
Just for Him (Kylo Ren x Female Reader)

As a modest young woman living during the Regency Era in Hertfordshire, England, things had never felt right. That was until one evening, you came across the most charming gentleman you had the privilege of laying your eyes on, by the unique title of Commander Kylo Ren. You were his Angel, and that meant he had his own ways of possessing you, mind, body, and soul. But had Ren's shattering desires, secrets, and abilities been powerful enough to challenge everything you thought you knew about your life, and yourself? And more importantly, was there any way your souls would come back to each other? [Ultimately, if you read on, you will find that this is a love story taking place between two parallel universes.] While this story begins in 1800s England, I've added a modern spin on that, especially in relation to the vocabulary, actions depicted by the characters, and plot development. The reason for that is because the linguistics of that time period is significantly outdated, and would not make sense for the rest of the story. The rights of all art, images, photography, and designs featured in this story go to their respective owners and creators. Your images helped shaped my content and imagery while writing and planning out scenes, plot ideas, and emotions during my creative process. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. While my ideal depiction of Kylo is someone who is soft, gentle, loving, and kind, there will be situations in this fic in which he is possessive, vulnerable, and emotionally unavailable. Constructive criticism is welcome, but I'm quite sensitive to anything deliberately hurtful, not helpful, or discouraging. Also, please know that my writing has a Mature rating for a reason. If you are not an adult (18+) or do not want to read explicit smut, please do not engage with or read my writing. Also, each chapter contains specific warnings. This may potentially become part of a series called "Destiny Among Our Blurred Hearts." Disclaimer: Do not steal my writing in any way. I pour my entire soul into these words and it would break my heart to see someone else stealing them. If the need arises, I will be taking legal action in the event of plagiarism. Thank you loves, enjoy xoxo

samantha_aeryn · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter Two - Clandestine Affair

Chapter Summary: While keeping it a secret from your family, you meet Ren in the piano room for an exhilarating experience...

Chapter Song: illicit affairs, by Taylor Swift ♥️

Chapter Warnings: explicit smut, fingering, male masturbation, no piv sex, inappropriate use of the force


Chapter II - Clandestine Affair

01 October 1810

A few minutes after Kylo left, you regained your composure, mind occupied and overflowing with a colossal ocean of emotions. He had danced with you, treated you like a princess, and comforted you during your emotionally charged outburst after Prince Alexander unjustifiably asked for your hand in marriage.

Walking out into the corridor leading back to the ballroom, your hands were trembling, and every single one of your nerves was on fire. How would you explain your way out of such a stupid fucking situation? And now, now you had to go face your entire family, unsure of how they would even act around you.

You found your family sitting at the table, instantly met with impertinent glances from at least ten guests in the vicinity. Alexander was nowhere to be found. Besides them, it seemed as though many people had left by this hour since it was quite late.

"We are leaving for our home. At once," your mother chirped as you were just beginning to take your seat. "After that display of yours tonight, I will put up with no more of your foolery and disobedience to this family."

Feeling dejected, you complied with her request, as did your father and sisters. They were all upset with you, their emotions practically a persistent odor lingering in the air.

Making your way out of the lavish room, into the dark corridor, outside onto the cobbled pathway leading to your comfortable home, and all the way through the small garden leading up to the steps, you briefly wondered how you would meet Commander Ren in two days.

Stepping into your home, you decided words were of no use. You decided to head up the stairs immediately with the hope your family would be in a better state of mind come dawn.

You left Eleanor's necklace on a dresser adjacent to the staircase.

"Before you go to bed, you must know that tomorrow you will be apologizing to Prince Alexander over breakfast in the morning," your father finally spoke. "We invited him over as he came into town for you. Make sure you are dressed modestly, and you must wear the wedding ring."

You felt a small pang of guilt riddle your heart after he spoke. You had caused such a scene with Ren during your father's fiftieth birthday celebration.

Your sisters looked at you, saying nothing, their facial expressions resembling a mix of both disappointment and remorse for your situation. Would they have a marriage forced upon them, too?

You nodded to your family, but internally you remained angry and betrayed. Not once were your feelings ever considered.

