
Just for Him (Kylo Ren x Female Reader)

As a modest young woman living during the Regency Era in Hertfordshire, England, things had never felt right. That was until one evening, you came across the most charming gentleman you had the privilege of laying your eyes on, by the unique title of Commander Kylo Ren. You were his Angel, and that meant he had his own ways of possessing you, mind, body, and soul. But had Ren's shattering desires, secrets, and abilities been powerful enough to challenge everything you thought you knew about your life, and yourself? And more importantly, was there any way your souls would come back to each other? [Ultimately, if you read on, you will find that this is a love story taking place between two parallel universes.] While this story begins in 1800s England, I've added a modern spin on that, especially in relation to the vocabulary, actions depicted by the characters, and plot development. The reason for that is because the linguistics of that time period is significantly outdated, and would not make sense for the rest of the story. The rights of all art, images, photography, and designs featured in this story go to their respective owners and creators. Your images helped shaped my content and imagery while writing and planning out scenes, plot ideas, and emotions during my creative process. From the bottom of my heart, thank you. While my ideal depiction of Kylo is someone who is soft, gentle, loving, and kind, there will be situations in this fic in which he is possessive, vulnerable, and emotionally unavailable. Constructive criticism is welcome, but I'm quite sensitive to anything deliberately hurtful, not helpful, or discouraging. Also, please know that my writing has a Mature rating for a reason. If you are not an adult (18+) or do not want to read explicit smut, please do not engage with or read my writing. Also, each chapter contains specific warnings. This may potentially become part of a series called "Destiny Among Our Blurred Hearts." Disclaimer: Do not steal my writing in any way. I pour my entire soul into these words and it would break my heart to see someone else stealing them. If the need arises, I will be taking legal action in the event of plagiarism. Thank you loves, enjoy xoxo

samantha_aeryn · Movies
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6 Chs

Chapter Four - Chocolate

Chapter Summary: Your evening with Kylo is sweet, like chocolate, up until a hidden enemy destroys it.

Chapter Song: Runaway, by AURORA ♥️

Chapter Warnings: very explicit smut, piv smut, virginity kink, size kink, oral sex (both female and male receiving), inappropriate use of the force, violence and fear at the end, explosions, sexual assault and degrading language (not by kylo)


Chapter IV - Chocolate

21 November 1810

It had already been about two months since you returned back to your home after sneaking away and essentially telling that blonde scoundrel to kindly, "fuck off," but throughout the time you'd been back, your parents were still irate with you. Your mother would under no circumstances talk to you or even look in your general direction.

Luckily, they eventually warmed up to you.

But you couldn't help but wonder why Prince Alexander Beaumont had been acting so odd around your family, but especially you. It was as if you were a plague he needed to avoid at all costs, or he was keeping something from you. But you paid it no mind after awhile, assuming he was just a weird person who had weird mannerisms.

You didn't expect this to hurt you as much as it did, but you were the adopted child of the family. You had always felt inferior compared to Eleanor and Louisa, both of whom were biological children of your parents, Arthur and Barbara Williams.

Especially right now, you were really hurting. The malicious voice in your head suggested that maybe your parents didn't love you. Maybe Kylo would never love you, either.

At this moment, your sisters were the only people you could trust, and you couldn't be more grateful for them.

Quietly you cried, pondering a myriad of painful questions, sitting in your room on your bed, watching outside the window next to your bed. It was a chilly November morning, leaves falling from trees, and small freezing rain droplets occasionally landing on your skin.

For the briefest moment, you felt a pang in your chest, an ache flooding your senses. Him.

You missed Kylo, and wanted nothing more than to be wrapped in his arms. Surely the melancholic nature of autumn greatly contributed to your deep feelings of solitude. This was a strange feeling, one you hadn't yet experienced before with anyone.

Why the fuck hasn't he come back to get me? What the fuck could he be doing?

Eleanor and Louisa knocked on the outside of your unclosed door. Looking up at them, drying your tears, you sniffled, "Come in."

They walked in, and Eleanor sat down next to you, muttered your name and began, "So, how are you feeling?"

"Oh, life feels utterly awful, Eleanor. Mother and father truly hurt me. They knew from the start of my feelings for Mr. Beaumont."

"Well, you need not feel alone, my beautiful sister. It just appears someone has written to you," she replied.

At that, you saw Louisa smiling as she removed her arms from behind her back, holding out a letter.

At least now, Louisa was in on your secret, too.

You reached out, feeling your heartbeat begin to race. The writing on the page was the most beautiful cursive you'd ever seen.

Dearest Angel,

Meet me in Abergele Market today at seven o'clock.


Upon reading this letter, you began glowing with happiness. He actually wanted to see you again, and you could not possibly be more elated.

Now would be a good time to mention that you actually had a horse named Stanley, and you used him to travel into town or sometimes longer distances to neighboring regions. He was about seven years old, indubitably adorable, had a syrupy brown color, a gorgeous black mane, and the cutest eyes.

He lived in a small barn with his own stable, water and food, and he greatly comforted during your times of sadness.

You rode into Abergele Market, and as you hopped off your precious Stanley, giving him a carrot and tying him to a tree to ensure he didn't run away. He was quite the silly boy, and you laughed a bit to yourself remembering the time a few years ago when you first rode him inside of his enclosure near the garden.

Stanley definitely has matured, and if you were to untie him from the tree and tell him to, "go home," he would listen, happily trotting away.

After you rode around for a while, poor Stanley had run off when you thought his rope was secured, and he caught himself up in a large brush, unable to escape. You had to cut the entire damn brush apart with a giant pair of scissors, making a mess of your dress and your horse.

Not to mention all of the times he has snuck up on your unsuspecting parents, scaring them half to death out of nowhere.

"I'm gonna shoot that damn horse," your father once exclaimed while laughing after your Stanley nearly jumped on him out of pure excitement.

You straightened out your pretty dress, folding your arms as the chilly, piercing breeze made you crave warmth. Unexpectedly, Abergele Market was bustling. By this time of night, seven o'clock, people had usually returned home. The weather was gorgeous, though, the sun was just finished setting and leaves were falling all around you from the trees.

Amidst the large crowds of people purchasing items from all of the local shops, you were caught off guard. A beautiful silver bracelet could be seen in a small shop window. You ran to it, ogling at how beautiful it was. However, you saw the price tag: fifty pounds. Your heart sank.

You had nowhere near that amount of money, and oh, what irony. Alexander would have been able to buy you five of those bracelets. Suddenly, you internally gagged and decided you did not need that bracelet.

Then, you turned, and saw down the street.

Completely caught off guard.

