
Life In Extended Twilight (Dropped)

Guy is thrown into Twilight but has no clue how he got there it was no wishes or meeting anyone but how come he still has a power.

KillingSoftly · Movies
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30 Chs

13) Girls Day...

Artemis met the two of them and his mother and Esme fell in love with the little girl, his mom was happy that she was a grandmother even if it wasn't biological. They fused over the girl for the rest of the day, Cory was left to the side with his dad who could only watch on the side as the girl got spoiled.

The next day he was left in bed alone as Rosalie left with his mother, Artemis, Alice, and Esme not even Jasper got to go.

------Rosalie POV

She woke up early and kissed Cory on the forehead before leaving, they had been sleeping together ever since their secrets came out his parents not minding. She went to the little bed they kept on the side and woke up Artemis who was still drowsy she rubbed her eyes before smiling at Rosalie.

Rosalie brushed her hair while getting her out some clothes, "Come on hurry we have to go and meet up with your grandmas downstairs and Aunt Alice is waiting too."

"What about Daddy?" She asked looking over at Cory who had went back to sleep.

"It is just us girls today, Daddy is going to stay home with your grandpa and your uncles alright?" Rosalie answered with a smile, she pulled out a little blue dress that Alice had bought and brought over the moment she learned about her.

Artemis nodded and after she was dressed she went and gave Cory a kiss on the cheek before leaving the room with her mother, though she wanted her daddy to join too. Rosalie knew that and she wanted to be with him too but this day was already planned out so she couldn't ignore it, plus girls day!

When they got downstairs it was already 9am Rachel had already made breakfast for them so she helped Artemis into a seat and started to make her a plate. Cory had already changed her for the day before she came down, they ate like a family Rachel smiling the entire time at the two of them.

"Well we are just waiting for Esme and Alice to get back they ran to the store to grab something Alice had ordered last night." Rachel said taking a napkin and wiping the syrup from Artemis's mouth with a loving smile.

"That's fine, well what do we have planned first? Alice wouldn't tell me about today and knowing her she did plan everything." Rosalie said holding in a moan at how good the pancakes they were eating were.

Before Rachel could answer Alice skipped in singing, "What would be the fun in telling you now when we can surprise you later. I already kept it from them since I knew you wouldn't be able to hold in your curiosity."

It was true she had a problem with surprises if they weren't from Cory then she didn't like them, and Alice had a problem with giving out the worst surprises. Though they weren't that bad they were sometimes unwelcome and she had to suffer through the day learning something she really didn't want to learn.

After washing Artemis's face they left out she took her daughters hand and they walked out to the car, they weren't going to Port Angeles instead they were going out to Seattle. Though it was a longer drive it had what Alice wanted to do there, Port Angeles was to little of a town to have everything she wanted to do.

Rosalie could see how excited Artemis was to go out into the world, this was their first outing out together so of course she was also excited. This was good practice for when she finally had her first kid with him she was going to use this as practice to work out her parenting skills.

The drive took two hours before they had to board a fairy boat to cross over to get into Seattle, Alice smiled happily looking at them all, "Well we got here perfect time it is already noon and we have a painting class to get to, it is painting and wine so it isn't all boring."

Rosalie looked down at Artemis then back at Alice, "And what about her?" she said Alice got the meaning and smiled.

"I'm sure they will have something for her when we get there, it did say on the website that they welcomed kids too." Alice ruffled Artemis's hair while saying that making her giggle. "Well lets go."

They went into the city and it didn't take long for them to reach the place, it was a studio which was half full with people from teens all the way to housewives. The instructor was a woman who looked like she was all about yoga and good vibes, that was Rosalie's first thoughts when she looked at the hippy woman.

Artemis was swinging her arm back and forth as she led them to a place that had a canvas and easel already set up, "Mommy are you a good painter?" Artemis asked her innocently looking at her with doe eyes.

She couldn't tell her the truth that she was actually a horrible painter even after years of doing it and trying to learn from Alice the best she could do were stick figures. Looking down at Artemis who was watching her with hopeful eyes she put on a shaky but confident smile, "Of course sweetie I am the best."

Rosalie had to stop herself from hitting a laughing Alice who was behind her with Esme who was holding in her laugh, Rachel was smiling at the scene. Artemis was looking at her with worshiping eyes, "Wow awesome, then we should draw a paint a good picture for daddy." her face was determined she was daddy's girl already.

Holding in a groan that wanted to escape she nodded a her daughter but when she turned around her confident smile slipped and she looked like she was about to cry. Rachel saw that and almost busted out laughing, she remembered when Cory was young and he would ask similar questions, it was normal for young kids to have hero worship of their parents.

Smiling she walked over to her own easel, Rosalie was trying her best not to sweat looking at the easel. The instructor was leading them in drawing they could do anything they wanted but she was leading them to make something creative, Rosalie was plenty but she couldn't actually draw it.

Looking over at Artemis she was happily drawing on her easel, her face looked so concentrated while she worked on her painting though it was amateur at best it still looked good. She looked back at her own which was suppose to be a painting of a field which was something she thought would be simple and easy but it was looking nothing like she imagined.

