
Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP

[System Has Awakened] [Greetings Host, and welcome to the 'Love Tap' System] Zephyr blinked a few times before voicing his thoughts out loud. "The what through the what system?" ['Love Tap' System] The robotic voice repeated. "What is it?" [Thanks to this system, the host will gain experience points and skills for performing nightly activities with various women or men... My job isn't to judge.] *Cough* Zephyr coughed and quickly corrected the voice, "Women. Definitely, women..." [Alongside the primary function, the host can also gain various bonuses thanks to completing achievements.] "Sounds great." Zephyr grinned. "Sign me up!" _______________ 200 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter _______________ A/N: The synopsis is temporary so it will probably change in the future. This is my first attempt at a smut novel so please go easy on me. I have an idea for a weird but interesting power/leveling system so this won't be just pure smut. However, it might end up being quite fast-paced at times. This will have no Yaoi, no Yuri, no NTR (Although the MC might steal women from others) and no other not-so-fun stuff like non-consent. A minor spoiler for the first chapter, the MC grew up with his family but finds out he isn't related to them, not even on paper. There is some mystery to this and a reason for it but given the genre of the novel, I think you all should know where I'm going with this ;) I hope fellow Daoists join me on this journey of writing an R18 Novel and help me out from time to time! The cover is mine (AI generated unfortunately for now) I made a nice title for it but apparently adding a title makes it inappropriate.

Smutmeister · Fantasy
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7 Chs

What Rumours?

Having looked through all the system notifications, Zephyr decided to go to his personal training room.

He planned to create his first Mana Heart and, at the same time, awaken as a Magus.

Zephyr stood up and got out of bed naked as the day he was born.



Just as Zephyr was about to ring the nearby bell to call someone, a series of knocks came from the door.

"Young Master, Miss Fey told me to come and help you get dressed."


A beautiful maid with short red hair and green eyes entered and bowed politely.

"I will get started right away."

With that, the young maid started to dress Zephyr, all while sneaking glances at his divine rod.

This did not go unnoticed by Zephyr.

'Why is she constantly looking down there?'

As she was about to finish, she glanced again at his little brother, then right after their eyes met.

"Ah!" She yelped.

"I-I'm all done."

Then, blushing, she ran out of the room like a frightened bunny.

"What's going on? The maid's never acted like that," Zephyr scratched his head, confused by the new development.

Despite being the only 'son' of the Frost family, Zephyr found himself ignored by his family maids and staff members.

While no members of the house abused or neglected Zephyr, they would never act like that around him.

"Meh, it doesn't matter," he shrugged and left his room.




Zephyr walked into a large circular room.

It was roughly 25 meters in diameter.

Various magic circles and runes covered the ground and walls.

They were there as safety precautions and a tool that helped gather and condense mana during meditation.

It increased the gathering rate by ten times.

While it was a useless tool to him, Zephyr couldn't help but marvel at his family's wealth and resources.

For example, such a setup with only an increase of two times would still cost enough to feed an entire village for five years.

"This is what you call generational wealth," Zephyr said, smirking and sitting in the centre of the room.

'Alright, let's do this,' hyping himself up, Zephyr opened the system window.

He pressed the button to create a 'Mana Heart'.

A blue pillar of light suddenly shot out of Zephyr and illuminated the room.

"Is that it? Then what was that 'danger' thing about?"


A system notification sounded in Zephyr's head.

[Time Remaining Until Mana Heart Formation: 12:00:00]


"I have to wait half a day? Oi, are you ignoring me? Explain!" Zephyr snapped at the system.

[During the 'Mana Heart' Formation, The Host's Mana Will Be Unstable Which Will Leave The Host Potentially Vulnerable During A Mana Surge]

"What about having to wait?"

[Something Cannot Be Created Out Of Nothing]


Zephyr took a moment to gather his thoughts.

'I guess this is still a cheat. From what I remember hearing, it takes, on average, roughly four days for someone to form their first Mana Heart. So, twelve hours is an insane difference, especially when I don't have to do anything.'

Zephyr smiled like a fool, "I guess this is what they call a golden spoon."

"I guess I should go eat something."




Zephyr left his training room and started walking towards the dining room.

Unlike earlier, the corridors were filled with servants as the house was now active and wide awake.

As he walked through the corridors, he noticed some strange things.

First of all, everyone seemed to be busy and running around frantically.

While it wasn't unusual for the staff to be busy, Zephyr found it odd that they were acting as if there was an emergency.

The second thing that he found strange was how the maids acted.

They'd whisper as soon as they saw Zephyr coming.

Some giggled and blushed like a schoolgirl, while others avoided his gaze and bowed their heads.

Zephyr had an idea as to what may have happened.

An idea that would quickly make him spiral.

'Fucking Fey. What the fuck did she say this time?'

Zephyr asked himself as he walked a warpath.

Then he had a lightbulb moment and froze still in place.

Dread spread over his face as all colour drained from it.

'The maids were giggling and whispering as soon as I walked by. Some avoided looking at me altogether… There is no way she spread a rumour saying I'm small…'

"AHHH!" Zephyr screamed out loud and decided there was only one way to find out what was happening.

