
In One Piece as a Marine [BL]

I do not own One Piece or the characters. I do not own other characters from other shows/movies/series. As a cripple shut in passed before his time, he was given a few gifts and sent off to a better world where he can be himself. Unofficially joining the marines and holding his own sense of justice. There are xxx scenes. MxM. Super depressing. No real plot. I am a monster who only made this only because I was drunk and knowing place all my issues into this. Deal or don't read.

fujoshiXsilence · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

28 I dont like this

"Hey Luc, feeling better today?" Sengoku called early again the next morning.

"Meow why wouldn't I?" I asked as I purred, licking my hands clean from this morning.

"So are you ready to talk about it?" he asked curiously.

"Meow why would I?" I asked.

"Eh?" he seemed confused.

"Are you okay? nya," I asked.

"You're rather happy this morning," he commented.

Remembering my 'breakfast' drink, I purred and laughed, "I had a great breakfast. Nya."

"Okay. Do you think you can come to work?" he asked.

"No. I'm still feeling homicidal. Please allow me four more days after this," I purred.

"No way to speed this up?" he asked downcast.

"Send him home and I'll be there tomorrow," I purred thinking about what I could do with Sakazuki.

"Sigh, I cant do that... Why not send a clone to help?" Sengoku asked.

"Because they have my other personalities in them. If I'm happy, none of them are. Who knows, I may send a lustful dumbass or a murderous one, nya," I chuckled.

"Yeah.. Dont do that," he said.

"Okay. How has work been, nya?"

"Its just another stack of paperwork... Have you read anything about a Teach?" he asked.

"Oh, the guy who back stabbed his captain and has a few marines in his pay roll? What of him?" I asked.

".....He wants to be a warlord."

"He just wants clearance into the prison to get some dumbasses from level 8," I yawned.

"Where are the papers on him?" he asked.

"Open the top left drawer. Very back you will find a key. It opens the third book on my desk. Use that key to open the book in your bottom right drawer. If you dont use the keys, the contents explode. I'm going back to bed, have a good day, nya," I said and hung up quickly.


"Balthazar Salazar Lucifer! Did you hide paperwork from Sengoku?!" Sakazuki yelled at me through the door, Sengoku behind him.

I woke up slightly, "Not from him. From the spy. I was going to bring it home and tell him but then this happened."

"What spy?! Who is.." Sengoku asked but I interrupted.

"I have a suspicion it's a devil fruit user. That's why I made the boxes explosive," I hummed, happily.

"How will that help?" Sengoku asked.

"Because I used sea stone fragments to make the boxes. If it combusts, itll go everywhere. To make sure nobody found out, I disguised it inside a normal book," I said and rolled in my blankets.

"What are you doing in there?" Sakazuki growled.

"Rolling in blankets," I answered quickly. My fear of not having his hot sticky liquid in me outweighed any embarrassment I had with that statement.

"Are there any other papers you hid?" Sengoku asked.

"Yes. Ace is suspected of being Roger's kid but nobody ever bothered with a test. Well I did. He is not a match for Roger's," I said and silently sneezed.

"Anything else?" Sengoku growled.

"Er... no, nope, nu-uh," I sneezed again.

"Lucifer!" Sakazuki yelled.

"Its not finished! I wont give it up!" I hissed.

"Alright, that's enough! What is going on with you, Lucifer?" Sengoku said angrily.

"If I show you. You will never speak of it to anyone or you can kiss the hidden investigations goodbye," I growled as I stood at the door with only boxers on.

"Alright, I agree to your terms," Sengoku stated.

"Voice command 076286, Code Alpha, edit conditions 1 and 7. Condition 1 changed to barriered doorway instead of door. Condition 7 changed to prevent smell of none alpha instead of prevent sight from all except my alpha," I told my phone.

"Verified. Please enter password and retina scans to complete change," my phone called out.

Password: AkaTheWereLiger

As I put in my retina scan, I heard Sengoku question Sakazuki who I was talking to. My phone dinged, "Scan complete."

I opened the door wearing nothing but boxers and a blanket. I met eyes with Sakazuki and my ears and tail stood before I hissed quietly, "Bastard...."

Sengoku stared at me oddly, "So you grew cat ears and a tail... tails? Why cant you come to work?"

Sakazuki answered this time, "Its his first mating season."

