
Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP

[System Has Awakened] [Greetings Host, and welcome to the 'Love Tap' System] Zephyr blinked a few times before voicing his thoughts out loud. "The what through the what system?" ['Love Tap' System] The robotic voice repeated. "What is it?" [Thanks to this system, the host will gain experience points and skills for performing nightly activities with various women or men... My job isn't to judge.] *Cough* Zephyr coughed and quickly corrected the voice, "Women. Definitely, women..." [Alongside the primary function, the host can also gain various bonuses thanks to completing achievements.] "Sounds great." Zephyr grinned. "Sign me up!" _______________ 200 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter _______________ A/N: The synopsis is temporary so it will probably change in the future. This is my first attempt at a smut novel so please go easy on me. I have an idea for a weird but interesting power/leveling system so this won't be just pure smut. However, it might end up being quite fast-paced at times. This will have no Yaoi, no Yuri, no NTR (Although the MC might steal women from others) and no other not-so-fun stuff like non-consent. A minor spoiler for the first chapter, the MC grew up with his family but finds out he isn't related to them, not even on paper. There is some mystery to this and a reason for it but given the genre of the novel, I think you all should know where I'm going with this ;) I hope fellow Daoists join me on this journey of writing an R18 Novel and help me out from time to time! The cover is mine (AI generated unfortunately for now) I made a nice title for it but apparently adding a title makes it inappropriate.

Smutmeister · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Love Tap System [R-18]

The last thing Zephyr remembered was finishing inside Fey, but now he was walking on an endless mirror lake.

A bright sky above him was perfectly mirrored in the endless calm water.

"Where am I? What is this place?" Zephyr asked out loud, not expecting a response.

[Awakening System]

A blue text box appeared in front of Zephyr.

"Is this finally happening, or is this a dream?"

Zephyr couldn't help but question the sudden appearance of a system. 

He had been waiting for 18 years and had given up on getting one at this point.

[Scanning Host Personal Information]

[Generating System Based On Information]





[System Has Been Generated]

[Welcome 'Zephyr' to the 'Love Tap System']

"What kind of system is that?"

[To Initialize The System, Please Open The Status Screen By Saying Or Thinking 'Status']

"Status," Zephyr said the words without hesitation and a status screen appeared.


[Name: Zephyr Frost]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Human]

[Physique: ???]

[Bloodline: ???]

[Level: 0 (0 Mana Hearts | 0 Circles) ]

[XP: 0/1]

[Skills: N/A]

[System Level: 1]

[Stats (Press Here To Reveal) ]



"...and what is this whole levelling thing about anyway…"

[The Levels Represent Mana Hearts and Mana Circles]

[To Give An Example, A Mage With Zero Circles And One Mana Heart Would Be Equivalent To Being Level 1]

"How about if they also had a circle?"

[Level 10]

"That sounds insane…"

Zephyr had learned about the Mana Hearts and Circles in the past.

The highest recorded level someone had reached was 9 Hearts with 7 Circles.

After the first Mana Heart is formed, nine Circles must be formed before the next Heart can be created.

This means that a mage like that would be almost at level 1000, and that's only the known peak.

Zephyr loved playing RPG games, and a number like that is pure insanity in his eyes.

'What kind of moron designed this system?'

"So, what special things can you do?"

[With The 'Love Tap' System, The Host Can Gain Experience Through Sexual Intercourse]

Zephyr's eyes grew wide.

"I don't think I heard that right. I can gain XP through what?"

[While Engaging In Sexual Activity, The Host Will Gain Experience Points That Go Towards Leveling Up]

[With Each Small Movement, The Host Will Gain A Certain Amount Of Points]

[It Is Possible To Gain More Points By Leveling Up The System And Unlocking The Upgrade Store]

"So, is it like a clicker game where I could upgrade my dick to double tap?" Zephyr joked but got a surprising response.

[That Is Correct]

"Alright, sounds good. So what do I need to do to level up the system?"

[The Host Needs To Complete 5 Achievements And Capture The Tutorial Target]

"What Achievements? And What Tutorial Target?"

[All Women The Host Sleeps With Will Have The Same Achievements That Signify Their Completion Rate]

[There Are Also Miscellaneous Achievements The Host Can Strive For]

[Please Check The Achievement List At Your Own Convenience For A Detailed List]

"And what about the 'tutorial target'," Zephyr used air quotes sarcastically as the system's wording made him feel greasy.

[Generating Tutorial Target]

[Tutorial Target: Seraphina Frost]


Zephyr stared at the system for a couple of minutes in pure silence.

"You're kidding me, right?"

[I Am A System Sir, Not A Clown]



"First, you tell me you want me to sleep with my older sister, and then you mess with me?"

[That Is Correct]


"Is there no way of changing the target? I know that we aren't related, but I still think of her as family."

[Unfortunately, The Target Can't Be Changed. The Host Can Avoid Completing The Mission]

[But The Host Will Lose 99% Of The Systems Potential]

"Why her, though?"

