

Meet the gods and kill the gods, meet the Buddha and kill the Buddha.Sweep all enemies in the world Watch how Ye Xuan grows into a strong man to face powerful enemies for his lover and relatives. They must be defeated!

Duke7 · Eastern
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Chapter 219: The Evil Sword!

How evil can human nature be?

Before that, Ye Xuan had seen many villains, some villains were not really evil, and more often, they had different standpoints. It's like fighting between families because of the survival of interests. He understands this kind of thing.

But at this moment, he has a new understanding of evil.

Many people, no, many people in this world are no longer worthy of being called human beings. When they do evil, it can be said that they are inhuman.

Just like this one!

Human nature is good, but it is also evil!

When he saw the real sword intent emanating from Ye Xuan, the blood-clothed man's expression changed instantly, with a trace of panic in his eyes, "The sword intent is real, you..."

At this time, a ray of dark sword light suddenly pierced through the left shoulder of the man in blood, and the man's voice stopped abruptly. on a wall.

The blood-clothed man just wanted to break free from the ray of sword light, but three more black ray of sword light shot out, nailing the insteps of his feet and the right shoulder respectively.

The man in blood can no longer move!

The blood-clothed man stared at Ye Xuan. At this moment, his eyes were full of fear, because the four sword lights were corroding him!

Moreover, from the very beginning to the present, he has no power to fight back!

Ye Xuan didn't make a move. He walked up to the little girl's body. At this moment, the little girl's eyes were still wide open, and her eyes were still full of fear.

She is just a child!

Ye Xuan brushed the little girl's eyes with his right hand, and at this moment, the blood-clothed man not far away suddenly said: "Your Excellency, I am the grandson of the deputy suzerain of the Blood Sect. Your Excellency, don't bring trouble on yourself and your relatives!"

Ye Xuan suddenly rushed in front of the blood-clothed man, and there was an extra sword in his hand. This sword was the Lingxiu Sword, but at this moment, the sword turned out to be dark black! Dark black!

Obviously, Lingxiu Sword has been affected by evil thoughts and sword intentions!

But Ye Xuan didn't realize that the aura of the Lingxiu Sword is many times stronger than before, it can be said that it is directly catching up with the Heavenly Sword!

Ye Xuan grabbed the blood-clothed man by the throat, with a ferocious expression on his face, "Come, taste what it's like to be wantonly abused!"

After the words fell, he swung the Lingxiu sword in his hand! In an instant, the flesh of the blood-clothed man began to fly out piece by piece.

Ling Chi!


The blood-clothed man could bear it for a while at first, but gradually, he couldn't bear it any longer, and began to roar wildly, "You lowly ants in Qingzhou, if you dare to treat me like this, my blood sect will destroy your entire family! I will destroy your entire family!"

Ye Xuanli didn't care, and the speed of swinging the sword became faster and faster, and at this moment, the aura emitted by Ye Xuan's whole body was also extremely evil, the most evil!

become evil to hurt evil!

In the arena, the blood-clothed man roared hysterically! His hands had been chopped off by Ye Xuan, leaving only bones, and now, Ye Xuan was attacking his feet...


It's so miserable, it's just too horrible to look at!

But in Ye Xuan's heart, the anger was still hard to dispel!

Looking at Ye Xuan at this moment, Jiang Jiu had a trace of deep worry in her eyes, because the current Ye Xuan is completely different from before, the sword intent and aura emanating from him made her very uncomfortable, Ye Xuan at this moment , making her a little scared!


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from the end of the street in the distance, before the sound fell, an extremely powerful aura suddenly enveloped Ye Xuan, and before Ye Xuan could make a move, the evil thoughts and sword intent around him suddenly shook open.


That breath was instantly dissipated!

At this time, not far from Ye Xuan and Jiang Jiu, there stood an old man in black, holding a piece of jet-black cloth in his right hand.

The old man stared at Ye Xuan, his eyes were extremely cold, "Who are you, why did you attack my Blood Sect disciple!"

Beside Ye Xuan, Jiang Jiu suddenly stood up and said angrily: "This is in my Jiang country, and your Blood Sect is killing wantonly here, and they are all unarmed old and young women and children, you..."

The old man gave Jiang Jiu a cold look, and interrupted Jiang Jiu, "It's just an ant, death is not a pity!"

Hearing this, Jiang Jiuqi's face was livid, and she was about to speak when Ye Xuan, who was beside her, suddenly said, "What are you talking nonsense with him?"

As the voice fell, he held the Lingxiu sword in his right hand and slashed lightly.


The blood-clothed man was cut to pieces by Ye Xuan's sword!

Seeing this scene, the old man's face instantly turned ferocious, "Presumptuous, you..."

The old man's voice stopped suddenly, because Ye Xuan in front of him rushed towards him with a sword in his hand. Ye Xuan was extremely fast, and the sword power contained in the Lingxiu Sword in his hand was like a tsunami, making it hard to breathe. Sensing Ye Xuan's sword power, the old man's face changed drastically. Is this the aura of Shenhejing?

Before he had time to think about it, the old man pulled his hands, and the black cloth in his hand suddenly unfolded, and countless black air currents shot towards Ye Xuan like poisonous snakes.

Ye Xuan was about to make a move, but at this moment, the Lingxiu Sword in his hand trembled violently, and in an instant, all of the black air flow was absorbed by the Lingxiu Sword! No, to be precise, it was absorbed by his evil thoughts and sword intent, and when the evil thoughts and sword intent absorbed these black air currents, the power contained in the Lingxiu sword in his hand became even more terrifying!

Ye Xuan didn't think much about it, he jumped and slashed down with his sword!

The most evil sword!

