
In MHA as Mangaka

Historically, heroes were supposed to be the role models we looked up to, but were they? Some of them steal other people's fiancées, murder people to make a point, and so on. If these are the heroes, then who was the villain? Does being killed by a hero make someone a villain? Has anyone had the experience of living the life of a villain? Were they truly the villains we were led to believe they were? You know the drill Dying then Reincarnating. Being born with Cultural system as well as level 20 technology, The Ultimatrix. Main Character will be a realist and will only care about his family. How a person with grayscale point of view will cope up in a world of black and white. No harem. Single Girl only. Smart MC.

Ghost94 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Analysis - I

2 days Later

Akira - We are finally back home.

Hana - Common kids, pickup your bags.

Tatsuya , Irina - Haaaiiii!

At 2 A.M , Tatsuya's Room

Tatsuya PoV

Everyone must be sleeping by now . Now it's time to check my gifts . First let's properly read the information dumped in my brain .

Modes of Ultimatrix -

Active Mode ( Green ) - is the Ultimatrix's default mode. Transformations in the current user state can last for an average of 5 minutes. User can revert back to their original form anytime they want. Transformation time will increase with age and the repeated use of Ultimatrix.

Safe Mode ( Blue ) : Safe mode's main purpose is to keep the Ultimatrix from damaging the user by staying transformed for too long. It's deactivated automatically after the User's original DNA is stabilized. Safe mode currently will last for 6 hours. Time will decrease with increase in User's age and the repeated use of Ultimatrix.

Scan Mode ( Yellow ) - Used when Ultimatrix identifies DNA of subjects near the individual that is damaged or mutated . Scanning mode can be disabled for a long time by a sequence of transformations or voice commands .

Self - Destruct Mode ( Orange ) - In self destruct mode, Ultimatrix charges energy while counting down until it explodes . S.D.M functions as a last resort should the Ultimatrix fall into wrong hands. It can be activated by the voice command of the user.

Life - form mode ( Cobalt ) - Allows the user to stay transformed for an extended period of time without a time-out. It is dangerous to use often. Activated by voice command

Radiation Mode - Radiation Mode is activated when high levels of harmful radiation are detected. The Ultimatrix will beep and flash red. Radiation Mode can be turned off by turning the Ultimatrix symbol to the quarter past position as an alien, or when radiation isn't detected anymore.

Repair Mode ( Magenta ) - Self Repair Mode when Ultimatrix incurs damage.

Deactivated ( Black ) - Ultimatrix shuts down and the core turns completely black , making it of no use.

So this sums up its modes. So my Ultimatrix is connected to the biochip embedded in my brain. Now next let's move onto the system .

' Turn on Virtual Interface '

( A/n - [] will be used for system , {} - Ultimatrix AI )

[ Name - Kobayashi Tatsuya

Age - 4 years

Title - Transmigrator

STR - 2 ( MAX - 24 )

END - 2 ( MAX - 24 )

DEX -4 ( MAX - 24 )

INT - 14 ( MAX - 24 )

NOTE : MAX limit are for Original humans





Unread Messages - 1


Hmmmm…original humans? Ahh…it means humans without quirk , like my previous world. Makes sense because quirks are unpredictable, can't put a fixed limit on them.

So the system will not give me instant skills. It can give me increased intelligence, huge computational power , but it can't teach me skills. So, the system can feed me necessary theoretical knowledge as well as all possible reference videos and material, but I have to practice those theories . Yeah , it makes sense. Biochip is embedded in my brain, not my muscles. It can't replicate the delicate muscle movements and muscle memory or intuition that one gains through experience for any skill whether it be drawing, singing, playing instruments or sports. But instant memorizing all theoretical knowledge regarding techniques and methods as well as thousands of videos of tutorials and experts working will help me learn anything way faster than a normal human. This biochip basically acts like an advanced version of photographic memory.

And there's the storage option. Great it contains a huge amount of manga, anime , movies and games from my previous world. And since the System is connected to Ultimatrix, I can transfer all these materials to Ultimatrix and then through Ultimatrix to my PC . Woww, this is great.

Now what are these unread messages? How in the world did I even get messages on my Biochip? Ohh..yeah they are an advanced civilization right? So they must have used Superluminal Communication or Quantum Entanglement. Let's check out this message.

Yeah, this chapter was info dump

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