
In the movie worlds with my system

A normal college student of blue star accidentally obtained a system fragment due to traffic accident while saving his friend he thought he was dead but when he opened his eyes he was in a movie with mission of collecting the system fragments which are in different world's First world: Mummy world Second world: Resident Evil world Third world: ????? i don't own any of the characters except the oc in the novel

lucifer_112 · Movies
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264 Chs

Chapter 149 : Dealing with Barbosa(2)

"It seems like your crew don't love their lives "

"I will show you what happens when you mess with me."

Alex turned backwards and a black aura seemed to come out of his body. He was radiating power that felt like a deathly chill. This force so strong and dark it felt like it was drawing the very life out of the air around him. It was as if a force of pure evil had descended upon the ship deck. The very will to live was being sucked out of everyone in its presence.

The pirates who attacked Alex had a chill run through them as they felt the power radiating from him. They stopped in their tracks, unsure of what to do next. It was as if the darkness of Alex's power was looking right through them, and they were suddenly frozen in fear.

They felt they had messed with something that was dangerous and beyond their control, and they were terrified of what might happen next.

The black aura began to surround the pirates who attacked Alex, and they could feel its power as it moved through them like a wave. They were completely powerless to resist the energy that felt like a force field around them.

The air around them seemed to hum with a strange power that threatened to consume them. They were completely paralyzed by fear and knew they were in deep trouble.

Then they felt an unbearable pain in their souls as if a thousand needles were piercing their skin. They realized that something powerful and dark had taken control of them, and they were no longer in control of their own bodies.



"save meee!"

"Kill me. I can't bear this pain!"

Shouted the pirates who were surrounded by the death aura, The pirates who heard the screams had fear in their eyes and their hands began to tremble. They were terrified by the screams of the pirates, as fear of death filled the air.

Soon the pirates turned into ash, and Alex turned towards Barbosa

"Do you still want to ask? what will happen if you don't listen to me?" asked Alex with a cold gaze.

Barbossa had a fearful expression on his face, even though he wanted to lift the curse quickly, but now he has to retreat if he wants to live.

He felt the man in front of him could kill all of them, they don't even have the power to resist.

"Okay," said Barbossa with a dejected face

"I like your decision"

"I want all the pirates to leave Port Royal immediately," said Alex as he turned towards Port Royal and disappeared with a blue lightning flash.

After Alex left

"Captain, what do we do ?"

"What else, order all of our crew to retreat," said Barbossa

"But, what about that coin?"

"Do you want to face him again?"


"Then, what are you waiting for? Tell them to retreat," said Barbossa

Then the crew left leaving Barbosa alone on the deck.

"What sort of monster did we provoke?" Barbossa wondered as he looked in the direction of Port Royal.

"But he can't stay here forever, we will come back and we will get what we want "

At the same time in a tavern,

The floor was filled with broken glasses and tables were overturned from the scuffle. Patrons were shouting and screaming, and the air was filled with the sounds of clashing swords and bodies. It was a chaotic and dangerous scene.

Suddenly, the pirates who were attacking the tavern retreated, leaving behind a mess of broken furniture and frightened patrons.

But two people were still fighting. One of them was a tall and skinny man with a bandana on his head and a sword in his hand. He had a scruffy beard and a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. And he has some black ash on his face which makes him hard to recognize. This is Jack sparrow who was separated from Alex.

The other fighter was a young man of average height with broad shoulders and a muscular build. He had bright blue eyes and his sandy blonde hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail. He was wearing a white linen shirt, brown trousers and a leather belt, with a sword hanging from it. This is Will Turner.

To know what happened, we have to recap a bit. Jack, who was enjoying his stay at the tavern, was attacked by Will after he noticed Jack was a pirate.

"Can you say, why you are attacking me?" asked Jack as their swords were clashing

"Because you are a pirate," said Will

"But I didn't threaten you in any way today, maybe I did in the past."

"Shut up and die "as he slashed towards Jack's head.

"Danger" Jack quickly bent down to dodge the sword, narrowly escaping the blade. He knew he had to act fast and take advantage of this moment of surprise. Then he swiftly kicked Will's leg, making him stumble and fall. Jack took this chance to grab his sword and quickly stand up. He was ready to face Will again

Then he pointed his sword at Will's neck and warned him.

"Don't make any wrong moves. You're in my control now," said Jack, as he observed Will's face and felt familiar as he knew him somewhere.

"What is your name, young man?" asked Jack

"Why do you ask pirate?" asked Will with an angry expression

"Tell me if you don't want to die," said Jack as he moved the sword closer to Will's neck.

"Will Turner"

"Turner, huh?" Jack muttered as he thought of another person with the same surname as him.

"Then what is your father's name?"

"Bill Turner"

"Oh, it seems I found something incredible " muttered Jack as he saw Will with a broad smile