
Just for Him (Kylo Ren x Female Reader)

As a modest young woman living during the Regency Era in Hertfordshire, England, things had never felt right. That was until one evening, you came across the most charming gentleman you had the privilege of laying your eyes on, by the unique title of Commander Kylo Ren. You were his Angel, and that meant he had his own ways of possessing you, mind, body, and soul. But had Ren's shattering desires, secrets, and abilities been powerful enough to challenge everything you thought you knew about your life, and yourself? And more importantly, was there any way your souls would come back to each other? [Ultimately, if you read on, you will find that this is a love story taking place between two parallel universes.] While this story begins in 1800s England, I've added a modern spin on that, especially in relation to the vocabulary, actions depicted by the characters, and plot development. The reason for that is because the linguistics of that time period is significantly outdated, and would not make sense for the rest of the story. The rights of all art, images, photography, and designs featured in this story go to their respective owners and creators. Your images helped shaped my content and imagery while writing and planning out scenes, plot ideas, and emotions during my creative process. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. While my ideal depiction of Kylo is someone who is soft, gentle, loving, and kind, there will be situations in this fic in which he is possessive, vulnerable, and emotionally unavailable. Constructive criticism is welcome, but I'm quite sensitive to anything deliberately hurtful, not helpful, or discouraging. Also, please know that my writing has a Mature rating for a reason. If you are not an adult (18+) or do not want to read explicit smut, please do not engage with or read my writing. Also, each chapter contains specific warnings. This may potentially become part of a series called "Destiny Among Our Blurred Hearts." Disclaimer: Do not steal my writing in any way. I pour my entire soul into these words and it would break my heart to see someone else stealing them. If the need arises, I will be taking legal action in the event of plagiarism. Thank you loves, enjoy xoxo

samantha_aeryn · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter Three - He Could Never Tell

Chapter Summary: It turns out you can stand up for yourself. Kylo Ren is a man infatuated.

Chapter Song: stupid deep by, Jon Bellion ♥️

Chapter Warnings: more mentions of arranged marriage, female masturbation, and kylo masturbation pov


Chapter III - He Could Never Tell

03 October 1810

You woke up the next morning, feeling abundantly refreshed.

But your mind was spinning with so many questions about your enchanting affair with Kylo. He had awakened a part of your soul that you didn't know was there until he was.

Intense lust, uncontrollable desire, radiating passion, and unnerving beauty.

You could not stop thinking about how incredible he made you feel, you could not explain why these feelings were there, and you could not make them go away, no matter how hard you tried.

You definitely could not stop wondering about what exactly, or how exactly, he had caused you to come so deliciously while using some sort of powerful energy.

Albeit these many questions, something deep in your gut told you that everything happening with Kylo was right. It just was.

You believed in your Maker, but despite not being the most religious person, the feeling of looking into Kylo's eyes was like glimpsing into Heaven.

Sighing and feeling wholly embarrassed at what naughty things you were going to do, you slipped your fingers into your undergarments and found your special bud. A moan escaped your lips as you thought of him once again, of him inside of you and what having his cock inside of you would feel like.

"Ohhh, Kylo," you whimpered, feeling yourself getting close to the new feeling of an orgasm crashing through your body. Your fingers on your other hand shifted to your pussy lips, and you massaged the wet skin around your hole before inserting a finger. You put your hand over your mouth to ensure nobody could hear your sighs and groans of pleasure before you started shaking involuntarily. With a strong passion, you furiously rubbed your clitoris for only about two more minutes until you were exploding with unbridled ecstasy, and the only person you were imagining doing this to you was Commander Ren. You saw stars dance across your vision as you struggled to hold in your moans, never wanting to stop cumming all over yourself.

Never wanting to face reality.

But sadly, your orgasm did subside, and you let out a satisfied exhale, putting your pillow over your face and smiling like a complete idiot. Whatever hormones rushed through your body after masturbating made you want to go run through a field of beautiful flowers, just inexplicably and intensely happy.

Just as you were fully waking up and making yourself decent, Eleanor walked into your room, smirking at you.

"So," she began. "How was last night? You must tell me all of the details!"

You began, "Very, very wonderful. We talked about each other and I got to know him some more. He plays piano exquisitely." You vividly remembered your earth-shattering orgasm, and you tried to ignore the one you'd just given to yourself.