It was Kylo. He was wearing his normal all-black uniform, however, he was not wearing his mask. His cheeks were slightly pink due to the chilly air, and he was wearing some sort of thin coat with a hood, and you could see his gorgeous black hair peeking out from under the hood.

He was much taller than you, it was almost unbelievable, so he could not yet see you as you were much shorter and you blended in with the massive crowd of people in the market.

As you gazed at him, he began looking into the shop he was nearest to. It was a chocolate shop.

Your heart melted once over.

Kylo likes chocolate, you thought, smiling to yourself.

You began walking to him, meandering through the hoards of people, tapping him on the arm once you reached him.

"Hello, sir," you greeted playfully with a small smile on your face. Behind that smile, though, your body was swimming in a flurry of nerves.

He turned to you, drinking in your appearance. Your hair was down, half of it pulled up into a loose ponytail. Tiny wisps of your hair that fell around your face blew in the wind. Your cheeks were also a light pink hue and felt cold due to the chilly air. He admired your cute little dress, enjoying the way it curved over your gorgeous figure.

She looked so goddamn beautiful, and that dress. He wanted to rip it off at that exact moment.

Quickly, he shoved his desire away, not wanting to alarm you, not just yet.

"Good evening, princess," he greeted back to you, bending down and kissing your hand.

"Follow me."

He grabbed your hand, taking you down the street, into the chocolate shop, with the fancy name of The Queen's Chocolate Candle.

Watching this strong, elegant man pull you down the pavement caused your face to heat up furiously. He could sense your growing want for him with every step you took.

Why was he taking you into a chocolate shop, of all damn places?

As you entered The Queen's Chocolate Candle, the store was breathtaking, the strong smell of chocolate causing your mouth to water.

You had only been in there once before.

The ceiling was white, the floors red, and the walls of the interior were rich, golden, and chocolates were neatly packaged in fancy boxes, running along all of the walls, floor to ceiling. In the center, there were cylindrical shelves and other displays with even more arrangements of chocolates you could enjoy to your heart's content. There also were so many other things to buy, like little nick-nacks and expensive china.

However, the weirdest part is that Kylo led you through the entire store, passing by all of the chocolate.

Your heart sunk. I actually wanted some of that.

He stopped at a large wooden door in the back of the shop, being greeted by a scrawny, elderly man blocking that entrance. Kylo handed him what appeared to be a small sum of money. The man's eyes lit up, and he quietly cackled to himself. Creepy.

He stopped real quick once he saw Ren staring daggers at him.

"O-okay. Sir, h-here is your key," the old man croaked. "D-door at the end of the h-hallway, Room S-seven."

As he opened the door, there was a long passageway with doors on each two sides of the walls, which is what you'd have guessed hotels looked like.

You silently walked down the entity of the hallway, unsure of what to say, unsure of where you were going.

You turned to Kylo, looking up at his figure. He was already staring at you, and you suddenly looked away, body heating up. He smirked, extending out his left hand, taking your right hand into his. His fingers enclosed around yours, his thumb gently caressing the hand of yours he held.

You noticed doors on either side of the hallway, and it took you a minute to understand what you were hearing. At first, you thought you were hallucinating, your mind just playing tricks on you.

But this time it was louder, coming from each of the rooms.


Your heart rate picked up, mind spinning.

He bent down to whisper in your ear. "Do not be afraid."

His commanding, yet calming tone was enough to render you speechless.

Sure. You weren't afraid. You were terrified.

Once you reached the door at the end of the hallway, Kylo pulled the key out of his pocket, opening the door for you, letting you inside.

And what you saw left you breathless.

It was an extremely large room even more grandiose than inside the store, however, the lights were dimmed on the umber-tinted walls. There was a table near the left side of the room, with the room's most surprising feature being a large bed in the center of the room, many cute little pillows resting up against large mahogany. The bed had a dark maroon duvet, and a small part of you wanted to just fall asleep right then, at that exact moment. Forget about Kylo, because the bed.

Your silly thoughts were interrupted by reality.

So this was a pleasure house? Or something?

Your mind was in a frenzy, you didn't even realize your little body was trembling. The sound of the door shutting was subtle, but noticeable.

Turning to face Kylo, feeling vulnerable, shy, and trapped. "W-What exactly are we doing h-here, s-sir?" you squeaked out, turning to look up at him, voice just barely above a whisper.

He tsked at you, giving you a look of disapproval.

"I have many secrets. Do not ask again." His voice caused you to quaver. "You are all mine now, little girl."

Oh, Hell no. He's going to fucking murder me. I'm getting out of this nightmare of a chocolate shop.

Maybe this handsome Commander man wasn't Mr. Nice Guy. After all, his seemingly orgasmic powers from the night in the piano room were enough to erase all logic from your mind. And even though the Prince was at the bottom of the trash heap of men, what if Alexander was as good as it was going to get, and you'd be stuck with him forever? And if Alexander was supposed to be good, what would be considered bad? Commander Ren?

You really just wanted to fall in love, live to be sixty, and spend the rest of your life peacefully eating soup.

But of course, with your perfect luck, Alexander wanted to use you as a trophy, and all Kylo did was look at you like you're an all-he-can-eat-buffet.

Wait a minute, you weren't even going to go there.

If being alive meant you were going to be stuck with the vile, pretentious, sickening people who dared to call themselves royalty, then so be it.

So, you smiled to him kindly, saying, "Okay," before instantly bolting towards the wooden door, desperately trying to open it. Your hands fiddled around on the knob before Kylo seized your struggling form, pulling you away from the door. You thrashed around helplessly against his solid, unmoving form, yelling madly at the floor.

"H-help! Someone help me! Can a-anyone hear me?! L-let me go now!"

As you tried to get away from him, you watched the lock on the door move slowly to the right with a click.

Fucking wanker.

Sheer panic, anger, and fear surged in your brain when the pressure of Kylo's grip on your torso increased slightly, and he bent down to your height as tears began forming in your eyes.

"Don't cry. You're not going anywhere." His voice sent shivers up your spine.

You whimpered in his grip, and your thrashing subsided. You were so small. Terrified and defeated.

His tone relaxed a bit, down to a near whisper.

"Please. I want to make you feel good, Angel."

He released your body from his iron hold, causing you to lose your footing and slightly stumble. You turned around, considering him, and the realization of the situation set in. His hood fell onto his shoulders, that gorgeous black hair now fully visible. His eyes looked dark, glazed over with lust, lips slightly quivering.

A few seconds passed by, the only sound being yours and Kylo's panting. Clearly, he was undoubtedly exhausted from holding you back. The intensity of the situation caused you to giggle out of nerves, apprehension flooding your mind at what he was going to do with you.

