
Legend Of A Sword

Look, we're gonna skip most of the before reincarnation stuff alright? Adrian, the Mc gets reincarnated into 'The World' or Solsticia, and goes on an adventure. He becomes a host for the system, meets new people, and although slowly, will become a legend throughout the planes. Please note that the synopsis is not the full story. Please actually read first before rating this story...Thank you! *** Also I'm using this as a mere practice novel right now to improve on some of my skills. There will be grammar errors, plotholes, and details that I will be missing. This novel will have a crap ton of plotholes. This novel will be used for a decent amount of time before I drop it unless you all think it becomes good enough for me to keep going.

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Ch 13

"Huff...Huff...looks like we're finally out…" Alice said, looking at Adrian.

"Yeah...though that last message made me think that we would definitely come back to this dungeon once we become strong enough…" Adrian replied.

"Alright, now that we've gotten a decent powerup, let's just try and find a city before we run out of supplies." Adrian said, realizing that they stayed here the whole day and it was dark in the night right now.

"Hn. First, let's just settle down for the night." Alice said as she began taking the tent.

Alice and Adrian set up the 1 person tent in about 5 minutes, then had Alice sleep while Adrian proposed to keep watch, reminding her that he doesn't need sleep or any other real human necessity.

Adrian began to train his control over his body with his base of 1000 Dexterity, making it much easier to do more complex moves. He stretched his entire body, doing some to the extreme, full body bending, splits, and other stretches mostly to the limit of his own body.

Adrian then wondered about how the system could do all of its magic and that since he's the host of it or at least one of them, he should be able to actually change his race. He started by trying to stimulate his senses, like smell, taste, feeling, sight, and hearing, which would all be amplified if he became a demihuman.

Adrian worked on his transformation a bit more, making his other forms much more lifelike, emitting their kind's scent, movements, sometimes hormones as well. After working on his transformation, he started to use 2 of his clones to dual wield and work more on his magic control in the night time.

Working on the basics on both hands was weird, he thought about going to learn from someone who dual wielded some tips. His magic control and knowledge had deepened a bit after being able to further shape his spells and trying to squeeze out less mana for the same output, giving Adrian another system notification.


[Host Has Begun Learning Shaping And Magic Control

[Title Beginner Mage Gained! (5% Mana Efficiency)

[Passive Skill Dual Wielding Mastery Gained (1/50)


Adrian continued to train even in the morning, and because of the mage title, the mana around him circulated in and around his body more easily, giving him an easier time reaching the limits of training before Alice woke up.


[Host Has Reached The Daily Training & Cultivation Limit

[+10 All Stats

[+5 All Stats, 50,000 Exp


"Alice! Time to wake up!" Adrian said softly to not startle her, whilst still in his demi human form.

"Hmm? What...time is…yawnnnnnn....is it?" Alice said, trying to wake herself up.

"It's already almost noon, check your system…" Adrian replied.

"...I don't need to check to know that it's probably later than I usually wake up, hmph. Why didn't you wake me up sooner?" Alice complained.

"A-hahahahaha...sorry about that Alice, but uhh...just asking, where are we going?" Adrian asked Alice

"We're going to a human kingdom named Feldeim. It's a decent kingdom, where although it's ruled by humans, they are neutral to all races and usually don't go with conflict with the other kingdoms. They are also one of the 3 major powers other than the human supremacy and demi human supremacy kingdoms, so we won't have a shortage of things to do there!" Alice said.

"Eh? But if there was a kingdom ruled by demi humans, shouldn't we go there then? Or is it that theres also discrimination in the different races among the demi humans?" Adrian asked.

"Your right, there is discrimination between the animal tribes, plus, Kimpisha is too far away, and we would most likely run out of materials before we would even reach halfway there." Alice replied to Adrian's question.

"Hmm...alright, are you able to tell me about the 3rd major power? If it has affected you in any way personally in any way you don't have to share…" Adrian asked carefully, seeing if her past had anything to do with humans.

"No, no, it's fine. The name of the human supremacy kingdom is Osmethu, like what you expected, it's mostly populated with humans and demi humans are usually made into slaves." Alice explained to Adrian with a slightly angry face.

"Alright, let's stop talking about this, let's just head to Feldeim now." Adrian said, trying to curb Alice's anger of the past.

After the slightly awkward and gloomy situation, they began to move again towards Feldheim. They went and hunted beasts in their way, giving them some for supplies to ration and at night, they talked a bit more about their experiences in their life, growing closer and understanding each other like best friends. Every single night when Alice goes to sleep, Adrian begins to cultivate and train. He trained his transformation and the foundations of his entire body, to be able to handle the stress of dual wielding when he needed to combine magic with 2 swords instead of 1 sword.

This cycle was repeated for around 2 whole weeks, they hunted, sometimes fought, and killed some weaker magic creatures, bumping Adrian's core absorption requirement to [50/250], though the system said he was too strong, so the exp share all went to Alice. Adrian finally reached level 25, and Alice reached level 13, but her training wasn't as successful, only giving the bonus once a week. The only successful event that wiped her unhappy result was that she got the title of [Beginner Magic Swordsman] and she felt more familiar with her surroundings and also felt close to getting her combat style as well.

The duo was able to practice a lot more on their physical skills and the growth was much greater, mostly because of Adrian's capability to be able to support Alice to fight creatures a bit stronger than her and win. Adrian was able to max out his [Sword Mastery], [Healing Halo] was maxed mostly because of the fights Alice has been in, and was constantly being healed for the period of 2 weeks, and also leveled up his [Dual Wielding Mastery] by 2 levels.

For the next 3 days of traveling, Alice and Adrian took a small break from training all the time, mostly because they were still in fragile growing bodies. Though they didn't completely waste their time either, they talked about how they could practice combos with their affinities, how they would act when in the city, and also went to other smaller towns to go exchange some food for some copper and silver coins.

For the last 2 days, they focused on exchanging monster corpses for money and cleaned themselves to make them look somewhat presentable before going to the border walls of Feldheim. After the last night where even Adrian had slept in his own tent from being mentally exhausted.

Chapter 13 End