"Awww, how sweet! He sounds like a true gentleman. I wish I could understand why mother and father don't wish for you to marry him instead," she confessed.

Honestly, you had no idea why your parents had such a strong hate for Kylo. They didn't even know his name, only saw you dancing with him at the ball. You guessed they had their hearts so set on you marrying Prince Alexander, considering one random man for your marriage—with whom you shared one intimate dance with—wasn't worth their energy.

You and Eleanor walked downstairs for breakfast that morning. Despite being two young, mature women, you were giggling together like little girls about your secret lover, speculating about the future.

You eventually gave in to your excitement and told Eleanor how he touched you last night, and it felt as if he gave you a piece of sweet euphoria.

You made sure to include that he didn't yet have sex with you.

She incoherently blubbered, freaking out about this information. What an incredibly rebellious sister did she have.

And you swore you could have died of laughter when Eleanor gave Alexander the most ridiculous fucking expression as she took her seat at the table next to you, but he wasn't paying attention.

"Good morning, honey," Alexander said, pouring a glass of orange juice for you. You pulled yourself from your hilarious, secret gossip with your sister. He handed you the cup and you sipped.

"Hello, Alexander. Nice to see you," you said, smiling, only genuinely grateful for the juice and waffles you were about to consume.

Your entire family was present at the table, as they were every morning. Your mother greeted you, "How did you sleep last night?" She seemed happy, for once.

"I slept wonderfully, mother!" you happily replied. Almost too enthusiastic. Eleanor smirked at you, knowing the truth behind your excited little white lie.

"That's quite interesting, considering I heard troublesome footsteps from your room late last night," your mother continued. "One could assume you weren't in your bed. Asleep."

You internally screamed, memories of the previous night causing you to subtly blush and fidget in your seat. Still, you remained, calm. Nonchalant. Confident. "Ah, mother. Nonsense. I'd do nothing of the sort."

She glared at you, sipping from her cup. Gosh, that woman was relentless in your suffering.

Alexander continued to stare at you in a way that made you annoyed. His stupid fucking face annoyed you. You continued assuredly, "I had simply gone for a walk through the garden as I was having trouble sleeping, you see."

Everyone surrounding you at the table, including your father, seemed satisfied with your response. Your mother, however, was not falling for your feeble claims.

"Hmmm," she started. "So, if what you're saying is true, you went on a walk for nearly two hours, then?"

How could she know how long you'd been gone?

"You had better not be sneaking around with anyone, especially that Commander Ren in which Mr. Beaumont has informed your father and I about. Remember? That terrible man you decided to dance with," she scowled.

Your face turned pale out of shock.

Alexander said, "Ah, yes. Ren is an extremely evil man. He has committed an extreme amount of crimes throughout Britain. And he is currently planning something utterly wicked as we speak. Under my rule, once I can get legislation passed, he will be punished to the highest extent of the law. Likely execution," he looked at you, a terrifying glint of mania in his eyes.

This surely was news to you. As surprising as it was, you weren't going to trust Alexander so quickly.

"Why are you telling me this now? How was he allowed into my father's ball?"

Alexander continued, "I invited him there to speak with him. We have some unfinished...business."

Your mind began to spin, more questions being raised by the second.

Still, you brushed your family's and Alexander's concerns off, "Yes, everyone. For the last time, I went for a walk in the garden. I am a young woman. This is the last time you will be owed an explanation. I needed to clear my mind and simply think for a while. Alone."

Your father threw his fork down onto the table with obvious anger. "Don't you dare talk in such a manner to your mother! How thoroughly disrespectful," he reprimanded. "She is simply concerned regarding your whereabouts and is always worried for your safety."

While you felt a sudden pang of guilt for your mother, you knew she desperately wanted to catch you not following her exact rules, all with the guise of caring for your safety.

You looked at your nearly empty plate, "I apologize, mother. I will be sure to stay in my room from now on."

"As you should," your mother retorted. "If I ever find out you may be up to something or disobeying this family, Mr. Beaumont would be more than happy to remain with you at all times, including while you sleep."

You nodded understandingly while your heart fell to the floor, feeling completely trapped in an invisible prison. While the thought of Alexander being in your bed while you sleep to ensure you don't sneak out was vomit-fucking-inducing, you simply remained calm.

