
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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264 Chs

Chapter 150 : Night talk with Elizabeth

After dealing with Barbara, Alex headed to Elizabeth's room. Elizabeth was only seen nervously walking in circles, wringing her hands, and biting her nails. She was obviously very anxious and nervous.

When Alex entered the room, Elizabeth was startled and stopped moving. She looked up at Alex with wide, frightened eyes, as if she had been caught doing something wrong.

"Why are you so frightened to see me ?" asked Alex not understanding why she was afraid when she saw him.

"Nothing, I was not afraid," said Elizabeth while calming her emotions

"Oh, then I'm going to sleep "

"Where?" asked Elizabeth

"There," said Alex pointing towards the bed which was in the centre of the room.

"That is my bed," said Elizabeth

"So?" asked Alex while tilting his head

"You are going to sleep on my bed."

"Is there a problem?" asked Alex. Now he was not in the mood to do anything, he just wanted to sleep.

"Yes, why would you spend your night here?"

"Now, the city is being patrolled by soldiers to find the remaining pirates."

"I don't want them to disturb my sleep, so I'm going to take a rest here."

"Okay, then I'm going to another room," said Elizabeth as she can't make Alex leave the room, so she decided to go to another room.

"No, you have to stay here"

"Why?" asked Elizabeth with an uncertain expression not knowing what the man in front of her planned

"Nothing, I want to talk until I fall asleep."

"Okay, but I will not accompany you to bed."

"I didn't ask for that," said Alex

Alex was lying on the bed thinking about his past and reflecting on how his life had changed ever since the system came into his life.

"Mister may I know your name?" asked Elizabeth who was sitting beside the bed in a chair.


"So Mr Alex, who are you?"

"Are you interested in knowing about me "


"Why do you love me?" asked Alex with a smile, as he want to know what is her opinion of him.

"No, it's just a little interest," said Elizabeth with an embarrassed expression

"Oh, then what is your opinion of me?" asked Alex

"A man full of mystery"

"Well, you are not wrong. My existence is a mystery in this world," said Alex, as he felt the statement was quite right about him.

"If you want to know who I am or what I'm you have to know it by yourself "


"After two days I'm going to leave Port Royal if you want to know about me "

"You can follow me and know about me, while I enjoy my adventures at sea," said Alex as he enjoyed the company of a beautiful lady like Elizabeth at sea.

"You want me to follow you?" asked Elizabeth with a surprised expression, not expecting this type of answer.

"Yes, there are many interesting things in the sea and I can also see you have a lot of interest in sea adventures "

"I saw it in your eyes eight years ago, that is why I came here in search of you," said Alex. This is all just bullshit. He just wants her to come with him.

"Then I have another question for you?" asked Elizabeth as she looked at Alex's face.

"Ask "

"Why didn't your appearance change even after eight years "

"Well, it is a secret."

"If you follow me, you can know about all this and can get rid of your boring life."

"Don't you think it is boring to spend your life in the same place and marry a man with no ambition?"

"I will leave the decision to you," said Alex and closed his eyes and fell asleep, exhausted from the long journey and the day's events.

Seeing Alex's sleeping face

"Follow him, or marry Norrington," thought Elizabeth

She felt a cool sea breeze coming in from the window and watched as the curtains gently swayed in the wind. She contemplated the decision she had to make: should she follow Alex on his adventures or stay and marry Norrington?

Like that time passed slowly and the sunlight streamed in through the window, washing the room in a golden hue.

Alex opened his eyes as he felt sunlight on his face, and he could hear the sound of waves crashing against the shore. He felt something warm and soft touching his arms.

"What is this soft thing? I think I felt this somewhere " thought Alex and lifted the blanket that was covering his body with telekinesis.

Then he saw Elizabeth sleeping, hugging his body with a peaceful expression on her face.

"What is she doing here?" thought Alex as he saw Elizabeth.

Then Elizabeth slowly opened her eyes, and upon seeing Alex, she smiled. "Good morning," she replied, still hugging Alex

"Good morning " replied Alex

Then Elizabeth blinked a few times, seeing Alex's face. Then she screamed loudly.

"Alex! What are you doing here?"

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