You lifted your dress, slowly making your way up the stairs as your family dispersed to the family room and/or their respective rooms. You went into the bathroom and changed out of your dress, putting on a comfortable nightgown. Then, you took the flowers out of your hair and put your strands into a loose ponytail so you could wash off your gorgeous makeup, brush your teeth, and go to sleep.

Grabbing your book from the nightstand, you crawled into bed.

About twenty minutes later, Eleanor walked into your room, pulling you away from your novel.

"Where did you find my necklace? I just asked Louisa, and she wasn't the one who found it," she questioned, holding the pretty string of diamond jewels in her hands. She uttered your name. "So it must have been you."

"Ah, that wonderful man I was dancing with had found it in the piano room," you responded, not wanting this to continue. You looked back into your book, shifting around.

But you could sense her bubbly excitement from a million damn kilometers away, and of course, she was ready to question you about how you felt towards him.

"Oh my gosh! Who was he? You two looked ravishing dancing together. Everyone watching you was jealous," she squeaked, trying to suppress a smile.

You sighed, closing your book. At least your entire family wasn't angry, and you had your beautiful sister to trust.

"His name is Kylo Ren, Commander Kylo Ren—" you stopped and tried to remember what the military bureau that he was affiliated with was, continuing, "o-of the First Order, that's what it is called. And, Eleanor, get this: he of American nationality." You smiled, looking down at your fingers and picking at them.

"American! That is wonderful. I sincerely hope mother and father come to their senses," she happily whispered.

You silently agreed, trying to hide your feelings. "I'm seeing him in two days. At midnight in our piano room."

Eleanor's face twisted into an expression of shocked excitement. "No. Way!"

"Yes, but shh! You must quiet down. I am going in secret, alone. Tell no one anything of this. Especially mother and father."

"Alright. I promise, your secret is safe with me."

You grinned widely.

"But you know you can always trust me, right?" she asked.

You pondered for a moment, unable to shake the feeling of feeling deceived and heartbroken by everyone. "Of course, Eleanor. Thank you for always being so kind."

She had that look on her face, the same one she possessed when she stepped into your room. "Would you reckon he wants to make love to you?"

Your eyes grey wide and you blushed while you briefly imagined his large frame on top of you, thrusting gently as you moaned softly into his powerful embrace. Instead, you retorted, "Don't be silly, sister! He is a gentle, respectful man and will do nothing of the sort," you assured her. What an utterly inappropriate subject matter.

Nonetheless, something inside you hoped that you were lying.

She eventually stopped bombarding you with questions. "Oh, alright then. I will leave you to your novel. Goodnight. Thank you again, or rather, thank him, for my necklace."

"You're very welcome. Goodnight," you whispered. She winked before making a swift exit from your room, ensuring to shut your door.

All this time, your thoughts were still racing like a stampede of bulls, but you felt thoroughly exhausted. Once your head hit the pillow, you drifted into blissful sleep. Kylo's words rang in your mind as though they were the most beautiful symphony of music you had the pleasure of hearing. His voice was like honey, trickling into your little soul.

'I unquestionably must see you again.'

02 October 1810

"Please get up at once," your mother spoke.

You were just waking up, feeling groggy, and wanting nothing to do with that irritating Prince Alexander, especially during breakfast.

Ugh, gag me with a spoon. His pristine, royal ass.

You lazily got up from your comfortable bed and made your way to the refresher, deciding on a flowery sundress and hat. And of course, the disgustingly large and expensive ring.

Downstairs, the air smelled of delicious pancakes and bacon, and voices could be heard from outside. The back door was propped open with a book, your family enjoying breakfast outside.

Collecting your food onto a plate and grabbing utensils, you meandered onto the balcony. The fresh, morning October air allowed you to breathe in complete glory.

"Good morning, nice to see you joining us on this fine morning," your father kindly remarked.

"The pleasure is completely mine," you feigned graciousness, noticing Alexander at the table, "and Prince Alexander, I apologize for my actions at my father's ball last night. You had completely overwhelmed me with your propos—"

Your mother cut you off, beaming at your admission of wrongness. "Thank you for apologizing, darling. What she is trying to say is that she fully and genuinely accepts your amiable marriage proposal."

It was at this moment you were hit with an invisible sheet of ice, your breath catching in your throat. But you were not going to cry, not yet. This was a time to keep your emotions in check, although marrying this blonde-haired, conceited mockery of a Prince was the last thing you could have ever yearned for.

