
In One Piece as a Marine [BL]

I do not own One Piece or the characters. I do not own other characters from other shows/movies/series. As a cripple shut in passed before his time, he was given a few gifts and sent off to a better world where he can be himself. Unofficially joining the marines and holding his own sense of justice. There are xxx scenes. MxM. Super depressing. No real plot. I am a monster who only made this only because I was drunk and knowing place all my issues into this. Deal or don't read.

fujoshiXsilence · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

27 XXX

-Host has brought a significant other into their personal chambers. Mission 4 complete! Age limit changed to 25 and third tail gained-


"You havent changed for three years. Why?" Sakazuki asked.

I pulled out of his embrace and turned to face him, "Do you remember what I told you about my races?"

"Your the last of both?" he said.

"So I didnt go in depth about my eating customs... okay. So as shinigami, I dont require any food but each of us has a certain taste we are addicted to. Mine is tea. However, as a ghoul, my body craves human flesh. To remedy that, my shinigami side suppresses my ghoul side the more often I drink tea," I said.

He nodded a bit confused so I continued, "As a shinigami, as long as I absorb someone else's life without feeling toward them, I'm immortal. As a ghoul, I'm pretty much a mutated human. As a feline, I grow up quickly. To suppress my ghoul side, my shinigami side needs to take over more or I have to let my feline instincts out."

"So... you need to drink tea or act like a cat?" he asked.

"Yes and no. I need milk tea instead of tea and to not hold back when mating season hits....," I said and looked away.

"When does it begin..?" he asked suspiciously.

"T-tomorrow..." I said and averted my eyes.

"Too bad, I could have taken you now," he said and stood up, "Kuzan wants to take you for a trip in a few days, should I tell him no?"

"That depends entirely on our plan for the next week," I said seriously and sat up.

"Well I have to work late nights for a while, Garp is slacking again and Borselino is off with those damn celestials," he grumbled.

"Then tell Kuzan no. I become very excitable and aggressive when its 'that' season," I said.

"Then come help me with paperwork," he smiled and started getting dressed.

"No can do. I'll end up trying anything and everything to get you," I sighed.

"So take a weeks vacation. I'll tell Sengoku that your sick," he said with a sigh.

"Okay.... I refuse to answer the door or see anyone else though. My ears and tails cant be hidden," I said seriously.

"Alright, just make sure to call Sengoku and act sickly," he said with a chuckle. I nodded in agreement before he left and I called Sengoku.

"I dont think i should come in for a few days. My fever is pretty severe and I dont want to get anyone sick. I've already sealed myself in my room and wont see anyone until it breaks," I said in a sickly voice.

"Why isnt your father taking care of you? Should I come over?" Sengoku asked worriedly.

"No, no. I'll be fine in a few days. As the fleet admiral, you should stay healthy. Same for dad. I dont want either of you sick," I said quietly.

"I'll send Ryu over with some soup and tea," Sengoku said gently.

"I dont want to take a chance of getting anyone sick," I said.

"Then he can leave it on the table and you can get it after he leaves," Sengoku said and I could hear him nod as if proud.

"Alright. But I refuse to see anyone or even open the door," I said.

"Fair enough. Get some rest, I'll send Ryu around lunch time. Get feeling better," Sengoku said and hung up.


I spent the morning letting my feline instincts go rampant in my room. My door and windows were locked by the system so only Sakazuki could open it, thankfully, because I tried to investigate things. Feeling calmer, I opened the curtains and sun bathed.

I woke up to a knock on my door. Ryu's voice sounded quietly, "Hey Lucy, how are you feeling?"

I coughed a bit, "I've been better. How have you been?"

I could hear him hesitate, "Um, Lucy, do you want me to stay and take care of you?"

"No,.... Don't want you to get sick... Please make sure to take care of yourself," I said with a raspy voice.

"Alright. Please get some rest and feel better," he said quietly and left.

I cant remember much after that other than being cold and seeking his warmth. My mating season had hit a day earlier than expected, so I laid in my pile of blankets naked. When my head cleared a bit, he was at the apartment door with another person.

'Do not let anyone in the room. Not even Sakazuki unless the apartment is empty.'

-Protective measures set. Door locked from all beings-

"Hey Luc, How are you feeling?" Sakazuki said at my room door, "Sengoku was worried about you."

I let out a quiet hiss before saying in a raspy voice, "Not good. It's gotten worse."

"I'm sorry to hear that. Would it be okay if we came in to check on you?" he asked nervously.

"Dont come in. You might get it," I said quietly.

"I'll wear a mask," Sengoku said.

"I'm not coming out and nobody can come in," I said and coughed, "I'm going back to sleep now."

Nobody responded but they tried to open the door. I quietly spoke, "If you try to force the door open, I'll teleport away."

"Damn it, Lucifer, stood acting childish and open this door," Sengoku said angrily.

I hissed louder, "I cant... Its been barriered shut until I'm better. I cant open it and neither can anyone else in the world."

"Damn it Lucifer," Sakazuki growled.

Sengoku angrily spoke, "Fine. Call me when your feeling better."