'If I ask Fey, she will never tell me. I have to find someone else and ask them. I swear to god, if she spread that, then…'

Zephyr froze once more.

'Then what? It's not like I can walk around with my bird just hanging out, and if I get Fey to say she lied, then I will look pathetic, and everyone will think that the rumours are definitely true.'

He sighed deeply and decided to take things one step at a time.

'Right, let's just find out what's happening first.'

Moments later, Zephyr managed to run into the maid who had dressed him earlier.

"Wait a moment. I need to ask you something," he called out to the maid.

The maid jumped in surprise and instantly turned to face Zephyr.

As soon as she saw Zephyr's face, she bowed as low as possible.

"H-hello, young master. Please ask me anything."

"What's going on with everyone today? Why are the other maids giggling and whispering whenever I walk by?" He asked in an inquisitive and authoritative tone.


"That what? Come on, spit it out…"

"Because Miss Fey didn't return to her room last night, the head maid interrogated her in front of everybody."

"And? What does that have to do with me?"


"It's fine to say it. I promise I won't be angry with you."

After being encouraged and assured by Zephyr, the maid continued.

"She revealed how she had spent the night with the young master, and everybody became happy and excited."

"Huh?" Zephyr couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

'Happy and excited? Happy and excited about what? Is it that amazing that I slept with a woman?'

"Why would everyone become happy and excited?" Zephyr asked, confusion clear as day on his face.

"Well… I'm unsure if the young master is aware, but there are rumours about the young master."

"What rumours? About how I'm incapable of becoming a Magus?"

"NO, NO, NO!" The maid panicked and kotowed in front of Zephyr.

Speaking of the Zephyr, not being a Magus was taboo within the Frost family's territory.

At best, one would be imprisoned and put to hard labour.

At worst, their entire family would die.

This, however, was not something known by Zephyr, who was blissfully ignorant of the matter.

"What are you doing? Get up, or you'll hurt your knees."

Zephyr grabbed the girl by her arms and lifted her to her feet.

"T-thank you, young master," the girl blushed.

"It's fine. Now tell me what rumour."

"The rumour was that the young master preferred the company of men…" As the last words came out of her mouth, she lowered her head, trying to avoid Zephyr's eyes.

'What? They thought I was gay?'


'Oi, don't you laugh too… But I need to know…'

"Why did they think that?" He asked.

"The young master would only approach men without showing interest in the maids, so everyone just thought…"

'Ahhh, I want to cry… I only spent so much time around men because they helped me with my training and education when I was stuck…'

"Haa, then what about now?" He sighed.

"Thanks to Miss Fey, everyone knows the rumours are false and are wondering who the young master might call next for the nightly service."

"Is that why some avoid looking at me or even run away?"

'I mean, I'm not surprised. I'd try to run and hide, too, if I had to sleep with my boss without being able to refuse.'

"Ha ha ha," the maid giggled, grabbing Zephyr's attention.

"What's funny?"

Wiping a tear from her eye, the maid beamed, "Young master, have you looked in the mirror recently?"

"I have."

"Then you should be well aware of your looks. I don't think there is a single woman out there that would reject sleeping with you, young master, and that's without considering your identity."

Because Zephyr was so engrossed in getting stronger, gaining knowledge and finding a way to awaken, he ignored everything else.

Thanks to this, he was unaware that his looks were otherworldly and sent the hearts of women fluttering whenever he walked past.

The only thing that quelled this was that everyone believed Zephyr played for the same team.

But now that this was disproven, all the floodgates were opened.

As soon as Zephyr leaves the Frost estate, he will discover just how troublesome his looks are.

Having been complimented for his looks the first time, Zephyr couldn't help but grin.

He decided to tease the maid in front of him.


Zephyr performed a wall slam against the maid and got close to her.

Looking down at the maid, he asked, "Oh? Does that include you?"

The maid's heart beat wildly as she blushed and avoided Zephyr's piercing gaze.

"If the young master was fine with someone like me…"

"Why would anyone be against embracing such a cute girl?" He winked.

Then, as an afterthought, he asked a question.

"Oh, right. Why is it so hectic this morning?"

"Ah!" The maid yelped.

"That's right. I'm sorry, young master, but I almost forgot that I must finish my work. Young Lady Seraphina is supposed to return soon."

"Big sister is coming back home already?"

Zephyr felt chills running down his spine.

Just as he was about to turn around to run and hide, he could hear a loud yell.


'I'm fucked…'

Oh? I wonder who that is calling our "pure and innocent" MC a bastard. D:

I've done some planning, and after what I'm calling the 'Tutorial Arc' the R18 scenes will drop in frequency for a while as I put my plans into motion. (The tutorial will have a fair few so that's the main reason as it is important to the direction I want to take things)

Everything will make sense once we reach that moment. Until then, enjoy the ride.

If you're enjoying the novel so far then please add it to your collection/library and tell me what you think so far!

Power Stone voting has just been enabled, so please vote with your power stones.

In the future, I will add bonus chapter rewards for reaching PS goals, so get voting if you want faster/more releases!

Let's make an awesome novel together!

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