

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 264: He is your father!

Hidden breath?

Escape from space?

What's the use?

After Ye Xuan was stunned for a long time, he suddenly slapped his thigh, "Damn, it's very useful!"

Conceal the breath!

This hidden breath is completely different from his technique 'Dun', it should be said that it is not at the same level at all.

Now he can use this chaotic energy to hide himself perfectly. Even if he stands in front of a real magician, the other party can't feel him.

Just like a mysterious woman!

In addition, this has another function, that is, it is used for escape.

With this chaotic atmosphere, as long as he hides, who can find him?

Moreover, this Primal Chaos Qi must have other uses, but he hasn't discovered it yet. However, he is not in a hurry, anyway, this chaotic energy won't run away!

Ye Xuan left the Prison Tower, and at this moment, a small word 'empty' suddenly appeared between his brows.

The law of space!

The moment this Dao Ze appeared, Ye Xuan was horrified to find that the originally somewhat illusory space actually materialized.

At this moment, he can clearly feel everything in the surrounding space.

How space is composed is composed of substances, and there are many kinds of substances. However, this is too complicated, and he still doesn't understand it well.

However, he discovered that through the principles of space, his understanding of space has almost instantly increased to a level that only a true magician should understand.

The reason why the powerhouses of the True Law Realm are powerful is that they can control space and use space to decompose the energy that exists in space. Regardless of whether it is sword skills or supernatural powers, they are all composed of energy, and the horror of a true magician is that they can directly decompose these energies.

This is why there is such a big difference between the Royal Law Realm and the real Royal Law Realm!

To put it simply, a strong person in the Realm of Realm can not only use space, but also use space to decompose. But now, with this rule, he can easily do it!

The way!

At this moment, Ye Xuan discovered just how terrifying this way is. Moreover, his intuition told him that the ability of this space law is far more than that, and this requires him to study and develop slowly.

Ye Xuan took a deep breath, then waved his right hand forward lightly, and in an instant, the space in front of him rippled like water waves.

Then, he swung his right hand lightly, and in an instant, the space in front of him formed a strange vortex!

As if thinking of something, the sword in his left hand flew out suddenly, and then stabbed straight at himself.

Just when the sword was half an inch away from his brow, the space between his brows suddenly trembled. The next moment, the sword seemed to be blocked by an invisible barrier, and it could no longer enter half an inch. At the same time, The sword began to tremble violently, and the light on the sword began to disappear bit by bit.

break down!

After a while, the sword light around the sword completely disappeared, and the sword began to tremble violently, as if it was about to be disassembled.

Ye Xuan stopped, he stretched out his hand to hold the sword, and said softly: "What a terrifying way..."

A true true master of the law realm cannot decompose treasures such as heaven ranks, but this space dao can!

If he continued, he would definitely be able to decompose this Heavenly Rank Sword. Of course, it would take a lot of time, and when confronting people, others would never give him a chance to decompose it. Unless he can decompose this kind of heavenly treasure in an instant, otherwise, it will not be very practical.

However, although there is no way to decompose this kind of heavenly treasure in an instant, he can easily do it under the heavenly rank!

But now, his realm is the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, but he can use the Space Dao to reach the True Control Dharma Realm.

Of course, this is not the real Realm of the Realm. Although he can also decompose it, the power of the strong of the Realm of the Realm is not only the use of space decomposition, combat awareness, experience, and the use of supernatural powers and profound skills. cannot be ignored.

Therefore, Ye Xuan knew very well that he was not in the Realm of the Realm. Moreover, although he could use space to decompose, he still needed to rely on the principles of Tao.

And this principle is not condensed by himself. Strictly speaking, it belongs to foreign objects and does not belong to his own strength.

Although there are treasures, they cannot be overly relied on or used as capital!

Ye Xuan did not continue to study, but left the abyss first, and came to a dense forest deep in the Nanlian Mountains.

Because he was also afraid of the return of the mysterious person before, although he now has the law of space, there must still be a big gap with the other party.

In the dense forest, Ye Xuan continued to study. What he had to do was to develop more of this space law, and the best thing was to use this space law to create some special moves of his own.

Because he thought of a point, now he wants to try it to see if it works...


While Ye Xuan was studying the principles of space, a middle-aged man came to Zhongzhou Boundary Guard Mountain.

As soon as the middle-aged man stepped into the Boundary Protector Mountain, several powerful auras locked the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man had no expression on his face, and with a wave of his hand, those auras disappeared instantly without a trace.


At this time, a roar of anger suddenly sounded from the top of Hujie Mountain, and immediately after, an old man appeared in front of the middle-aged man.

The real powerhouse!

The old man stared at the middle-aged man coldly, "Who are you, who dares to trespass on our Boundary Guard Mountain without fear of killing the Nine Races?"


The middle-aged man was stunned. Gradually, his eyes became a little confused. After a long time, his eyes gradually became clear, "Lian Yuan, my name is Lian Yuan, Emperor Lian Yuan..."

"Emperor Lian Yuan?"

