A man who had clawed his way to success died from a youtube prank video after buying some old comic books. MC (Mick) meets a ROB assigned to him because he was meant to make a breakthrough for colonization technology that would solve many of Earth's problems. Mick is then told that usually a few souls are chosen from random multiverse Earths to create more gods by giving them 3 wishes with limitations for what they want in their next life as well as a way to travel the multiverse but because of the mess up, they have adjusted it to 4 for him. _____________ _______________________ I am going to speedrun through the HP world because of the MCs wishes and move on to the marvel world which I am a bigger fan of and feel I can provide more content on without having to go on multiple sites to look for tiny hidden details or lore to make HP world last longer. As for the disclaimer stuff: Imagine its here.
An alarm clock rang beside my bed jolting me awake. It was 4 in the morning and while the rest of the city slept I was awake and working out as always. I finished up my morning workout and was ready for work at 5 o'clock.
I wasn't born in the best circumstances. An "Oopsie" child whose father and mother threw him into an orphanage before the night had passed. I never saw them again and as a child, even now, all I could remember was a blur of their faces.
The orphanage despite its shaggy appearance and food that tasted worse than dirt had a small library. Which much to my surprise actually had legible books though they were more along the lines of fiction. Even if they weren't much it was all I had so I read everything in our little library when I began to develop a thirst for it. I went to a public library where they would only allow me to read while I'm there unless I had a library card which cost 5 bucks and requires identification.
As an orphan, I didn't get any allowance but was expected to clean, make my bed, dust, and do the dishes in exchange for food and a roof above my head. So I resorted to what anyone else would steal the money or find some on the ground. I watched the street paying particular attention to any street kids that looked like they were swaggering or playing with their hands. Finally, I spotted one walking confidently with his hands always playing with a coin, seemingly coasting through the crowd taking wallets from bags and pants with none the wiser.
I watched for a few more hours what each would do before I decided to give it a try myself waiting for the easier victims when I finally spot a man with a wallet in his backpocket of all things. I pick up a newspaper acting like I'm reading it then yank the wallet out in the opposite direction to where I'm walking shoving it inside the newspaper I'm reading. The guy jumps around checking his pockets in disbelief and then starts looking at everyone desperate to find his wallet. I duck into the nearest alleyway and shove the few hundred bills in my pocket throwing away the rest.
From then on it didn't when or where people saw me I would always have books in my hands from hero saves the princess to particle physics I kept reading. I even kept pickpocketing it is a profitable venture and I wouldn't give it up. From this I developed a more introverted personality and was still able to talk with others but I would rather stay away from all that.
I woke up from my thoughts and went about making some tea, morning and evening tea, it's one of the things I can never really give up. I left the house got on my bike and was at work by 6. Work in the gaming industry was like always monotonous just getting old code repurposing and improving it then coming up with ideas for obstacles that add a little spice before going back to regular monotony in a few days. I have very few friends in the workplace because each of us is getting overworked by our employer where we go so far as sleeping in the workplace with actual sleeping bags provided. 'Maybe a carer change is in order.'
I left work the next day around 6 at night, a little drowsy, but alright enough to use the bike. I was speeding a bit but who really cares about little old me at this time. I stopped by the comic store grabbed the next edition in what I'm currently reading and was on my way.
*Unkown POV*
"Prepare for trouble"
"And make it double"
"Hey, guys welcome to another banger video. Today we're doing the fridge prank." Came another voice as they prepared a fridge among five of them to be thrown down from the roof they're at.
"It'll be awesome guys. 50 feet and a fridge." The voice sounded even more excited getting almost frantic at the end.
"Hey, hey there's one guy on the bike. Let's do this shit guys."
I was almost home. Ready to watch the last episode of Lucifer season 5b but as soon as I took a turn my hands became numb. It seemed that all of my weight had been taken off and then just as suddenly it had been thrown back at me with 100 times the force.
I was on the ground with my legs stuck and cracked under what appeared to be a large fridge. I screamed in pain but the next words I heard made my blood boil.
"You've been pranked!! Kindly look at the camera and shake your hand." Came a voice and I knew that it was hopeless to ask for help now. The studies I had done to survive and quench my thirst had also told me at that exact moment that I wasn't going to survive this.
"Guys. This doesn't seem fake." Came one of the voices from behind me.
"Fuck but we're doing this live!!" Came another voice.
'How's that karma tasting' I let out a short burst of laughter before my body decided I couldn't do that either. I chose to ignore both the panicking voices and my bleeding body as I took out the comic from my jacket and moved a bloody hand over the 'Fantastic Four: The Coming of Galactus' title.
The world began to fade around me. I had regrets but the greatest ones were not being able to finish lucifer, read my newest comic, or have some tea the day of my death.
There was no recap or something that I suddenly saw. I just felt tired, something I had always felt before but now felt more than ever. I seemed tired of the world. My body seemed ready to just lie down and perish at the spot. I closed my eyes one last time.
I could no longer feel my body at all 'If there is life after death or a rebirth I will live life to the fullest without some boss overworking my ass' were my last thoughts before I died.