
Level Up: My Yandere Wives Made Me OP

[System Has Awakened] [Greetings Host, and welcome to the 'Love Tap' System] Zephyr blinked a few times before voicing his thoughts out loud. "The what through the what system?" ['Love Tap' System] The robotic voice repeated. "What is it?" [Thanks to this system, the host will gain experience points and skills for performing nightly activities with various women or men... My job isn't to judge.] *Cough* Zephyr coughed and quickly corrected the voice, "Women. Definitely, women..." [Alongside the primary function, the host can also gain various bonuses thanks to completing achievements.] "Sounds great." Zephyr grinned. "Sign me up!" _______________ 200 Power Stones = 1 Bonus Chapter _______________ A/N: The synopsis is temporary so it will probably change in the future. This is my first attempt at a smut novel so please go easy on me. I have an idea for a weird but interesting power/leveling system so this won't be just pure smut. However, it might end up being quite fast-paced at times. This will have no Yaoi, no Yuri, no NTR (Although the MC might steal women from others) and no other not-so-fun stuff like non-consent. A minor spoiler for the first chapter, the MC grew up with his family but finds out he isn't related to them, not even on paper. There is some mystery to this and a reason for it but given the genre of the novel, I think you all should know where I'm going with this ;) I hope fellow Daoists join me on this journey of writing an R18 Novel and help me out from time to time! The cover is mine (AI generated unfortunately for now) I made a nice title for it but apparently adding a title makes it inappropriate.

Smutmeister · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A Sibling Fight

Zephyr turned his shaking head in the direction of the shout.

A young woman with baby blue hair and cotton baby pink eyes was running in his direction.

Out of nowhere, she disappeared and appeared a couple of meters before Zephyr.

She jumped into the air and drop-kicked Zephyr on the side of his stomach.

Zephyr flew backwards and rolled along the ground, but before he could recover and get up, the woman landed on top of him and slapped his cheek.

She grabbed him by his collar and violently shook him, "What do you think you're doing, you bastard?!"

Zephyr smiled as his eyes rolled around his head, "Long time no see, Seri. Can you let me go?"

"Let you go? After what I just saw?"

"What did I even do?"

"Don't try to hide it. I saw you pressuring the poor girl." She scowled in disgust

"What? I didn't do that…" Zephyr tried explaining himself, but Seraphina cut him off.

"I don't care about your excuses. I thought you knew better, but I guess not. You're coming with me."

"Where are you taking me?"

"We're going to spar, and I'm going to beat some sense into you."

'Please no…'

[Good Luck Host]

Zephyr crossed his arms and legs, refusing to move, but it was futile resistance.

Seraphina grabbed Zephyr by the back of his collar and dragged him along the ground.

Zephyr's eyes teared up, and his face was pale as if he was on his way to his execution.

He waved goodbye to the maid, and she waved back with an awkward smile.

'Is this how siblings normally act after not seeing each other for so long?'




"Do we really need to do this? I haven't even had breakfast, let alone second breakfast…" Zephyr wined.

Swinging her practice sword, she said, "Quit your crying. You know what you did. I thought you were better."

She had long baby blue hair, baby pink eyes, small lips, and a small button nose.

She wore a white shirt neatly tucked into her black training pants secured by a brown leather belt with a silver buckle.

On her feet, she wore shiny black combat boots.

Her clothes tightly conformed to her body, accentuating every curve perfectly.

Unlike Fey, who had a thicker build, Seraphina or Seri, as Zephyr calls her, had a more athletic build.

The Frost family specialised in ranged combat and vast AoE magic capable of instantly freezing a battlefield.

However, Seraphina excelled at close combat, and because of this, she picked up swordsmanship.

Through her hard work, she advanced to the position of a squire and soon would be gaining her knighthood.

In fact, her training period had been sped up as her presence in the capital caused more problems than it solved.

Due to the natural ethereal beauty that all the members of the Frost family were blessed with, many people started committing petty crimes in her presence just to be chastised by her.

Seraphina glared at Zephyr, "So? Are you ready?"

"Ready for what? I'm not even wearing clothes for this…" Zephyr complained once again.

"Then fight naked." She said bluntly.

"Either way, we are going to fight."

'Should I?' Zephyr considered it for a moment.

"You're not actually considering it…" She looked at Zephyr, shocked.

"..." He looked to the side and smiled wryly.

Seraphina dashed towards Zephyr, her training sword ready to strike him down.

"I'll beat those stupid ideas out of your head!"

"But you're the one who suggested it?!"

Zephyr blocked the attack and attempted to parry it and counter-attack, but Seraphina jumped back, dodging the counter.

She jumped back at him, and the two exchanged a series of strikes, none of which had gone through.

While Seraphina had the advantage of being a Magus at a far higher tier than Zephyr, the two were evenly matched when it came to swordsmanship.