Instead, you started, "How lovely! When are we to wed?"

Oh, dear. This is so unlike me.

Your mother and father silently admired your newfound manners as they enjoyed breakfast. Louisa looked confused as a result of your actions, while Eleanor seemed to pick up on what you were doing immediately, thanks to your shared camaraderie.

Prince Alexander began, "We are to wed in two weeks, outside in your family's beautiful garden. Then, we will be traveling by carriage back to my large, luxurious stately home in Oxford. And of course, you will be reigning over Britain by my side. As Princess."

His tone was very posh, excessively haughty, and annoyingly complacent pertaining to his role within the government.

Bile rose up into your throat, but you caught it from spilling out into your fucking pancakes with a painful gulp.

He slipped you a small card with a written address to his home so you could become acquainted with it. 7892 Albert Drive, Southampton, Oxford. His tone was very monotonous, yet snobbish at the mention of his immense riches. Mortifyingly, he seemed as disinterested as you in this marriage.

Like, what the fuck?

"Wonderful! Thank you so much, Alexander," you responded. He gave you a curt smile but looked overwhelmingly bored.

Men and their emotions.

"Prince Alexander will be staying in our guest room upstairs until you both are married," your mother declared. She seemed so determined to get her daughter to marry this insufferable man. It must give her an inebriating rush of serotonin to be able to allow a Prince into her home and have him interested in her daughter. You simply nodded, professing feelings of delight.

Breakfast continued with not a single interruption. You could do this; you could marry Alexander if it would please your family.

You could do this.

Hm. But, still, the biggest question haunted you as you stood firm with your decision.

But can I do this?

You just hoped your family hadn't noticed. You hoped they hadn't noticed the way you went silent during the days. How little joy the Prince brought you. The way your face looked as you began thinking of Kylo Ren and his dark, inscrutable exterior. How your thoughts went into the fucking gutter thinking of him. And you could not explain why or how he possessed this space in your mind, rent-free.

He just did.

So, during your alone time that day, while your family had gone out with Alexander to show him around your town called Abergele Market in Hertfordshire, you had told them you would begin thinking of wedding dresses before eventually going to pick one up.

Instead, you planned how you'd sneak into the piano room, an attempt to go undetected. If you stalled long enough, maybe you wouldn't need a damn dress anyway.

Your family's main estate was medium-sized, and your family was relatively wealthy, but simultaneously, you were not pouring out immense riches. You liked to think of your wealth as just below being considered definitive royalty. Your main home had two stories, with ladders, or fire exits, leading out from all of the windows in case of emergency. Your room was located upstairs, along with a bathroom, and the guest room. Your parents and sisters slept in rooms on the first floor.

The entire house had slightly blue-painted walls in the kitchen, the downstairs bedrooms were painted white, and yours and the guest room was a beige color. There was a large garden outside, beautiful trees, flowers, shrubs, and plants everywhere. It was extremely vibrant, almost possessing a sense of magic. There were benches scattered throughout the inside of the garden for sitting or reading on. It was almost like a small labyrinth except with one cobbled path, leading straight to the second building on your family's property.

A small, wooden door was the first thing you were met with at the end of the garden pathway. Guests attending your family's celebrations would enter through this way, as well. Opening this door, you would find a small corridor lit with torches and candles, with relatively high ceilings with arches leading to two stunning French doors at the end. Through those doors, the ballroom was located.

It truly was a beautiful room, and the ceilings were decorated with winsome art. However, your family's ballroom was rather austere compared to other estates you'd visited in the past, for previous potential husbands. Adjacent to the two French doors you would find a small piano room, about the size of your bedroom, fashioned with a piano and bench. Its purpose served as a practice room as opposed to using the grand piano in the ballroom. You guessed it also served as a room for meeting men in secret.

So this was the journey you would take to get to him. However, it was rather unusual that the ballroom wasn't inside your home. Having to go outside to get there seemed ridiculous, but you enjoyed the magical feelings it created inside of you. Sneaking away in complete secret, about to do something you surely weren't supposed to do was something that made you feel more alive than you'd felt in your entire life.

I will leave forty-five minutes past eleven, sneaking out of my room through the window, down the ladder.

