

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 263: The Qi of Chaos!

The way!

Although Ye Xuan knew nothing about the origin of this prison tower, he still knew something about it.

Inside the Prison Tower, there are a total of nine paths, and in the past, the Prison Tower was obviously severely damaged, and the nine paths were scattered.

In other words, the Nine Dao Principles themselves are in the Jie Prison Tower.

If there is no Boundary Prison Tower, he may end up in the same fate as that mysterious man, being imprisoned by the Boundary Prison Tower. However, with the prison tower in this world, this way enters his body, which is equivalent to returning the property to its original owner.


There will be no problems!


has a problem!

Ye Xuan seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly woke up. He hurriedly entered the Prison Tower. At this moment, the second floor of the Prison Tower began to tremble!

The first one is on the first floor, and it is also a seal on the first floor, while the second one is, of course, the second floor...

That is to say, after Dao Dao enters the second floor, the great god on the second floor is likely to be able to come out.

come out!

Ye Xuan's throat rolled, still panicking.

Although the master on the second floor wasn't that bad, he wasn't that reliable either! If it leaves as soon as it comes out, it's okay, but if it doesn't leave after it comes out and wants to take the tower, then it will be a big trouble.

The second floor was extremely quiet, without any movement.

The more so, Ye Xuan became more flustered.

And at this moment, he sensed the Dao of space, and soon, he sensed it! After sensing it, he discovered that he could actually sense the existence of the second layer.

Access to the second floor is possible!


This is not the second floor! Ye Xuan's face suddenly changed, and he was stunned!

This is the third floor!

the third floor!

At this moment, the second floor suddenly trembled like an earthquake.

Obviously, the god on the second floor also realized it!

The entire second floor trembled wildly. Obviously, the god on the second floor was extremely angry...

Ye Xuansheng was afraid that the great god on the second floor would be overwhelmed, so he hurriedly said: "Don't, don't be angry, I will go find it later, find the second floor of Taoism, and then let you out, okay?"

It's useless, the master on the second floor is still tossing, and he's tossing hard!

This tossing made Ye Xuan feel uncomfortable!

Although it is not fatal to him, this prison tower is connected with his mind, and he must be very uncomfortable when the great god on the second floor is so noisy.

In this way, after going on for about half an hour, the great god on the second floor stopped for a while.

Ye Xuan smiled wryly, facing the great god on the second floor, he actually understood quite well, after all, he had been imprisoned in this tower for many years, and now he finally had the opportunity to go out. However, it was discovered that the Tao was wrong, not at its level!

Anyone who changed it would definitely go crazy!

At this time, a phantom appeared in front of Ye Xuan, it was the great god on the second floor, at this moment, it was staring at Ye Xuan with unkind eyes.

Ye Xuan said seriously: "Actually, we should live in peace, what do you think?"

The god on the second floor did not speak.

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "How about this, within a year, within a year, I will find the second way, and then I will let you go. But during this period, if I am in trouble, you must help me if you can. how do I?"

The god on the second floor stared at Ye Xuan for a long time, and finally, it suddenly said, "You, thick-skinned, like to flicker."

Ye Xuan: "..."

The Great God on the second floor has stayed in the tower for so long, so he still knows a little about Ye Xuan's character.

This is shameless, I am afraid that even this prison tower will not be able to break through.

At this time, Ye Xuan said in a deep voice: "Have you ever seen me cheating on my own people? I, Ye Xuan, promised to find the second way as soon as possible, and then I will set you free. However, during this period, I hope you can help me in my critical moment, how about it?"

The god on the second floor stared at Ye Xuan for a long time, and finally, it turned around and disappeared.

Obviously, it was agreed.

Ye Xuan also felt relieved, he naturally didn't want to have any unpleasant things happen with this second-floor master.

Everyone cooperates with each other and helps each other. Naturally, it couldn't be better!

the third floor!

After Ye Xuan convinced the Great God on the second floor, he immediately put his mind on Dao Ze.

But at this moment, he has been able to enter the third floor through this second way!

And so far, there has been no movement on the third floor!