"I will. Thank you for checking on me," I said.

Sengoku grumbled a goodbye and left. Sakazuki stayed at my door, "Thought you said tomorrow."

"It hit early. I'm only conscious because I can smell you," I said and purred slightly, "If you come in here, be prepared for a fight."

"A fight? Why?" he asked as he leaned on the door.

"Prove your claim on me by force. Even if I fight you, I cant bring myself to hurt you," I said.

He shifted a bit before turning the doorknob and entering the room. My fur had already stood up, my fangs showing as I quietly hissed. He smirked and slowly took his clothes off before closing the curtains.

I kept moving away from him, slowly backing up into a corner. When he approached me, my eyes darted everywhere as my fight or flight instinct kicked in. I pounced at him, slowly enough for him to catch me.

As he pinned me to the wall, I tried to bite his neck so he would let go. Apparently, I made him angry or he pretended to be but regardless. The frown on his face as he pinned me against the wall with his arm, my legs on his waist as he held them up. He growled and bit my neck as I hissed at him.

His dragon rubbed against my body as I squirmed to break out of his hold. He bit harder onto my neck and put his dragon at my entrance. My body lost its strength to fight but I still struggled as he slowly pushed into me. As he sped up, I struggled harder to no avail as he bit harder and soon released inside me.

As I calmed down, he started again. His hot dragon still rearing to go as I bit his ear softly and purred. That threw him over the edge, as he moved his hands to grab my ass and lifted me against his body and off the wall. His fingers lightly touching the base of my tails as his dragon was pushed in deeper. My silent moans became louder when he softly bit my ear, making my body jolt in pain and pleasure.


"Lucifer, why did you lie?" Sengoku called very early the next morning to ask.

"The truth is harder to accept and may bother you and anyone who finds out. It's hard for me to accept so please give me time and when the issue is fixed, I'll tell you about it," I said quietly.

Sakazuki went in extreamly early to work so I was going stir crazy. Thankfully he slept in my blankets, by my request, so I could smell him all day. I figured Sengoku may have seen Sakazuki in my window when he had closed the curtains, and this confirms it.

"I'm disappointed that you really thought you couldnt tell me the truth," Sengoku said sadly.

"I'm sorry, really, I am," I said and took slow deep breaths.

"How long will it take to fix the issue?" he asked grumpily.

"Since its the first time, up to a week. Next time should be two or three days," I said.

"There is a next time?" he sighed fed up.

"Itll be an every few months thing. I'll be able to get a hold on it eventually, I promise," I said seriously.

"Hm. Fine. How are you fixing the issue?" Sengoku asked.

Frustrated, annoyed, and in a bad mood I hissed at him, "By fighting an alpha male."

I hung up and piled the blankets on top of my body before yawning and sleeping.

I woke up to a call, "Hello?"

"Balthazar Salazar Lucifer, what did you tell Sengoku?!" Sakazuki growled.

"Why?" I hissed.

"He keeps staring at me with a weird look since you hung up on him. He ambushed me when we went to lunch and asked what you meant by alpha male. Now he demands to see you or he wont return to work," Sakazuki growled angrily.

"He saw before the curtains were closed. I was in a bad mood and he was making it worse so I snapped at him and hung up," I hissed and said, "I already told you both. A barrier was set up so only a single person can pass through. Not even I can leave my room, nor can he enter it."

".....I'll see you when I get home," he grumbled and hung up.

I was mad. He hung up on me. He hung up on ME. Bastard! As I was seething in anger, I fell asleep.


"Lucifer," Sengoku knocked on my room door.

I woke up and smelled that bastard and Sengoku... Is Kuzan and Borselino here as well? And Garp? I hissed in anger, I dont like people and i dont like others in MY space.

"Balthazar Salazar Lucifer, you better fucking explain why you didn't answer my calls," Sakazuki yelled at the door.

"I WAS SLEEPING!" I hissed and said with a raised voice.

"DID YOU JUST HISS AT ME?!" Sakazuki yelled.

"Shut up Sakazuki. I'll talk to him," Kuzan said before pushing Sakazuki away, "Hey Luc, What's going on?"

I hissed louder, "Go away!"

"I have tea?" Garp called out from the living room.

I hissed in response.

"Milk tea?" Borselino called out.

I stayed silent, contemplating it. They took it as acceptance. I made a few clones, "Borselino claims to have milk tea."

"So we kill everyone but Borselino?" one asked.

"No, wait, we kill Borselino. Right?" another asked.

"Wrong and wrong. We escape to the island," another said.

"All of you are wrong. We must protect what's ours!" another said.

I hissed, "No. I want the milk. Dont kill, escape, or fight. Take 'his' jacket though."

The two clones who thought of killing were killed before the escape clone and the fight clone went to get the milk tea and jacket. My room light was off, curtains closed, and I was under a blanket. My clones had my robe on and had hid the cat ears and tails. Before they left the room, I hissed, "My clones are coming out. Dont touch them or speak to them."

Soon my clones came back with a milk tea and Sakazuki's suit jacket. After they killed themselves, Sengoku called to me, "What's going on Lucifer?"