You ended up giggling with Eleanor about the subject matter, admiring how comfortable she was with you breaking serious rules, and she would end up covering for you if your mother discovered your whereabouts.

Everyone in your home had gone to sleep, while you were awake in your room, anxiously eyeing the clock and tapping your foot. You showered, made sure your hair looked pretty, cleaned yourself, put perfume on, and finished with a casual, dark nightgown. This time, your usual routine was much more elaborate as you entertained the possibility Ren wanted to do intimate activities with you.

Of course, you removed your engagement ring with a giggle. Stupid Alexander.

Once you were ready and the clock read fifteen minutes to midnight, you collected yourself, opened the window, climbed down the ladder, and ran into the garden and down the path. Unbeknownst to you, Eleanor had closed your window shortly after you left to prevent chilly air from entering the home and waking your parents.

Finally, you stopped running, opting to walk, and opened the door to the corridor. Your heart was pounding, body shaking with every step as you came closer to the doors. You turned left as you reached them, opening the little door to the piano room, closing it behind you. The room was darker this time, no lights were turned on. Instead, you found pretty candles lit on the piano, the only source of illumination.

And you found Ren sitting on the piano bench, exuding an aura different than what he had shown you the night you danced.

He was wearing a large helmet and mask, completely disarming you, covering his gorgeous hair, wearing an all-black suit once again, but not a tuxedo. His clothing looked nothing like you had seen men traditionally wear; it was a completely black ensemble with a large band wrapped around his center. His dark robes draped down his back perfectly, and he was still wearing a cape, although this one was much longer, along with large, black boots, completely taking you by surprise.

Immediately overtaken with a loss of words and utterly speechless, you took particular notice in his hands, how his fingers were wrapped in divine, thick leather gloves.

"Ah, so we meet again, little one," he spoke. His voice was modulated through something in his mask. Deep, and commanding.

"Y-yes. Nice to m-meet you again, s-sir," you squeaked out, a mix of fear and arousal coursing through your veins.

"How have you been?" he implored, standing up from the piano bench, walking towards you, lightly caressing your cheek.

Face heating up at his actions, you responded, trying not to look at him, knowing he was gazing into your soul, "Um, you know. Okay, I guess. Per the request of my family, I'm to wed Prince Alexander in two weeks' time." You looked down at your feet, shifting uncomfortably.

"I see." He looked around the room briefly, removing his hand from your cheek.

"And I've convinced my entire family I'm okay with it, that he is a man I have come to desire when he is the last man on this Earth I could ever wish to marry. My family is insufferable in making my misery their reality," you whispered, finally letting your true emotions run free.

His sweet voice uttered your name. "I am not worried." He took a step closer, and continued, "I can sense your desire and emotions pouring out from you like sweet syrup, beautiful."

A short pause.

"And Angel, you smell utterly intoxicating." You could hear Ren groan from behind his mask.

You were trembling at his words; he was so close to you. You could feel the heat radiating off of him, could feel your body betraying you. Your mind knew that you were not to engage in any sexual contact with a man unless you were married to him, but as your pussy was tingling delightfully, you desperately wanted to be touched by him.

You caught a small whimper in your throat, feeling your cunt clench at the thought of him.

"Just know that from now on, my sweet Angel, I will take you whenever I want, however, I want, and wherever I want," Kylo purred into your ear.

"Now strip, slut. Sit on the piano bench and spread your legs."

"Y-yes, sir," you whined.

You could feel his erection as he pressed into your belly, backing you into the wall. His delightful aroma filled your lungs, dumbfounding your cognitive senses. He moved away slightly so you could remove your shoes, then underwear.

You nervously walked to the piano and took a seat, closing your legs.

"I said strip. Remove your dress," he demanded.

Your trembling hands lifted your dress above your upper body, exposing your tummy to the chilly air in the small room. Finally, you removed your brassiere, completely and utterly naked. You turned away from him, looking at the floor, ready to cry, with every insecurity that had run through your mind rushing to the surface.

Kylo locked the door so nobody could get in, that is, if anyone tried, then stalked over to you, his footsteps swift and heavy. He crouched down so he was below you. You could not see them, but you could feel his eyes were staring into your very existence, tearing apart your soul shred by shred.