Kylo looked at you, face twisting into an expression of confusion. "Stop that."

You continued giggling, covering your mouth and turning away from him. "W-What? Stop doing what!"

"Stop laughing." He slowly released you, eyes fixed on you. "I am not going to hurt you."

You turned around to finally face him. "Calm down at once. That is not a request, little girl."

Distant alarms sounded off in your brain, telling you to stop, for real this time.

He slowly stalked a few feet over to you, but you unfortunately found yourself backed into the beige-colored wall. It caught you by surprise, and you looked down at your feet, then back up to Kylo, acknowledging your defeat.

His large arms wrapped around you, embracing you, and your insides betrayed you. You hugged him in return, letting yourself melt away into him, pushing the side of your face up to his chest. And his large hand moved up to the back of your head, rubbing his fingers into your hair, causing you to slightly whimper. It felt wonderful, those adroit digits carefully massaging your scalp.

You felt all of your worries fade away.

"Good girl."

He pulled away slightly, lifting you up around his waist. Your pulse was beating rapidly, fear, anticipation, and excitement causing you to feel speechless, and dizzy.

You felt scared, but as you were gazing into his eyes, despite his evil attempt at holding you hostage in this room, you could see some pain and longing. The eyes of a younger boy. Maybe, a very lonely one.

As though your intense desires hijacked your brain, you pressed your lips to his and kissed him gently. He returned this gesture, sliding his tongue into your mouth, letting out a low groan. He pulled you tighter to his chest, the began to kiss your neck, sucking very gently.

"Ohh," you moaned, surprised at how good it felt to finally be kissing him, again. Unlike anything you'd ever felt. How he could stoke so many emotions in you, including fear, yet you crumbled at his touch.

His being oxygen reduced you to a wild, uncontrollable flame.

Everything about Kylo was so foreign to you, but especially in this way. Once again, memories of the piano room came rushing to your mind.

You were so shy about it. So innocent.

He turned you around and began forcing you to walk backward, eventually falling down onto the bed. It was extremely soft and comfortable, you could feel yourself melt into them. Kylo continued kissing you, and when you looked down you could see he was rubbing himself through his pants, thrusting his hips slightly.

You whimpered. "Oh yes Kylo, you feel….so good."

He smirked against your neck. "Hm."

He continued kissing you very slow. He then moved to your neck, down your chest. Very slow. kissed your tummy through your dress, then once the anticipation of what he was doing became too much, he moved to the end of the bed and lifted the light fabric of your garment to your waist. You helped him, bringing your knees up a little bit to then remove your panties, allowing him to briefly glance at your bare sex hidden between your legs.

As you watched him, even though you knew what he wanted to do, you closed your legs and looked down.

You found yourself crying, worried about what he would think of how you looked, down there. Completely forgetting he had seen you. This was different. You felt so dirty. So vulnerable.

He shifted himself up to you, running a hand through his hair. You blushed.

The confidence pouring from him was nearly enough to cause you to die. Just fade away into nothingness. Right there, and right then.

He put his hand on your thigh, showing how terribly bad he wanted you.

You started to speak, "B-but I—"

He shushed you. "You have nothing to worry about now."

His finger traced down your body.

"You are beautiful …"

Your name fell from his lips.

"And, if you liked that, then this will feel incredible."

You allowed your hands to pull your dress up all the way over your head, revealing you only in your bra. You unclasped the back, unable to look him in the eye. Finally, when your breasts were free, Kylo's jaw dropped slightly admiring your bare form.

"Wait, Kylo, I-"

You had to tell him, had to make him understand your internal conflict despite feeling such a strange, new desire swelling deep in your core.

"I just, I feel so much for you. Never before have I felt this, I-I can't describe it. You scare me, you excite me, you arouse me. No other man does this, the things you do. Young women in this area of England are out getting sewing lessons, learning to play an instrument, or becoming a modest girl in society to find a man to marry."

Tears welled up in your eyes.

"But I never wanted those things. I never wanted it, and-and then you came along, I'd never been so happy yet so afraid in my entire life. You make me feel pleasure I can not describe, because you're dangerous, Kylo. I don't yet know who you are, or your secrets. The only thing I know for sure, is that I want you. I'll never stop wanting you, because part of me feels like I am falling irrevocably in love with you, Kylo. You are maddening. "

You were a fool in lust and love, but just for him. Nobody admits their feelings that fast, not ever.

Kylo's left eye twitched at your admission of feelings, of vulnerability.

"I know much of nothing as well, and right now, I want you terribly, Angel."

He said nothing else back about how you felt you were falling into love with him, but instead shifted to kiss your forehead gently, making sure you understood he cared deeply for you. He moved back down, watching you as you spread your legs. You laid down just a bit, getting a very good view of what he was doing.

What surprised you most at this moment was how speechless he was as he admired your dripping core.

"So wet for me."

He brought his index finger up to your entrance, this time without leather, pushing it in about halfway, then removing it to taste you. He hummed deeply as he sucked his own finger.

The sight alone was enough to cause your walls to clench. You wanted more. He noticed, moving his mouth closer to your heat. He breathed in your scent, spreading your lips apart slowly, and brought his lips up to your pussy and kissed you right there, on your tight hole, your most precious area.

He groaned once more, tongue then starting to lap at your cunt, all the way up to your clit before moving back down to your pussy. You involuntarily moaned at the feeling of his lips on you, bucking your hips up to his nose.

You reached down to run your hands in his hair, pulling him to stay there, licking and sucking at your clit.

"Fuck ...you taste so good, darling," he whispered. "Do you like this?"

"Oh my stars, Kylohhh, my God, so good," you cried out to him, your head falling back onto the pillow, eyes snapping shut.

The only thing you could hear was the obscene noise of Kylo licking your cunt, your moans, and his grunts. He was clearly enjoying this too, subtly thrusting his clothed cock against the bed as he lapped at your pussy.

"Uhhh, shit," he moaned into your cunt.

This was definitely the best feeling you had ever felt in your entire life; it was so intimate and sweet.

You could swear Kylo was reading your mind once again, knowing exactly how to please you.

Taking you by surprise, he wrapped his lips around your clit and started sucking with such wonderful pressure, then he inserted two fingers into your pussy. It was definitely a stretch, because last time he only wanted to use one finger. You lowly started rocking your hips against his fingers, loving how good and how full you were feeling.

He spoke, voice muffled by his not wanting to pull away from your clit, "This okay, princess?" as he started thrusting his two digits inside and out.