I didnt respond immediately as I smelled the jacket silently and drank the milk tea. Sakazuki was fuming, "Lucifer..."

"I was told to keep my race a secret because of this. Only one person can help me," I hissed out.

"Oh and why is that? What's so wrong with your race?" Kuzan asked.

"Go away!" I hissed angrily. I really dislike people and right now they are bombarding me while I was trying to calm down.

"STOP HISSING AND SPEAK!" Sakazuki yelled.

"I need a mate who is strong enough to withstand me biting them or an alpha male to fight. I dont recommend either because the chance of death is high unless you're Sakazuki," I hissed.

"Then go to the underground arena and fight him," Sengoku said.

"Barrier," I stated.

"Cant you take it down?" Sengoku sighed.

"No. Sane me put it up so nobody would die," I hissed.

"Sane?" Kuzan asked quietly.

"The only thing keeping me as 'me' is the fact that I challenged the alpha male and he stands outside of my territory," I growled.

Sengoku quietly spoke with the group, "I think we are making this worse. We should leave."

"Then get out," Sakazuki grumbled.

The four left soon after that. And as soon as they did, Sakazuki knocked on the door, "Turn some music on."

I growled, "No music. I challenged you, tiger. Fight me."

He threw the door open angrily, "I wont be gentle on you."

"Stop holding back already!" I hissed and jumped at him, ready to bit his throat.

He threw his shirt at me, causing me to be distracted long enough for my ear to be caught in his hand. I stood frozen, my tails standing up, fur puffed up as well. As his grasp on my ear loosened, he grabbed the base of my tails and pulled me against his body.

"Dont ever challenge me again," he spoke each word slowly in my ear before softly biting it, "Funny thing I learned today about cats. Males will keep challenging the alpha unless their will to fight is shattered. So let me shatter yours."

As he grinned sadistically, he bit my ear roughly before pulling me by the tail to the desk. He pushed my chest against the surface before pulling my tails to make me stop twisting to get away. He leaned over me and bit the back of my neck roughly. Once he let go of my neck, he whispered, "Give up."

I hissed, "Never!"

His body began to heat up, "Dont hiss at me."

He unbuttoned his pants and roughly placed his dragon at my entrance, "Give up."

I hissed louder.

He thrust his dragon completely inside me, pulling my tails into the air to keep me from moving, "Give. Up."

I hissed again.

He quit leaning on me and pulled my hands behind my back, "Give. Up."

I hissed quietly.

He loosened his grip on my tails and sighed, "Dont make me do this."

I hissed at him, not knowing what he was about to do.

"I said to stop hissing at me," he growled angrily and pulled his dragon out a bit before slamming it into me, "Give up!"

I hissed in defiance, "This wouldnt have happened if you didnt fight dirty."

"Oh yeah?" he growled in my ear and let go of my tails and arms, "Go. Try again."

As he stepped back to the door, I swiftly turned and jumped at him. He was smirking and had his arms crossed. When I was in front of him, he opened his arms and wrapped them around me in a bear hug, "No tricks and your still captured. Give up."

I hissed, "No."

"Dont. Hiss. At. Me," he said angrily and grabbed my throat. Lifting me up by my throat, he slammed me against the wall and pushed his dragon back inside me. My body twitched a bit as I grew closer to releasing.

He dropped my body down on his dragon, forcing the entire thing in before growling, "Give. Up. Now."

I hissed back, "No."

He bit my throat roughly and dug his fingertips into my ass cheeks, spreading them farther apart. My body twitched again, dangerously close to release, before he pulled halfway out and slammed back into me. The jolt sending my body over the edge as I silently moaned in pleasure. But before I could release he grabbed my own dragon and squeezed hard enough to stop it.

I hissed at him.

He growled, "Give up first."

I hissed again, "No!"

He smiled sadistically and slammed into me again, "You will never get to release, unless you give up."

Continuing for hours, he had released in me thrice already and I was wanting to scream. I wanted to release but the feeling of his hot liquid inside me felt better. He growled in my ear, quietly this time, "Fine. It seems you wont give up."

I looked at him confused, but stayed silent. He slowly pulled out, his dragon throbbing, but I noticed the problem. If he stops now, I wont release, feel his release, and his hot liquid will drip out. And so I meekly growled at him, "I give."

"I cant hear you," he smirked.

"I give up," I said a little louder.

"Are you going to challenge me again?" he growled.

"No. You are alpha," I said and bit his neck, "My alpha."

"Good," he slammed his dragon all the way inside before whispering, "Now bend over that desk. You better keep my cum inside that ass of yours or else."

My body shivered in excitement as he pulled out and I quickly moved, trying to keep the cum inside to no avail. He growled, "You didnt keep my cum inside your ass, give me your ear."

As he bit and licked my ear, I started panting getting dangerously closer to release. He stopped me and put his dragon back in before roughly slamming into me quickly. I could feel his dragon throbbing as he grew closer to release, his hand loosening his grip on my dragon with each thrust. As he released, he gently stroked my tails and my body shivered as I released.