
In One Piece as a Marine [BL]

I do not own One Piece or the characters. I do not own other characters from other shows/movies/series. As a cripple shut in passed before his time, he was given a few gifts and sent off to a better world where he can be himself. Unofficially joining the marines and holding his own sense of justice. There are xxx scenes. MxM. Super depressing. No real plot. I am a monster who only made this only because I was drunk and knowing place all my issues into this. Deal or don't read.

fujoshiXsilence · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
77 Chs

29 Ryu

"Why would Akainu not want me in here?" Garp asked.

Ryu walked in, ignored the duo and walked to me, "Lucifer, I brought tea."

Smiling a bit more at his blatant attitude toward Sengoku and Garp, I set a chair next to mine, "Come sit with me."

"Yessir," Ryu smiled at me and handed over a cup of tea before sitting down.

Garp was glaring at Ryu, trying to figure things out. Sengoku frowned and sighed, "Akainu is mad at me so he is making things difficult. Complaints go to him, not me. I have work to do, get out."

Garp huffed and came to my desk, "I thought you were sick. Why are you here?"

"No no no no nooooo.... Damn," Sengoku tried to stop Garp but was ignored.

As Garp leaned a hand on my desk, I growled, "Get off MY desk."

"I see you're in a mood today. Hey, Ryu, why did you run from me earlier?" Garp said and turned his attention to Ryu.

Ryu ignored him and kept looking at me for help. In my mind, Garp was bullying and trying to take what's mine. I frowned and squinted my eyes, "Dont look at him. Dont talk to him."

Garp raised an eyebrow, "And why shouldnt I?"

Sengoku cleared his throat, "Leave them alone."

I hissed at both, "Just because there are two of you, doesnt mean I wont fight you."

Sengoku raised his hands in surrender, "Not going to fight you. If you allowed Ryu to tell Garp who said to not allow anyone in the office, Garp will leave."

"I dont like this.... Ryu, who did say that?" I asked him as my tails fluffed up.

"Admiral Akainu said that since you didnt feel well, nobody should visit you or they will have to answer to him," Ryu told me.

I nodded, keeping my eyes on Ryu. Sengoku sighed, "You have your answer Garp. Goodbye."

Garp grumbled and stomped out. After the door closed, I took my hat off. My ears stayed down as I frowned looking at my desk. Sengoku was watching me as my ears twitched while staying down. I wanted to kill Garp, every bit of me demanded I killed him.

Unable to calm down, I didnt realize Ryu leaned against me. When his head touched my shoulder, I snapped and looked at him angrily. Sengoku sat on the edge of his chair, about to move.

Ryu froze and looked at my lap before slowly moving and sitting in my lap facing me. I watched him for a bit, before glaring at Sengoku and putting my hands in Ryu's back pockets. I pulled his body against mine and bit Ryu's neck.

Ryu made a very quiet noise and twitched. His bubble butt in my hands, I calmed and stopped biting him. As I purred quietly and laid my chin on the top of his head, Garp came back in with two others.

I stopped purring and growled at the group before they looked at me with weird looks. My mind was stuck between killing Garp and touching Ryu's butt, so when Ryu pressed against me and pushed his butt in my hands, I quieted down.

"Does Lucifer have cat ears?" Borselino asked.

"Is that Ryu in his lap?" Kuzan asked.

"Why is he growling at us?" Garp looked confused.

Sengoku shook his head, waiting for someone to answer a call. When the call connected, he hurriedly spoke, "Those three came. Ryu is barely keeping him still. Come deal with this."

He hung up and sat in his chair, facing away from everyone. The trio looked between me, Ryu, and Sengoku. The more they looked at Ryu, the madder I became. My ears flattened as I started growling again. Ryu shivered, "Its cold in here... Do you have a jacket I can use?"

I disregarded everything and brought out a blanket, grumbling, "It wouldnt be so cold if I killed them..."

"Killed who? Nobody else is in here," Ryu said quietly under the blanket.