"Yes, Kylo, oh yes, please keep going..." you whimpered.

He smirked against your pussy, in awe of how he could ruin you with just his tongue and fingers.

You felt a warm and tingly feeling growing deep in your tummy, and you couldn't stop moaning. The cries fell from your lips like a chorus.

"It's okay, you're close again. Let go for me," he whispered.

"Oh my stars, Kylo, it's happening again, ohh my!" you wailed.

His lips tightened around your clit, tongue deliciously lapping at it as you felt your orgasm beginning, his fingers still thrusting inside of you. Your eyes snapped shut and you put your hand over your mouth, but that wasn't enough to slice your gasps and moans. White-hot ecstasy ripped through your trembling body as you felt your muscles contract uncontrollably around his fingers, your juices coating his tongue, mouth, chin, and nose.

At this point, your hands were in his hair, pulling him down to stay on your pussy as you came. You hadn't realized it in the moment, but Kylo had used that strange energy to hold you against his mouth, ensuring your erratic movements didn't pull you away from him.

As you came down from your climax, he removed his fingers from your heat, and replaced them with his tongue, trying to taste the rest of your juices.

"Good girl..." he moaned.

"Oh...oh my God, Kylo, that was incredible," you sighed, releasing a breath of air, glowing with happiness.

"My pleasure. You smelled and tasted incredible. Could eat you for hours."

"Can I have you, now?" you asked, glancing at the obvious erection in his pants.

"Do you know how to, you know, do that?" he replied, looking down at his bulge, eyes blackened with lust.

"No...but, you could teach me," you suggested, your face tingling with heat and redness.

He nodded, saying, "Alright darling, you can try."

He laid back on the bed while you happily moved yourself closer to him, to where he needed you. You gently touched the bulge in his pants. Your shaking hands found the zipper, pulling it down, and he helped you, pushing his black boxers all the way down.

Once his boxers were down, his cock sprang out, bobbing against his stomach. Your eyes went wide once again, surprised at the size now that you wanted to have him in your mouth.

Precum was leaking from the top, and you hungrily reached out to touch it, your most primal desires taking over. Your very tiny hand wrapped around the base of his cock, and he groaned, admiring how satisfactory your lazy and unskilled touches felt.

"Ohh, shit, so good," he moaned. "Open your mouth."

You parted your lips, and licked the head of his cock, pressing little kisses all around the head of his penis, very slowly, then taking him into your mouth, his sharp taste exhilarating you.

As Kylo predicted, you couldn't fit much more into your mouth, not even half of his length, so he grabbed your head and forced you down a bit more, causing you to gag and splutter around his cock.

He moaned at your struggles, yet you tried relaxing your throat, letting him in just a little more.

You started bobbing your head up and down, spurred on by his moans of pleasure as he was rendered speechless at how wonderful this felt for him. Your tongue and throat felt so incredible around his length, he swore he was going to cum the second you kissed the tip.

He allowed you to breathe quite frequently, fighting the urge to feel immense pleasure yet knew seriously hurting was something he wanted to avoid at all costs. After all, this was your first time.

Kylo groaned, "Ohh, you're so good at that, fuck. Never wanted a cock in that pretty little throat so bad, huh? Little slut likes sucking me off."

Despite his humiliating remarks, you felt your clitoris swell once more, pussy clenching at his inappropriate words, not wanting to admit how much you liked this. Even though you'd never done it before.

You tried to say, "Yes sir," but it came out as, "Ohhuhhh, yyesstthh, sthir, mhmmm."

His willingness to pleasure you caused your sanity to spiral far, far away, and right as your mouth became very sore, his balls started to tighten up, thick cock beginning to throb and twitch deep in your mouth.

You felt his ejaculate hit the back of your throat, and his orgasm caused his entire body to shake with desperate relief and euphoria. "Ohhh, yes, uhhhh," he whimpered, your name somewhere in between his moans.

You pulled our mouth off of his cock, swallowing the juices in your mouth down your throat.

He pulled you on top of him, your legs around his waist, pressing his lips to yours again. The two of you could taste each other's juices on your tongues, and it was so erotic how you both enjoyed it. You involuntarily started grinding your pussy against his now hardening cock and up to his lower stomach, spreading your wetness all over his skin.

You both breathed heavily into each other's mouths. His cock was prodding at your entrance, a feeling so incredibly foreign to you.

"Do you think you can take me?" he asked you, his yes searching yours for an answer.

Your eyes lit up with need, wanting to feel him inside of you. "Yes, but, um, will it hurt me, Kylo?"

"Yes, unfortunately, it may be a bit painful for you. But I think I can help with that."

Kylo motioned for you to move over so he could get up.

Once he was off the bed, he walked over to his drawers and pulled out a small bottle from the top one. He brought it over to you, and you were confused. You'd never seen anything like that before. It didn't exist anywhere in Hertfordshire at this time, as far as you were concerned.

When girls had sex for the first time, you often heard stories of very painful and awful experiences. Some women had even said they used spit occasionally, but you were only focused on the other terrible stories.

"This is what you need. Some girls even use this for their own use. You'll know what I mean, later. It is a type of lubrication I have acquired from where I live, and it will make intercourse much less painful. Trust me."

He handed you the bottle, and you looked at it with such enormous confusion. You opened the top, and a little amount came out onto the bed sheets below you. You put your finger under the opening, and squeezed a little bit onto your finger. It felt good, just like your own cyprine. Smooth and sticky and warm. You looked up at Kylo, and reached down to put some around your folds and entrance.

"No darling, you're going to need more than that," he instructed. Kylo took the little bottle from you and squeezed a large glob onto two of his fingers. He looked moved his hand down to your pussy, then pressed his moisture-covered fingers into your wet heat, making it even wetter, something you didn't think was possible.

The feeling was so wonderful; his two fingers stretched you deliciously and he lasciviously gazed into your eyes as he spread the lubricant around inside your walls.

As he taught you how to make yourself feel good, and now, your first time having sex feel good, the way he looked at you was lewd. It was titillating, it was naughty. And it was beautiful. Oh so beautiful.

He pulled his finger out, and you sighed at the feeling of emptiness. He sat up, removing a small packet from his pocket, then finally removed his pants. His legs looked so strong and muscular, making you basically drool at the sight.

The little packet contained a little plastic or rubber sleeve, yet another item you'd never seen.

He pulled the small sleeve over his length, looking at you. You had guessed it was some sort of condom. He put some lubricant on his cock over the condom as well, stroking it up and down. You could look him in the eye, but not for too long.

"Thank you," you whispered to him, smiling slightly. You internally were thankful that he remembered to not get you pregnant. But oh, while you had the means to take care of an infant, and of course your family wanted you to procreate, now was too soon.