Can you get in?

Ye Xuan hesitated a little. If it goes in and gets killed, it will be too unjust!

But if he didn't go in, he was a little unwilling.

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Xuan finally chose to go in. If he didn't go in, it was like something was tickling him, and his heart was itchy.

Soon, Ye Xuan entered the third floor of the Prison Tower through the space path. The third floor is very empty, and there are no items.

And not far in front of Ye Xuan, there was a wisp of air suspended, a wisp of white air, this wisp of air was about two fingers long, quietly suspended in the air.

Apart from this wisp of Qi, there is nothing in the entire third floor!


Ye Xuan frowned, what kind of anger is this? He walked in front of that wisp of Qi, Qi was extremely calm and did not respond.

At this time, the wisp of qi trembled suddenly, but the next moment, the space dao suddenly appeared above its head, and in an instant, the wisp of white qi calmed down. Obviously, it was suppressed by the Dao of Space!

Ye Xuan thought for a while, and then said: "I'll let you out, but you have to be obedient, okay?"

The breath didn't respond.

Ye Xuan was a little helpless, and was about to turn around and leave. Naturally, he didn't dare to release this wisp of qi without authorization, because it is definitely not easy to be locked in here, and this qi is still locked on the third floor, which is one floor higher than the Great God on the second floor!

At this moment, the wisp of air suddenly trembled again.

Ye Xuan stopped, and under his control, Dao Dao suddenly left, and at this moment, that wisp of air floated directly in front of him, as if sizing him up. After a while, it suddenly turned into a white light and directly entered Ye Xuan's eyebrows.

For a moment, Ye Xuan's mind went blank!

Soon, a scene appeared deep in his head.

This is in a pitch black chaos, there is nothing around, it is pitch black.

Suddenly, this piece of chaos exploded, and everything around it began to change qualitatively. Just like that, it lasted for an unknown amount of time, and the surroundings became a starry sky, and in this starry sky, there was a wisp of air floating!

A wisp of white air!

But at this moment, a black tower nearly 10,000 feet high suddenly appeared in the starry sky. The next moment, this wisp of white air was directly absorbed into the tower, and the tower turned into a black light and disappeared into the sky. In the depths of the vast starry sky.

The screen stopped abruptly!

Inside the tower, Ye Xuan came back to his senses, but at this moment, his heart was churning like a wave.

Boundary Prison Tower!

The last tower that appeared in his mind just now was the Hell Tower!

And this wisp of air is called: the air of chaos. Born in the chaos of the universe, born with a piece of the universe.

And it is quite sad, as soon as it was born, it was directly taken away by the Hell Tower. Not long after entering the Boundary Prison Tower, the Boundary Prison Tower was severely damaged and then forcibly sealed. Therefore, it has not grown up by itself at all, and now it is equivalent to a three-year-old child. As for the effect, Ye Xuan doesn't know what is the use of it...

However, after this wisp of qi was in his body, he found it very comfortable, and this wisp of qi would continue to swim in his body. As this wisp of qi wandered away, he found that his whole body felt extremely refreshed, as if the impurities in his body had been emptied!

Very comfortable!

Marrow washing?

Ye Xuan knew that the human body actually has a lot of impurities. After all, people eat whole grains. But in this world, some treasures of heaven and earth can be used to cleanse the marrow, that is, to absorb the impurities of the human body, so that a person's physique can achieve a qualitative transformation.

But this kind of natural and earthly treasure is very difficult to obtain, and only some top forces can have it!

And the ray of chaos in his body now obviously has this effect!

Although this wisp of Qi can't increase his combat power, its effect is greater than increasing his combat power.

nice one!

Ye Xuan grinned, as if thinking of something, he sensed the breath, and the next moment, he stayed where he was.

Because at this moment, he can't feel his own existence!

He found that not only did he have no breath, he couldn't even feel himself, as if he didn't exist!

But the problem is, he is here again!

Jump out of the space, not in the five elements!

He has only experienced this situation on one person, and that is the mysterious woman!

Ye Xuan was completely stunned.