

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 265: Have you asked Lao Tzu yet?

Space cage!

What is a space cage?

It is natural to use the space to form a separate cage to imprison the opponent.

The reason why he had this idea was precisely because of the mysterious person at the bottom of the abyss. That mysterious person is so powerful, but he has been imprisoned by this Dao for more than a thousand years. Obviously, the space power of this Space Dao is absolutely terrifying.

And he, although he can't exert the full power of this space law, he can also make good use of this special space power.

Space cage!

A martial skill formed through the medium of the Dao of Space, no, it should be considered a supernatural power.

And this supernatural power, according to his estimation, may not have that great effect on the powerful people of the real magic realm, but it will definitely not be useless at all!

The strength of a true magician is that he can use space to decompose it, and what if he uses this space cage to protect his sword energy when he uses his sword skills in the future?

In this way, he is equivalent to narrowing the gap between himself and the real powerhouse.

Withdrawing his thoughts, Ye Xuan continued to practice. What he has to do now is to cultivate this space cage to the extreme.

In addition, he has one more thing to do, which is to use the Tao to condense into a sword!

This point, he did not forget.

Since the mysterious woman asked him to do this, she must have a reason.

However, he must come one by one now.

Now, he is not the dean of Canglan College, he doesn't have too many things to do, he doesn't have any burdens and pressures, and he can just concentrate on cultivation.

It is a good thing for him to disband Canglan Academy temporarily.

While Ye Xuan was concentrating on cultivating, Qingzhou was undergoing tremendous changes.

At least 80% of Qingzhou has fallen. Especially the Demon Sect and the Ghost Sect, after the two sects entered Qingzhou, they occupied a large area, and the monks of the two sects can be said to be unscrupulous.

In addition to the ghost sect and the demon sect, the local monks in Qingzhou are also in chaos. Some of the native monks in Qingzhou did not dare to bully those monks from Zhongzhou, but they dared to bully the native monks in Qingzhou, because those people were weaker than them!

The entire Qingzhou is now in chaos.

The only ones that are relatively stable are the Ning Kingdom and the Dayun Empire, because even the Demon Sect and the Ghost Sect strictly forbid their disciples from invading these two countries.

The reason, of course, is because of Ye Xuan!

This person who has disappeared in Qingzhou now! Although Ye Xuan has not appeared in Qingzhou, his legend is still circulating throughout Qingzhou. Especially those monks from Zhongzhou, they are extremely afraid of Ye Xuan, it should be said that they are afraid. You know, Ye Xuan massacred countless monks from Zhongzhou back then, and the place where Ye Xuan was was definitely a taboo place. Although Ye Xuan is not around now, these Zhongzhou monks still dare not offend the forces related to Ye Xuan. Not to mention Ningguo and Dayun Empire, even Jiangguo's Qingcheng, no monk from Zhongzhou dared to step into it.

At least, before Ye Xuan died, these monks from Zhongzhou would not come to provoke people related to Ye Xuan. And countless Qingzhou local monks regretted it.

At this moment, many local monks in Qingzhou discovered that these monks from Zhongzhou came to Qingzhou not for Ye Xuan.

Unfortunately, it was too late to understand.

Without Ye Xuan, Qingzhou will be even more chaotic!

As a result, some people actually started looking for Ye Xuan everywhere, hoping that Ye Xuan would continue to stand for them...

After the disbandment of Canglan College, it also completely disappeared, and all of them were broken into parts and developed independently.

These people are hidden in the crowd, they are cultivating silently, waiting silently, waiting for the day when Ye Xuan summons them!

Dayun Empire.

On the city wall of the imperial capital, Lian Wanli stood quietly. She looked ahead and put her hands behind her back, wondering what she was thinking.

Apparently, her arm has recovered.

Behind Lian Wanli was the female guard A Zuo.

After an unknown amount of time, Lian Wanli said softly, "Now Qingzhou has completely fallen, right?"

Ah Zuo nodded slightly, "It is."

"What about him?" Lian Wanli asked suddenly.

Ah Zuo obviously knew who Lian Wanli was referring to, and immediately said: "After leaving Jiang Country, he disappeared completely without any news."

Lian Wanli nodded slightly, "Continue to pay attention, if there is any news about him, please let me know directly!"

Zuo hesitated for a moment, and then said: "My lord, although this person is powerful, his temper is too petty... After he left, Qingzhou is now..."

"What if he doesn't leave?"

Lian Wanli asked suddenly, "If he doesn't leave, then he will have to face not only the monks from Zhongzhou, but also the local monks from Qingzhou. He has done enough for this land. To protect this land, it should be everyone responsibility, not one person's responsibility."

Ah Zuo nodded slightly, "I understand. It's just my king. I would like to ask you, why do you want him?" Lian Wanli glanced at his arm, and the corners of his mouth slightly raised, "Let him see the growth of this king. arm!"

Ah Zuo: "..."



Northern Cold Sect.

On this day, an old man came to the Northern Cold Sect. The old man did not come empty-handed, but brought many gifts.

Propose marriage!

In the Beihan Hall, the old man was sitting quietly, and not far from him was a beautiful woman in a white dress.

This beautiful woman is Shen Weiyang, the suzerain of Beihan Sect.

