

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 220: Are you going to kill my brother?

As soon as the little girl stepped off the cloud boat, the temperature in the field dropped suddenly, and every time her two little feet touched the ground, the ground would be frozen immediately.

Every step makes ice!

When the little girl got off the boat, Ye Xuan who was not far away was stunned.

And the little girl's eyes fell on Ye Xuan at the first time. When she saw Ye Xuan, two lines of icy tears flowed slowly from her eyes.

But at this moment, the old man Hehuan who was smiling was stunned.

Something is wrong!

The old man Hehuan looked at a beautiful woman behind the little girl, who also frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

The beautiful woman hesitated for a while, then walked to the side of the little girl, and said softly, "Your Highness the Holy Maiden."

The little girl did not answer, but walked towards Ye Xuan who was not far away. She walked a little fast, but at this moment, the old man Hehuan suddenly walked up to the little girl and said with a smile: "His Royal Highness, I, the Hehuan Sect, want to get rid of Ye Xuan!" The person, it is this Ye Xuan."

With that said, he pointed to Ye Xuan not far away!

Except Ye Xuan?

The little girl was stunned, and the next moment, her eyes suddenly froze, and a cold air swept out of her body.


Without any warning, the old man Hehuan was instantly shocked hundreds of feet away!

As soon as the old man Hehuan stopped, his hands were directly frozen. Not only that, the cold air was spreading along his palms towards his body. If these cold air entered his body, he would be frozen immediately. Become an ice sculpture!

Without the slightest hesitation, the old man Hehuan stretched his arms, and his palms fell directly, without a drop of blood, because he was frozen!

Give up your palms decisively!

Seeing that the coldness disappeared with the drop of his palms, the old man Hehuan breathed a sigh of relief. As if thinking of something, he suddenly raised his head to look at the little girl not far away, "Why!"

Why! At this moment, everyone in the field looked at the little girl.

Even the two ten thousand dharma realm experts behind the little girl looked at the little girl with puzzled eyes.

The little girl didn't answer the old man Hehuan, she quickly ran in front of Ye Xuan, seeing this scene, the expressions of the two ten thousand dharma realm experts behind the little girl changed drastically, and they were about to make a move, when the little girl suddenly rushed in In Ye Xuan's arms, "Brother!"

elder brother!

Elder Acacia is petrified!

The two ten thousand dharma realm experts behind the little girl also froze in place!

elder brother!

The little girl in front of me is naturally Ye Ling!

Just as Ye Xuan was hugged by Ye Ling, a chill instantly swept over his body, making him shiver.

so cold!

Biting cold!

This is Ye Xuan's first feeling!

Sensing Ye Xuan's state, Ye Ling quickly let go of Ye Xuan, and took a few steps back. Seeing that frost had appeared on Ye Xuan's body, she was in a hurry, "Brother, you, I... I didn't mean to, I..."

At this time, a sword intent suddenly emanated from Ye Xuan's body!

Kindness Sword Intent!

When the kindness sword intent appeared, the coldness around him suddenly decreased a lot.

Not far away, the old man He Huan suddenly looked at the two beautiful women behind Ye Ling, his expression was extremely cold, "You two, what is going on?"

The two beautiful women glanced at each other, and finally, one of the beautiful women walked up to Ye Ling and said softly: "Your Highness, we are here this time under the entrustment of the Hehuan Sect, you... ."

Hearing the beautiful woman's words, Ye Ling suddenly looked at the old man Hehuan not far away, with an extremely cold expression, "You want to kill my brother?"

Although the voice is calm, it is a bit chilling!

The old man Hehuan said in a deep voice: "His Royal Highness, you are the Saintess of the Northern Cold Sect, how could you be this sister Ye Xuan? Are you..." "I am his sister!"

Ye Ling walked towards the old man Hehuan suddenly, and she stared at the old man Hehuan coldly, "Whoever dares to touch a hair of my brother, I will destroy his whole family!"

As the voice fell, she suddenly flew up into the air, and in an instant, pure white snowflakes suddenly fell from the entire sky.

In the air, Ye Ling put his hands together, and the snowflakes suddenly stopped, but the next moment, those snowflakes spun at a high speed, and in an instant, the ground within a radius of one hundred feet cracked inch by inch. At the same time, those snowflakes shot down from the air, their The target is the old man Hehuan below!

Heaven-level martial arts!

Seeing this scene, the old man He Huan's face changed greatly. At this moment, he has no chance to escape, because those snowflakes have surrounded him from all directions!

I can only fight to the death!

The old man Hehuan slammed his hands towards the ground and clapped them.


The place where he was was collapsed in an instant, and in an instant, a pink sharp blade shot up from the ground and pierced the sky!

Wherever the pink sharp blade passed, some snowflakes were smashed directly, and they smashed Ye Ling with the force of a bamboo!

Not far away, Ye Xuan was about to make a move, but Ye Ling in the air suddenly pointed at the old man He Huan. In the air, countless snowflakes suddenly gathered into a snow lotus, and this snow lotus directly hit the sharp blade.


There was a sound of explosion in the sky, and under everyone's gaze, the pink sharp blade shattered instantly, while the snow lotus was intact, and drove straight down, hitting the old man Hehuan.


The old man Hehuan retreated hundreds of feet. As soon as he stopped, a chill instantly filled his whole body. Immediately afterwards, his whole body was directly frozen, only his eyes could move!