['Seraphina Frost' Was Deemed The Most Suitable For The Tutorial]

"Are you trying to say my sister is easy?"


"You…" Zephyr began to shout, but as he did, he felt lightheaded, and his eyes closed again.




As Zephyr was waking up, he could feel something warm and wet around his dragon as immense pleasure built up.

"Ugh," Zephyr groaned.

He opened his eyes to the beautiful sight of Fey happily taking care of his morning wood.

She licked him clean and gave his dragon a little peck before smiling at Zephyr.

"Good Morning, Young Master~♡ I thought I'd take care of this troublesome little guy.~♡"

Usually, Zephyr wouldn't have taken Fey's teasing like that, but something distracted him.

[Achievement Complete: Fey 'Blowjob']

[Reward: +3 Lucky Draw Tickets]

[Press Here To Redeem]

'Huh? Is that another system feature?'

Zephyr was curious about what he saw, but Fey woke him from his daze.

"Hey, if you're going to ignore me, I'll leave, and you can help yourself,~♡" She pouted.

"Heh, look at you pouting. Do you want me so bad?"

"Pfft," Fey stifled a laugh.

"Who'd want you that bad? After last night, I thought you could use all the practice you could take~♡"

Zephyr's brows twitched, "Is that a challenge?"

"It's a fact ~♡" She winked.

"Heh, then I guess I need to prove my teacher wrong," Zephyr winked back as he neared Fey.

He grabbed Fey and flipped her onto her back.

As he laid her down, his hand made it to her secret cave.


[Level Up!]

[Level 1 Achieved]

[Press Here To Create Mana Heart (Caution!)]

[Achievement Complete: Fey 'Fingering']

[Reward: +5 Dexterity]

Zephyr heard a series of notifications when he started fingering Fey but ignored it.

"Oh, look at this. Looks like someone was looking forward to this." Zephyr showed his fingers to Fey.

Fey blushed slightly, turning her gaze away from Zephyr, "That's not true~♡ It's natural~♡"

Zephyr smirked as his fingers got back to work, "Natural? You're right. You're naturally horny."

[+1 XP]

[+1 XP]

[+1 XP]



"Then what about this little guy before," Fey asked as she grabbed Zephyr's dick and started stroking it.

"That? It's natural…"

"See?~♡" Fey smirked.

Zephyr sighed and shook his head with a smile, "Fine, you're just naturally wet. So I guess there is no point in waiting any longer."

Zephyr broke Fey's grip and placed his rod against her pussy.

"Hurry up~♡" Fey urged him.

Zephyr pushed his entire length inside Fey at once.

[+2 XP]

"Gii~♡" She squealed as her pussy tightened.

"Looks like at least one part of you is honest."

"Shut up!~♡" She slapped his back and grabbed him tighter.

Zephyr started moving in and out.

With each movement, he could hear a satisfying ping as his XP increased at a steady rate.

[+2 XP]

[+2 XP]


He started playing with Fey's breasts, squeezing the large marshmallows with his hands while his tongue and teeth teased her nipples.







Fey did her best to hide her pleasure by barely holding in her moans.

"I think someone is enjoying themself ~♡" 

"No~♡" Fey moaned as Zephyr suddenly started rubbing her clit.

"I can hear you moaning, don't lie."


"I'm Not~♡"


" Not Lying~♡"

"You're going to make me cum," Zephyr said in a low voice.

"Where do you want it?"

Without answering, Fey's legs wrapped around Zephyr as her pussy tightened up even more, indicating what she wanted.

He could feel something building up in his lower body and exploding inside Fey.

As Zephyr shot his seed, he could feel Fey's body quivering as she bit down on her lips.





Zephyr kissed Fey on her forehead.

"You came, didn't you?" 

"I didn't~♡"

"Alright, alright." He smiled.

Fey looked at the nearby clock and yelped.


She pushed Zephyr off her and hit him on the top of the head.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"I'm going to be late because of you." Fey quickly got dressed, Zephyr's hot seed still deep inside her, and left the room.

Zephyr laid back down on the bed and looked at the notifications.

[Level 7 Achieved]

[Achievement Complete: Fey 'Vaginal Sex']

[Reward: +1 Random Sword Ticket]

[Achievement Complete: Fey 'Creampie']

[Reward: +1 Lesser Stamina Potion]

[Achievement Complete: Fey 'Orgasm']

[Reward: +1 Lesser Health Potion]

[Tutorial Mission Complete]

[Achievements: 5/5 Complete]

Zephyr looked at the messages and laughed.

"Fey, Fey, Fey. I will make you admit it one day…"

So, the next important character has been teased. How do you guys feel about the MC having to get with someone who is like a sister to him just to upgrade the system?

Also, what do you guys think about the name of the system I decided on?

The idea behind the system is that it essentially works like a clicker game, and as the story goes on, MC will be able to upgrade the system to gain more XP and, as a result, increase the amount of pleasure his partner receives.

If you're enjoying the story so far, then please add it to your library/collection and leave me comments with some notes! (A positive 5* review wouldn't hurt either. Wink wink, nudge, nudge.)

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