
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit!

Qian Yu crosses paths with the Mist Shinobi and aligns himself with the Snow Clan, which will ultimately face extermination. He begins his journey with the Frozen Fruit, gradually developing his powers to their ultimate form. After mastering 100 levels of Ice Age manipulation, he freezes the entire Kirigakure. With his power reaching a remarkable 200 levels, he extends his control into frozen space, rendering even time-space ninjutsu ineffective. At the pinnacle of his strength, at level 500, he can freeze time itself, bringing the entire ninja world under his control.

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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Taking Over as the Patriarch of the Snow Clan! Exposing the Manipulated Truth!

Simultaneously with the explosion of the ice prison, Jūzō Biwa's body was engulfed in the blast.

In this intense moment, as the Mist Shinobi Technique's fog dissipated, a sudden hush fell over the combatants in the lobby. Every eye was fixed upon Tōshirō, their gazes filled with astonishment and disbelief.

The entire room remained in stunned silence as both sides were left in shock, contemplating the terrifying strength they had just witnessed

The Kirigakure messenger group realized the futility of continuing the battle and promptly surrendered, dropping their weapons. It was a turning point that spared them from certain death.

Just like that, Tōshirō easily subdued them, then turned to the bewildered patriarch Yukimatsu Shirogane and said, "Patriarch, for now, let's detain them temporarily. They may prove useful in the future."

Only then did Yukimatsu Shirogane realize it. He said, "Alright," and immediately ordered his clan to restrain and detain all the surrendering envoys. Then, he instructed them to clean up the battlefield and arranged for medical ninjas to tend to the injured clansmen. The rest of the tribe gathered around Tōshirō, awaiting his next command

From this moment on, the patriarch Yukimatsu Shirogane had become a mere figurehead. All the members of the Snow Clan saw Tōshirō as their new leader. In the ninja world, strength reigns supreme, and Tōshirō was hailed as the hero who rescued the Snow Clan from despair. Shirogane didn't oppose this change; in fact, he accepted it, acknowledging the reality of the situation.

Minazuki Yukina stepped forward, gazing at Tōshirō with a mix of emotions.

"Tōshirō, you're incredibly powerful!"

Tōshirō smiled and replied, "It's alright, there are even stronger individuals in this ninja world."

What he said was indeed the truth.

Currently, his strength can be considered the highest among Elite Jōnin, potentially even reaching Kage-level.

However, it's important to note that his Frozen Fruit is only at the initial development level, with abilities like skates, pucks, frozen time capsules, and more. Despite his remarkable power, there is still significant room for growth in terms of lethality, destructive power, and attack range.

It's clear that his victory against Jūzō Biwa and Raiga Kurosuki was due to a combination of factors. The opponents underestimated him and were caught off guard, and his elemental body provided immunity to most injuries. However, Tōshirō was aware that he lacked experience in battle, which prevented him from performing even more impressively. This fight was his first real combat experience, and he faced two elite ninjas with extensive battle backgrounds. With more experience and training, his skills are likely to improve even further.

Shirogane sighed and said, "Tōshirō, it's thanks to you that I can still hold the title of the Snow Clan's patriarch. Faced with such a dire threat of genocide, there was little I could do."

"Now, you're the hero who saved our entire clan. The position of patriarch... Well, I leave it for you to assume."

The other clansmen nodded in agreement, wholeheartedly supporting this decision.

Tōshirō smiled and replied, "Is that acceptable?"

He continued, "I am still young, and it might be challenging to gain the trust of all clan members."

Shirogane responded, "After this incident, who among our clan members would dare to refuse? Which tribe wouldn't accept it?"

The people around chimed in, saying, "Master Tōshirō, we will unquestionably follow your lead! The position of patriarch belongs to you!"

Tōshirō decided not to decline any further, saying, "Alright, I accept."

From this moment, Tōshirō officially assumed the role of the patriarch of the Snow Clan, while Yukimatsu Shirogane took on the position of an elder within the clan's council.

Tōshirō swiftly initiated a discussion with everyone regarding the future course of action. Killing two of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen had undoubtedly attracted the attention of the Fourth Mizukage and other high-ranking Kirigakure officials. The Snow Clan's current strength was inadequate to fend off Kirigakure's pursuit.

Upon becoming the patriarch, Tōshirō acquired a better understanding of the entire Snow Clan. The clan had fewer than a thousand members, with just over a hundred of them being ninjas. Most of them were at the Genin or Chūnin level. Among these, only a dozen or so had truly awakened the Ice Escape Blood Successor Boundary, with five elders included. Their strength was akin to that of Jōnin.

Tōshirō acknowledged that the Snow Clan's current strength couldn't compete head-on with Kirigakure, but he wasn't overly concerned. Kirigakure was currently grappling with numerous internal and external problems. Fourth Mizukage Yagura was under the influence of an illusion, and the Blood Mist Village's condition was deteriorating. Rebel factions were staging coups daily, causing a multitude of ninja to defect. In such a chaotic environment, it was unlikely that Kirigakure would be able to mobilize its full strength.

The two Seven Ninja Swordsmen who had arrived were probably the best Kirigakure could offer. Even if a stronger force came, they had Tōshirō to rely on.

As the discussion came to an end, the clansmen began to feel relieved. Tōshirō issued orders for his clansmen to discreetly send messages to Kirigakure, spreading the word about something important.

The message sent to Kirigakure conveyed a crucial piece of information: Fourth Mizukage Yagura had fallen under the influence of powerful illusion techniques. The increasing intensity of the blood mist was part of a conspiracy orchestrated by external adversaries. This information was not mere rumor; it was an undeniable truth, and this revelation had the potential to create chaos and disruption within Kirigakure's leadership.

Tōshirō smiled and said, "This should suffice to plunge Kirigakure's high-ranking officials into disarray for a while."