Total defeat!

Not far away, Xue Li and the others looked horrified, this old man Hehuan is a strong man at the peak of ten thousand dharma! And that's how he lost?

What's more, the saint of the Northern Cold Sect is actually Ye Xuan's younger sister?

Something is not right!

Xue Li glanced at Ye Ling, and already had the intention to retreat!

And behind the old man of Hehuan, the powerful people of the Hehuan Sect and the ten thousand dharma realm turned around and fled. Obviously, for them, if they don't escape now, when Ye Xuan and the Beihan saint girl take action together, they don't even have a chance to escape. Gone!

In the air, Ye Ling suddenly pointed at the fleeing Hehuan Sect powerhouses, "Kill them!"


Behind Ye Ling, the two ten thousand dharma realm powerhouses hesitated. You must know that the relationship between the North Cold Sect and the Hehuan Sect is still good. If there is another killer, the two sects will really become deadly enemies!

The hesitation of the two of them immediately caused those powerful people of the Hehuan Sect to disappear into the sky.

Seeing this, Ye Ling turned his head and glanced at the two of them, his eyes were cold, "My brother is right, you have to rely on yourself for everything!"

Hearing this, the faces of the two of them changed drastically, and they quickly knelt down on one knee, "Please calm down, Your Highness, the two of us..."

The two of them were already sweating profusely. Even though they are both in the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, Ye Ling's current status in the sect is really above everything else!

To put it bluntly, she is the hope of the Northern Cold Sect's complete rise!

How terrifying is it to be able to kill the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm at the age of fourteen?

Ye Ling waved his hand, "I don't want you two anymore! I will advance and retreat with my brother!"

After she finished speaking, she looked down at Xue Li, whose expression changed drastically, and he quickly bowed deeply, "Your Highness, this matter is a misunderstanding, and my Blood Sect has no intention of becoming an enemy of the Northern Cold Sect!"

Ye Ling said coldly: "But if you want to be an enemy of my brother, if you are an enemy of my brother, you are an enemy of me."

After the voice fell, she suddenly took a step forward. With this step, a cold current suddenly poured down from the air. At this moment, the temperature in the field dropped again, and everyone felt like they were in an ice cellar. At the same time, countless snowflakes Suddenly appearing in the sky above Xue Li and the others, each snowflake is like a sharp blade, making people shudder!

Seeing this scene, Xue Li was terrified, "Retreat, withdraw immediately!"

This time, he brought most of the elite disciples of the Blood Sect. If they all died here, it would undoubtedly be a serious injury to the Blood Sect.

But at this moment, with Ye Xuan and others present, plus Ye Ling and the Northern Cold Sect, the Blood Sect has no chance at all!

must escape!

After receiving Xue Li's order, the blood sect powerhouses behind him suddenly retreated, but Ye Ling's snowflakes had already shot down from the air.


In an instant, heart-piercing screams resounded in the arena, and those Blood Ancestors had no power to resist these snowflakes!

Even Ye Xuan was a little scared at the moment, because Ye Ling in front of him was so powerful that he was a little strange!

Seeing the tragic death of his own sect disciple, Xue Li's expression instantly became grim. He suddenly looked up at Ye Ling in the air, and the next moment, his whole body turned into a blood shadow and shot towards Ye Ling.

Obviously, he couldn't care less at this moment!

And at the moment Xue Li shot, Ye Xuan who was not far away suddenly jumped up and slashed at Xue Li with his sword!

At this moment, the Lingxiu Sword in his hand was still dark black, and the slash of the sword directly made the space tremble slightly!

A sword is life and death!

After adding evil thoughts and sword intent, the power of his sword surpassed any time he had ever been before!

Xue Li, who was rushing towards Ye Ling, stopped suddenly. When he saw the power of Ye Xuan's sword, his pupils shrank into needlepoints, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

How could a god of harmony be able to unleash such a terrifying sword?

Without daring to think too much, the profound energy in Xue Li's body surged violently, he turned around and slapped out a palm suddenly, in the palm, a blood-red energy palm print vibrated out. And at this time, Ye Xuan's sword arrived.


The blood-red energy palm print instantly shattered, and Xue Li himself was instantly sent flying hundreds of meters away. As soon as he landed, the ground under his feet split open instantly, and at the same time, blood continued to overflow from the corner of his mouth, and his entire right arm had been chopped off by Ye Xuan's sword!

Although he did not fall, he was seriously injured and completely lost his fighting power!

At this time, a group of cavalry suddenly rushed around!

Canglan Taoist Soldiers!

After a hundred or so cavalrymen joined the battlefield, those disciples of the blood sect immediately fled and died.

Ye Xuan suddenly said: "Don't let any one go, after beheading all the disciples of the Blood Sect, hang the heads of all the disciples of the Blood Sect on the gates of the Two Realms City to comfort the souls of the hundreds of thousands of people in the Two Realms City!"

Not far away, Xue Li stared at Ye Xuan with an incomparably ferocious expression, "My Blood Sect will not let you go..."

Before the words fell, Ye Xuan suddenly rushed in front of him, slashing horizontally with his sword.


Xue Li's head flew out!

Ye Xuan put away the Lingxiu sword, turned around and walked in front of Ye Ling, then took her little hand, "Go, brother will take you to eat noodles!"