Hearing him say that made me happy. I smelled him again, "You smell delicious."

Sengoku had a coughing fit before the room was discreetly opened and closed quickly. Sakazuki glared at the four then turned to me and frowned.

I froze and averted my eyes to the ground as I went wide eyed and waited. Kuzan noticed this and glared at Sakazuki, which caught my eyes. I hissed at Kuzan then Sakazuki grunted. I flinched and went silent.

"What the fuck is going on?" Garp broke the silence.

Sakazuki grunted, "Lucifer, put up a soundproof barrier."

I raised my hand and snapped, a green film covered the room. Sakazuki nodded, "Lucifer's feline traits from his mother awoken. He is now going through almost 15 years of hormones he missed as a feline. Fun fact about male cats, they tend to kill other males during this time. I already have a job. You all are looking to get killed just by being in here. Sengoku is mostly fine because he gave his right hand man to Lucifer. So, do you know why your still alive?"

Everyone else was confused. Sakazuki looked at me, "Lucifer. Why is anyone in this room alive?"

I kept my eyes on the ground, "Ryu isnt tainted by another alpha... Sengoku let his right hand man, who I accepted, stay with me. Ryu brough tea.... Ryu smells good... Ryu feels good... Ryu was cold... Ryu flinched... Ryu surrendered..."

Sakazuki grumbled before looking at the group, "Ryu saved your lives. Thank him and leave them alone."

"Dont talk to Ryu," Sengoku sighed.

"Why?" Sakazuki frowned.

Sengoku leaned back in his chair, "Lucifer told Ryu to ignore all of us and every aggressive male. He also got mad when I looked at Ryu. That's why he was growling at you Garp."

Sakazuki looked at me, "You growled at them?"

"Garp was touching my things... and looking at them... And he tried to bully and take Ryu... And they kept looking at Ryu... I bet they are making plans... Ryu isnt safe here, I should take him home..." I said and rambled to myself.

Sakazuki shook his head, "Leave them alone. I trust Ryu will speak up if he disagrees with something. So you four know, I wont be coming back in here so go ask an animal lover how cats surrender. Lucifer, Dont make me come back up here."

I made an angry face, "Leave. -scoff-"

"If you make that noise at me again, I'll take Ryu with me," Sakazuki threatened.

I went wide eyed and stared at him, "You wouldn't!"

Sakazuki glared at me, "You want to try your luck?"

I flinched and threw my hands and shirt up in surrender, "I wont push my luck... I'm sorry."

"What is he doing?" Borselino asked quietly.

"That's an apology," Sakazuki said and left, "Keep the barrier up today."

I nodded, took a deep breath, fixed my shirt, and started touching Ryu's butt again. The trio left and we went back to paperwork. Ryu tapped me and whispered, "I need to go to the bathroom."

I whispered back, "Should I go with you?"

"No, I'll be quick." he hummed.

".....Take this with you." I said and put my light saber in his hand, "This button turns it on. A laser comes out of here and turns into a sword of sorts.... As long as you aim for arms and legs it only maims. If you try to kill them, it passes through like butter... Be careful... and here this will regenerate any wound you get... this will wipe memories, make sure you wear these sunglasses before you use it or itll get you too... and this teleports you to my personal island... this teleports me to your location..."

"Lucifer, I'm a trained assassin. If I'm in trouble that I cant fix, I'd rather you teleport to me," Ryu said and passed everything but a bracelet back to me.

"I dont like this..." I grumbled as he left.


Ryu's Bathroom Adventure~~~~

Leaving the fleet admirals office, all eyes looked up and stared at me. I smiled a bit, making a pitiful look, "Fleet admiral and Admiral Akainu are having a serious fight... Garp picked sides and the other two admirals are trying to figure it out. I'll tell you more when I learn more. By the way... does anyone know anything about cats?"

Of course the meek little girl raised her hand, she said, "I-i do..."

I walked to her and quietly asked, "My cat is having some territory issues... What do I do?"