"Of course. We need protection. Need to keep my lady safe," he replied.

You blushed.

"So uhh. What happens now, Kylo? I don't know...where to start."


He pushed you down gently, moving his large figure on top of you, returning back to your lips to kiss them. You ran your hands up and down his back, enjoying how strong and dominating he felt. Your tongues made contact almost immediately, and you began moaning together, breathing into each other.

He fondled your slightly engorged breasts gently, causing you to moan, pinching your nipple.

"Now, I need you to spread your legs for me," he ordered. You happily complied.

He repositioned himself in between your legs, taking his cock and finding your entrance. Internally, he was doing backflips at how much bigger his cock was than your little hole. He knew he was going to destroy you. Leave you a mess.

You made him so hard, just thinking of you and he was so ready to just fuck any damn thing.

And now, after what felt like a million weeks, he finally got to fuck your tight, virgin pussy.

His little girl.

"Are you ready for me?" he asked, observing your nervous eyes.

"Yeah, I'm ready," you confirmed, smiling up at him.

He slowly thrust into you, making sure to not hurt you.

"Ow, that-that hurts a little," said your quivering voice.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, it's okay, just pull out slowly then go in slowly."

He listened to you, to your body's needs as well, and loosened you up just a little.

"Relax your muscles, honey," he purred.


About two more minutes of discomfort continued along with sharp pain in your vagina, you shut your eyes, reveling in the feeling of being filled, waiting for it to feel good.

For the first time in your life, a penis was inside of you. Kylo was completely sheathed in there, groaning into your neck. Clearly, this felt very good for him since he started to let quiet grunts and moans escape his lips as he thrust lazily.

Once again, his deep moans went straight to your cunt, causing you to clench around him. You became a bit wetter, the pain finally transforming into pleasure. You looked down, watching him thrust into you, and you giggled a little at the noises of your pussy squelching.

"What could possibly be funny? You have a tendency to laugh when you shouldn't, you know," Kylo inquired, pausing his movements.

You responded, a few more giggles escaping you, "How can I not laugh? Those noises are absurd! And obviously, you know I'm still pretty nervous right now. You're my first...I-I just forgot our bodies make sounds when we do this thing."

You could have sworn you saw almost a smile form on his face, but it faded sooner than it could have appeared.

"You can keep going now, silly," you cheerfully said. As new as this situation was, you still were a woman with a penis inside of her. You needed friction, him to pound into you now.

I just want you to make love to me, so so hard. Now.


That was all you got. As usual.

He pulled out, then plunged back into your core with stronger force this time. His hips were undulating beautifully.

His cock dragged in and out of you at a quick, yet gentle pace.

Finally, as your remaining pain melted into pleasure, you let your first moan. "Ohh, oh my…Kylo..."

"You like this, huh? Getting ruined by my cock?"

"Stars, Kylo, yes, yes, yes I love it!" you gasped.

"Yeah, I think your virgin pussy likes getting fucked. She always has wanted this," he purred into your ear.

This beautiful sexual act continued on for about ten minutes, slowly. You felt completely connected to him, sharing your most intimate parts with him. You kissed him, your combined moans fusing together.

You cupped his face with both of your hands as he continued fucking you, in awe of how beautiful he looked. Sweat beaded on his forehead, cheeks, and ears still flushed. His lips still looked swollen from devouring your cunt.

His features relaxed. Clearly, he was blissed out with you.

Maybe my pussy is magical.

"You...you feel so good, beautiful girl. You are mine now. I am never letting you go."

"Kylo, me too...I feel that feeling again. I need more…please touch me," you whined.

"All mine..." he whispered, partially to himself. His large hand migrated down the curve of your tummy.

He began rubbing your clit in such a perfect way, knowing exactly what you needed.

Your pussy walls fluttered around his throbbing member, your orgasm impending. You were breathing heavily, heart pounding out of your chest. He watched you come undone, your face screwed up in pleasure. He continued thrusting that strong cock into you.

"Let go for me," Kylo said.

Beautiful galaxies, stars, and exploding colors erupted across your vision. Your tiny body wasn't just shaking, it was convulsing. Uncontrollably. Somewhere in there, Kylo said, "That's my angel," but you couldn't hear. Couldn't remember anything. Tears were streaming from your eyes, and you cried and cried and cried in pleasure.

Your tight cunt excellently massaged Kylo's cock, and your gorgeous, sexy moans were like music to his ears.

"Ughghh, yes," he grunted. As you came down from the most earth-shattering climax of your life, he was about to orgasm, too.

He thrust into you a few more times before his hip movements became erratic. His cum flooded into the condom, and you could feel it fill up inside of you. His whimpers were so arousing as he came. The aftershocks from your climax were still causing your hips to buck up into his.

Kylo lifted you up, making sure to keep his pretty cock in your pussy, and allowed you to straddle his waist and lay on his muscular chest. You turned your head to the side, still quietly crying from your severely emotional orgasm, hair a mess, face and chest completely flushed.

"Shhh, it's okay, sweetheart, it's okay. You did so well for me," Kylo whispered to you, running his fingers through your hair, kneading your scalp. Your silky walls continued to spasm around his length, just slightly. All you could respond back to him was with a few lazy sighs and your quiet sounds of breathing.

This was exquisite, just resting on his chest, warming his cock for the last half hour. You'd even fallen asleep on him for a little while before he gently nudged you awake.

At first, his voice was an echo, but then you heard Kylo say your name quietly.

"Wake up, Angel."

You lifted your head from his chest, looking up at him with tired eyes, sleepy but definitely happy. The post-orgasmic chemicals swimming in your mind definitely felt strong, maybe even like a slight buzz of alcohol. For it being your first time having sex, you now understood why people loved it so much.

He lifted you off of him, removing his softened cock from your core, and sweetly placing you on the bed next to him.

You watched as he got up, walked around the room, picked up his clothes, and began getting dressed.

And all you could do was look at him.

He sauntered over to you, handing you your dress, underwear, and bra.

You gracelessly sat up with a groan and took your clothes from him. You slipped your underwear on and inexpertly clasped your bra.

You attempted putting your dress on, but to no avail.

"Let me help you?" Kylo asked.

You nodded, and he took your dress, pulling it over your head, through your arms, and helping you adjust it.

"So, so beautiful," he purred, studying your expression.

You got up in front of him, standing on your tippy-toes. You ran your hands all over his chest, now clothed in the black fabric of his uniform. You moved your hands, down, down, down, sticking your cute butt out just a bit.