Sengoku went red faced and looked at Sakazuki like he was crazy. I hissed, "I'm territorial, moody, and will jump anyone I see fit. In all three cases, they would die. However, if my recognized alpha stays in close proximity to me, it's not as bad."

"What does that have to do with him undressing in your room?" Sengoku asked confused.

"He proved he was still alpha and I've lost my right to challenge him again," I said then hissed at Sakazuki.

"Dont. Hiss. At. Me!" Sakazuki growled.

I hissed louder, "Dont hang up on me!"

Sengoku interjected, "So basically, your feline instincts are making demands. Is there another way to tone it back?"

"Dont enter my territory. Other alphas should stay away as well. Give me a couple cats," I listed then met eyes with Sakazuki again and hissed, "I'll bite you if you come in here."

Sengoku blocked my sight from Sakazuki, "Does it matter what kind of cats?"

"Young ones. It's not the optimal solution though," I said after calming down.

"Why is that?" he asked.

"Because I'd be taking them as my kids until this blows over," I said seriously, "I dont want kids."

"Okay, so you said being near your alpha helps. Is it scent or sight thing?" he asked.

"Scent mostly but also touch. Alphas have a tendency to bite, so I'd need him to bite my neck," I said and squinted, "My ears and tails cant be hidden while this is happening."

"So have him sleep on your jacket and he can come whenever you need him to," Sengoku said.

"I'd need a place of my own to work at that you cant come close to. And nobody can touch me. Or make eye contact. Or touch my things. Or challenge me. Or bother me... I may kill someone if they do," I said and frowned.

"So go to work in a bad mood so people leave you alone. That desk is yours so do what you want with the immediate area. What do you consider as a challenge? What if it's an accident?" Sengoku asked.

"Questioning me is challenging me, unless 'he' is there or I've accepted them. My tails give me away, puffy fur means back the fuck off, twitching ear means shut the fuck up, twitching tail means keep doing what your doing, flattened ears means I want to bite someone. Basic cat body language. Down side, I flip moods easily, as you've seen," I said quietly.

"Alright... and what is a last ditch fail safe to make you stop doing something before something bad happens?" He asked.

I looked at him like he was stupid, "You are an unproven alpha, so is Kuzan, Borselino, and Garp. One of you just has to fight me until 'he' comes or you have to stake claim as my alpha. Which will be impossible because you'd have to break my will."

"They wouldnt dare," Sakazuki growled.

I hissed at him, "I'd put up a fight against them, they have no chance."

"Is there anything else?" Sengoku said fed up.

"The smell of blood makes me fiesty. My tails will puff up but twitch side to side. I would bite someone if they stayed close to me," I said and looked at Sakazuki, "But I'd gladly bite you for any reason."

Sengoku looked at me oddly, "Any thing else?"

I looked Sengoku up and down before squinting, my tails puffed up and ears twitching. I put my hand on the barrier and deactivated it under bathroom protocol. I tried to bite Sengoku but Sakazuki had already grabbed my tails and pulled me back, holding my throat, whispering into my ear, "If you dare to bite anyone, I'll make you break again."

My body shivered remembering the night. I stared at the floor, wide eyed and silent, unable to think.

Sengoku frowned, "You said spending an entire day with Sakazuki would shorten the time?"

Sakazuki let go of my throat and I spoke, "Yes. I guess it might also work if I have someone to lord over...."

"What do you mean?" Sakazuki growled.

"Having someone bend to my every whim and never question me.... Lording over them...," I said and tried to look at him.

"So you want me to tell Ryu to be your secretary for the day?" Sengoku asked.

Thinking about it, I grinned mischievously and my tails flicked side to side, "I could do that."

Sakazuki growled, "Then take a shower and get dressed. Wear a hoodie and long coat."

As I was released, I went and showered before putting on a suit, beanie, and trench coat. I went back into my room, placed my closet door and scrolled to the scarf section. Finding a very long black scarf, I took it and handed it to Sakazuki.

He grumbled, snatched the scarf and unbuttoned his shirt, "Take the beanie off and put on a different hat."

I grumbled but did as told, finding a black fedora. I put it on and my ears flattened as I frowned angrily, "I dont like this."

"Good, now put the scarf on....," Sakazuki put the scarf on me and made the sides cover my ears more, "There. Now go to work. Maybe I'll let you sleep in my room."

I licked my lips hearing that and nodded. Sengoku shook his head and we were off to work.