Now your family would be used to the feeling of hiding your emotions. Your intentions.

Breakfast continued relatively peacefully. You could feel Eleanor looking at you out of the corner of her eye, attempting to make sure you were doing alright in the midst of such a complex situation.

You looked back at her, giving her a weak smile, your eyes conveying a message that was something like, "it is what it is."

Across the table, your fiancé happily took your hand into his, admiring the ring on your finger. You blushed, but not because of Alexander. Your memories suddenly pulled you back to last night. You remembered Kylo's hands, so large and gentle and warm. Alexander's were smaller. Colder. Clammy.

He smiled at you, whispering lowly, but still so everyone could hear, "This diamond is the finest in all of England. Worth nearly six-thousand pounds, darling." You spit out your orange juice, it getting all over the table and your food, startling your family members.

That ring was worth double the price your parents paid for your home, including the small ballroom.

You started, voice shaking, "W-what? Mr. Beaumont, you are giving me a diamond ring worth s-six thousand pounds?

You started trembling, fearing nearly everything that had happened suddenly changed, that maybe your plan wouldn't work after all, that maybe you were destined for torture all along.

This man was willing to give such a large fortune to a girl who never wanted this.

Your parents remained in a state of shock, paralyzed with disbelief at the exceedingly high price tag of your ring.

Your confidence rushed back to you. You stared at the ring incredulously, voice directed to Alexander, "Now, sir, if you would please explain what goodness I've done for me to deserve this? I mean, we've only known each other for a few days. What in this world were you thinking?"

"Well, to be completely honest, I would only give such an expensive ring to a beautiful girl I can share my riches with. After all, you are nice looking, and when people see us together, they will not be able to forget my name."

He subtly pushed out his chest in such a proud, extravagant manner, "I am the Prince Alexander Beaumont of Oxford, and of course, how could they not remember me when I have this girl next to me, showing off my wealth. It is but a dream come true, darling," he finished, raising his glass, looking at you with such a devilish grin.

All he cared about was your "pretty face" to aid him in proving to others of his wealth. You would be nothing to him but a trophy, a woman he would be able to fuck whenever he pleased. Nonetheless, you were absolutely shocked that you were being used simply for your body.

At this point, you had had enough.

It came out quicker than you could help.


Everyone at the table fell silent, all possessing looks of utter disbelief and hidden, simmering anger. And so you continued, unbothered by the dense, suffocating air in the room.

You began again, tone perfectly reasonable, "My dear family," you turned to Alexander quickly before glancing back to everyone else, "You have attempted to force me into this marriage with this man, if you could even call him a man. He feels nothing for me."

"I can sense it when he gazes into my eyes, he's like a soulless monster. He simply wants to use me as a cheap token to display his riches, and soon use my body as he pleases, and that is all. So what I say next should come as no surprise. Whatever anger you may hold towards me, I feel tenfold towards you."

Once again, you paused.

"And surely, you know that everything I have said is the complete truth. You only want him to marry me for his money."

With that, you gently removed the ugly, heavy ring, tossing it on Alexander's plate with a clang. His face was glowing red and you could practically feel the fucking anger radiating off of him. You then stood up, and walked away, through the hallway, and out into the comforting garden with grace, more than confident with your decision.

You desperately needed time away from your family and that insufferable man. When you returned to your house later that night, your parents would be incredibly angry with you. They would reprimand you for disrespecting Mr. Beaumont in such a manner, yet this time, you would not apologize for your decision.

Days would pass before your family would even consider speaking to you.

Commander Kylo Ren of the First Order was a force to be reckoned with. People rarely crossed him, for if they did, they would be met with either the termination of their post, or their life.

And military work was absolutely no joking matter. Ren was responsible for many infiltrative operations in the United States, and per the request of his superior, Leader Snoke, he was to go to Great Britain for what would prepare him for his most important mission yet.

Supreme Leader Snoke ordered Ren to lead the First Order to completely infiltrate all of Britain, similarly to the way the Order took over the entire United States and was now being run as a tyrannical dictatorship.

Yet, Ren was only a man, albeit extremely strong, brave, and, well, commanding. This would be the most important thing he would have to do.

For nearly this entire time, it's been his sole responsibility to stage a coup and overthrow the British government, particularly Prince Alexander Beaumont of Oxford. Ren knew so much about Beaumont through information obtained through confidential files from Snoke.