You smirked at him. "Could say the same about you."

A few more moments passed, and you became a bit sad. Knowing that you'd have to be going home, and may not see Kylo for a few more weeks.

He must have heard your thoughts.

"Did you think I was going to make sweet love to you and not take you out to dinner?" he asked, pushing your messy hair behind your little ears.

"O-oh, I guess I didn't think about that, no," you replied.

So he unlocked the door and led you through the hallway, making sure to return the key to that poor little old man, the one you saw a few hours ago. And he gave you the look. That old man knew what happened in that room. He knew. You entered the chocolate shop again, winking at the man, and Kylo watched you again as your eyes glimmered with joy as you literally ogled at all of the chocolate in the store and on the shelves.

For twenty fucking minutes, Kylo watched you talk to the shop workers in there, who clearly just wanted to just go home already. It was nearing ten o'clock at night. You sampled many kinds of chocolate, as well as your favorite flavor, you ended up leaving the store empty-handed.

But never fear.

That's because your tall, black-haired, doorframe of a man was stuck carrying five boxes of chocolate, trying to balance them in his large paws. And every one of those boxes, he reluctantly bought just for you.

Outside, you kissed Stanley on the nose, untying him and telling him to run on home, back to his barn. He nuzzled into you, neighing jubilantly, and before long he was on his merry trotting way.

You turned back to Kylo, who was looking around the now empty Abergele Market, obviously annoyed with your antics.

"What are you looking at?" you play-yelled at him.

After exiting The Queen's Chocolate Candle, you walked across the street with him, and found yourself inside your favorite restaurant on the planet, Kitty's Kitchen.

Candles illuminated the walls, casting a comforting, warm glow. The air smelled so good, like freshly baked bread, soup, pasta, and mashed potatoes. Yum. You sat down at a table with Kylo, quite the weird experience. You couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't an everyday customer of fucking, Kitty's Kitchen, of all places in the world.

He didn't fit in at all. There were a few older couples in the restaurant, but it was late, so the place was scarce. You pulled your hair together in a loose ponytail, realizing it may appear a bit messy after your sexcapade with Kylo earlier, fastening your hair with a little clip in your dress pocket.

He set the five boxes down next to your table.

The waitress came by, and you asked for a glass of water while he requested a glass of bourbon. After your drinks came, and just you awkwardly sitting across from him, you decided to talk.

"So, Kylo. You should tell me about yourself."

"What do you want to know?"

"Hmmm. Favorite color?"


"Favorite food?"

"Beef jerky."

Both answers made complete sense. Internally, you chuckled at beef jerky. He thinks he's tough, does he not? Nonetheless, you decided to ask something else, something more serious.

"Who are your parents?"

"That's irrelevant." He took a large gulp of his bourbon, glancing around the room. "And don't ask me anything else. I am done answering your mindless questions."

Your joyful grin turned into a dejected frown. Kylo was one tough cookie.

"Well...what are you going to do if I keep asking you questions?"

He huffed and took a sip of his bourbon. "Hm."

You began feeling extremely hot for a little bit as you waited for your food, and you were very confused since it felt like your clit was throbbing. You shifted around in your seat, and could feel some of your wetness being coaxed out of your pussy, walls fluttering involuntarily. When you glanced at Kylo, he was obviously staring daggers at you, but immediately he glanced away.

To your relief, your onslaught of arousal subsided once the waitress came by and served the two of you plates of food, and once you saw how good it looked, you realized how hungry you were. After all, today was probably the first of many intense fuckings.

You ordered your favorite cream of chicken soup with extra rolls of bread and butter, while Kylo had a salad with a lemon vinaigrette.

The second you got your food, you started gobbling up the dinner rolls like it was your last meal, dipping them in the creamy soup. Definitely a mouth orgasm.

Your waitress walked away, but unfortunately, your body heated up again. You dropped your spoon into the soup, unable to control yourself. You moaned quietly to yourself, "Ohhh, w-what, ohhhh…" At your clitoris, that feeling was there again, the one Ky-


"Oh, must you make a mess of me now? You have no compassion for this meal I am trying to enjoy!" you whispered loudly across the tiny table.

He was too fascinated with his salad, digging through his bowl trying to get a piece of lettuce on his fucking fork.

"Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?" he queried, looking up at you with feigned confusion.

"Don't be coy, stop pretending! You know exactly what you are doing!" you angrily quipped. In a normal situation, you would enjoy him teasing you in a public setting. But now you were ravenous for this wonderful soup. Your tummy growled, begging for more deliciousness.

He didn't say anything. He just looked back at his food as you struggled silently in your seat, crossing your legs together, trying to stave off cumming all over this chair.

"I never told you to stop eating," Kylo remarked. "Go on. I'm not doing anything or stopping you from slurping your soup," he added, making sure to put special emphasis on slurping. Just to remind you of the noises his mouth made against your cunt.

Your shaking hands lifted your spoon, and you continued eating. It felt like his fingers were inside of your panties caressing your folds again, along with a low vibration thrumming on your clit.

He took great pleasure in what he was doing to you, internally grinning like a psychopath at how you were falling apart at the seams. And all he was doing was eating his salad, not even outwardly showing his control of the unknown energy.

The longer you tried to stave off orgasming, the harder it became. Before long, knowing you weren't supposed to be so aroused in a restaurant, you came on your seat while swallowing a small spoonful of soup. Watching Kylo suck on a small cherry tomato from his bowl sent you over the edge.

You covered your mouth with your napkin, grinding and whimpering while you sat in the chair. A few gasps of yours escaped, but they were only audible to him. As you came, he groaned lowly. His cock was probably hard again, but you didn't know for sure.

You realized you must have tipped over the boxes next to the little table. The waitress shot you a glare, annoyed at the ruckus.

"Uhh, my. Wow, that was nice. But can I finish my food now, please?" you begged.

"Good girl. Go ahead," he whispered. "I just love watching you come."

You looked away from him, blushing again.

After the two of you finished your dinner, it was almost midnight. Your family was going to be irrevocably furious with our late return home. Once again, Kylo paid for your food. You had some sterling, but of course, didn't know to bring any. He really was such a gentleman.

That is, when he wanted to be one.

You exited Kitty's Kitchen with him, and he bent down to your height, muttering, "Follow me."

The unruly tower of boxes nearly toppled over in his arms.

You followed Kylo down the dark stone pavement, reaching a location of the Abergele Market Village you'd never been before. The buildings were sad and drooping. You were in an alley that was damp and wet. The structures on either side of the alleyway were rotting. It was definitely somewhere you wanted to get far away from.

Something quite strange happened from here.