"Spread those legs, slut. Let me see how wet I've made you."

This version of Kylo was opposite to the version you met two days ago. He danced so gracefully with you, holding you with incredible care. He was respectful and kind, but you figured if he were to touch you in this manner, in front of everyone in the ballroom, your parents would have sent you to another fucking continent.

You didn't know it yet, but Ren had to be careful in public with the girl he desired, and couldn't let anyone know the things he wanted to do to you.

Your trembling was erratic now, you had chills running up your spine whilst sweat broke out on your brow. This mix of fear, combined with his rich, full voice, sent a rush of arousal to your cunt, heightening your sensitivity.

Slowly, very slowly, you spread your legs, watching him as you did so. Your eyes watering with fear. Kylo adjusted himself, removing his cock from the confines of his leather pants. As your pussy became visible to him and you saw him stroking his cock, both of you let out small moans at the sight of each other.

Kylo groaned, "You like this, don't you?"

"Ohhhh yes, Kylo," you moaned, reaching down to your pussy to tease yourself, feeling how much you were dripping while looking at him. You'd never felt sexual excitement before Kylo, the feeling incredibly exhilarating.

He got down on his knees, cock bobbing up to his abdomen, tip soaked with precum. He moved his large fingers, still with the leather gloves on, to your pussy, shoving your tiny hand away.

"Keep your hands behind your back," he murmured. Once his index finger made contact with your wetness, he continued, "Fuck, angel. This virgin pussy is so tight," slipping his finger in further.

You were taken aback, whimpering, "H-how do y-you know I'm a v-virgin, sir?"

"I can hear your thoughts."

At that, you were confused, not understanding how he could read your mind. However, these thoughts were quickly pushed away as he began thrusting his finger rapidly inside and out, squelching noises reverberating around the room. You moaned wantonly, eyes closing, unable to form a sentence as the delightful friction from his large, leathery fingers overcame your senses.

"Look at me," Kylo snarled. You opened your eyes, every exhale of yours a moan, catching a glimpse of him tugging his cock, groaning deeply through his mask.

He murmured, "Can only fit one finger in this cunt," as he tried using two fingers.

This is the part things became very intense for you as you felt an interesting sensation swirling on your clit, causing a strange warmth to rise in your tummy. You could see it was not his fingers but were too far gone to even care how he was doing that.

At last, he stopped stroking himself with his fist, and instead began thrusting into the air, you could see it as if he was fucking a cocksleeve, his hips undulating deliciously.

At first, you were confused but then realized that whatever energy he was using on your clit he was now doing to himself.

He reached up and kneaded your breasts with one hand, alternating every few seconds, pinching your nipples, causing you to moan and whimper.

"Fuck," he moaned your name, looking into your folds, marveling at how your pussy swallowed his finger. "I'm going to cum, slut."

You were a spluttering mess, body shaking from the sheer pleasure, and how erotic this situation felt. Soon, the beginning of your climax hit you in waves, until it completely shattered you.

As your head fell back, you screamed, with your arms outstretching onto the bench behind you as your back arched, pussy quivering and fluttering around his thrusting finger. And the strange, but incredible sensation overwhelming your tiny bundle of nerves.

Kylo watched you, your intense climax sending him over the edge. His body shuddered, muscles flexing through the fabric of his clothing as his cock spilled his cum in thick ropes onto the floor beneath the bench, his orgasm wholly overwhelming him.

He removed his finger from your wet core, the thick digit exiting with a wet pop. You closed your legs and laid on the bench, taking a moment to fully comprehend what the hell just happened. You felt post-orgasm euphoria nearly buzzing you to sleep.

Kylo was breathing heavily through his mask, composing himself, putting his length back into his pants, the subtle noise of his zipper sounding around the room. After that, he stood up once more, and you turned so you could watch what he was going to do.

You watched as he wiped his cum from the floor, gathering it on his fingers.

At some point, he required your attention, snapping you out of your blissful reverie.

"Clean my fingers of our spend," he groaned, standing up to walk towards your face.

You sat up, closing your legs. You opened your mouth to accommodate his leather-clad fingers, sucking off your combined arousal.

It was lewd, how easily he had made you break under his touch.

Without even being asked, you stood up, walking around him, and licked up the small pool of your wetness that had gathered on the bench, making sure to look at him while doing so.

