
Legend Of A Sword

Look, we're gonna skip most of the before reincarnation stuff alright? Adrian, the Mc gets reincarnated into 'The World' or Solsticia, and goes on an adventure. He becomes a host for the system, meets new people, and although slowly, will become a legend throughout the planes. Please note that the synopsis is not the full story. Please actually read first before rating this story...Thank you! *** Also I'm using this as a mere practice novel right now to improve on some of my skills. There will be grammar errors, plotholes, and details that I will be missing. This novel will have a crap ton of plotholes. This novel will be used for a decent amount of time before I drop it unless you all think it becomes good enough for me to keep going.

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Ch 14




Morning came...Adrian and Alice woke up from their tents and cleaned up using Adrian's water magic from nature. They dressed up and headed to the borders of Feldheim. As they were getting close to the gate, they were stopped by the guards.

"Hello. Sorry to stop you there, but you must pay 5 large copper coins for an entry per person, or 10 silver coins for a permanent entry visa per person as long as you aren't a criminal on the run or anything." The guard said.

"Alright, here's 20 silver, may we have our visas now?" Alice replied.

"...they're real...prepare their visas." The second guard appraised and ordered.

The duo received their visas and was able to absorb it onto their own status, giving them entry to the barrier to Feldheim. Seeing that there were more demi humans that came to their kingdom, there were a few people that looked at them with disdain, though Alice and Adrian ignored it. They then asked other demi humans and humans for directions to the Adventurers Guild before walking according to their directions, reaching the Guild.

The Adventurers Guild is a large tavern, several stories tall, with magic infused wood and stone as most of the building, except for the signboards which were made of magic steel. They walked into the Adventurers Guild to sign up as adventurers. As they walk in they talk to the receptionist about the adventurers guild.

"Hello! You must be new here! Here's the guidebook for new adventurers. If you still have any questions or still want to become an adventurer, please come ask any of the receptionists here." The receptionist said politely. Alice and Adrian grabbed the book and began to read.

The Adventurers Guild is an organization where people would take jobs to help the other organizations, either with monster elimination, herb gathering, material gathering, escort quests, etc! The Adventurer's Guild is not responsible for the recipient's death or other injuries so they must deal with that themselves. Although the money given from these quests are great, there are always hidden dangers that could happen, causing the death of many adventurers and the increased ranks of certain quests. The ranks go from lowest to highest, F->E->D->C->B->A->S->S+.

When it comes to rewards if somehow 2 or more different people or parties accept the same quest, whoever retrieves the required item may get the reward first. There is also a weekly quota of 1 quest per week and if said adventurer doesn't reach it, they will be unlisted and there is a maximum of 1 extra quest to turn in per week to gain an extra week off in case something occurs within the adventurer's life.

To promote one's rank to accept harder quests. One has to have completed 50 quests at their own rank before taking the promotion quest or combat test. The promotion quest would be doing a quest one rank above you and completing it, some could also take the combat test where an adventurer a rank above you would test your abilities to see if you're worthy to be promoted. The adventurers guild also provides maps and monster guides as well, making it easier for other adventurers to survive and show their talents before gaining status and fame.

After reading the information on the guidebook, Adrian and Alice went up to the receptionist and told her that they wanted to register as an adventurer.

"Alright then, the fee for the adventurer identification card total will be 2 silver coins." The receptionist said politely as she saw that they paid for it as soon as they said the price.

Adrian and Alice put their adventurer cards in their 'space ring' after knowing that the other people couldn't use inventory. They then decided to go to the quest board, looking if there were any remaining quests they could take since it was in the afternoon where all the quests would usually be taken in the morning.

There were only 3 herb quests that seemed mundane, but it was better than nothing. After confirming the quest with the receptionist, they paid for 2 rooms first before they set off. Adrian, using his mini map made it many times easier to find the place they were required to go. They quickly went to those places, cleared out the herbs just in case another quest like this pops up, and went back to the Adventurers Guild before dark. When they returned, everyone was surprised at how fast they returned, especially when they turned in the quest with the materials on hand. Though since they were only E rank adventurers, they just thought they were talented.

Alice and Adrian went to their respective rooms to rest for tomorrow. Adrian got to squeeze some time to cultivate to the daily limit before looking at the shop to see what he could buy with his budget of 25,000 Sp.



[Sacrifice 1 Title and Sp For A New Title…

[Sacrifice...Adventure (Copy)?

[Cost: 15,000 Sp?

[Sacrifice Confirmed.


[Demi Human Title Gained! (x1.5 Stats, +50% Senses, +75% Magic Affinity)

[Fox Yokai Is Now Your Second Race

[Use 20 stat points to restore title lost points?



Knowing that this would change his body in a large way, Adrian went to the bed to prepare himself if he faints.

"Yep...called it…" Adrian complained as he fell asleep on his bed.


As Alice was going to sleep, she felt her connection with Adrian grow stronger, not with the system, but as if he was now a real demi human. She sniffed around and found that Adrian did become a fox yokai, but this time it feels much more lifelike…

'Wait...did he...he did.' Alice thought as she also looked at the shop, looking at the convert tab. She instantly realized that he probably converted one of his less Op titles and got the Demi human title from it, making him much stronger than before.

"I'm getting too tired for this, I'll just ask...him...tomorrow...Zzzz." Alice complained as she dozed off to sleep a few minutes later.