The old man's face changed drastically, he quickly made a handprint with both hands, and in an instant, a huge black energy square shield appeared in front of him. However, as soon as this black square shield appeared, it was instantly absorbed by the Lingxiu Sword in Ye Xuan's hand !

It's over!

This was the last thought on the old man's mind.

The sword falls! boom!

The old man was instantly sent flying hundreds of feet away, and finally smashed into a house, and the whole house shattered!

Among the ruins, the old man slowly got up, but as soon as he got up, Ye Xuan suddenly appeared in front of him, blood gushed out of the old man's mouth, he stared at Ye Xuan, as if to say something, Ye Xuan suddenly Cut off with one sword!


The old man's entire body was instantly split into two!

Pillars of blood!

And the blood, when covered by Ye Xuan's sword intent, turned dark black!

At this time, a group of cavalry suddenly came in front of Ye Xuan, and it was Canglan Daoist who came!

All the cavalry got off their horses and knelt down on one knee, saying in unison: "I have seen the dean!"

Ye Xuan turned to face the Cang Lan Dao soldiers, "Immediately go to various places in the city, and kill anyone who sees the Blood Sect immediately."


All Cang Lan Taoist soldiers saluted together, then got on their horses, turned around and galloped towards various places in the city.

Blood sect!

Ye Xuan still clenched his left hand tightly, and the Lingxiu Sword in his right hand kept trembling.

Jiang Jiu suddenly walked up to Ye Xuan, she glanced at Ye Xuan, and said softly, "Are you all right?"

Ye Xuan shook his head slightly. He held his sword and walked to a noodle restaurant not far away. He was very impressed here. When he and his younger sister Ye Ling first came to Liangjie City, they ate noodles here. At this moment, this noodle restaurant On the noodle stall, there was an obese man lying on his stomach.

It was the noodle stall owner back then!


Although the population of Liangjie City is not large, there are still hundreds of thousands!

And these hundreds of thousands, I am afraid that at least 90% have been slaughtered!

Ordinary people, in the face of those divine realms and myriad dharma realms, really have no resistance and can only be slaughtered by others! Ye Xuan sat on the bench, he gently placed the Lingxiu Sword in his hand on the table, and remained silent.

Jiang Jiu just stood beside him quietly without speaking.

I don't know how long it took before a middle-aged man suddenly appeared not far from Ye Xuan and Jiang Jiu. Behind the middle-aged man, there were thirty other people, all of whom were at the peak of the Divine Harmony Realm. They all have a small word 'blood' on their left chests.

Among this group of people, the middle-aged man who is the leader is Xue Li, the Great Elder of Ghost Sect!

Xue Li walked up to Ye Xuan and Jiang Jiu, he glanced at Ye Xuan, "I've heard about you, I heard that you are the most evil among the younger generation in Qingzhou except An Lanxiu."

Ye Xuan didn't speak.

Xue Li glanced at the old man who was cut into pieces by Ye Xuan's sword not far away, and when he saw this corpse, his eyes narrowed slightly. After pondering for a while, he looked at Ye Xuan, "My Blood Sect doesn't want to provoke you, but that doesn't mean we are afraid of you! As long as you turn a blind eye to what we are doing, my Blood Sect will also I will never be your enemy, Ye Xuan, what do you think?"

Jiang Jiu sneered, "Open one eye and close one eye? Watching you continue to slaughter the people of our Jiang country?"

The middle-aged man said softly: "They are all lowly people, why should you care?"


Jiang Jiu's expression was quite ferocious, "Your Excellency was born a strong man of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm?"

The middle-aged man was expressionless, "It seems that you, Ye Xuan, are determined to be an enemy of my Blood Sect! If so..."

At this time, Ye Xuan suddenly picked up the Lingxiu Sword on the table, turned around and took a stride, and slashed it down!

Seeing Ye Xuan's sudden attack, Xue Li frowned, and a gleam of coldness flashed in his eyes. Instead of dodging, he punched forward, and a bloody glow flickered on the fist!

Sword and fist touch.


Suddenly there was a sound of explosion in the field, and following the sound of explosion, Ye Xuan and Xue Li retreated nearly ten feet in a row!

After Xue Li stopped, he looked down at his fist. At this moment, his fist had been cracked, especially the back of the fist, there were several cracks!

Xue Li was a little shocked, you know, he is at the peak of ten thousand dharma!

But Ye Xuan in front of him is just in the realm of gods!

Xue Li raised his head to look at Ye Xuan who was not far away, his eyes were serious.

"Ha ha..."

At this moment, a loud laugh suddenly came from the sky. In the sky above the sky, a cloud boat slowly descended, while an old man flew out of the cloud boat and came to the sky above Xue Li and Ye Xuan.

Old man Hehuan!

The old man He Huan looked at Xue Li and said with a smile: "Elder Xue Li, you said to join forces with you before, but you haven't replied to me yet! How are you doing, what are you thinking now?"

Xue Li glanced at Ye Xuan who was not far away, and said: "Since you are so ignorant of flattery, then go die!"

As he said that, he looked at the old man He Huan, "How about working together to get rid of this person first, and discussing the rest in detail later?"

The old man Hehuan laughed and said, "Yes!"

As he said, more than 20 people suddenly appeared behind him, all of them were gods!

Not only that, but there are also three Ten Thousand Law Realms among them!

Adding the Blood Sect below, this lineup is already very terrifying!

At this time, the old man He Huan suddenly smiled and said: "Ye Xuan, aren't you very evil? I told you that there are more evil people in this world than you. Let's see who this old man has invited for you!"

The old man Hehuan's voice fell, and not far away on the cloud boat, a little girl in an ice skirt slowly stepped off the cloud boat.