As you exited the alleyway, you came to what looked to be a dead-end in the shape of a circle, buildings wrapping around it almost like an enclosure. There was a small opening, like maybe a roadway to the left that nobody used. This place was desolate and chilling, too empty.

As Kylo moved swiftly, he turned to the right, walking to this strange black apparatus. Was it a box? Or a very tiny carriage? Did he even have a horse? I bet his horse would be lovable and have the prettiest eyes, and the darkest mane—

You immediately drove away those distracting thoughts about a stupid horse.

He pulled something making a jangling noise from his pocket, likely some sort of keys.

But why would he need keys?

Suddenly, these two bright lights appeared out of nowhere, and the black apparatus beeped. Fucking beeped. You squealed, not sure what to do. Kylo opened what appeared to be the rear door on it, tossing your boxes of chocolates inside of it. He turned to you, motioning you to come over to him.

"You mustn't anyone about this, darling," he warned you. You nodded, agreeing with him speechlessly. "This is the automobile. Or what I call a car," he explained. He walked you around to what appeared to be the driver's side of the vehicle. "It has four wheels, as you can see. Inside there, that window, is my seat. At the bottom of the floor where I put my feet, there is an acceleration pedal and a brake pedal."

"So you can drive this large thing, and it will take you places?"

"Yes, it's one of the most important technological advances from where I come from. It can take me places very fast: even faster than a horse and carriage. This specific vehicle is called a Mercedes. As you can see, it is a black one, from the 1980s."

You were about to bombard him with an endless assault of questions about the car and his background, the year of the car, and literally a million other things, but he shushed you.

"Soon, you will know everything. So much more, princess. All of this will make sense soon. I promise." He pressed a kiss to your forehead.

You stood there dumbfounded for a few more moments before coming to your senses.

"C-can I maybe get in and see what it's like, Kylo? The seat next to yours in there?" you asked, pointing to what was the passenger seat.

"Sure. The passenger seat, where you sit, is on the left. In the country I am from, America, the passenger seat is actually on the right," he explained.

You meandered to the other side of the car, your hands touching all over the door before you found a bump. You put your fingers through it and pulled, it swinging open aimlessly.

Lights turned on in his car, and you got in, sitting down on the leather seats. It was much more comfortable than your carriage, and yes, it was definitely more comfortable than riding Stanley despite your love for him.

Kylo got into the driver's seat next to you. "What do you think?"

You looked at him, eyes glowing. "I love it so much! Thank you for letting me in your cab. Your secret is safe with me."

"You are very welcome, but it is a car, Angel. Not a cab," he corrected.

His large hand reached over to your thigh, where your hands were resting, and he took your right hand into his. It was probably twice the size of your hand, and he intertwined your fingers with his, stroking it with his thumb.

"You intoxicate me," he whispered. He groaned, covering his pants, likely trying to hide an erection.

How on Earth is it possible I arouse him so much?

You thought you were going to go at it again with him, in the back seat most likely, but your quiet, romantic serenity was disrupted when you heard a loud explosion, and saw one of the buildings surrounding the car erupt into flames. A large, glowing fire could be seen at the very top of the building and your heart rate increased dramatically.

"K-Kylo, I-I think something is v-very wrong," you squeaked out.

A group of men dressed in extremely formal and traditional military attire sprinted out from that empty, mysterious road in between the remaining buildings, clearly intending on charging at you and Kylo.

"Stay here," he said, exiting the car.

The man who appeared to be their leader put his arm out, indicating for them to slow their speed, eventually abruptly coming to a stop right in front of Kylo.

The leader stepped forward, putting his arms out, up into the sky, and you guessed he was likely smiling. He was a short man. He cackled wildly, in a manner that was nothing short of creepy.

You clambered into the backseat, hiding behind the two front seats. At that point, you tried making out the voices to hear what they were saying.

The man put his arms down, taking another step right in front of Kylo.

"Greetings, Commander Ren! It has been too long," the man sneered.

"I thought we had finished our business, Beaumont," Kylo responded.

Your mind went into overdrive, and quickly you came to the epiphany that this man was Prince Alexander Beaumont. Your insides began twisting together into a sharp knot of anxiety.

"Oh, no no no no. You are gravely mistaken," Alexander snarled. "She was never part of our agreement. And she was not supposed to find out about….that," he continued, pointing straight at you, or rather, at the car.

After all, it was 1810, and whatever was happening surely was out of the ordinary. The car was far too advanced for your time, you knew this all along, Kylo even seemed advanced for this time period, having never dressed as others have. Plus, the way he spoke was different than others did. Everyone else's use of parlance had a sense of being airy, polite, and gentle. Even yours.

Kylo's voice was full, it was strong. Polite but not airy, unlike Alexander's. He used many curse words, something very rare at least to your ears, only until you ascertained that you yourself cussed in your mind at times, as well.

Maybe you weren't the incorrupt girl you thought you were.

But nevermind those extra details.

They were only clouding your brain further.

"Well, it is far too late for that. I have already shown her that car, and I plan on eventually bringing her to Starkiller Base where I want her to stay with me. She deserves the truth, Beaumont. And if you cared for her, you would have been the one to tell her," Kylo contended. "You aren't who she needs."

Alexander stepped away from him, pacing back and forth in a short distance, looking down at the ground with his arms behind his back.

"Where is she?" the blonde Prince questioned.

Without hesitation, Kylo responded, "She's home. I returned her to her family fifteen minutes ago."

"Ah, of course."

"Yes, sir. She is safe."



"You're attempting to deceive me. And it's a shame that you are. Pathetic."

Alexander's demeanor shifted. He turned to his men, and lifted his hand in the air, pointing his thumb back at the car. "Go. Take what's mine," he demanded.

Kylo spun around, opening the door, and yelling to you, "I'm so sorry, Angel. I'm so sorry. Just know that y-you will always be mine." He looked afraid, for the first time you've seen, his voice and body and breathing shaking.

One of the men grabbed Kylo from outside of the door, pulling him back, away from you. They cuffed his hands behind his back. Your little hands tried finding the door handle, and you successfully were able to run out of the car, trying to reach him.

But your attempts at reaching him were menial, for a large pair of hands grabbed you, painfully digging into your poor arms, stopping you from running to him.

"K-Kylo!" you screamed.

Everything happening after that was in slow motion. You saw one of the big men stab Kylo in his neck with something, and from what your crying eyes could see, you hoped it was just a shot, a harmless drug, or some tranquilizer that put him to sleep. You hoped and prayed they didn't just kill him. But there was no way of knowing for sure.

He was the love of your life, and it felt like he was gone.

