
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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Chapter 93 : Teaching Draco a lesson

After the professor left

Alex and the group stood up from their seats to leave the class since there were no classes for today.

But then an arrogant voice came which stopped Alex in his tracks.

"hey you the worthless muggle who got points in the class "

Alex turned his head and saw a white-haired kid looking at him arrogantly, and in disdain as he looked at worthless person, seeing this Anger flashed in Alex's eyes.

Although Alex did not care about this kid's attitude, he was bothered by Draco's attitude. He was clearly not happy with the way Draco was looking at him and Alex decided to teach him a lesson.

"Are you calling me?" asked Alex as he turned towards Draco

"Yes , I'm calling you only," said Draco contempt

Draco's behaviour didn't bother Alex at all, and he decided to ignore it since he was an adult. "Why are you calling me?" Alex patiently asked.

"Just because you got appreciated by the professor "

"Don't get full of yourself."

"Since I'm a genius I can get professor praise "

"Who are you to talk about it?"

"I'm one of the pure blood wizards, which is above you all muggle wizards like you," said Draco as he sneered

"then why didn't the pure-blood wizards, do well in the class "

Hearing that Draco became silent, even though he cannot deny he is inferior to Alex who can perform magic efficiently, but with his pride, he can't admit it.

"What can't be able to talk "

"You talk about purebloods like they are genius, who is above normal people "

"But you can't even do what normal people do."

"Is this what you call pure-blood wizards considered superior ?"

"Then all of you are worthless people "

After hearing that all Slytherin students became angry, This statement serves to belittle and insult the Slytherin students, as the phrase "pure-blood wizards" implies that wizards from other houses are not truly wizards, and they think that the Slytherin house is superior to other houses. But now Alex is insulting the whole Slytherin belief.

"How dare you belittle the Great Slytherin?"

"You have to pay for what you said," said Draco.

And all the students of Slytherin became angry

"Yes, he has to pay for what he said "

"How dare a lowly person like him to insult the Slytherin house "

"Yes, master Draco deal with that person "

"Yes, deal with that lowly wizard "

Hearing all that shouts Alex became Irritated

"Shut up " Shouted Alex with Magic in his voice, which resounded throughout the room and the whole class fell silent as they were intimated by the magic from Alex.

Seeing the whole classroom became silent, Alex nodded his head and said

"If anyone of you wants to complain "

"complain it to my face "

"Don't talk behind others "

"Like cowards ", then Alex turned and was about to leave the classroom with Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"You, you have a duel with me," said Draco with a trembling voice

Alex turned his head

"Do you think you are qualified ?" said Alex with a sneer on his face

"Why are you afraid to have a duel with me ?"

" After all that talk "

"No I just think you are too weak to have a duel with me," said Alex

"You just take your wand and have a duel with me," said Draco as he took out the wand

"Fool "

Then Alex snapped his fingers and Draco's wand flew out of his hand and fell into Alex's hand

"See you are not qualified to have a duel with me "

"Now get lost "

After that, Alex threw the wand at Draco's feet.

Then he left without seeing back

In the classroom after Alex left

Draco was trembling with anger and shame as he lost the duel before it even started.

"Alex, you just wait "

"I will definitely deal with you "

"Draco let's go," said one of the lackeys of Draco

Then all students left the class after all students left

An old man wearing a long, flowing navy blue robe with silver embroidery. He had a tall, pointy hat on his head and a long, white beard that went down to his waist. He had a twinkle in his eyes and a friendly smile on his face. He appeared in class

"Silent chanting, wandless casting"

"Great magical power at such a young age"

"he can be either be a great wizard whose name can be written in history "

"Or "

His voice became somewhat vigilant, then stopped thinking and chose to observe him for some more time.

And this man was none other than Hogwarts' Headmaster, and the greatest white wizard in history, Albus Dumbledore. Also, an old fox who always plans behind the scenes, a cunning old fellow.

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