The old man frowned, "What, I've never heard of it..." The middle-aged man named Lian Yuan suddenly waved his right hand one by one


Without warning, the old man was instantly sent flying hundreds of feet away!

Hundreds of feet away, the old man looked at Lian Yuan in horror, "You..."

Lian Yuan was expressionless, "Lord Lord Lu of the World Guardian League is here!"

At this time, a middle-aged man suddenly appeared in front of Lian Yuan.

This person is none other than Lord Lu of the World Guardian League!

Lu Zunzhu stared at Lian Yuan, "Your Excellency?"

Lian Yuan shook his head, "I won't say much about who I am. I'm here to bring a word for one person."

"Who is it?" Zunzhu Lu asked.

Lian Yuan said: "Ye Xuan!"

Ye Xuan!

Hearing this, Venerable Lu narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light flickered in his pupils, "What are you talking about!"

Lian Yuan said softly: "He said, he is your father!"


Venerable Master Lu was furious, and a monstrous coercion directly crushed Lian Yuan. In an instant, the entire sky space trembled violently.

Faced with this terrifying coercion, Lian Yuan's expression did not fluctuate in the slightest. With a light wave of his right hand, a silver glow came out, and in an instant, that coercion disappeared without a trace.

At this moment, Zunzhu Lu's expression became serious.

This person in front of him is no ordinary person!

Lu Zunzhu stared at Lian Yuan, "Who is Your Excellency!"

Lian Yuan shook his head, "The words have been brought, the matter has been completed, and I am leaving."

After finishing speaking, he was about to leave, and at this time, Venerable Lu suddenly appeared in front of Lian Yuan, Lian Yuan said in a low voice: "Although your strength is good, it is impossible to keep me!"

Lu Zunzhu said in a deep voice: "Your Excellency and that Ye Xuan..."

Lian Yuan shook his head, "It doesn't matter at all, just to bring a word, he said he is your father, that's all."

After speaking, he didn't wait for Venerable Lu to answer, and disappeared into the far end of the sky.

In the same place, Lu Zunzhu's face was livid with anger, he has never been insulted like this before!

Gradually, Venerable Lu's expression calmed down, he turned his head and looked into the distance, "Is that Ye Xuan gone?"

In the distance, a man in black suddenly appeared, and the man in black gave a slight salute, "This man has disappeared since he left Jiang Country!"

Venerable Lu calmly said: "Find out the whereabouts of this person, but don't act rashly. Also, does this person have a younger sister?"

The man in black nodded, "My name is Ye Ling. This person is now the saint of the Northern Cold Sect. She is extremely evil. She has reached the Realm Realm at a young age. If she continues to grow, she will become even more evil than Ye Xuan." ."

After a moment of silence, Lu Zunzhu asked, "How is the relationship between his brother and sister?"


The man in black said: "The two brothers and sisters have been dependent on each other since they were young, and they have a very good relationship. This Ye Ling is Ye Xuan Nilin! For this Ye Ling, Ye Xuan did not hesitate to fight Cangmu College..."

Venerable Lu said softly: "If you control Ye Ling, it's like controlling Ye Xuan in disguise..."

The man in black said in a deep voice: "My lord, this Ye Ling is the saint of the Northern Cold Sect. It is absolutely impossible for the Northern Cold Sect to hand her over to our World Guardian League. Although the Northern Cold School is not as good as our World Guardian League, but at this time, It is really inappropriate for us to make enemies with the Northern Cold Sect, at least, it is better to make fewer enemies before the Lord's great event is completed!"

Lu Zunzhu said lightly: "Why do you want to make enemies with the Northern Cold Sect?"

"The suzerain's intention?" the man in black asked.

Lu Zunzhu chuckled, "I have a nephew, although he's a bit flamboyant, but he's also a good-looking talent, matching him with the saintess of the Northern Cold Sect, it's not a bad treatment to them!"

The man in black hesitated for a while, and then said: "What if the Northern Cold Sect disagrees?"

Lu Zunzhu said softly: "It's not that Ye Ling's life is wanted. If the Northern Cold Sect still disagrees, then they will be ignorant! When the time comes, send someone to suppress them, and they will understand themselves. I don't believe it. The Han Sect still dares to tear themselves apart with our World Protector League! Tomorrow, you will bring some gifts to the Northern Cold Sect to propose marriage, and see how the Northern Cold Sect behaves!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

And the man in black also fled quietly.


In the Nanlian Mountains, Ye Xuan is still studying the space law he just obtained!

Use of space!

In the dense forest, Ye Xuan stood in front of a tree, with a sword box behind him. Suddenly, a sword flew out from the sword box, and it slashed straight at an ancient tree ten feet away.

And when the sword was half a foot away from the ancient tree, Ye Xuan suddenly grabbed it with his right hand, "Prisoner!"

Between his brows, the Space Dao trembled slightly, and the next moment, his flying sword stopped in the air, and no matter how he pushed it, the sword just couldn't move at all!

Space cage!
