
Revealed (revised)

Tim was stunned and many people who were hearing the conversation were also stunned.

What did Keira Wright just say? She is Eve Thompson's mother, but how can it be. Keira Wright is an English author and the daughter of Frank Wright and Marylin Monroe, while Eve Thompson on the other hand is an American and daughter of Fox executive Liam Thompson. Neither the surnames, and nor the facial features of the two matches.

Tim Bevan's smile was frozen. He was going crazy inside his mind. Can someone tell him that this is a prank, if not, then why wasn't he informed of this. He looked at the two women in front of him trying to find any similarities, but he couldn't find any. They doesn't look related from any angle.

One is an ordinary little beautiful face you can find everywhere, while the other one is a stunning fairy one might see only once in a lifetime. Keira a pure English woman with brown hair and eyes, while Eve is the sweet and sexy blonde of the hollywood, although she still has somewhat the elegance and coldness of an English woman. Except for the last point, there isn't any similarities between.

Oh, but if Keira's words are true, then Eve is not only the daughter of Keira Wright, but also the granddaughter of Merilyn Monroe, the legendary blonde. Although there are no similarities between mother and daughter, but a lot of them can be found between Eve and Marilyn. They have the same blonde hair, goldne silhouette, pouty red lips, full eyelashes and dreamy eyes. In a way, you can find almost all of Marylin's iconic features in Eve Thompson.

Keira joked: "What, You don't believe it?"

Tim was a little embarrassed. He can't say that its really hard to believe. He should tell some higher ups about the matter.

Eve pretended as if she didn't see the embarrassment on people's faces, and spoke while giving the unique smile she gives when she pretends to be ignorant. "Let me introduce myself again, Evelyn Monroe Wright Thompson, my full name."

Tim nodded. So, its really Monroe. He had a lot of questions he wanted to ask, but he kept quiet.

Eve went away with Keira, and the crowd that had gathered quickly dispersed. Of course, the gossips were only going to increase more and more.

In the car's backseat, Keira looked at her daughter: "You don't want to keep things hidden anymore?"

Although her daughter didn't say it herself, but as a mother. she can obviously see that Eve has been trying hard to keep herself separate from her parent's identity, especially her grandmother's. And she has also always supported Eve's decision, because she knows her daughter's ambitions and supports them very much.

Eve replied while looking at the scenery outside the car: "It isn't necessary anymore. "Titanic" has now become a bigger definition of me than my background."

Keira nodded. "Titanic" truly has become grand. The first ever movie to have a box office of more than a billion dollar. and the numbers are still growing, it really is not a small achievement.

She looked at her daughter and felt proud. Her little Eve has become a world famous actress now. But looking at her increasing absent mindedness, Keira sighed.

Sometimes, even she as a mother can't understand what's going on in her mind. At first, she thought Eve wanted to become a successful actress, so that it could satisfy her and cure her loneliness. But despite getting so much success in such a short period of time, Eve's situation has not improved, and instead has worsened.

Fast forward to the day of the Oscar nominations. On 1st Febuary, 1998, the nominations for Oscars were announced.

When the nomination list for this year was announced, the audience watching the live TV saw a spectacle that had not been seen in decades-

Best Picture Nomination: Titanic

Best Director Nomination: Titanic, James Cameron

Best Cinematography Nominee: Russell Carpenter, Titanic

Best Film Editing Nomination: "Titanic," Conrad Buff, Janmes Cameron, Richard A. Harris

Best Actress Nomination: Titanic, Eve Thompson

Best Supporting Actress Nomination: Gloria Stewart, Titanic


This giant ship of terror is unstoppable. It has won 14 oscar nominations, it tied the record of the classic "Comet Beauty" that year. The so-called "industry insiders" and "professional film critics" were speechless.

However, "Titanic" is not completely without rivals. At least in the final award "Best Picture", various outposts film critics associations around the world - unanimously selected another excellent work "LA Confidential", They were not completely convinced by the invincible temperament of the big ship.

In contrast, "LA Confidential" is a well- organized work that is very suitable for the tastes of film critics and academics. It exposes the dark side of society and human conflicts. It has an excellent group performance and a thought-provoking and meaningful ending.

But there is no doubt that this year hollywood's high-profile protagonist is only "Titanic'", and it will only be "Titanic'", because there are many excellent movies every year, but the cumulative box office can exceed on billion US dollars, there is only one, "Titanic".


P.S. Suggest some movies for the year 1999 and 2000.

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