"I-is it angry about it o-or acting tired?" she asked.

"Anger is a very... hmm.. soft? word for it," I said with a sigh remembering the bloodlust he has.

"Ah... Probably a male then... It needs peace of mind that its territory stays its territory," she said with a chuckle, "If it gets aggressive with everything near it, save select few, dont let it near others or it's just a matter of time before it kills."

I nodded, "Thanks, that's very helpful."

Aaaand Now I'm walking the hall to the bathroom. Now before I continue about current happenings, I must make this absolutely clear. I grew up in the streets of a bounty hunter country. I was born for assassin and spy work. My scruffy look is the reason I am underestimated. The entire reason I'm doing paperwork is because my boss wants security for the non combatants if he was away. It made no sense to me but I wasnt going to argue, I've stopped plenty of spies while the boss was out.

I'm not going to claim I'm good looking or any of that nonsense, but to most people, I look like a skinny stray cat. Yup. I've heard it plenty of times.

So while I'm walking to the bathroom, I run into two new recruits. Not only were they looking for the bathroom but were also told to report to the office of the fleet admiral to begin work as paperpushers... I lead them to the bathroom and on the way back, we run into Akainu... FML...

The two saluted and I froze up, remembering what Lucifer told me. I stepped back and nodded at him while looking at the floor. Akainu grumbled, "You're not with Lucifer."

"Bathroom... New recruits... Going..." I stumbled on my words.

He grunted and walked away. I sighed, "Lucifers going to kill me..."

The new recruits pestered me about what just happened. And so I repeated what I told the gossipers. When we got to the office, Lucifer was pacing and grumbling to himself. The bloodlust was suffocating.

"Hey Luc, sorry it took so long. These two new recruits were lost. I ran into your father on the way back," I explained.

Lucifer looked at me with a very angry face, "I'm getting tea. Come with me."

I smiled at him, "Of course. I'll have someone settle these two."

I poked my head in the door and asked for someone to show them the ropes while I went with Lucifer. The lady aiming for my job volunteered. As I was telling the duo who was who, I felt a shiver go down my spine. Dismissing it, I smiled to Lucifer and we were off.


<Lucifers P.O.V.>

As soon as the door shut, I fidgeted and kept looking at the clock. He said he would be quick...

After two minutes pass, I started pacing and looking over my papers, glance at the clock, glance at the door, grumble, repeat. Sengoku stepped out of the office and Sakazuki stepped in.

I put my papers down and leaned my head against his arm, "He ran away..."

"What did he say?" Sakazuki growled.

"He was going to the bathroom and hes be back quickly..." I grumbled.

He lifted my head and bit my throat roughly and let go, "He didnt run away. Maybe this is quick for him."

I nodded a bit. He took my scarf, undid his shirt and wiped his chest and back with it, "Go out and get fresh air and some tea. Come back with a clear head."

I sighed and held my scarf. He eyed me a bit and I looked at him, "....one more time..."

He frowned and bit my throat, much harder this time. When he let go, he huffed, "If I have to come back, you can sleep by yourself tonight."

I panicked and nodded. As he left out the door, I fixed my hat and scarf before telling Sengoku I was going out for tea and I'd get him something.

I stepped in the hallway and could smell Ryu slowly walking this way. I grumbled and started pacing while waiting. Each second felt like an hour as I grew angrier for him being near other males. When he finally approached me, he immediately explained why he was late.

So its these twos fault..... Takeing a breath, I focused on Ryu, "I'm getting tea. Come with me."

He smiled, "Of course. I'll have someone settle these two."

Ignoring ng the second part of what he said, his smile lingered in my mind. Oh god, dont smile at me like that or I might just take you right here....

He opened the office door a bit and the two went in before he talked to some lady. The way his body was positioned let me see the full extent of his butt. I couldnt help licking my lips behind my scarf. As he turned back to me and closed the door, I straightened out and watched as he smiled at me again. He ended up leading the way to the cafe.