Alice was two down from her and her painting was getting praises from the instructor while her moms were laughing while drinking wine not really caring if their work was good or not. Artemis stopped and looked over at her painting with squinting eyes, "That's a good abstract painting mommy." Though not knowing what it fully meant she heard the teacher explain it so she thought that was what she was drawing.

Rosalie smiled a little letting out an embarrassed laugh, "Thank you sweetie, what are you drawing?" It looked like people but she couldn't recognize them so she thought she would ask.

"Silly mommy this is you and daddy, and the little girl you are holding is me." Artemis said pointing to each person and while it didn't exactly look like them it was way better than anything she could ever do, it made her feel proud and a little disappointed (in her own of course).

"Wow my daughter is so awesome being able to paint so well." Rosalie said kissing her on the cheek while praising her, Artemis's smile grew and she giggled loving being praised by her mother.

The rest of class was spent with Rosalie trying her best while Alice hovered around her laughing and talking, Artemis didn't speak much she was to into her painting for that. When it was over she had something not really sure she could call it a painting but it was something that Artemis praised her for so she felt proud of herself.

"Well that was a delight." Rachel said a pink hue on her cheeks from being a little intoxicated, Esme had a matching look and nodded along with her, "What's next Alice?"

"Well there are actually two different classes we can do next before we do the final thing we can take a cooking class downtown or we can go to a make your own jewelry class."

"Cooking!" Rosalie said deciding for them she knew that her jewelry would be terrible and her cooking skills were coming along so she wanted to show off to Artemis. Thankfully no one disagreed and they went off to the class she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding.

"So is it a specific class?" Esme asked when they were driving down the road.

"No it didn't go into detail but it did say it taught different things from regular entrees to bakery so I guess it just depends or it is all one class." Alice said as she drove she was the only one who didn't drink, and since they had the body of a human currently Esme actually was a little tipsy.

"Okay well that is fine." Esme was a all around class cooker so she was okay with any type of cooking class that they would take.

When they got there the class was about to begin and like Alice though it was a full meal cooking class, it was also going to be their lunch for the day. They got into the full swing of it and couldn't help but smile when Artemis got flour all over her face from the cookie mix.

The class was actually pretty easy for her since the meal was something she had actually had down to a tee, it was stuffed bell peppers and their deserts was double fudge cookies. Artemis was drooling by the time all the food was done, she sat in her lap as they ate, she tuned out everyone else scarfing down her food sitting back and patting her belly when she was fully.

Rosalie looked at her with love in her eyes though it had only been a day this little girl owned her heart even if she was a spirit and not her daughter she was slowly starting to see her as her daughter. They left after that and it was getting late so they went to the last place it was just a karaoke place where the adults where going to have drinks while singing.

Artemis was excited when they walked inside and she tugged Rosalie to sign up she didn't ask her to sing with her but she did tell her that her song was dedicated to her. Rosalie and everyone else's heart melted when she said that and they grabbed a table to wait for her turn.

When it was time she walked up there and the place went quite a little seeing such a cute little girl go on the stage, "This one is for my beautiful mommy, love you mommy." Artemis said blowing a kiss to Rosalie who blew one back.

(The Best Day

Song by Taylor Swift) Listen to it while reading this part it helps!

I'm five years old, it's getting cold, I've got my big coat on

I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run

Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold

I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home

I don't know why all the trees change in the fall

But I know you're not scared of anything at all

Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away

But I know I had the best day with you today

When her voice was heard it was like angels singing she had a real talent for it and everyone was sucked into the song, she slowly swayed on the stage. When she said today she looked right at Rosalie and gave her a beautiful smile, everyone in the room was captured by her voice and stopped talking to listen to her.

I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean

I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys

And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away

And we talk and window shop 'til I've forgotten all their names

I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school

But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you

Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay

But I know I had the best day with you today

I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger

God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am

I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run

And I had the best days with you

There is a video I found from back when I was three

You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me

It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs

And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world

And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall

I know you were on my side even when I was wrong

And I love you for giving me your eyes

For staying back and watching me shine

And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say

That I had the best day with you today

Rosalie had tears going down her cheeks through the song she could imagine it all with her raising Artemis with Cory along with more of their children, she smiled lovingly at her daughter. Artemis ran off the stage to the sound of applause and went right up to her, "Didn't you like it mommy? Why are you crying?" she asked her looking a little panicked.

"Oh of course I loved it sweetheart, I should have recorded it I'm sure you dad would have loved it too." Rosalie said picking her up and sitting her in her lap hugging her close, this little girl just kept making her heart melt.

"Don't worry I got it." Rachel said while wiping her tears she had started recording right when she had began to sing it she knew that this was a special moment and she wanted it for herself.

They all told her what a good job she did and the rest of the time they took turns going up to sing even Artemis and Rosalie doing a duet, even if she wasn't as good it was beautiful. Rosalie got to experience what it was truly like to be a mother today and while she still need experience raising a baby she was happy to have Artemis in her life.

She had to Cory to thank for all of this and she was going to make sure to reward him when she got home that night, even willing to take the next step in their relationship.

(Next chapter has a short R-18 be warned, I wont be doing a lot of these only like special moments like this.)

Girls Day!!! Listen to the song when you get to that part it helps you get the idea of it.

KillingSoftlycreators' thoughts