
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

The Beginning of Everything - II

The pod was slowly descending , and it landed near Tatsuya. Suddenly a yellow beam emerged from the pod scanning everything within its vicinity. After a minute of scanning, the pod opened, illuminating the surrounding with bright green light . Tatsuya was dumbfounded, excited and most importantly scared of looking at a familiar looking watch. Dumbfounded because it's really the Ultimatrix, excited because it's THE ULTIMATRIX and scared of if it's really the ultimatrix he knows about and what will happen after wearing it, because this thing literally alters one's DNA. After being in deep thought for around 2-3 minutes which seemed to be hours for him , Tatsuya suddenly slapped himself .

After taking a few deep breaths,

Tatsuya - Common Tatsu, you can do it. No need to overthink it . You waited four years for this . *deep breaths* All you have to do is take a leap of faith . ( while extending his arm towards the pod ) Here goes nothing.

Tatsuya extended his arm towards the pod . Suddenly, Ultimatrix jumps out of the pod and latches onto Tatsuya's arm .

(A/N - { } will be used for Ultimatrix's AI )

*Beep Beep*

{ Phase - 1 bonding process completed...….. User Tatsuya Kobayashi Confirmed ... Scanning and Analyzing the DNA sample ..... DNA sample User Tatsuya Kobayashi acquired ..... Preparing for Phase - 2 bonding process . Injecting Drug- XF56 . Phase - 2 bonding process initiating. 3…2…1…Commencing. ...…..Bonded with User's Skeletal and Muscular system ...…..Phase - 2 bonding process completed...Preparing for Phase - 3 bonding process.....Injecting Drug - XH78...…Phase - 3 bonding initiating...…3…2…1...Ulnar Nerve….Bonding success...….Radial Nerve...…Bonding Success....Median Nerve...Bonding Success.....musculocutaneous nerve ...….

Bonding Success....axillary nerve....bonding Success...….Successful link established with Central Nervous System.....Phase -3 bonding process completed..... Checking User's Vitals.....Body temperature Normal...…Pulse Normal....Respiration Rate Normal....Blood pressure Normal.....Injecting Drug YJ56}

*Beep Beep...….Beep Beep Beep Beep ...….*

{ Firewall Online....Security Protocol A23 Online.....Security Protocol A56 Online.....Requesting User voice input ...Voice input taken....Security Protocol A78 Online....Checking logs...… }

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*

{ Processing Admin Command #F3...…..Installing Biochip Brain Implant- J67....Biochip brain implant successfully implanted...…..Command #F3 Executed...…..Processing Admin Command #F4...Activate Master Control...…..}

5 minutes ago

Tatsuya POV

I was prepared for it latching onto me…like it happened in classic Ben 10…funny I got my Ultimatrix like how Ben got his Omnitrix...….oh mann….it latched onto my right arm….even though I was prepared… I was taken aback and scared...….Imagine a small Bug or animal except dog and cat , latch onto you...…..It's AI started booting.....something about Phase -1 Bonding process....it latching to my arm must be Phase - 1 bonding process....Wait are there supposed to be more phases??.....I don't remember anything like that happening in Classic Ben 10. Oh….it's starting phase - 2 ...…what did it inject in me....( panicking ).....I can't feel my right arm.....this is messed up...what did it do....ohhh nooo…my arm….Wait did it just say it attached to my muscles and bones….it literally bonded to my body…..*heavy breaths* ....wait there's more????...Now what did it inject in me...…I am feeling dizzy...….( breaking into cold sweat ).....did it inject Anesthesia...…Shit I am falling asleep....FU-

3rd POV

Tatsuya collapsed where he was standing and sleeping. Just as Ultimatrix finished injecting the final drug, Tatsuya woke up

Tatsuya POV

(Holding Head ) Shit man, what happened...( Looks around and then at his wrist ).....Shit it wasn't a dream...…Ultimatrix literally attached to my body just before it knocked me out...…What it's still going...What voice input…what should I say?

Tatsuya - ( cough cough )( In most serious voice he could muster ) Tatsuya Kobayashi

Huh?....It went well huh...Shit what now…what did admin commanded it?....WHO THE HELL IS THE ADMIN? ...…Biochip Implant....OHH I KNOW….this must be the system...…..here i was wondering how will I get the system...….ROB provided me with my own mini supercomputer with Augmented Interface...huh there is another command??...OHH YES…..MASTER CONTROL...…Finally I got both the system and Ultimatrix...…..I have a lot of questions...…But that can wait. I should get out of here...…the trail created by the pod must have attracted attention. I can't leave this pod here....even if it's a carrier it's still advanced technology...….with inter planetary or galaxy or universe travel engine...…3D scanner…and I don't know how much more...…I can't take it with me.....What I am gonna explain to Mom Dad …."Hey Mom Dad, I got this alien tech on the forest…nothing to worry about…let's not report to the authorities like good citizens and take it with us"...Not gonna work....I should bury it here....But I can't create a clue also that something is buried here....Wait I got it....( turning to Ultimatrix, pressing the button, scrolling to find the perfect alien ) ..It's cringe , but I am gonna still do it…..it will be the first and last time...….

Tatsuya - " IT's HERO TIME"

Bright blinding green light illuminates the surroundings. After the lights died down, in place of Tatsuya stood...…..