yes and no, Before you awaken your quirk you can only turn about half of your body into lightning and become intangible, but that's as much as you can do, also the maximum amount of lightning you can produce is one hundred million volts but that's just your max until you awaken your quirk." God Clarified to Nakada.
"Ok, that's great, Then for my second wish I want to have three types of Haki and their advanced forms as well"
"I can guarantee you will get observation haki when you get your quirk at four years old, as for armament haki, you will have to learn some form of martial art and work out a lot to awaken armament haki. Obviously with training you can make your haki stronger and even move on to their advanced forms. But conqueror's haki is a different story. You need to have the qualities of a king to awaken that, and even if you awaken conquer's haki you may not awaken advance conqueror's haki. It's entirely based on how strong is your will."
"That makes sense, ok for my last wish, I want it so that no one can cancel or steal my quirk" said Nakada.
"Easy enough!" Said God. "Well… off you go, enjoy yourself Nakada"
In Nakada's view everything got dark and then there was a light at the end that he could barely see.
"One more push Mrs. Minamoto the baby is almost out!"
(A/N): hello everyone, I hope you liked the chapter. This is my first time writing, so feel free to leave me your opinions.
Since I want the MC to have original moves, please leave me any suggestions for future use.