To the public, Prince Beaumont was highly respected, esteemed, and cherished for his sense of leadership throughout Oxford and the surrounding regions. He had light blonde hair, prominent facial features, and a relatively strong physique. He was the ultimate cliche of a powerful nobleman.

To Supreme Leader Snoke, Beaumont was merely an obstacle in his way, and Ren was his pawn.

However, Commander Kylo Ren of the First Order knew the complete and whole truth. He knew more than the public and his superior. Prince Beaumont was an utterly diabolical man who was found to have raped ten women throughout his time ruling as Prince, and all of them were proved.

The women were traumatized and had bodily evidence of harm, and shockingly, their testimonies had been consistent with Beaumont's recollections.

And that was just scratching the surface.

Yet, due to his immense power, he forced all of that to be kept secret and threatened everyone that got in his way, or worse. All the while the public revered such scum of a man.

But, the worst would be yet to come.

Only two short days ago, Ren had seen her walk across the ballroom, and it was completely and utterly over.

His plans, his mission, his position, his title—it was all gone the second he caught eyes with her.

Her beautiful figure floored him, and her face was burned into his memory. Her eyes were innocent, yet so very confident, and she just had the most beautiful hair. And oh, her smile. How her smile was bright enough to dull even the brightest stars. He felt lucky to have been at the Williams' ball at the time he was, for he had no idea such a beautiful girl would be there, waiting for him. Waiting to be saved. He had been attempting to get to her, or at least someone like her forever, and now that he finally did, his soul felt partially completed. She was the one he'd been searching tirelessly for all this time.

She was the one.

My precious, sweet, innocent Angel. All fucking mine.

The first moment she walked up to him, he was caught by surprise. She hadn't been paying attention and walked right into him, tears streaming from her face and small whimpers escaping her lips.

And when she mentioned Beaumont's name, it took everything inside of Ren to not explode in a flurry of sheer anger. That narcissistic, evil bastard had thought it would be a good idea for him to get close to her?

Despite the anger, he buried his true feelings deep within himself while he was with her and dried her tears. That night, something primal overtook him as he danced with her and he just knew he had to see her again.

And oh, how exquisitely did he see her.

He was the first man to see her body yesterday, he was the first man to hear her moans, and they sounded like the most beautiful song created in all of his stupid existence. And when she came, her wet pussy quivering around his finger, he swore he saw angels come down from Heaven. Ren knew then he had to have her, and oh, how he got so close to being inside of her.

But his Angel was so sweet, so kind, so innocent. He knew he had to be gentle. A man such as Ren, as strong as he was, would not be able to control himself if he decided to go too far with her.

She would never know it, but it was for this precise reason, that for the first time in many years, he was slowly jerking his cock while laying in his bed, awake during the late hours of the night.

He wondered how wonderful her little, pink pussy would feel around his thick length, being able to feel her spasm deliciously around him. Kylo began whimpering as those arousing fucking thoughts flooded his mind.

It took everything in him to not leave his bedroom and fucking split her open.

He wanted her pretty mouth to suck him off, imagining how he would have to teach her to do it.

The slick sound of him fucking his hand reverberated throughout his large room, the dim lights casting a warm glow on his flustered cheeks.

He knew he was close when sweat broke out across his brow, his legs began to shake, and he soon fell apart.

His head fell further back against his pillow, eyes rolling into the back of his head.

Almost like magic, he began to use the Force to pinch his nipples gently, sending him over the edge.

Kylo moaned her name as he came, "Ohhh, fuck...ohhhh," and his cock began leaking his cum, hips thrusting violently up and down along with his hand.

No, she could never know of this. He could never tell his Angel how he touched himself while thinking of her.

But he wanted her in every way, and as euphoric as she made him, he had to possess her.

Ren would stop at nothing to make sure that beautiful girl was his, and only his.

[check out either my ao3, tumblr, or quotev to view this story with pictures <3]

This is my first time writing really anything in the world of fanfiction. I am relatively young in terms of other writers on this platform, and the Star Wars Cinematic Universe is the first fandom I am actively participating in. Constructive criticism is absolutely something I'm hoping for, but please be gentle. As most authors know, writing is very difficult. And personally, I'm quite sensitive to anything deliberately hurtful, not helpful, or discouraging.

samantha_aeryncreators' thoughts