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  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Yajin3004

    Yeah pretty much.

    Ch 7 Escelation [R-18]
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to FallenAngeI

    Happens to the best of us. Probably my fault for trying not to go into too much detail :p

    This means that a mage like that would be almost at level 1000, and that's only the known peak.
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to FallenAngeI

    The levels are there just for the MC. It's a rough representation. Basically, you have 1 mana heart at level 1, which means you became a Magus. Then, every 10 levels, you get a ring around it. So at level 10, you'd have 1 ring, 20=2, 30=3 and so on. At level 101, he'd have a 2nd mana heart, and at 110, he'd have the 1st ring for it. Sorry if it was too vague, but I didn't want to info dump too much. I hope that helped.

    This means that a mage like that would be almost at level 1000, and that's only the known peak.
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Drigok_Yuri_Is_NTR

    Water under the bridge. I'm glad we managed to resolve our little scuffle :p

    [Achievement Complete: Fey 'Vaginal Sex']
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Drigok_Yuri_Is_NTR

    That's alright. I apologize too, I shouldn't have gotten this annoyed but I was already trying to tell you in the past that you were wrong in this case. I probably could have been clearer.

    [Achievement Complete: Fey 'Vaginal Sex']
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Smutmeister

    Forgot to say, but maybe get some patience? I thought basement dwellers were patient af, but I guess that's not true.

    [Achievement Complete: Fey 'Vaginal Sex']
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Smutmeister

    No matter what he won't get one.

    [Achievement Complete: Fey 'Vaginal Sex']
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Drigok_Yuri_Is_NTR

    Also there is no bonus for taking a v card.

    [Achievement Complete: Fey 'Vaginal Sex']
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to

    I never said she isn't a v, you're just reading into things too much. Honestly the way you speak I think you're a v. Please stop reading my novel because you're delusional and coming up with thing's that are never said. Here is a spoiler and if anyone reads this then I'm sorry but it's this guys fault. She is a v and her species mates for life. Go away kid.

    [Achievement Complete: Fey 'Vaginal Sex']
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    Will do! Sorry that this isn't what you were looking for and thank you for your input ^^

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    Nah I get what you mean. Honestly if not for the rule changes, my friends and the petty authors/readers I'd make the most degen win cest smut novel out there xD Pure hentai levels lmao. But if this goes well and gets contracted, once the story is over, I could release a director's cut that's changed/altered to be a real win cest. IMO the only real change from them not being blood related is that if they have kid's they won't be inbred xD

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    I guess, but him not being related isn't a big plot point like NTR is IMO.

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    Honestly, the way I'm trying to write it, as long as you forget about the early chapter and 1 future chapter then IMO you can still enjoy this as a win cest novel. But I get what you are saying. This is my first novel, so for now, I want to avoid antagonizing WN, but in the future, I might try to write a proper one :p

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    I honestly really wanted to do that, but I was talked out of it by some author friends. My head cannon is that it's real xD

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    From what I've heard once the rule change came in, there are a lot of petty authors and readers who reported books for that because of some petty reason so I'd honestly rather not risk it. It's real if you want to believe it's real :p Other than 1 chapter that will explain things, the fact that he isn't related won't come up again.

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Smutmeister

    That's not to say she doesn't think of him as her son.

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    To add to my other comment, the only ones that know about him not being related to the family are the Duchess aka the head of the family/the mother, and himself. Everyone else believes he is the biological son of the family.

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    I know it's not exactly win cest, but he grew up with them and believed they were his siblings and so did they. Unfortunately if I added real win cest to the novel, it would most likely get deleted or at the very least, would never get contracted :c But I think it still count's as win cest to a certain degree. I'd say its at least on the same level as step-siblings. And no, his real family is unfortunately gone. But there is a reason as to why he was brought into the family, and it wasn't just to be a simple sibling. At least that was the plan until the family elders got involved and changed things because he wasn't a Magus.

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Drigok_Yuri_Is_NTR

    ??? I never said that

    Zephyr wanted to ask her what she meant, but the divine feeling of her tight, hot, wet pussy coiling around his dick wiped his mind blank.
    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister
  • Smutmeister
    Replied to Daoist_Culture

    Hey, thank you for checking my novel out and for the positive review! And about your request, it's already in the story somewhat, although it's more fake cest than anything else as explained in CH1 but meh, still counts IMO :p

    Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP
    Fantasy · Smutmeister