
In Mist Shinobi, Start With A Frozen Fruit!

Qian Yu crosses paths with the Mist Shinobi and aligns himself with the Snow Clan, which will ultimately face extermination. He begins his journey with the Frozen Fruit, gradually developing his powers to their ultimate form. After mastering 100 levels of Ice Age manipulation, he freezes the entire Kirigakure. With his power reaching a remarkable 200 levels, he extends his control into frozen space, rendering even time-space ninjutsu ineffective. At the pinnacle of his strength, at level 500, he can freeze time itself, bringing the entire ninja world under his control.

Sharigano · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 7: A Surge in Power!

Since he knew the truth, Tōshirō handled it with ease. He sent people to Kirigakure to spread the rumor that Yagura was manipulated by illusion. Whether it was true or not, Kirigakure's leadership would undoubtedly take notice, as it was a matter of significance.

Tōshirō wondered if Kirigakure's high-ranking elder, Yuanshi, would discover the truth immediately. After resolving this matter, he took care of the bodies of the two ninja swordsmen and kept their weapons, the beheading sword and Kiba, for himself. He had no intention of returning them to Kirigakure. These weapons, along with the imprisoned members of the envoy group, would serve as crucial bargaining chips in future negotiations with Kirigakure. When only Tōshirō remained, he continued his preparations.

Tōshirō finally had a moment to examine his achievements. After the battle, he noticed the system's notifications.


"Congratulations to Host for successfully defeating Jūzō Biwa!"

"Ninja rank, Jōnin senior!"

"Battle evaluation, A-level!"

"Congratulations to Host for earning 8000 points!"

"Congratulations to Host for successfully defeating Raiga Kurosuki !"

"Ninja class, Elite Jōnin junior!"

"Battle rating, S rank!"

"Congratulations to Host for earning 15,000 points!"

Tōshirō couldn't help but feel overjoyed at these accomplishments.

Killing two Ninja Swordsmen indeed yielded generous rewards. With one A-level and one S-level rating, a total of 23,000 points were granted.

"Does the host wish to immediately use the point rewards?" the system inquired.

Tōshirō didn't hesitate. "Yes!"

He instantly allocated all the points to further enhance Frozen Fruit.


Frozen Fruit's development level surged from level one to level three!

Current proficiency: LV3 (23,100/30,000).

As Frozen Fruit advanced, the power of its various abilities soared to new heights: Ice skates, ice pucks, frozen time capsules, frozen moments, double halberds, pheasant beaks – and even the ultimate ability, Ice Age!

The Ice Age, akin to Aokiji Kuzan's wide-range annihilating technique, had initially been estimated to cover only the conference hall. But now, thanks to the improvements in Frozen Fruit, its range had expanded by over ten times.

It could instantly freeze hundreds of ninjas on the battlefield, displaying the remarkable enhancement in Tōshirō's abilities. His overall strength evaluation had also been elevated from Jōnin to Elite Jōnin. However, this was just the start of his journey towards even greater power.

Within the Snow Clan, following Tōshirō's ascension to the position of patriarch, the entire family enjoyed unity and prosperity. Previously, the fear of awakening the bloodline limit had plagued the clan, but now Tōshirō was dedicated to enhancing the clan's power.

He had identified and utilized the talents and capabilities within the clan, allowing them to flourish.

Abilities like the Blood Successor Boundary are innate and rely on one's talent. Only a sinister place like Kirigakure would resort to killing those with bloodline limits.

On this day...

Tōshirō was in his office, attending to various matters, when suddenly a little head peeked inside.

Tōshirō turned and saw that it was Kiyoko. She blinked her big eyes and looked at him curiously.

Tōshirō smiled and asked, "Kiyoko, what are you doing sneaking in like this?"

Kiyoko replied timidly, "Mom said that now you're the patriarch, I shouldn't disturb your work. But that means no one will play with me."

Tōshirō gestured for her to come closer and said, "Don't worry, Kiyoko. I'm never too busy to spend time with you."

Kiyoko was immediately overjoyed and bounced over. She said, "I knew Brother Tōshirō wouldn't stop playing with me."

In this life, under the care of Tōshirō and Minazuki Yukina, Kiyoko had developed a cute and lively personality while retaining her original tenderness.

Tōshirō played with her for a while and checked her progress in her training.

As a newly awakened Ice Escape blood succession limit ninja, Minazuki Kiyoko was an important member of the family. Her talent was among the best in the whole clan, even surpassing the original patriarch, Yukimatsu Shirogane. Tōshirō patiently guided her in harnessing her powers, helping her grow rapidly and become a ninja much stronger than before.

At this moment, another figure appeared, hesitatingly. It was Minazuki Yukina. Tōshirō smiled and said, "You and your daughter are so alike. Come in."

Yukina hurriedly said, "Did I disturb your work, Master Patriarch?" Tōshirō smiled and replied, "No, it's alright. I understand everyone else calling me 'Master Patriarch,' but why are you calling me that?"

Yukina said, "Then what should I call you?" Tōshirō replied, "I've always treated you like a sister. You can still call me Tōshirō." Yukina whispered, "Sister?" "What about Kiyoko?" she asked. Tōshirō smiled and said, "Of course, she's my younger sister."

Yukina said, "We are mother and daughter; you make it look like we're sisters." Tōshirō replied, "It's almost the same; after all, Sister Yuki, you're so young."

Yukina blushed and said, "Kiyoko, you go out first. I have something to discuss with Tōshirō." Although she was somewhat reluctant, she nodded obediently and left. Before departing, she made a face at Tōshirō and stuck out her tongue, looking adorable.

After seeing her daughter leave, Mizunatasuke blushed even more.

"Tōshirō, I..."