Reality began to set in, your cognitive function returning. You stood up, covering your body, knowing you were still naked, blushing madly. You started, "Kylo, please take off your mask. Ca-can I see you?"

He watched you intently, still on his knees, as though he was considering what you had asked.

He moved his hands to his mask, the sound of air releasing with a click. He pulled the mask from his head, setting it on the floor. His hair was a bit messy, but nonetheless adorable. In the dim light of the piano room, you could see his cheeks were flustered.

Lips swollen, begging to be kissed.

You crawled over to him, lowering yourself down onto his lap because he was kneeling, wrapping your legs around his waist. You put your hand up to his cheek, admiring the scar that was there, tracing it with your finger. Then, you continued on to his hair, gently tucking a few strands behind his ear.

Oh heavens, he was mesmerizing. You felt like you could sit like this forever.

"That-that was incredible. How—" you stopped, thinking about how you could ask him, "how did you do that? Like, you know, when you touched me," referring to the strange sensation he allowed you to feel without touching you.

"I have many secrets, little girl," he replied, his deep, natural voice enrapturing you. "And if you thought that was incredible, just wait until I'm inside of you."

He moved closer, tugging your body to his, "But not tonight. We both know my cock is too big for you right now. That little pussy is too tight for me. But soon, angel. Soon," he purred into your ear.

Your face heated up intensely, trying to comprehend what his secrets were, but also because you'd never thought you would encounter a man so possessive, the events of this night proving just that. His naughty words intoxicated the last of your senses.

How he'd called you a slut, how you'd made him come as he somehow fucked an invisible hole in the air while fingering you. As he heard your thoughts somehow, he pulled you into him, lips colliding together once again. This time your kiss was full of passion and fire, wet tongues fighting for dominance in the other's mouth. He groaned into your mouth as you moaned into him.

Pulling away, you whispered, still blushing, "I-I have to go, sir."

He said nothing as you pulled yourself from him, observing you as you pulled your underwear on, clasped your bra, lifted your dress over your body, and slipped your shoes on.


Kylo got up before you unlocked the door, gently placing his hands on your hips, stroking up and down. You stopped, hearing the piano begin to play of its own accord. You turned to face him as he walked to the piano and sat down, the keys moving. He closed his eyes, his features focusing, his gorgeous hair falling over his face.

You assumed he was playing the piano using whatever strange energy he had pleasured you and himself with. The beautiful composition was your favorite song on the piano, causing your heart to swell in joy. His rendition of it was almost better.

"Awww! You are playing for me, how beautiful!" you gushed, scampering over to sit next to him and watch him play. Your little behaviors caused his face to turn pink again. He opened his eyes, caressing your cheek in admiration. Now, he must have felt a connection with you because only a few days ago, he would not play. Once he finished the song, he kissed your cheek gently, wrapping his arms around your waist as you sat together on the piano bench.

You collapsed into him, burying the side of your face into his chest, listening to his heartbeat. He was so warm and gentle. After a long while of him just holding you, you stood up, kissing his forehead.

"I'll see you soon, sweetheart."

You smiled at his words, not knowing truly how you would get to see him again, but instead, you just had a wonderful feeling, something telling you that he would live up to this promise.

And so there you went, running down the corridor, through the garden, and up the ladder leading to your room. You got inside safe and sound. Thus far, there was not a single peep to be heard in the house, nor was there a single candle lit that could indicate your family members to be awake.

You looked at yourself in the mirror for a moment, noticing how your face was flushed, silently blessing the stars that nobody saw you.

As you laid down on your bed preparing for sleep, your heart was whirring with the joys of forbidden love, how it had begun to drive you mad with a fervent wildness for Commander Ren.

In modern terms, you would call this feeling "butterflies."

[check out either my ao3, tumblr, or quotev to view this story with pictures <3]

This is my first time writing really anything in the world of fanfiction. I am relatively young in terms of other writers on this platform, and the Star Wars Cinematic Universe is the first fandom I am actively participating in. Constructive criticism is absolutely something I'm hoping for, but please be gentle. As most authors know, writing is very difficult. And personally, I'm quite sensitive to anything deliberately hurtful, not helpful, or discouraging.

samantha_aeryncreators' thoughts