
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Beginning of Everything - III

After the bright green lights died down, in place of Tatsuya stood a humanoid, moth-like alien whose four wings and antenna can fold up into a hooded robe (much akin to a poncho), giving him the appearance of a phantom. He has a black body with cyan patches on his arms, shoulders, legs, the back of his wings, and the back of his neck that resemble ice chunks, with a hourglass symbol on his chest.

Tatsuya - ( in a raspy voice ) Big Chill. With this I can phase through the ground and bury the pod there without leaving any trace of digging. But first I have to find a soft spot with loose soil so that the pod does not get crushed under the pressure of displaced soil .

After a few minutes.

Tatsuya - Done. I will mark this tree here . I will come back to take back the pod soon. I can't turn into Jetray or XLR8 to take it home as soon this place will be filled with crowds, as someone might spot me. Cameras are everywhere here. I need to be careful while transforming so that the government can't trace it back to me. Now let's transform back into human form , far away from this place.

Away from the landing spot, a blinding green light can be seen .

Tatsuya - Huh? It had a timeout , but why is it blue instead of red?

Tatsuya POV

Wow… Some instructions regarding the ultimatrix are flooding my brain...…let's see...…so the blue color of the hourglass signifies 'Safe Mode' , not the Recharge Mode. Red color of the hourglass depicts 'Recharge Mode' . Orange color is used when Ultimatrix is for self destruct mode. Yellow color for analysis and scanning. I see…5 minutes is currently my limit for transformation without damaging my DNA . I will analyze the ultimatrix and the system later, let's go back. But before that.

Tatsuya - *ahem* Ultimatrix User access Voice Recognition Mode . Kobayashi Tatsuya .

{ User Tatsuya Kobayashi confirmed, recognized. Voice Command Mode : Activated }

Tatsuya - Command Code 1078. Kobayashi Tatsuya. Activate Stealth Mode }

{ Command Code 1078 accepted . Activating stealth Mode }

Tatsuya - Command Code 1045 . Kobayashi Tatsuya. Turn off all alerts

{ Command Code 1045 accepted . Turning off all alerts }

Good with this Ultimatrix will not speak when I am around people and It will save me trouble.

I gave ultimatrix the command to become invisible . This command was also given in the instructions that flooded my brain. I am witnessing Ultimatrix slowly disappearing from my sight. I can still feel it around my wrist . Gotta do something about it. If I can feel it so can the other then . Well it has to be expected. It turned invisible because it is manipulating the visual information one receives through reflected light after bouncing from the object. But completely changing the property of matter from metal, metalloids to non metals (inert gas ) while also maintaining the properties of metal and metalloids and circuitry is impossible. Well I can wear a full sleeve jacket or wear a wrist band to make sure nobody comes in contact with it . Now let's go back.

10 minutes ago, outside of the forest

3rd POV

*Loud Hissing sound*

In a crowded market, the crowd looks around to locate the source of sound

Girl 1 - Hey what's this noise ? Is it a villain attack ?

Girl 2 - ...…Hey…..LOOK LOOK above

Girl 1 - Wowwww, who's that ? It looks like a strong quirk ( in awe )

Girl 2 - Yeah, this quirk is similar to that of Endeavour. ( looks towards Girl 1 with starry eyes ) Was Endeavour supposed to be in Hokkaido? It must be his new move.

Girl 2 - WHAT REALLY !!!!! ( in an excited tone ) . What are we waiting for? Let's check it out. He went in that direction.

Girl 1 - Yeah yeah let's check it out , if he's with a villain, we will get to see a cool fight .

*Loud Hissing sound*

Cop 1 - Now what is it ? Did some hero was supposed to patrol in this region ?

Cop 2 - No, it's a peaceful area with no villains attack for the past 2 years, so no heroes were supposed to patrol in this region.

Cop 1 - Let's check it out . If it's some villain attack we have to call the heroes to arrest the villain.

Cop 2 - Yeah, let's check it out.

(A/N - Yeah, as you observed, Tatsuya at a first glance assumed the pod to be meteor while the rest of the populace assumed it to be someone's quirk. )

While the commotion was going on in the region, Tatsuya had successfully sneaked inside his room before his dad woke up and mom arrived back .

3rd POV

Hana - I am back. Sheesh.....they both are still sleeping. Awww…. Akira looks so cute while sleeping. Let me take a photo .

Meanwhile, Irina jumps on sleeping Tatsuya.

Irina - Onii-chan we are back . ( shaking Tatsuya ) Wake up Onii-chan . Wake up…

Tatsuya - Nooo….let me sleep ( using his left hand to shake her off )

Hana was amused seeing their interaction and was secretly recording the moment. These videos and photos will be stored in Hana's collection , which will be later used by her to embarrass both of them during their teenage phase in front of their close friends.

( Of course for Hana, they will be cute moments and she will show these for the purpose of showing off how cute her babies are, but for both them it's a different story )