
Legend Of A Sword

Look, we're gonna skip most of the before reincarnation stuff alright? Adrian, the Mc gets reincarnated into 'The World' or Solsticia, and goes on an adventure. He becomes a host for the system, meets new people, and although slowly, will become a legend throughout the planes. Please note that the synopsis is not the full story. Please actually read first before rating this story...Thank you! *** Also I'm using this as a mere practice novel right now to improve on some of my skills. There will be grammar errors, plotholes, and details that I will be missing. This novel will have a crap ton of plotholes. This novel will be used for a decent amount of time before I drop it unless you all think it becomes good enough for me to keep going.

Solstice_Guardian · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
73 Chs

Ch 12

'Hmmm...seems like I still can't get affinities from devouring. Maybe I should just buy them from the shop. I'll still have over 2000 Sp left, which should be enough for supplies for now.' Adrian said as he bought the rest of the affinities from the shop.


[Host Has Bought Fire, Earth, Water, Lightning, & Shadow Affinity, -12,500 Sp

[All Elements Except ???, Divine Metal, & Error Has Been Fused…

[Pure Primordial Affinity-Nature, Has been Created

[Self Recovery V3 Has Increased Capabilities (x50)

[Beginner Magic Swordsman Evolved Into Beginner Elemental Swordsman


'I should also check my skills before calling Alice over, just in case something happens.' Adrian said as he looked at his new element and spells that went along with it.


[Elemental Affinity]

[Nature Affinity-A primordial affinity, that controls over the basic elements of nature, including fire, water, wind, earth, lightning, light, and darkness. All spells will now no longer have any cooldowns as long as User has Mp.]

[Blessing-A buff type spell that increases all parameters by 25% for 10 minutes. Level 1/40, 20% Mp Per Cast.

[Elemental Barrier-A barrier that includes all x number of elements that can counter/block other attacks, magic or not. 5% Mp/Second. Level 1/40

[Refresh-A spell which heals a large amount of user's Hp and removes negative debuffs. Level 1/40, 10% Mp Per Cast. (20% Hp)

[Elemental Ball-An attack which releases a ball around the size of 2 baseballs that contains x number of elements. It can be used for both close or long-ranged attacks. Level 1/40, 15% Mp Per Ball.


'HOLY SHIT! That mana cost is...wow...not even numerical, just percentage…' Adrian shouted in his mind while looking at the spells he gained.

"Alice, you can come out now...did you finish putting your attributes in?" Adrian asked Alice as she slowly came back into the room with blood smeared on her armor.

"Yeah, just finished, but I think it would be better for both of us if you turned back into your demihuman form and fought with me. I believe that if anyone does find this, knowing that at least 2 people did this makes it less suspicious." Alice replied.

"Got it." Adrian replied as he returned into his demihuman form, and changed his clothing to be a bit more armored. Wearing a light steel plate on his chest and shoulders, with lighter plates on his arms and legs, were under that were just a light blue hoodie.

"Alright, I'm done changing, we can go continue exploring now!" Adrian said as the light around him dimmed down a bit.

"Ok! Where do we go now?" Alice asked.

"We'll find out as we explore! Though it's a good thing we can instinctively know where traps are so we don't have to worry about that! I'll just follow you." Adrian replied.

Alice and Adrian walked out of the room, only to see more mazes and started to get a bit annoyed, hoping they could get to the boss quickly and get to the second floor, hoping that it wouldn't be another maze. They began to start running around instead of just walking and exploring, knowing that most likely it would just be filled with the same old monsters and different and more complex mazes, wasting their time.

After killing thousands of monsters, and a dozen necromancers with weaker magic cores. They went on to another hallway, though this one seems much more luxurious than the other ones. The hallway had a red carpet with a golden outline, stretching out to the entire hallway. On the side, there were statues of figures neither Alice nor Adrian has ever seen, it could be some sort of important figure or God from another race.

As they walk closer and closer to the first floor's boss room, they could feel quite a bit of the pressure already pressing down on them. Although it did start making them take a bit of damage, they were able to regenerate from it pretty decently. After they reached and touched the door did a system notification pop up.


[Host & User Have Arrived At First Floor Boss Room…

[Challenge The Floor Boss...?


[Teleporting To The Boss Room…


They shone in a bright light before appearing in a throne room. Confused, they looked around to see a large skeleton, sitting on a golden throne. The skeleton wore a red cape with white fur on top, it also had heavy armor covering its entire body, with a crown on top. Its red, firelike eyes burned in the darkness, looking at us before it spoke in a dark, deep, and experienced voice.

