

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 221: Brother, I miss you!

Eat noodle!

Ye Xuan just pulled Ye Ling and walked towards the distance. Ye Ling still felt cold, but it was resisted by Ye Xuan's kindness and sword intent. Therefore, when Ye Xuan held her hand, he was not affected. too much impact.

At the noodle stall, Ye Xuan took a bench and put it behind Ye Ling. Seeing blood on the bench, he wiped it with his sleeve three times before letting Ye Ling sit down. As for himself, he hurried to the side of the stove and started to light a fire.

Cook their own!

Fortunately, there are still some ingredients, otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to eat this side.

Ye Ling, on the other hand, sat quietly on the frozen bench. She just looked at Ye Xuan who was busy not far away, with a faint smile on her face, and she was extremely satisfied and happy in her heart.

At this moment, she didn't look like a Beihan saint at all, she was just an ordinary little girl!

On the other side, Jiang Jiu glanced at Ye Xuan and Ye Ling with envy.

Ye Xuan's kindness to Ye Ling was neither deceitful nor beneficial, it was simply good!

This is the best, the truest and the purest!

However, she was born in the royal family, and she has never received such kindness. In the royal family, there is only intrigue, life and death!

After a while, Ye Xuan came to Ye Ling with a bowl of noodles, but in an instant, the bowl of noodles froze!


The expressions of the two brothers and sisters froze! But soon, the two siblings laughed again.

Ye Ling got up and hugged Ye Xuan gently, and said softly, "Brother, I miss you!"

Ye Xuan's body froze, and after a while, he gently hugged Ye Ling, "Brother too!"

The two siblings hugged each other tightly.

On the other side, Canglan Taoist soldiers had beheaded all the disciples of the blood sect, and all the heads of the disciples of the blood sect were hung on the gate of the city of Liangjie. Awe!

What happened in Liangjie City is undoubtedly a very big shock to those strong people from Zhongzhou!

A Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, and more than 30 Shenhe Realm, all of them were killed!

At this moment, those strong men from Zhongzhou all knew someone, and that was Ye Xuan! However, some Zhongzhou powerhouses who wanted to come to Jiang Country, after what happened in Liangjie City, all of them have given up this idea!

in the city.

An old woman in a linen robe suddenly came to Ye Ling and Ye Xuan with three heads. The two brothers and sisters looked at the old woman, who threw the heads on the ground.

These three heads are exactly the three ten thousand dharma realm experts who escaped from the Acacia Sect.

The old woman walked up to Ye Ling and said softly: "Little Ling'er, you said that everything depends on yourself. This is not wrong. However, I want to tell you that no matter what time it is, I, the Northern Cold Sect, will always be your best friend." strong backing."

Ye Ling glanced at the three heads, but didn't speak.

Ye Xuan suddenly cupped his fists at the old woman, "Senior, my sister is still young, and my words were a little inappropriate before, please forgive me!"

As he said that, he looked at Ye Ling with a serious expression, "Ling'er, Brother Zeng told you that as human beings, we must never return virtue with resentment. The Northern Cold Sect not only cured your typhoid fever, but also let you have With such ability now, this kindness, we brothers and sisters should remember it forever!"

Ye Ling nodded slightly, and said softly: "Brother, I understand!"

As she said that, she looked at the old woman in front of her, "Grandma Leng, the Northern Cold Sect treats me very well, I know that, I... I won't lose my temper in the future."

The old woman's expression softened, she smiled and said: "They are all from my own family, there is no problem."

As she said that, she looked at Ye Xuan who was beside Ye Ling, and after taking a look at Ye Xuan, "Are you Xiao Ling'er's brother Ye Xuan?"

Ye Xuan nodded, "Exactly."

The old woman nodded slightly, "I've heard of you before, but I was a little surprised to see you this time. Not only are you extremely talented and powerful, but it's extremely rare to be a man and do things. With you as a brother, For Xiao Linger, it is her luck, and it is also the luck of my Northern Cold Sect."

Obviously, this is recognition of Ye Xuan.

The fight between Ye Xuan and Xue Li before, the old man has already seen in secret, he has become a sword master at a young age, such a talent is actually not much worse than Ye Ling. How could the Northern Cold Sect deliberately target such a genius monster?

The most important thing is that he is Ye Ling's elder brother. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is half of the Northern Cold Sect. For Beihanzong, accepting Ye Ling is undoubtedly a very profitable business, which is equivalent to buy one get one free!

Hearing that the old woman recognized Ye Xuan, Ye Ling couldn't be happier.

For the Northern Cold Sect, she actually has feelings, because after she arrived at the Northern Cold Sect, the members of the Northern Cold Sect treated her very well.

At this time, the old woman looked at Ye Ling, "Little Linger, this time is over, we should go back!"

"go back?"

Ye Ling was stunned, then shook her head. She tightly hugged Ye Xuan's arm, "I'll accompany my brother!"

The old woman smiled bitterly, "You haven't completely subdued the holy thing in your body, but to subdue that holy thing, you must go back to the Northern Cold Sect, and we need to use the Great Northern Cold Formation to help you, otherwise, if the holy thing turns back, Your life will be in danger!"

"Holy object?"

Ye Xuan faced the old woman, a little puzzled.

The old woman nodded, "My Northern Cold Sect's first holy object, no one has been able to get its approval for nearly a hundred years! And Xiao Ling'er, the chance is the greatest! If this holy object is recognized, Xiao Ling'er's strength will once again be guaranteed. For her, the transformation is of great benefit. Furthermore..."

