
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit!

Qian Yu crosses paths with the Mist Shinobi and aligns himself with the Snow Clan, which will ultimately face extermination. He begins his journey with the Frozen Fruit, gradually developing his powers to their ultimate form. After mastering 100 levels of Ice Age manipulation, he freezes the entire Kirigakure. With his power reaching a remarkable 200 levels, he extends his control into frozen space, rendering even time-space ninjutsu ineffective. At the pinnacle of his strength, at level 500, he can freeze time itself, bringing the entire ninja world under his control.

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20 Chs

Chapter 5: Eliminating Raiga Kurosuki and Jūzō Biwa!

With the frozen time capsule immobilizing Raiga Kurosuki, Tōshirō wasted no time and quickly swung his ice blade, closing in on his target. In one swift motion, he aimed for the exposed throat of the immobilized ninja.

Raiga, although immobilized and unable to move as freely as before, still had some fighting spirit left in him. Despite the dire situation, he managed to react swiftly. He bent his head slightly to avoid the fatal blow aimed at his throat. The ice blade grazed his cheek, leaving a deep gash, but he narrowly escaped decapitation. despite being heavily injured and partially frozen, gathered his remaining strength and launched a desperate counterattack. With a fierce swing of his single Thunderous Sword, a bright bolt of thunder and lightning shot forth from the blade, heading directly towards Tōshirō!

The ferocious Lightning Style Chakra unleashed an overwhelming bolt of destructive lightning. Its power was sufficient to shatter a boulder in an instant. Tōshirō, at that moment, appeared to be in an impossible situation, seemingly unable to dodge the imminent attack.

The ferocious lightning attack struck Tōshirō's body, piercing him in an instant. Yukina's anguished cry filled the room, and the members of the Snow Clan were left in shock and despair. The appearance of a hidden master like Tōshirō had given them hope, but now, it seemed that the Snow Clan was on the brink of extinction.

Raiga Kurosuki looked at Tōshirō's body pierced by the Lightning Style lightning strike and showed a cruel smile. "Hmph, even though you're a little brat, you're still too young! Hiding your secrets, do you want to stand out and be a hero? It's a pity that a guy like you will only die faster!" He burst into Chakra, trying to shake off the frozen half of his body.

Raiga found that he couldn't shake off the ice easily and exclaimed, "Um? What's going on with this guy's ice escape?! There is such a terrifying power?!" He immediately shouted, "Jūzō, help me!" He wanted Jūzō Biwa to crush these ice cubes with the power of a beheading sword.

However, Jūzō Biwa's opponent, Yukimatsu Shirogane, is not an ordinary person either. It will take some time to deal with him. Raiga cursed and looked at Tōshirō with even more resentment.

He suddenly raised his Thunderous Sword and moved to strike Tōshirō once more. His intent was to ruthlessly pierce through Tōshirō's body again.Suddenly, to the Raiga's astonishment, Tōshirō, whose body had been pierced through, wore a faint smile on his lips.

"You..." Raiga stammered, his eyes wide with disbelief.

Tōshirō seized the opportunity and swung the ice blade violently.Stunned for a moment, Raiga was caught off guard as Tōshirō swiftly swung the ice blade, thrusting it with great force and piercing through Raiga's throat.

Raiga Kurosuki desperately grabbed his neck, but he couldn't stop the blood from gushing out. He staggered back, looking at Tōshirō in disbelief. "You, ahem...how could..." 

Tōshirō smiled slightly. The body that was pierced just now was naturally elementalized in advance, immune to all damage. Although, the power of Lightning Style still slightly paralyzed him. But he also took this opportunity to launch suddenly, and he was killed with one blow!

"Want to know my secret?"

"Go to the pure land of the underworld and seek Shinigami!" Tōshirō surged forward once more, his ice blade piercing through the heart of the formidable Raiga Kurosuki. This time, Raiga met his final end, his life extinguished. The sudden turn of events left everyone in the meeting hall utterly stunned. The members of Kirigakure's envoy, including Jūzō Biwa and others, as well as the Snow Clan members, were left wide-eyed and speechless, their minds struggling to make sense of the situation. One of Kirigakure's Seven Ninja Swordsmen and the wielder of Kiba, the elite Jōnin Raiga Kurosuki, had just met his demise at the hands of Tōshirō!

The sight of this unknown boy taking down an Elite Jōnin left everyone in shock. Minazuki Yukina couldn't contain her astonishment, but more importantly, she was overwhelmed with relief and joy at seeing Tōshirō unharmed.

Tōshirō didn't waste a moment and grabbed the dropped Kiba with one hand and his ice blade with the other. He dashed back into the battlefield with renewed determination. The other clan members followed suit, their spirits soaring as they launched a fierce counterattack.

Jūzō Biwa and the other Mist Shinobi envoys were taken aback and found themselves on the back foot. The Snow Clan had surged with newfound strength, managing to suppress the Mist Shinobi envoy group under the relentless counterattack.

Tōshirō continued to wield his ice blades and thunder knives, slaughtering the ordinary ninjas relentlessly.Jūzō Biwa realized that the battle was turning against him, and he feared that if it continued, he might lose here.With a sudden swing of the beheading sword, Jūzō Biwa was forced to step back.

Jūzō Biwa, who was initially forced back, recovered and launched his own ninjutsu.

"Water Style! Mist Shinobi Technique!"

It is Kirigakure's signature Mist Shinobi Technique.

Immediately, the fog filled the air, covering the entire Tang Dynasty. Jūzō Biwa took the opportunity to escape. He didn't care about the lives of other Genin, but he rushed out of the meeting hall.

Jūzō Biwa suddenly saw Tōshirō's figure waiting for him, as if he were Shinigami himself.

"Where do you want to go, Jūzō ?" Tōshirō said, revealing that his actions had been completely seen through.

Jūzō Biwa broke out in a cold sweat, realizing that this boy, who was obviously only fourteen or fifteen years old and looked handsome, was giving off an aura of death. But he knew that if he didn't give his all at this moment, he would face certain death.

Then, with a thunderous roar, the beheading sword swung out once more.


Its power was astonishing, causing the air to explode wherever it struck.

However, Tōshirō swiftly called upon his abilities.

"Ice Prison!"

With a flourish of his hand, the Frozen Fruit's power was unleashed.


From between his palm and five fingers, five colossal icicles of frigid air shot forth, erupting instantly.

In an instant, Jūzō Biwa's body was encased in an icy prison, forming a massive ice capsule.

Jūzō , with only his beheading sword exposed, was rendered immobile within the ice prison.

Tōshirō effortlessly seized the beheading sword and declared, "This is the end."


The beheading sword came crashing down, causing the ice prison to shatter instantly. Along with it, Jūzō Biwa's body exploded.

I wrote and edited this chapter hastily, so if you find any mistakes in it, please let me know.


have any ideas about what I should change, please let me know.

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