The next morning, Adrian woke up early and felt as if his body gained a dramatic upgrade again. He looked around his body, his silver hair became a little longer, and actually started to glow a bit when in the light, his eyes turned more in slits like a fox and his eyes turned bright resembling more and more of silver. His body matured, and he even had a silver tail now as well. His senses were also enhanced now, but hearing some movement onto the room next to him, he knew Alice must've known he'd changed as well. Adrian went out of his room and came to Alice's room and knocked first.

"Come in…" Alice replied.

"Hey, Alice...you felt that too right?" Adrian asked.

"Yep...so tell me how'd that happen?" Alice said casually, showing a bit more of her tomboy side.

Adrian sat on the chair and Alice sat on the bed. He began to say what happened, the titles and how the conversion system worked and how he just tested one of his weaker titles to see how it would end up. Alice listened attentively, but more so on his tail instead of his face.

"Ummm....Alice? Why are you looking at my tail?" Adrian asked as his tail started to hide behind him.

"Wait! Wait! Please, j-just one pet…" Alice begged after the tail poofed into nothingness.

"But you have your own tail don't you?" Adrian asked.

"It's not the same! Hmph!" Alice asked, closing the distance between Adrian and her.

"Hah...alright fine, here you go. Please be gentle Alice…" Adrian requested.

Alice happily jumped to Adrian and started to rub his tail. Though it was kind of a new sensation, he quickly got used to it from Alice's constant petting. After about 5 minutes of mofu mofu, they went downstairs to go look at the quest board before everyone took it, seeing how there were only about 50 F ranked quests, Adrian and Alice only took about 20 and left the other 30 for others.

The receptionist was surprised that they were taking so many quests and was a bit worried that they were going to overwork themselves. Though after looking at the quests, it was mundane, but at least it didn't take too long for each of them, mostly because they chose the herb collection quests for easy quest completion.

Over the course of the day, they collected a ton of plants and materials, like magic mushrooms, rotten clovers, green beanstalks, spider ferns, glow roses, and the sleeping lily. For the materials, they went to a few different caves that were considered safe and mined a few gold, iron, and plastite which were converted into their magic counterparts with Adrian's natural magic.

After getting all the materials they needed, they headed back to the guild to turn them in and update their adventurer title. Though in total it took them only about 5 hours to do all those quests, Alice did get hungry so they decided to eat out with the amount of money they got. Though Alice did also convince Adrian to eat with her so they walked around to look for a suitable restaurant to eat privately.

As they walked around, they did look at the scenery, the buildings were more or less wood, stones, bricks, making it into a somewhat modern kingdom, though everyone wears simple tunics and pants, it does give off a harmonic daytime festival mood.

After walking for a while, they came across a decently big restaurant called Spring's Windmill, it's logo had a green field with a windmill in the middle. It had been made mostly out of stone that looked like a cozy tavern. they paid a whole 3 silvers for a private room. After ordering rabbit legs, salads, mushroom soup, and some hot pot where they cooked the leftover boar meat before being satisfied with their meal. Paying a total of 3 silver and 57 large copper, they left and returned to the guild and saw that there were still a few quests not done in their rank.

Though there were only 3 quests again, it was 3 elimination quests, so they knew it would be a bit harder, but still set out after confirming the quest. Using the mini map, as usual, they arrived at the first destination quite quickly, at around 10 minutes, and began slashing off heads of the horned bears that were hurting the people that go out into the forest for gathering purposes. After killing about 60 of them and their leader which had a weak magic core which Adrian absorbed did Adrian and Alice finally leave.

They then went after the second location which was even further away, taking around 25 minutes of full sprinting to get to it before they were stopped by a pack of snakes that were quickly swept away. They arrived at the deeper part of the sewer before seeing a bunch of mutated rats that were as big as a deer. Although they were dispatched quite quickly as well, it was very annoying about how bad the smell was and it was hard dodging all of the splashing sewer water going everywhere. Killing the last rat and cutting off its head, they set off for the last destination.

They first go back to the guild since it was on the way, and turned in their quest, which surprised the regulars. After all they completed 25 quests in not even 2 full days yet. But...they were ignored though, or that's what they felt like since they couldn't see their faces through their mask.

The duo went out again, only to return to the guild about an hour and a half later, where they displayed several dozens of horned snakes to the receptionist. The receptionist looked horrified at the speed they were doing these quests, confirming that they were real, she quickly gave Adrian and Alice their reward and went to the staff room all stiff.

Adrian leaned and whispered to Alice "Hey, I think we may have done these quests too fast. We might be scouted out right now."

"Hah...let's just wait here and see if they do call us for something then. I'm sure we haven't done anything that bad since there were still some quests that weren't taken, which means we weren't really taking other people's jobs." Alice replied.

"Alright, I'll just follow you, you know more than me after all…" Adrian said.

The two sat down and waited, and because they weren't in their room for once, they attracted a bit of attention within the guild. Adrian felt a bit nervous being stared at, but Alice was used to it because of all the people in the village talking to her constantly every, slowly building up confidence.

Adrian, who felt increasingly nervous, made his tail appear and hid behind it, trying to block the stress of the people. Though as soon as they wanted to talk about how cute he was acting, a door slammed open.

A young man, around his early thirties, brown hair, muscular build, his cold and serious look all made everyone in the guild shut up. The pressure everyone felt increased as he walked towards Adrian and Alice. Adrian didn't feel anything from him because of his mid mortal rank 3 like stats, Alice however also felt great pressure from him and became alert.

Adrian put his tail away when the man walked closer, looking at him with 'innocent' eyes while Alice was slightly sweating behind her neck from the pressure like everyone else.

The man stopped in front of Alice and introduced himself.

Chapter 14 End