The old man stood up and cupped his fists, "Sect Master Shen, this old man is here on behalf of our World Protector League. To be honest, our World Protector League wants to marry the Northern Cold Sect!"

relatives by marriage!

Shen Weiyang raised her eyebrows slightly, "In-laws?"

The old man smiled and said: "Exactly. I have heard for a long time that the saint of the noble sect is a genius, and she has reached the true ten thousand dharma realm at a young age. Naturally, such a genius must be betrothed to a good husband. To be honest, I am the Guardian of the World Venerable Lu has a nephew named Lu Xuanming, Xuan Ming has long admired the Holy Maiden Ye Ling, and asked Sect Master Shen to fulfill her."

Lu Xuanming!

Shen Weiyang's expression suddenly turned ugly, who doesn't know that Lu Xuanming of the Guardian League is a playboy?

Shen Weiyang didn't get angry, she raised her teacup and took a sip, then said with a smile: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for being considerate, but Xiao Ling'er is not yet fifteen years old, and she is still young, so she is really not suitable for marriage, please be kind." Union understanding."

Hearing this, the smile on the old man's face disappeared almost instantly!

Shen Weiyang didn't say anything either, this Ye Ling is the future hope of the Northern Cold Sect, so naturally she won't hand her over so easily!

Even if she agrees, those elders in the sect will not agree!

Because Ye Ling is the next suzerain appointed by the Northern Cold Sect.

The old man glanced at Shen Weiyang, and said in a low voice: "Why, is the Northern Cold Sect looking down on my World Guardian Alliance?"

Obviously, this is to overwhelm people with power.

Shen Weiyang smiled slightly, "What are you talking about, in this Qingcang world, who dares to look down on the Guardian Alliance? As I said just now, Xiao Ling'er is only fourteen years old. At such an age, it is really not suitable for marriage. What do you think of her talking about marriage after she turns eighteen?"


How could the old man not know that Shen Weiyang was playing with words, and said with a sneer: "Fourteen years old, that's not too young! Sect Master Shen, marrying me as an in-law with the World Protector Alliance is very important to your Northern Cold Sect." It's not a bad thing. Especially now that the aura in the Qingcang world is thin, and the aura is slowly disappearing everywhere..."

Speaking of this, he smiled slightly, "As far as I know, the aura of the Northern Cold Sect seems to be slowly disappearing, and the ice in many places is slowly melting. Sect Master Shen, you Northern Cold Sect, it seems It's not very good. If something happens to the Northern Cold Sect at this time, it may not be very good!"

Hearing this, Shen Weiyang's expression instantly turned cold!


The words of the old man are already a naked threat!

The old man didn't care about Shen Weiyang's cold expression, he got up and said with a smile: "Sect Master Shen, our World Guardian Alliance has no malice towards the Beihan Sect, we just want to marry the noble sect. Venerable Lu has promised that as long as the Beihan Sect The Han Sect and the World Protector League are married. At that time, the affairs of the Northern Cold Sect will be the affairs of our World Protector League. Not only that, this Miss Ye Ling can still inherit the great cause of the Northern Cold Sect, and my World Protector League will definitely not Meddle in the internal affairs of the Northern Cold Sect!"

Speaking of this, he cupped his fists, "Three days later, our Guardian League will come to welcome the relatives, and I ask Sect Master Shen to get ready!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

In the hall, a powerful breath suddenly swept out from Shen Weiyang's body, and the ice sculpture wine table in front of her instantly turned into powder.

Shen Weiyang's expression was cold, his eyes were full of killing intent, "The Guardian League, you are really deceiving people too much!" At this time, an old woman came out.

This person is precisely the Granny Leng who has been following Ye Ling.

Granny Leng said in a deep voice: "What the Guardian League did this time is probably because of Ye Xuan."

Ye Xuan!

Shen Weiyang looked at Granny Leng, "Where is this person now?"

Granny Leng shook her head, "Since this person left Jiang Country, he has completely disappeared. I don't know where he is now!"

After a moment of silence, Shen Weiyang said: "The Guardian League did not dare to kill this person openly, obviously out of fear, it is said that there is a sword fairy behind this person... You will pass this matter to Qingzhou later , must let this person come to Zhongzhou."

Granny Leng said in a deep voice: "Even if he comes, I'm afraid it will be difficult to change the decision of the World Protector League..."

Shen Weiyang said coldly: "The goal of the Guardian League is not Xiao Ling'er, but Ye Xuan. As long as he comes, he can successfully attract the Guardian League. And only if he dies, can the Guardian League let Little Ling go." Son..."

Granny Leng hesitated, "Little Ling'er's feelings for Ye Xuan are very deep. If she knows that we have calculated Ye Xuan so much, she will hate you and me, including the Northern Cold Sect!"

Shen Weiyang shook her head, "She will understand you and me in the future. Do it!"

Granny Leng sighed softly, then turned and left.

Soon, the news that the Guardian League was going to marry Xiao Ling'er spread to Qingzhou.

Qingzhou, Nanlian Mountains.

Ye Xuan, who was practicing, suddenly stopped, and he took out a sound transmission stone. After a while, he was furious, and slashed down with his sword.


The trees within tens of feet in front of him instantly turned into dust!

Ye Xuan put away his long sword, his expression extremely ferocious, "Marry my sister? Have you asked me? A bunch of bastards..."

After speaking, he turned and left with his sword in hand.