"Another challenger I see. Are you truly prepared for this? I will not hold back…" The skeleton said.


[Accept The Challenge Of The Skeleton King?


[Beginning Challenge…

[Dungeon Boss Level Monster Detected!

[Boss: Skeleton Lord


[Devour] Is Able To Be Used…

[Rank Is Too Low To Inspect]


"Alice, be careful, it's in the mortal 3rd rank, I'll still need some help. Boost me and start killing the skeletons for me ok? I have a few spells to test out on it." Adrian said as he got in front of Alice, and pulled out his clone.

"Tch...this is the second time I couldn't do anything when it counts. [Boost], don't die on my alright Adrian?" Alice replied as she charged towards the other skeletons who were trying to protect its lord.

Adrian did a test charge on the skeleton lord and slashed, but it blocked it with its arm, not thinking much about it since it was only a mortal 2nd rank. What surprised me was the fact that Adrian was actually able to hurt it, albeit slightly cracking the bones, if he did it enough, he could severely damage him. The skeleton lord jumped back and grabbed the sword beside its throne, ready to take Adrian more seriously now.

As the skeleton lord grabs the sword, it disappears and reappears right in front of Adrian, but he was ready for it and already fired an elemental ball at point blank range. The skeleton's eyes widened as it and its armor was blown away by it, taking a decent amount of damage. As it was still being blown back, Adrian dashed towards it, infused his mana around his clone and released a slash that the skeleton lord noticed, and flipped out of the way before Adrian could damage its core.

They then continued to do multiple clashes with each other, trying to get the upper hand. Though after 20 minutes of fighting the boss felt something strange fighting with Adrian, especially since he didn't get tired at all, but instead felt like he was using him to warm up and train.

'He doesn't feel like a demi human or human...is he a monster as well?' The Skeleton Lord wondered as he began swinging his sword towards Adrian to keep him at a distance. Adrian responded by using his mana coated sword and swung it towards the boss multiple times, creating slash arcs in the air, moving towards the boss.

Knowing that even with all of that, he couldn't keep up with the boss, so he buffed himself with [Blessing] to close that gap. The skeleton lord noticed the change in his aura and immediately dashed towards him to interrupt him, but was pushed back by Adrian's sword. Adrian had received a few slashes from the boss, taking a large portion of his health, though it was regenerated pretty quickly. Adrian shot a few fireballs to test if the boss was in any way weak to it. Because Adrian put enough mana into the fireball, it did have some effect, slowly burning the boss and making it start to escape.

Adrian then followed the boss, rushed behind it, and released 4 Elemental Balls right around the boss's core. The core exploded out of the skeleton lord, while the fire slowly burned the rest of the body. Adrian first stored the core into his inventory before going to Alice with his beat up state. He did slow his pace down a notch so he could recover and make Alice worry less, and mostly because he didn't want to be nagged like in his past experience with girls close to him.

Alice just finished killing another skeleton and putting it in her inventory before noticing Adrian in his slightly bruised and scratched state walking towards her.

'You finish all the skeletons?' Adrian asked Alice.

'Yeah, let's take a look at the loot before deciding if we wanna go further down the dungeon.' Alice replied.

'Oh yeah, before I forget, here's the last 3 cores you need, I don't need it any ways since if we sold it, it would attract too much attention.' Alice said, giving Adrian 3 weaker magic cores.

'Thanks!' Adrian smiled.


[Host Has Defeated The First Floor Dungeon Boss: Skeleton Lord

[35 Minutes, Solo, Minions Killed, Evenly Matched

[Host Has Completed A Cross Ranked Kill: +500,000 Exp, 5000 Sp

[+1,000,000 Exp, 20,000 Sp

[Host Has Leveled Up x3! +15 All Stats, +150 Free Attribute Points

[Devour Has Been Used On Skeleton Lord's Core: +1296 Free Attribute Points

[15 Weaker Skeletal Cores Combined To 1 Medium Skeletal Core

[Devour Has Been Used: +75 Free Attribute Points

[Attributes Allocation Confirmed...

[User Alice Has Solo Killed 417 Skeletons…

[+417,000 Exp

[Leveled Up x2! +10 All Stats, +100 Free Attribute Points

[Attribute Allocation Confirmed...

[First Floor Cleared!

[Mortal Rank 3 And Above Required For Next Floors

[Teleporting Challengers Out Of The Dungeon…



Chapter 12 End