Speaking of this, her expression gradually became a little dignified, "Her physique is a bit beyond our imagination...In short, we must let her return to the Northern Cold Sect."

Ye Ling, on the other hand, hugged Ye Xuan tightly and never let go.

Seeing this, the old woman smiled wryly, although Ye Ling could easily kill the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm now, but she was still a child at heart.

Helpless, the old woman could only look at Ye Xuan, hoping that Ye Xuan could help persuade her.

Ye Xuan thought for a long time, and finally, she faced Ye Ling and said with a smile: "Senior said just now, if you subdue the sacred object in your body, your strength will become stronger, right?"

Ye Ling nodded his head, "Yes!"

Ye Xuan gently rubbed Ye Ling's little head, "The stronger you are, the better you can help brother!"

Ye Ling looked up at Ye Xuan, "But I want to be with you!"

Ye Xuan smiled and said, "I'll go to Zhongzhou to find you immediately after I finish handling the matter here, okay?"

Ye Ling lowered his head and did not speak.

The old woman's smile became more bitter.

Ye Xuan was about to speak, when Ye Ling suddenly looked up at him, "One day, stay with brother for one day, and I'll go back in one day!"

Her eyes were full of pleading, and she was also a little nervous, for fear that Ye Xuan would disagree.

How could Ye Xuan disagree? He gently rubbed Ye Ling's little head, and said with a smile, "Okay!"

one day!

Hearing Ye Ling's words, the old woman also breathed a sigh of relief!

Just like that, Ye Xuan brought Ye Ling back to the Jiang Kingdom's imperial capital. On this day, he did nothing but go shopping and play with Ye Ling!

At night, Ye Xuan and Ye Ling sat on the top of a mountain. In the sky, a bright moon hung and the sky was full of stars.

Ye Ling leaned against Ye Xuan, holding Ye Xuan's arm tightly with her two small hands.

"Brother, why are you keeping your eyes closed?"

"Brother is practicing a peerless magic skill, so I can't open my eyes for the time being!"

"Peerless magical skill? Is it powerful? Is it as powerful as my Northern Cold Sect's 'Thousand Miles of Frozen'? This is a heaven-level martial art!"

"Maybe not as good as you..."

"It's okay, I'll teach you when my brother comes to the Northern Cold Sect next time! Oh, yes, the Northern Cold Sect has a lot of good things... I heard from the suzerain that I will be the suzerain of the Northern Cold Sect in the future, that is to say , Those things are all mine! Well, brother, you can take whatever you want, and you can give it all to you!"

Ye Xuan: "..."

In the dark, Granny Leng's expression was a bit ugly...

"Brother, I want to hear a story."

"Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain, and in the temple..."


After dawn.

Ye Xuan was the only one left on the mountain.

Ye Xuan was sitting on the top of the mountain, facing the distance in a daze, and he didn't get up until noon. In his hand was a Na ring!

In Najie, there are three real-grade low-grade swords, two real-grade mid-grade swords, and one real-grade high-grade sword! There is also a heavenly sword!

Heavenly Sword!

Ye Xuan took out that Heavenly Grade Sword, the sword was about four feet five in length, the blade was thinner, about as wide as a finger, and the whole body of the sword exuded a wave of thunder!


This sword has its own lightning potential!

And on the hilt of this sword, there are two small black characters: Lei Xiao.

Thunder Sword!

Looking at the several swords in front of him, Ye Xuan felt rather complicated. These were all left to him by Ye Ling!

He didn't know how Ye Ling collected these swords...

After a long time, Ye Xuan put away a few swords and finished speaking, he turned and left.

Cang Lan College.

Ye Xuan returned to Canglan College, in front of Canglan Palace, when Mo Yunqi and Bai Ze saw Ye Xuan, Mo Yunqi rushed up to give Ye Xuan a big hug.

Bai Ze pouted, "Sensational!"

Ji Anzhi glanced at Ye Xuan, and continued to nibble on the chicken leg in his hand.

Feeling Mo Yunqi, Bai Ze and Ji Anzhi in front of him, Ye Xuan grinned, "It's great that everyone is here!"

loved ones!

In his heart, Mo Yunqi and the others are no longer just friends, but relatives.

Kendo is lonely, if you don't have many friends and brothers along the way, even if you reach the peak, what's the point?

If there are a few life and death friends and brothers, even if the way of swordsmanship cannot reach the peak, then what's the matter?

Ye Xuan was about to speak, when Mo Yunqi suddenly smiled mysteriously, "Bandit Ye, don't talk yet, come..."

Saying that, Mo Yunqi and the others led Ye Xuan into the Canglan Hall, but the hall was pitch black, and when he was about to use his sword intent to feel everything around him, suddenly flames erupted in the hall, and the whole hall was illuminated.

In front of Ye Xuan was a huge table. There were more than a dozen kinds of dishes on the table, but the dishes were all extremely ugly, and some of them were so black that it was impossible to tell what kind of dishes they were.

In the center of all the dishes is a large plate, and on the plate is a birthday peach as big as a watermelon!

birthday peach!

Mo Yunqi walked up to Ye Xuan and grinned, "Bandit Ye, happy birthday!"


Ye Xuan froze in place.

Because he and his sister have never had a birthday since they were sensible!