When I entered the office, I was glaring at everyone. Sengoku shook his head and as he passed the gossipmonger of the office, he grumbled, "When I was his age, when we were sick we went to work. I'll kick that dumbass the next time he keeps Lucifer home for something so stupid."

I went to my seat in Sengoku's office and started touching everything of mine, rubbing it on my body and clothes. Sengoku came in and I watched him avoid my area and sit down. Ryu came in not long later, "You called for me sir?"

Before Sengoku could respond, Ryu looked at me and smiled slightly. Sengoku turned his chair to the side, ready to move, "Lucifer isnt feeling well. Focus on him for the rest of the day."

Ryu nodded, "Yessir. I'll do my best."

I muttered under my breath, "Stop looking at him..."

Sengoku frowned, "Split the rest of the paperwork in half and give it to Lucifer."

"Yessir," Ryu said and quickly left.

I growled at Sengoku quietly, "I dont like this."

"Then take the hat off," he said and looked over some papers.

My ear twitched, "He smells like you. I dont like it."

"Then do something about it," he said amused.

Ryu came in and placed two boxes next to my desk and three next to Sengoku's, "Lucifer isnt feeling well so I gave him less work. Sorry sir."

I grinned and looked at Ryu, "Please come here..."

Sengoku had an angry look at the paperwork but was angrier when Ryu stood next to my desk as if natural. Noticing my grin, Sengoku was furious and about to move Ryu.

He was too late. I pulled Ryu into my lap and put my head over his shoulder, "I'm cold... Stay here."

Ryu nodded meakly and fidgeted a bit until he was comfortable. He was at the edge of my lap, so I frowned and pulled him against my body, "Here."

"This is a bit...." Ryu said quietly.

Sengoku grumbled, "Lucifer, knock that off."

I was mad so I hissed, "Dont tell me what to do."

Ryu froze, my hat fell off and my ears stayed laid back. Sengoku put his hands up in surrender, "I realize this is a difficult time for you but you need to take in consideration if he wants to."

I grumbled a bit and put my face in my scarf, "I cant read signs. If you dont like something then say it and be blunt about it."

Ryu nodded a bit, "Can I ask what happened?"

"Late bloodline thing.... I've been hiding my feline side because I dont like being touched. Women like cats. No thanks. But I cant hide them for the duration of my 'sickness'. Since dad is working, he cant help. I dont want kids or pets. So my options left are not many and I'll have a bad attitude 99% of the time," I said quietly and looked over a paper before hiding it and whispering, "Shhh...."

"So, what can I do to help?" Ryu asked.

"Dont look at Sengoku, Aokiji, Kizaru, Akainu, Garp, and all other aggressive men... Dont let them touch you either... And dont touch my tails or ears," I said and smelled him, "You sent his laundry, didnt you?"

"Y-yes.. Is there a problem?" Ryu asked worriedly.

"Yes... Turn around and sit. I dont want you looking at him.. Or him you.. And I cant put my scent on your front side like this," I said and sat back.

Ryu didnt move at first but eventually turned around, "I dislike sitting still."

I grumbled and handed him a book, "Then read."

He nodded and put his arms around my neck, opening the book. I leaned over his shoulder, smelling him, glanced at Sengoku the frowner and smirked.

After finishing a box of paperwork, I yawned and noticed Ryu was asleep. Angry he wasnt paying attention to me, yet happy it was me and not anyone else, I licked his neck before biting him. He jolted awake, "S-sorry, I didnt mean to fall asleep."

I grumbled at his reaction, "I'm going to have some tea. Do you want some?"

He nodded and got up, "Would you like me to get it?"

I thought about it and nodded, "Yes, thank you."

Ryu nodded and left. Sengoku was frowning and grumbled, "Do you have to do that?"

His voice annoyed me. I growled, "I'm being courteous already. If you want me to stop being nice, I will."

I heard a small clatter outside the door and put my hat on, hiding my ears before someone threw the door open and yelled at Sengoku, "You told your office not to let me in?!"

"Sigh... Garp, did it not occur to you that someone else did?" Sengoku asked him.

My eyes squinted, ears flat, and I hissed quietly. Garp frowned at Sengoku, "Your secretary ran from me! It was obviously you!"

When I heard that, I smiled a bit. Sengoku shook his head, "No he ran for a different reason. Leave him alone. I'm sure it was Akainu who said that."