This wasn't because Zephyr was a better swordsman.

It was simply because they had sparred since they were little and knew each other's fighting style like the back of their hands.

No matter what move Seraphina made, Zephyr knew what came next and how to react, and the same was true for Seraphina.

The fight would be in a stalemate for several minutes before a notification popped up for Zephyr.

[Warning: Mana Surge Incoming]

Zephyr felt a surge of uncontrollable energy coursing through his body, running rampant.

His strength, speed and stamina increased exponentially, as if he had enhanced his body with magic.

His swings became faster, harder and more intense and for the first time in the spar, the stalemate was broken.

Seraphina found herself on the defence, being pushed back by Zephyr's sudden surge of strength.

"Looks like my little Zephy was hiding his strength. I guess I should get serious, too."

Seraphina channelled her mana and coursed it through her body for the first time in the fight.

Just like Zephyr, she became faster and stronger.

The two were evenly matched again, not giving the other room to breathe.

Zephyr became so engrossed as the fight went on that his mind ignored the new system warning.

[Warning: Mana Depletion Incoming]

As this was happening, Seraphina prepared an empowered attack.

She swung her sword horizontally, but as the sword neared Zephyr, his sword fell to the ground.

Seraphina barely reacted and lowered the strength of her attack as it connected with Zephyr's arms.

He was sent flying back, his body smashed into the wall, leaving a small spiderweb-like crack.

Seraphina's face became filled with dread as she started panicking.

She ran towards Zephyr while shouting for help.


"Zephy, are you okay? Please tell me you're not hurt…" 

Unlike the tone of voice she used before, akin to a drill sergeant.

Her current tone was more like that of a mother worried for her child.

It was warm and sweet yet filled with dread.

Seraphina had a strong sense of justice and responsibility and was the hardest on her younger siblings.

However, that was only if they misbehaved or were in public.

In private, she was warm and sweet and loved to spoil her younger brother and sister, and the last thing she wanted was any harm coming to them.

Her love for her siblings was so great that she'd happily sacrifice herself if it meant they lived long, happy, healthy lives.

She arrived at Zephyr and looked at his state.

His head was slumped over, and blood trickled out of the corners of his mouth while his forearms appeared to be, at the very least, broken.

Seraphina moved closer and checked if he was breathing.

A sense of relief washed over her.

"Thank god he's still breathing."




Zephyr woke up and found himself in his bed.

Staring at the ceiling, he tried to recall what happened.

'I was sparring with Seri, and then I had a power boost, but I can't remember what happened afterwards…'

[Answer: Due To The Mana Surge Depleting All Of The Hosts Mana The Host Briefly Lost Conciousnes]

'But why am I in such pain? Also, WTF is that crying in my head?'

Zephyr felt a tug on his shirt and looked to the side.

Sitting in a chair and slumped over, he saw a sobbing Seraphina.

Her head rested on the edge of Zephyr's bed as one of her hands held the hem of his shirt.

Through her crying, Zephyr barely managed to make out what she was mumbling.

"I'm so sorry. Please wake up soon."

She constantly repeated some variation of this.

Zephyr felt touched and decided to lighten up the situation.

"Pff, I don't think I have ever seen a gorilla crying before," he chuckled.

Seraphina froze momentarily, but then her head shot up.

Her eyes were watering, giving them the appearance of pink gems, while her lips and nose were quivering wildly.

"What?" He asked with a worried expression.

"I was so worried, and that's the first thing you say?! Do you know how scared I was that I'd lose you?" She snapped.

"I'm fine, as you can see. In a bit of pain, but other than that, I think everything is normal," he assured her.

"Fine? Both of your arms are broken, and if not for the padding magic on the wall and the emergency recovery magic, it could have been far worse."

"Wait, my arms are broken?"

Seraphina nodded.

Zephyr looked at his arms for the first time and saw they were both in casts.

'What kind of shitty luck do I have?' He asked himself, dumbfounded.

'Shouldn't people from another world be near indestructible and never break a bone?!'

"So, how long until they're healed?"

"The Doctor said it would take roughly two months before your arms are fully healed."

"Haaa." Zephyr sighed.

She lowered her head in shame, unable to look Zephyr in the eyes.

"I'm so sorry. Because it's my fault, I promise to take care of you and help you in any way I can until your arms are healed."

"Nah, It's fine, I…"

Then, a sudden thought came to Zephyr's mind.

'Wait a moment, two broken arms and a caring, loving sister that would do anything for her brother… I swear I've seen this somewhere before…'

What are your thoughts on Zephyr's current situation? Do you know what he's thinking of? Let me know in the comments!

If you are enjoying this novel so far then please add it to your collection/library so you don't miss a chapter.

Also please vote with your power stones!

I will drop a bonus chapter at 200 power stones and the chapter will drop the following week (after the reset) at the latest.

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