Completely shattering your world.

The man behind you turned you around, pushing you down to your knees on the hard cobblestone. You were now faced with the man you wanted to violently tear apart.

"Darling! How are you? I hope Ren didn't put his hands on you, poor thing," he said, putting out his bottom lip in a fake manner, as if he was talking to a baby. Not a young woman.

You spat in his face, it getting into his eye. He rubbed it away, disgusted.

"Naughty girl. Clearly, that commander has shown you things," Alexander quipped.

Without warning, he lifted his hand, cracking it across your face. "I bet you like being slapped. Stupid bitch."

You tasted blood in your mouth. It was metallic and tangy and raging. Just like the anger flowing through your veins.

"Y-you're a coward. I will never love a man like you, and in fact, nobody will," you angrily spat, tears still flowing.

Behind you, you heard the engine revving of what sounded like another automobile, one that was probably much larger than Kylo's car, and you heard someone lift up something heavy, throwing it into the vehicle with a thud. You sobbed quietly, feeling ruined and crumbling in on yourself. Whatever they were taking away wasn't it.

In the midst of this chaos and pain, everything fell silent, and you heard his voice. You imagined him sobbing your name, and it sounded like a plea.

They were taking him away, your Kylo, as though he wasn't a precious human with a beating heart. But not to Alexander, clearly his enemy. Because to him, he was disposable.

Like garbage.

"That makes me very sad. You know, I love you," Alexander murmured.

"You know, I love Commander Ren," you shamelessly retorted. "And he loves me, too."

"How do you know?"

"I-I can feel it. He's never said it to me, but—"

"He doesn't," Alexander said, bored. "He doesn't love you. Stupid to think he did, really."

The large man behind you began moving his disgusting hands down your torso, groping your breasts. "Shhhh, don't try resisting," the man behind you said. "We know you like this."

You couldn't say anything but "please stop touching me," and you allowed your head to fall down, sobbing and screaming again.

The emotional and physical pain you were experiencing caused your vision to blackout for a moment. You felt exhausted, tired, terrified, and alone. I will never let you go. For the third time tonight, you heard another sound of an engine revving, and at this point, you assumed it was your turn to be tranquilized and thrown into a vehicle.

Maybe they are going to bring me to the same place as him.

The cold, nearly winter night air caused you to shiver and shake, as if you weren't doing so already.

"P-please stop touching me," you begged the man, but he didn't stop. His disgusting fingers kept feeling down your body, and he started lifting up the front of your dress. To your greatest relief, you heard a very loud bang. Just as he was about to touch you inside of your underwear, he stopped. Or maybe something stopped him.

From what you could tell, he fell back from behind you like a fucking potato sack. You turned around, and his stupid big head was bleeding.

He'd been shot.

You turned back to face Alexander, and he looked shocked, his face turning pale. It was very dark outside as it was late in the night, yet you could still make out his features, that sent a clear message: something wasn't going according to plan.

Behind him, his men began falling to the ground one by one after you heard separate gunshots coming from somewhere you couldn't see. The building that had exploded toppled over into a mess of dust and debris, making your busy surroundings even more difficult to decipher.

"She's over here!" you heard a female voice exclaim.

You saw her emerge from the smoke from behind Alexander. She was beautiful, with brown hair. Even more surprising was that she was wearing pants. It was an all-white outfit, with her shoulders almost visible. What the...

Alexander pulled out his pistol, pointing it at her. Two other men found her, running up next to either side of her. One of the men was African, and the other was Latino with dark hair.

She put her hand in the air, and what happened next didn't fail to floor you.

You saw his gun shaking in the air, and it began moving towards her, breaking free of Alexander's grip. She continued pulling it closer to her, without even touching it. It was like she was controlling it with her mind.

Eventually, the pistol made its way into her hand. She clutched it, facing it towards your enemy.

With the flick of her other hand, you heard a snap, and it appeared she had just broken his legs, truly showing no mercy. He fell to the ground with a cry.

"This is the last time you will ever hurt anyone else, Beaumont," she retorted to him.

Then, she took the pistol, moving it closer to him, and shooting him directly in the head twice.

His lifeless body fell to the ground, and you let out a sigh of relief.

She reached out to you, grabbing your hand. "You are coming with us. We must go now, or never. It is possible more of his men will arrive at any moment."

You took her hand, and followed along as she led you to another vehicle. This one was bigger, boxier, and after everyone was in, the lighter-colored man with brown hair jumped in the driver's seat. The dark-colored man was next to him in the passenger seat, and the girl was next to you.

"My name is Rey," she said with a subtle grin, outstretching her hand. "Go! Drive!" she yelled to the man in the driver's seat. He immediately apologized, shifting what you thought were the gears of the vehicle, and began driving down the dark road.

Rey pulled a piece of fabric across your body and fastened it into some sort of holder. "Seatbelt," she whispered.

"Th-thank you f-for saving my life," you said, taking her hand into yours. Tears of joy escaped you.

"It's my responsibility. You need not thank me," she affirmed.

"This is Poe," she told you, pointing to your driver, "and this is Finn," she said, pointing to the dark-skinned man.

You greeted them with a happy smile, feeling genuine happiness at befriending the people who rescued you.

Suddenly, you were overcome with a wave of dread, sadness, and fear.

You began speaking, voice just above a whisper. You let yourself cry while saying this. "I-I don't know if you guys know him, but he's someone I care for deeply. His name is Kylo Ren...Commander Kylo Ren of the First Order. Alexander's m-men hurt him, and I-I think they took him a-away. I am praying he is still alive, and if he is, c-can we still save him?"

Rey took a moment to exhale, looking at you with understanding eyes.

"I don't think we can save him," she said. "Because we don't have to."

For a moment, it felt like your heart broke a million times over. You put your hands over your eyes to hide your pain and tears, but a loud sob gave you away. Your pulse raced impossibly fast, palpitations swimming in your chest.

"Shhhh, it's okay," she consoled.

All you could hear was the calming noise of the road under the tires, something you'd never heard before. Behind you, in the back row of seats, you were able to hear a very low, steady breathing. No, it couldn't be.

"Just look behind you."

[check out either my ao3, tumblr, or quotev to view this story with pictures <3]

This is my first time writing really anything in the world of fanfiction. I am relatively young in terms of other writers on this platform, and the Star Wars Cinematic Universe is the first fandom I am actively participating in. Constructive criticism is absolutely something I'm hoping for, but please be gentle. As most authors know, writing is very difficult. And personally, I'm quite sensitive to anything deliberately hurtful, not helpful, or discouraging.

samantha_aeryncreators' thoughts